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March 2004 |
WarpDoctor Meeting this Sunday 3:00pm EST (20:00 GMT)
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 29 February at 3:00
EST (20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server most convenient for you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
If you need help using the chat facility, visit
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/Agendas/warpdoc_2004-02-29.html.
Please review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
"The objective of WarpDoctor is to support the information, software, and
hardware needs of the OS/2 Community.
WarpDoctor will provide a support facility with the goal of assisting the
OS/2 Community in efforts to resolve problems and provide guidance on
system operation, tuning and selection. Everyone is welcome!"
Everyone is welcome!
PASUG Mtg: Thurs, Feb 26th
The Philadelphia Alternate Systems User Group (PASUG) invites all
interested computer users to attend the February meeting. .
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004 7:00-10:00PM
. Bryn Mawr Community Center, 9 S. Bryn Mawr Ave, Bryn Mawr,PA
. "T H E C O M P U T E R I S T H E N E T W O R K"
. -- Configuring Routing and File Sharing Between Subnets --
The February 26th meeting will feature a presentation/demo by PASUG Member
Vadim Kavalerov, as a continuation of a networking presentation conducted
by Vadim at an earlier meeting.
Market forces have driven the cost of a PC down so much in recent years,
that chances are you may have ended up with more than one machine in your
home or small office. Connecting these machines together into a LAN can
substantialy reduce the cost of hardware items, as well as the cost of
software and maintenance.
The most obvious LAN configuration employs a fast ethernet network
interface card (NIC) in each PC, all connected to a switch or hub. But
note that OS/2 Warp & eCS can support up to 8 NICs per machine and
therefore can support many other, more useful configurations. But this is
where it gets tricky: e.g. Which IP address should be assigned to each
NIC? Do you need a subnet mask? And what to do about IP forwarding and
numerous TCP/IP configuration options? With these choices multiplying with
each new NIC connected to the LAN, forget the method of trial & error -
you must have a basic understanding of what's going on.
Even when the TCP/IP network is humming, you probably expect file sharing
also to work just as well, but classic NETBIOS networks are limited to a
single "collision domain." There is a workaround however: Running NETBIOS
protocol over TCP/IP, together with RFC1001 routing extensions, will allow
routing between subnets.
This will be the main goal of this presentation- to explain how to setup
file sharing on two separate subnets connected with a multi-
homed PC, i.e. a machine with two NICs. The basic configuration of the
protocols required to do this in each subnet, including the TCPBEUI setup,
will be shown in detail. And a live demo will also be performed on a PC
together with two laptops, each of which is connected to one of the two
NICs in the PC.
Please come to the February 26 meeting to see for yourselves what is meant
by "The Computer is the Network." Although the demo will be performed on
PCs running Warp 4.52 (MCP), the protocols and their configuration are not
specific to any one operating system. Once the basics are clearly
understood, similar setups can be built on Linux or other OSes.
Other agenda items include announcements, news & new software releases,
Q&A session, and 50/50 raffle. You will also enjoy fresh hot pizza,
delivered to our meeting at the break period.
. 7:00 - 7:15 Meeting start & Introductory Comments
. 7:15 - 7:45 Q&A Session
. 7:45 - 8:15 Fresh Pizza Break & Raffles
. 8:15 - 9:50 Networking Presentation/Demo
. 9:50 -10:00 Close-down, pack-up & exit building
by 10:00pm
- - - - -
Mark the date and time: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th at 7:00pm.
PASUG meetings are open and free for all users, their guests and others
interested in learning about OS/2, Linux and associated technologies. We
have a very full agenda and tight schedule which will be enforced. Please
be on time promptly by 7:00pm to avoid missing earlier parts of the
PASUG meetings are held at the Bryn Mawr Community Center, next to
Ludington Library, at the corner of Lancaster and Bryn Mawr Avenues, Bryn
Mawr, PA. on the 4th Thursdays of Jan to Oct, and the 3rd Thursdays of Nov
and Dec.
Directions to the Bryn Mawr Community Center (BMCC) and other useful
information about the PASUG activities may be found on our web site at http://www.phillyos2.org, or contact U/G
Leader Larry Lavins: llavins@earthlink.net, or phone (215) 878-9608.
BayWarp meeting Feb. 24
BayWarp (OS/2 Bay Area User Group) Meeting Announcement
Date: Tuesday Feb. 24, 2004
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Place: Help Desk Computers (WTW Group), 1456 Pollard Road, Los Gatos, CA
Come join us in our monthly meeting. We are OS/2 and eComStation users,
and we meet every month to show off our latest software and hardware. We
bring laptops, network cables and power, and we often do live
troubleshooting of systems during our meetings.
Hint: It's between the Mexican Restaurant and the Chinese Restaurant in
the corner (Safeway is on the far right). $5.00 per person to be collected
for help with the munchies.
* More Power -- discussion of eCS on the Quad Xeon processor
* Palm Pilot software review
* OS/2 question and answer
Web Page http://www.baywarp.org/
Contact Info
Paul Lazaga paul@wtwgroup.com
Neil Waldhauer neil@blondeguy.com
WarpDoctor Meeting this Sunday 3:00pm EST (20:00 GMT)
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 22 February at 3:00
EST (20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server most convenient for you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
If you need help using the chat facility, visit
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/Agendas/warpdoc_2004-02-22.html.
Please review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
"The objective of WarpDoctor is to support the information, software, and
hardware needs of the OS/2 Community.
WarpDoctor will provide a support facility with the goal of assisting the
OS/2 Community in efforts to resolve problems and provide guidance on
system operation, tuning and selection. Everyone is welcome!"
Everyone is welcome!
VOICE Business Mtg
There will be a VOICE business meeting this Saturday, 21 February EST
(20:00 GMT) in the #voice chatroom. Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
#voice can be found on any of these servers.
Please read the agenda at http://www.os2voice.org/agendas/voice_2004-02-21.html so you will be ready
for the meeting.
"VOICE is an organization dedicated to the promotion of OS/2 Warp to the
general consumer through various activities as providing current and
factual information about OS/2 Warp and OS/2 related products, conducting
IRC meetings twice a month, and sponsoring OS/2 promotion related projects
among providing many other services."
Everyone is welcome!
SCOUG meeting Feb. 21, 2004
The next meeting of the Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG) will
be this Saturday, February 21, 2004, at 10:00 AM PST, at the Fountain
Valley Library, 17635 Los Alamos, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (note that we
are meeting at a temporary location). We will be in the Community Room
(turn left just after you enter the library).
Treasurer Steven Levine will host a hands-on problem-solving session for
those who bring in their computers. It's the Help Desk with all the
advantages of a big crowd and lots of "experts" to make suggestions.
Lynn Maxson will lead the Programming SIG with a non-technical
presentation on software analysis and design, including database design.
Next month we expect to be in new facilities - with high speed Internet
access - in the northeastern part of Orange County.
Help Desk chats are on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM PST. If you've got a
problem with hardware or software, join the chat and ask for help. Info
is at http://www.scoug.com/chat/index.html.
OS/2 Live Help Desk, March 7th, 2004, 2 PM PST, Chapman University in
At the live OS/2 Help Desk, volunteers will give you hands-on assistance
solving your hardware and software problems. It is usually held the first
Sunday of the month in cooperation with the OS/2 SIG of the North Orange
County Computer Club.
Come to Hashinger Hall Science Building, room 203. It's on the second
floor, and there's an elevator to bring up your equipment. Bring your
system and all related hardware and software, along with a detailed
explanation of your problem.
How to get to the Fountain Valley Library:
From the I-405 freeway, exit Brookhurst St. and go north. Turn right on
Slater Ave. Turn right on Los Alamos St.; the library is 1/2 block south
of Slater Ave. Or you can get a map at http://www.ocpl.org/25map.asp.
How to get to Chapman University:
There are two ways to get directions:
1) Go to http://www.scoug.com/warpexpowest/sitemap.html
2) Go to http://maps.yahoo.com and enter the address 400 N. Center St.,
Orange, CA.
You can park in any of the University lots for free on Sundays. The lot
off Center near the football field will usually have open spaces. The lot
off Walnut is larger, but there's some construction going on. If you park
on the street, be careful -- it's illegal to park on the residential side
of the streets without a permit.
Please join us! http://www.scoug.com/.
WarpDoctor Mtg
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 15 February at 3:00
EST (20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server most convenient for you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/Agendas/warpdoc_2004-02-15.html.
Please review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
"The objective of WarpDoctor is to support the information, software, and
hardware needs of the OS/2 Community.
WarpDoctor will provide a support facility with the goal of assisting the
OS/2 Community in efforts to resolve problems and provide guidance on
system operation, tuning and selection. Everyone is welcome!"
WarpDoctor Mtg
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 8 February at 3:00
EST (20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server most convenient for you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/Agendas/warpdoc_2004-02-08.html.
Please review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
"The objective of WarpDoctor is to support the information, software, and
hardware needs of the OS/2 Community.
WarpDoctor will provide a support facility with the goal of assisting the
OS/2 Community in efforts to resolve problems and provide guidance on
system operation, tuning and selection. Everyone is welcome!"
VOICE Business Mtg
There will be a VOICE business meeting this Saturday, 7 February EST
(20:00 GMT) in the #voice chatroom. Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
#voice can be found on any of these servers.
Please read the agenda at http://www.os2voice.org/Agendas/voice_2004-02-07.html so you will be ready
for the meeting.
"VOICE is an organization dedicated to the promotion of OS/2 Warp to the
general consumer through various activities as providing current and
factual information about OS/2 Warp and OS/2 related products, conducting
IRC meetings twice a month, and sponsoring OS/2 promotion related projects
among providing many other services."
Kitchener-Waterloo OS/2 Users' Group -- February Meeting
K-W OS/2 Users Group
Serving Kitchener-Waterloo and area OS/2 Users
February 2004 Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, February 10, 2004
TIME: From 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Room DC1316, Davis Centre, University of Waterloo
Meeting facilities provided courtesy of Institute for Computer Research.
Everyone is Welcome to Attend!
you operating a LAN? Do your users often want to print from a remote
workstation? Then this meeting is for you!
We will be looking once again at the topic of REMOTE PRINTING. We will
cover the different ways one or more printers can be connected to a LAN
so that several people can use them. You will learn some techniques you
probably hadn't thought of before.
This week, I'll use Windows 98 on my Notebook instead of Windows 2000
under VPC/2. That should make a huge difference, and hopefully we'll
actually get something done. :-)
In addition, if time and equipment permit, I'll give a demonstration of
the first phase of WFMBKUP.
WFMBKUP is my program for backing up multiple large volumes/partitions to
hard drive. Unlike other backup programs, WFMBKUP isn't limited by volume
size. It will backup a 80GB partition as easily as a 1 GB partition!
OS/2 User Forum
(Sharing OS/2 Ideas)(Bring Your Questions)
(What's New with OS/2)(Announcements)
As a courtesy to our presenter, please plan to arrive by 7:00 p.m.
For up-to-date information check our homepage at:
For directions to get to the meeting check:
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 9, 2004
WarpDoctor Mtg
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 1 February at 3:00
EST (20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server most convenient for you, go to http://www.webbnet.info/
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
You can use any of those server addresses to initialize your IRC client,
or alternatively, click on the link at the bottom of the page, and load a
Java IRC applet to immediately start your chat session. I have tried this
applet, and it is remarkably quick, and simple to use.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at
Please review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
"The objective of WarpDoctor is to support the information, software, and
hardware needs of the OS/2 Community.
WarpDoctor will provide a support facility with the goal of assisting the
OS/2 Community in efforts to resolve problems and provide guidance on
system operation, tuning and selection. Everyone is welcome!"
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VOICE Home Page: http://www.os2voice.org