By: Lynlee
should have been:
I felt it was to risky to try and hand edit all the Yamaha/OPL3 drivers out of
the INI. The CS sound card uses the IBM OPL3 drivers. So, I decided to have OS/2
rebuild the INI file with a little help from me.
1) Backup 'mmpm2.ini', 'copy mmpm2.ini mmpm2.ini.bak'
2) Delete 'mmpm2.ini'
3) REM the sound card driver lines in config.sys
4) Delete the old sound card drivers. (File names are in the old sound
card driver archive. I used 'Find' to locate them on my system.)
5) Make sure 'Hardware Detection' is on
6) Shutdown, removed the new or old sound card and rebooted.
A very basic and crippled new 'mmpm2.ini' was created
7) Clean up the OS2.INI & OS2SYS.INI (It can't hurt!! I used
'UniMaint'*/Repair INI or use 'CHECKINI.EXE'**. Be sure to read and
understand all the instructions for CHECKINI before using!!)
8) Again, shutdown, installed the new sound card, and rebooted
9) Install the new CS sound drivers. Follow the instructions in the
'READ.ME', except Don't uninstall Multimedia.
More was added to the new INI file. But, it wasn't working!
In comparing the New INI and the backup INI, I found the '[Drivers]' section
had a lot missing in the new INI. The '[Drivers]' section is something like a table
of content for the rest of the file. In _my_ '[Drivers]' section, Digitalvideo,
Speaker, Headphone, Microphone and the Filter lines were missing. Using the System
Editor, copy/paste, I copied the missing lines from the backup INI to the New INI
file '[Drivers]' section.
For each line in the '[Drivers]' section, there is suppose to be a corresponding
section elsewhere in the INI. For example, under '[Drivers]' there is a 'Speaker=SPEAKER'
line. Elsewhere in the INI there is a section with the heading '[SPEAKER]', with
speaker information listed below that heading. I pasted all those missing sections
back as well. IE: Headphone, Digitalvideo, Microphone, and 3 Filter sections.
I rebooted.. Voilà!! There are System sounds! All other sounds worked
as expected, with the exception of 'QuickFlick' v1.04, which had to be reinstalled.
One final note.. I had removed the Netscape 2.02 PlugInPak, in preparation to
uninstall the Multimedia Subsystem. If you find your sounds don't work in NetScape,
you may have to Uninstall the Plugin pack and reinstall it. To do this go to the
'NetScape' folder and run the 'Installation Utility'.....
Naturally, YMMV! I'm just sharing my experience and findings.. It is YOUR decision
to attempt this fix or not! It worked for me, it may not work for you. ;) I believe
the worst that could happen is you would have to go ahead and do the OS/2 Multimedia
Subsystem uninstall and reinstall.
(* UniMaint description & demo at:
** CheckINI is in the WPSTool freeware package at: