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February 2002 |
Mixer for Sound Galaxy Pro16 Extra
A mixer application for SGP16 sound card with full pascal sources. To
compile the sources, Virtual Pascal and the OS/2 Developer's Toolkit is
WebMail/2 1.0
Web to Email interface for your existing email service. It uses your
existing POP3/SMTP to give your users access from the web. Supports OS/2
email servers and any POP3/SMTP service of any platform. Runs under any
OS/2 or Linux web server along with an OS/2 management daemon. Supported
under OS/2: Weasel, IPS, InetMailPro, InetMail, OS2PopS and any generic
pop3 and smtp server.
Program URL: http://www.michelinakis.gr/Dimitris/soft.html
LyX 1.1.6 fix 4 released
Shigeru Miyata has released LyX 1.1.6 fix 4. LyX is an open source WYSIWYM
(what you see is what you mean) GUI document processor.
Unlike standard word processors, LyX encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets
you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the
LyX produces high quality, professional output -- using LaTeX, an
industrial strength typesetting engine, in the background; LyX is far more
than a front-end to LaTeX, however. No knowledge of LaTeX is necessary to
use LyX, although it will give a user more power.
For more information please see the LyX home page at http://www.lyx.org.
The new version fixes several bugs, e.g. possible crashes when a selection
is started when the cursor is over a blank, and slow loading of large
files, and adds support for more encodings and the "kluwer" class.
To run LyX, an X server (e.g. XFree86/OS2 or Hoblink X11), the Xforms
library and LaTeX are required. If you want to take full advantage of
LyX's feature, you also need the Perl scripting language, DVIPS, GV and
Ghostscript. The package contains a setup guide.
The LyX distribution is available at UnixOS2.org:
ftp://unixos2.org/incoming/lyx-1.1.6fix4-bin-os2.exe or
ftp://unixos2.org/incoming/lyx-1.1.6fix4-bin-os2.tar.ppmd (this archive is
a lot smaller, but you need GNU tar and the ppmd archiver to unpack it)
Later, the files will be moved to ftp://unixos2.org/pub/xfree86/ports/LyX/
SciTech Display Doctor V 7.0.9 Beta45
SciTech display Doctor V 7,0,9 Beta45 is available as of January 19, 2002
at ftp://ftp.scitechsoft.com/sdd/beta/os2/sdd-os2-7.0.9-b45.exe. Updated
NLV (national LANGUAGE) support is also available at ftp://ftp.scitechsoft.com/sdd/beta/os2/sddos2_nlv-b45.zip
[Moderator's note: For more information see problem.txt -
ftp://ftp.scitechsoft.com/sdd/beta/os2/problems.txt and readme.txt
Jakesplace... back from the dead?
Ok, here's the current status at the Jakesplace OS/2 News Feed.
Right now, posting privileges are back on for the comp.*, ecomstation.*,
and ibm.* news hierarchies. I've also added some of the language specific
OS/2 newsgroups: cz.comp.os2, de.comp.os.os2.*, fr.comp.os.os2, and
it.comp.os.os2. These groups are also hooked up and functioning, so if you
want to talk OS/2 in your language of choice, Jake's is the place. I'm
going to be monitoring my ISP's news server for signs of life in some of
the other language specific groups as well.
I still need to connect to openwatcom.org, mozilla.org, opera.no, Sundial
System's server, and the Hursley IBM news server. However... that's going
to happen tomorrow, as it's getting kind of late here.
Actually, recreating the jakesplace server has been an interesting
exercise... I've taken the opportunity to make some improvements in how
the feeds are handled. All in all, all I can say is... ain't REXX great?
One other note. Most everybody is going to have to unsubscribe and
resubscribe to the newsgroups on the server. All the article numbers will
have changed, and you'll probably find that your news readers are going to
have a hard time of figuring out what's going on.
So, drop on by and check it out!
Jake's news server - jakesplace.dhs.org
Via web browser - news://jakesplace.dhs.org
Jack Troughton
Correction: New Matrox driver does not support G550
According to a post from Klaus Staedtler on comp.os.os2.multimedia the
recently released new 2.58.144 driver was briefly listed on Matrox's site
as supporting the G550, but was changed back to G550 "not planned" under
Book: "The Software Compendium for eComStation and OS/2 Warp"
Starting now, Eric Baerwaldt is taking pre-orders for his new book "The Software Compendium for eComStation and OS/2 Warp". The book is about 350 pages in size and includes a CD. The price is 34 Euros for Germany and 40 Euros for any other country. The German issue will be available in the second half of March 2002 with the English issue following approximately
Again new kernels 0118
There are again new kernels on
ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/ with date 0118
[Moderator's note: As always these are not officially supported by IBM
unless they tell you to use them. Please send any followup to
comp.os.os2.bugs on usenet. Also note that files are only on IBM's
testcase for 2-3 days, so if you want to try these get them now. Make
certain you back up any files replaced and don't try these on a production
system. Read any readme file before applying any changes. You have been
warned. ]
catherders.com file archive
I've just found and corrected a severe problem in the W3F file archive
package. The file archives at http://www.catherders.com are fully
available again. Sorry for the inconvienence.
Lotus Domino Server 5.0.9a update available
Lotus has released a new update for Domino Server for OS/2.
You can check it directly at
or go to the download area of
New Matrox OS/2 Display Driver - 2.58.144
Matrox has released a new OS/2 Display Driver
Release Date: Jan 17, 2002
Version: 2.58.144
Size: 1.25 MB
Supports G550. I don't have a Matrox, so I didn't download and test it.
[Moderator note: Also saw the following on comp.os.os2.multimedia in
regard to this driver:
"Klaus Staedtler-Przyborski schrieb:
> After several tries (reverting to VGA, Installing over the old MGA....)
> and always ending with a black screen just before the wps starts I've
> found out that this driver doesn't update the config.sys.
My previous description naturally only works when you have the MGA Drivers
If you make a new installation with these drivers, make shure the
following lines are in the config.sys
Adapt them to your drives etc.
Klaus Staedtler"]
Warning on SMP0117 testcase kernel
Just to let everyone know since I just sent an announcement out that there
are new kernels on IBM's testcase. The UNI0117 kernel worked fine on my
laptop with eCS 1.0 FP1, but my dual Pentium Pro system gave a TRAP 000D
in HPFSMINI with the SMP0117 kernel, running eCS Pro 1.0 FP1. So please
be careful and make sure you have a way to boot the system replace the
changed files.
New kernels & theseus/4 on IBM's testcase site
New smp, uni & w4 kernels (regular and debug versions) have been updated,
dated as of 0117 are available on the IBM testcase site.
Readme includes the following change for this version:
" 01/17 (happy new year) revision 14.086c
PJ28355 SYS3175 (or other problems?) when booting a Pentium 4
machine when
initializing testcfg.sys or apm.sys"
In addition there is a new version of theseus/4 there as well.
[Moderator's note: As always these are not officially supported by IBM
unless they tell you to use them. Please send any followup to
comp.os.os2.bugs on usenet. Also note that files are only on IBM's
testcase for 2-3 days, so if you want to try these get them now. Make
certain you back up any files replaced and don't try these on a production
system. Read any readme file before applying any changes. You have been
warned. ]
Url: ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/
Normalize 0.7, a textmode program to adjust the volume of wav and mp3
Normalize 0.7, a textmode program to adjust the volume of several wav or
mp3 files to the same level.
Normalize is an overly complicated tool for adjusting the volume of wave
files to a standard level. This is useful for things like creating mixed
CD's and mp3 collections, where different recording levels on different
albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song. This new
version can also normalize mp3 files.
Program URL: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~cvaill/normalize/
Analog Devices AD1881/AD1881A/AD1885/AD1887 (SoundMax) OS/2 Audio Driver works great
Just like to report that the new Analog Devices
AD1881/AD1881A/AD1885/AD1887 (SoundMax) OS/2 Audio Driver ver.3.0.7
(11/07/2001) now works great on a Dell OptiPlex GX110 and possibly other
systems with the SoundMax chip set. WAV and CD Sound is available on OS/2
and in Win-OS2.
The new drivers can be found at
[Moderator note: This is the same driver reported in a post on this list
on 1/13/2002. This is not to announce a new version, but to pass on a
success story with the driver.]
ELinks 0.3 pre 2 is a text-mode web browser
ELinks 0.3 pre 2 is a text-mode web browser, capable of correctly
formatting tables and frames, unlike lynx. Great for quick navigation
without ads. ELinks is a branch of the main Links develpment. This release
is more advanced than Links 0.9.6. Re-released (again) because of some
missing files.
Program URL: http://pasky.ji.cz/elinks/
REXX Function package for REXX based CGI scripts
Provides additional REXX functions for CGI scripts. Handles form
processing (GET and POST methods) with data validation, supports file
uploads, sending e-mail and attachments via smtp, getting documents via
http and a range of useful date and file functions.
BT32.SYS for eCS and Warp 4 FP#13 or higher
A new version of the driver BT32.SYS is available at http://www.nord-com.net/s.milcke/bttv_en.htm
You need eCS or Warp 4, fixpack #13 or higher.
This driver set contains LXAPI32.SYS, a common linux service api driver
and BT32.SYS, the bttv driver port from linux.
Included is a small radio application.
Note: This does not fix the trap 0e problem or unreadable fonts problem
with matrox cards. I'll try to fix this in the nearest future.
GUIFFY 3.7 Compare/Merge avail.
Guiffy is a visual source file/folder, compare/merge, utility/component.
Guiffy features 2-way interactive and 3-way smart, "SureMerge",
interfaces. Merge interfaces support Editing during the merge and Undo.
Comes with builtin UNICODE support plus, a command line interface for
CM/SCM integrations. Works with AccuRev, CVS, Perforce, and Starbase.
Available for all Java-enabled platforms including: Windows, Linux, Unix,
MacOS 8/9 & MacOS X, and OS/2.
Guiffy 3.7 enhancements include:
* Style enhancement - separate background color for changes
* FAST FolderCompare Refresh
* MouseWheel Support
* NEW French and Italian UI translations
Guiffy 3.5 enhancements included:
* Style enhancements - New options for background and highlighting colors.
* Inline difference Hi-Lites
* MacOS X - MacOS X (with Aqua) support
* Folder Synchronization - Folder Compare split Tree Views now support
synchronization functions. RightClick PopUp Menu for Compare, Merge,
SureMerge, Copy, Delete, Rename, and SaveAS. Copy and Delete do folders
Homepage: http://www.guiffy.com
License: 30-day evaluation.
Single User registration is $79.
Thank you for your support,
The January OS/2 eZine is out!
The January 16, 2002 issue of the OS/2 eZine is now online at
From The Editor
Robert Basler
Why Not Linux?
Douglas Clark wonders if IBM really does have a clue.
Citrix Metaframe and OS/2
Dan Eicher examines another way to bring Windows apps to OS/2.
ViPowER Mobile Rack
James Cannon looks at an inexpensive portable storage option.
Logitech Cordless Mouseman & AMouse 2.0 Beta
Robert Basler takes a new mouse and driver for a spin - goodbye wires.
Moving OS/2 to a New Drive
Robert Basler tells us how in this tale of a four day, knock-em-down,
drag-em-out slugfest.
EMX - It's more than a Runtime
James Cannon looks at the runtime library used by many of your favourite
KVM verses VPC
Douglas Clark looks at a solution to the problem of too many monitors.
An Introduction to Security
Andrei A. Porodko talks about concepts and implementation on OS/2.
ODBC on OS/2 Part 10
Douglas Clark ends the section on drivers and databases with a look at
MySQL, miniSQL, Ingres and Informix.
The Art Department
Cool desktops for you. The start of a new monthly feature.
Ask Bas and John
Bas Heijermans and John Bijnens answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing
January Forums
Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.
Patched IBM usbmsd.add, support Olympus C-1 digital camera
Patched IBM usbmsd.add, support Olympus C-1 digital camera
Modified OS/2 CD-ROM / CD-RW / DVDs device manager driver, build
This is a modified version of OS/2 CD-ROM / CD-RW / DVDs device manager
driver (OS2CDROM.DMD), based on the latest OS/2 DDK on-line source code.
This driver supports:
- Per-unit-basis "feature enforcing" features. They enforce:
= to turn on "CD-DA readable", "CD-XA readable" and
"multisessioning-aware" flags
= vendor-specific SCSI CD-DA digital reading / CD-XA reading /
multisessioning methods
- "WORM-devices as CD-ROM" treatment.
- Per-unit-basis "ignoring drive" feature.
- Enriched /V option output.
- "CD-Extra" (data-multisessioned audio-CD) mounting.
- SCSI-3/MMC-complient CD Capabilities / Mechanical Status Page
in default. Salvation for some modern SCSI drives.
- Of course functionally equivalent to official OS2CDROM.DMD, including
CD-RW / DVD writing and formatting, and USB connection support
Program URL: http://www.sys3175.com/~jjsuwa/
Utility for fast plotting graphs to png or jpg files on basis of gD l
gDiagramm v0.03 - utility for fast plotting graphs to png or jpg files
from text data files such as CSV or log. It can be useful for fast data
analysis of experimental data without too slow and too hands-used process
of analysis with the StarOffice's StarCalc or M$ Exel. Also can be used
for www-based applications. Early alpha version.
Program URL: http://www.laser.ru/evgen/soft/gDiagramm
Icon converter version 0.92
Icon converter to transform icons from the Windows format (win32
16x16,32x32) into the OS/2 icon format (v 1.2)
PGPKeys for OS/2
PGPKeys for OS/2, Shell for PGP 5.0 key management requires VROBJ.DLL
Program URL: http://Bohn-Stralsund.de
StHWMon 0.18 beta (Build 699) available
Stefan Milcke today (14-jan-2002) released a new version of his system
health monitoring tool (temperature, voltage and fan rpm monitor). I'm not
sure about fixes/new features... anyway: It can be downloaded from his
home page: http://www.nord-com.net/s.milcke/hwmon_en.htm
UpdCD 2.0 beta with eCS support
Members of the UpdCD discussion group can download from the File section
the beta version of UpdCD 2.0. This is a fully functional release of UpdCD
which supports the refresh of Warp 3, 4, WSeB, CP1 and eCS.
Marvin's Retriever 0.2 released
Marvin's Retriever 0.2 is a small graphical downloader like Netscape
SmartDownload and can read the Urls from the clipboard or a file or just
have one typed in. It uses GNU wGet and has buttons to pause/resume, retry
and retransfer downloads. It is GNU GPL2 opensource and is an attempt to
replace Netscape Navigator's 'save file' Dialog, which seemed to be
This is alpha Software so expect to find bugs.
From: Diarmuid Albers madmuid@compuserve.de
OS2World Forums are Back !!!
All the OS2World forums are back in business !!!
check: http://www.os2world.com/cgi-bin/forum/UltraBoard.cgi
There are OS/2 forums about:
Beta code
OS/2 Setup
Also vist OS2world.com for news and free web hosting for OS/2 related
sites. http://www.os2world.com
From: Martin Iturbide martin@os2world.com
Analog Devices AD1881/AD1881A/AD1885/AD1887 (SoundMax) OS/2 Audio Driv
Pine 4.44
OS/2 port of the popular text-based e-mail and news client. Supports POP3,
IMAP, NNTP, SMTP servers; MIME, HTML, multiple accounts, more.
Program URL: http://www.zeta.org.au/~nps/software/pine/en/index.html
S-lang 1.4.4 multi-platform programmers library
Program URL: http://www.s-lang.org
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