New articles about VOICE and ArcaOS
05 August, 2022 - Browser status update from OS/2VOICE and BWW Bitwise Works, update 14
13 February, 2022 - Browser status update 13
07 August, 2020 - The status of the new QtWebEngine/Chromium based browser, update 12
01 March, 2020 - VOICE/Bitwise works new browser update 11
25 December, 2019 - VOICE/Bitwise works new browser update 10
26 September, 2019 - New Web Browser for OS/2 is within reach!
29 June, 2019 - Remote OS/2 Desktop Support via the internet
31 March, 2019 - New Web Chromium based for OS/2 getting closer!
24 March, 2019 - Update 8 from OS/2 VOICE/BWW QT, QT partly working!
12 March, 2019 - Update 7 Browser funding campaign
8 October, 2018 - Remote OS/2 desktop support via the internet.
30 August, 2018 - Update 6, browser fund.
19 July, 2018 - Update 5, browser fund.
13 April, 2018 - Update 4, browser fund and QT roadmap.
29 March, 2018 - Browser funding upate.
26 February, 2018 - LAN Server installation utility.
26 February, 2018 - LAN Server installation utility.
Saturday, 17 February, 2018 and
Sunday, 25 February, 2018 and
Sunday, 4 March, 2018.
Logs of recent VOICE SpeakUps,
4 February, 2018 - VOICE projects for 2018.
20 November, 2017 - Latest word on our browser funding campaign.
11 October, 2017 - Sponsorship of a new browser.
3 September, 2016 - Recent activity and our new organization.
Warpstock 2024
The annual conference for ArcaOS, OS/2 and eComStation users, administrators, and developers, is now open for registration! Warpstock 2024 will be held at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott, located at 777 Aten Road, Coraopolis, PA 15108. This year's event will begin Friday, September 27 and continue through Sunday, September 29. Full information along with detailed pricing for this year's event will be available soon. Full conference registration for Warpstock 2024 is $279 with a $40 Early Bird discount (details coming). Students with valid high school or college student ID are always welcome to attend sessions at no charge, with full benefits (yes, that includes food!), so if you have any interest in learning about operating systems beyond the usual fare, we encourage you to spend some time with us this year.
Hobbes Development
The Hobbes website at NMSU has been shutdown due to the retirement of the person who was looking after it.
Nathan Woodruff created and hosted a new replacement for the Hobbes NMSU Archive.
The site is called Hobbes Archive and is located at new site is now allowing OS/2 file uploads.
Nathan and Martin Iturbide have been working together to implement a lot of
cleanup and improvements to the new site.
Compared to Hobbes NMSU there are some improved features:
- Similar layout to Hobbes NMSU.
- Upload web form. There is no ftp upload and no need for the .txt companion file.
- Improved search which can now be done by file name, short description and long description.
Special thanks to Nathan Woodruff for creating the site from scratch and his commitment to maintain it in a long term.
Revised 2024/03/31
Warpstock Europe 2024 Announced
The Dutch OS/2 VOICE organization is pleased to announce Warpstock Europe 2024. The first Warpstock Europe after COVID-19 that is not only virtual but where you we can meet you in person again!
The Warpstock EU website has more details.
The Warpstock EU website now has the first version of the schedule online. If
you want to give a presentation in person or remotely, please contact Roderick Klein
via roderickklein at We still some presentation slots available! Some
presentations are not yet confirmed. There will be a video stream via
for people who are not able to make it in person.
Lewis Rosenthal from Arca Noae LLC will also
be present.
Note: Presenters will also need to pay for
access to Warpstock Europe 2024.
Tickets can be purchased at VOICE until the 24th of May.
This announcement is to inform you Warpstock Europe 2024 will be held on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June in Rheinen Germany. It will be held in Hotel-Lucke. When you book a ticket for Warpstock we will send you the discount code so you get a special price for the hotel room. There are rooms put aside for the event, but you need to book them before the 1st May.
Pricing for 3 day event will be 215 Euro and that includes a 2 course lunch. That is per visitor.
We hope to see you at Warpstock Europe!
Roderick Klein
President OS/2 VOICE
Warpstock Video Stream
The videos of Warpstock 2023 sessions are available here.
Revised 2023/08/29
ArcaOS 5.1.0 Announced
After years in development, Arca Noae is pleased to announce the general availability of ArcaOS 5.1.0.
In a first for any OS/2-based distribution, ArcaOS 5.1 supports installation on the latest generation of UEFI-based systems, and includes the ability to install to GPT-based disk layouts. This enables ArcaOS 5.1 to install on a wide array of modern hardware.
ArcaOS 5.1.0 can be used for new installs or to upgrade any prior version of ArcaOS 5. If installing from USB stick, the USB install stick may be created using any major operating system at hand (Windows, Linux, MacOS, and of course, OS/2, eComStation, and ArcaOS). Once built, the USB stick can be inserted into any USB port in the target system to boot into the ArcaOS installer/updater in either UEFI or traditional BIOS mode (alternatively, the DVD image may be burned to physical media and also booted to either UEFI or traditional BIOS systems).
For a complete list of updates in this release, see the ArcaOS wiki. Be sure to review the README.TXT, as well, as this contains critical information to ensure that you get up and running fast, and includes tips for getting things adjusted right away.
This upgrade is available at a steep discount with your valid ArcaOS 5.0 Support & Maintenance subscription (and your remaining subscription time will be added to the included support term). To download your fresh ISO, simply visit your customer portal page and select the ArcaOS Download Center link on the navigation panel to the left. From there, click the "Upgrade to 5.1" button, and proceed to checkout.
If your ArcaOS 5.0 Support and Maintenance subscription has already expired, you may still upgrade at less than the cost of a new ArcaOS 5.1 licence. Follow the provedure above to order your upgrade, and the discount will be reflected in your cart.
ArcaOS 5.1.0 is available in English ONLY, with other languages planned to follow in the near future.
Arca Noae Announces ArcaOS 5.1 Pricing
Arca Noae is pleased to announce the pricing schedule for the upcoming ArcaOS 5.1 release. Full details here.
PMMail for OS/2 version 3.25 has been released.
For more information, release notes and a free download of the demonstration version of the program, please visit our website here.
The filename of the released version is pmmail-3-25-00-1993.wpi
PMMail/2 allows limited usage until it is registered. The limitations are:
- 1 account
- 1 attachment per new message
- Each message printed has a statement that this is a demonstration version of PMMail/2.
A registration code is required to use all features of the program. A PMMail/2 licence is free for those who have been a VOICE sponsor with one standard sponsorship unit at least two consecutive years. Others can obtain a PMMail/2 licence by donating two standard sponsorship units to VOICE.
PMMail now requires libcx
Starting with version 3.24, PMMail is built with GCC 4.9.2 and requires libcx. To satisfy this requirement, you can use Arca Noae Package Manager (ANPM) or yum. The package to install is named libcx.
In addition, PMMail now requires aspell, and aspell can also be installed by ANPM or yum. The PMMail Utility requires DrCtl. At the command line the additional requirements can be installed by:
yum install libcx aspell-en DrCtl
The following language dictionaries can be specified instead of aspell-en
- aspell-de
- aspell-en
- aspell-es
- aspell-fr
- aspell-it
- aspell-nl
- aspell-ru
VOICE supports open-source projects
In 2017, VOICE donated 2,800 Euros to BitWiseWorks for Software development, and a 1,126.93 Euro subsidy was provided to Warpstock Europe.
In 2016, VOICE donated 1000 Euros to Netlabs to help Netlabs buy a backup server.
In 2013, VOICE donated 2700 Euros to support developement of Firefox 17.
In 2012, VOICE donated 8100 Euros to support development of the following projects.
- OpenJDK 6.0
- QPDFView
New at Hobbes (updates at 60 minute interval);