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April 1999

OS/2 Tips

We scan the Web, Usenet and the OS/2 mail lists looking for these gems. Have you run across an interesting bit of information about OS/2 recently? Please share it with all our readers. Send your tips to editor@os2voice.org

Editor's note: these tips are from OS/2 users and in some cases can not be verified by myself. Please heed this as a warning that if you are not sure about something, don't do it.

April 11, 1999 - Here is a nice til now undocumented featurette in Communicator for OS/2 that I first heard about on the NS4OS2 List from Keith Gorham:

Read in PC Magazine about a new feature Netscape 4.51 had, in that you could type "quote stock_name" and get a stock quote. It also works with Netscape 4.04/2

April 10, 1999 - If you run mike Cowlishaw's nifty GOSERVE web server (the most recent version of which can be obtained at http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/goserve/), here's a tip from Daniel Hellesretin:

During my browsing, I saw the transcript of a forum wherein you expressed a problem with using goserve/sre-http in an isolated environment. That is, you wanted to develop web pages that you could look at, but that no one else could look at.

Well, that's easy to do with sre-http. Just set in initfilt.80:


Only clients with a numeric ip address that appears in the OWNERS list will be granted access. Note that this must be the NUMERIC (i.e.; and NOT a named IP address.

April 7, 1999 -Here's a networking tip from David Eckard on the OS/2-List:

For those of you that have more than one computer connected via peer, try this trick from a command line session:

net time \\machineid /set.

That will set your computers time to match the computer on your peer net known as machineid. I have two computers, one known as orion gets its clock set every time I log onto the net by running nistime. I run [c:\>]net time \\orion /set /yes from the other computer to set its clock. I believe this works the same for both OS/2 and windows.

April 6, 1999 - Where else to find a good MR/2 ICE tip then on the MR/2 ICE Mailing List. Here's one from Jim Bowering :

While you're reading the message you can press ctrl-F3, which will invoke MSGUTIL.CMD (which you can find in the MR/2 ICE directory). MSGUTIL.CMD will start netscape and allow you to see the HTML message. You can edit MSGUTIL.CMD with a text editor if you want.

April 6, 1999 - Here is a tip from the folks on the POSSI List if you are in the market for a good REXX reference book:

Chip Davis said:

You will be able to order the "Procedures Language 2/REXX Reference" and "Procedures Language 2/REXX User's Guide" from the OS/2 Technical Library for the astounding sum of $15.65 and $12.65, respectively. The Reference is essentially Mike's book, edited slightly to conform to IBM reference manual conventions, with all sorts of OS/2-specific information added. The User's Guide is full of explanatory examples, and addresses why and how you might use a particular feature of the language.

and then from Steven Levine:

And Now I know why always considered the Reference so good. I have not yet got around to buying Colin's book, so I didn't know the connection.

IMO, the Reference is orders of magnitude better that what's in REXX.INF. The copy I have is in BookManager format which makes it easier to read than INF or HTML format.

For those trying to order hard copy, you might try the IBM Central Library at 213 621-6710. There are times when a human can help.

April 5, 1999 - Here is something interesting XCOPY tip from a recent thread on TEAMOS/2-L:

If you use:

xcopy c:\data g:\cdata\ /s
xcopy e:\data g:\edata\ /s

Note the \ after the g: directories, you will not get a prompt, and it will create the directories for you. This tells xcopy that is is a directory destination.

Robb Selby

April 3, 1999 - Since just about everyone has to patch their Warp install diskettes to install OS/2 on new computers these days, a question I see come up more and more is "how do I fit the newer/larger drivers on the install disks?". Here's a tip from Otto Nielsen on the TEAMOS/2-List:

It's recommended to delete ibm2*.*, print02.sys and screen02.sys (unless it's a PS/2). This should give just enough free space to update.

Editor note: You can also delete any of the AIC*.ADD, AHA*.ADD and other unused drivers if you are sure you don't need them. The AIC??????.ADD and AHA?????.ADD are drivers for Adaptec SCSI controllers. There are also drivers for many different CDROM drives (SONY*.*, MITFX*.*, TOSH*.*). Be sure you don't need these, and if you are running Warp 4, be sure to comment out the driver in the snoop.lst on the Install Disk 1 as well or you will get an error. See the March 17th tip below for more details on this.

March 26, 1999 - If you are running Aurora and want a cool background, check out this tip from Mohit Sindhwani on the OS/2 List:

For some not-so-bad images...



March 26, 1999 - On TEAMOS2HELP-L, Elton Woo had this advise for someone looking for a driver for his S3 based video card:

I would suggest at visit to www.s3.com go to the utilities section, and download the file: s3is.exe. When you run it in a DOS session (Full Screen of windowed). It will tell you what type of S3 chip is on the card. You can then decide to download one of the drivers from the s3 site, and use with your card. Mind you, I do not *guarantee* this, so take the usual precautions of backing up your system, *first*.

IMHO, I doubt, though that the driver *won't* work with your card.

March 25, 1999 - If you are running the 32bit TCP/Ip stack (4.1 or 4.2) and you are having a problem with your route table filling up here are a couple pointers:

From Jack Troughton on comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip: It's the keepalive value that's doing it. In the 4.1 and 4.2 stacks, the default keepalive value is 7800; that is seconds, that is 2 hours and ten minutes. You can create a file called tcpexit.cmd in your \tcpip\bin directory. I have just one line in the file: inetcfg -s keepalive 60. That sets the keepalive value to 60 seconds (the old default) which is much more reasonable; it'll only keep your routes around for a minute or so. I had that problem too, and took some advice about the net, and then followed it up in the docs to find this out.

Editor note: You should also add -netmask to the default route in your x:\MPTN\BIN\SETUP.CMD file which cuts down significantly on the run away routing table. Duane Chamblee also advises to put these inetcfg TCP/IP customizations in either the x:\TCPIP\BIN\TCPEXIT.CMD file or x:\TCPIP\BIN\B4TCP.CMD file that can execute things before the TCP/IP server processes start. Putting them in the SETUP.CMD can lead to their being 'edited' out by the TCP/IP configuration notebook if you make changes later.

March 22, 1999 - Those of you installing the Star Office Filter Update (http://www.stardiv.com) may want to pay attention to Stanley Sidlov's recent suggestion on the POSSI List:

I have just installed the SO Filter Update (by CD rather than downloaded) since the download did not contain the WordPerfect filters.

There is a possibility that the update will not apply/load new FILTERS available on the CD such as the extra WinWord and WordPerfect filters if you did a custom install.

To correct this, go to the StarOffice Setup in the SO folder, and use the MODIFY function. Select from the Star Office Program Modules, the "Star Writer" sub list. Then "Text Filter" list, and check to see if the WP filters are actually highlighted. If not, select them, and any other filters that you may want, click the COMPLETE button.

You will need the StarOffice CD in the drive. If you don't put the disk into the drive, you will get a message asking you to put it in the drive, when you have done so, "YES" is not the correct answer. Complete/Continue is. <G>

March 22, 1999 - Robb Selby had this tip on the TeamOs/2 Help List for those command line junkies who use XCOPY, ad get a prompt asking if the target is a file or a directory:

If you change to:

xcopy c:\data g:\cdata\ /s
xcopy e:\data g:\edata\ /s

Note the \ after the g: directories, you will not get a prompt, and it will create the directories for you. This tell xcopy that is is a directory destination.

March 19, 1999 - From Dirk Schulz on the OS/2 ISP List, we have this warning for those who run SmartWindows and have a problem trying to run MPTS. "Yupp, had exactly the same thing here. Figured out that it was SmartWin being responsible. Just add \ibmcom\mpts.exe to the general exeptions list."

March 17, 1999 -Having problems trying to remove drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file. Here is something to check in addition to removing or REMMing uneeded drivers. This tip is from T. Guilbert on the OS/2 List:

On your disks, you have an ASCII file called SNOOP.LST (or something similar. From that file, remove all references to the devices that you have remmed out of your CONFIG.SYS. Then, when booting disable hardware detection (IIRC, F5 at the white rectangle).
Worked for me.

Editor note: Instead of deleting the driver name from snoop.lst you can put a ; at the beginning of the line and that will comment it out.

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