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On Monday, June 14th at 8:00PM (EDT) VOICE will host a Speakup session with Brad Wardell of Stardock Systems in WEBBnet IRC, #voice channel.
The topic of this Speakup is ..... well, we don't know, yet.
Join us June 14th and find out!
Unless Brad requests otherwise (or unless the "room" gets too noisy), this will be an un-moderated Speakup.
For more information on VOICE Speakups, a listing of WEBBnet IRC Servers and info on Native OS/2 IRC Clients, point your browser to:
And click on the link to Meeting Info.
As always, this Speakup is open to anyone wishing to join, ask questions or simply "lurk". If you can't make it live, we'll post the complete logfile to the VOICE website within 24 hours of the end of the meeting.
Just a reminder that of the June 10th TO/2 Meeting.
Door Prizes :
All Are welcome to attend.
The meeting will be held at the IBM Canada Building in the Auditorium at 7:00PM . The address is "3600 Steeles Avenue East, Markham, Ontario".
See the TO/2 Web Site for directions to the meeting.
Hope to see you all there.
Next saturday there will be a meeting for the Dutch HCC OS/2 usergroup in:
Rondehoep Oost 29
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
This meeting starts at 10 o'clock and ends at 4 o'clock in the evening. This group was founded 10 years ago, to celebrate this 10th anniversary all the members attending this meeting will receive a special CD with shareware and other OS/2 goodies.
For more information:
http://www.xs4all.nl/~cslot/hcc-os2.gg/index.html [WarpCast Moderator's note: This is an error correction and update on the meeting of the Dutch HCC OS/2 users next Saturday.]
I'm afraid I made a mistake, it is only the fifth anniversary of the group. Futhermore I forgot to mention the lectures:
-11.00 A lecture from Jan van Wijk about his program DFSee, a HPFS utility.
-13.30 Luc Bogaert will talk about the J(ava)StreetMailer from Innoval software.
Between those lectures there will be demonstrations, like how to burn a CD-ROM using OS/2 freeware, how to make soundfiles in the MP3 format and a demonstration of DBExpert.
On Monday, June 7th at 8:00PM (EDT), VOICE will hold a Speakup Session with Sundial Systems.
Sundial's products include MESA (Spreadsheet), Clearlook (Wordprocessor), Relish (PIM), DBExpert (Database) and Rover (WPS Enhancement tool).
The topic of this Speakup will be "General Q&A". basically, anything goes. If you have a question or are just curious about any product that Sundial Systems has to offer, please join us in a live IRC Chat Session on WEBBnet IRC, #voice channel.
For information on VOICE meetings and a listing of WEBBnet IRC servers, check out the VOICE Website at:
See you all Monday night!!!
The Belgian HCC OS/2 User Group will be holding its monthly meeting on June 11th, 1999 at the usual location :
Gemeenschapscentrum "De Kam"
Beekstraat 172
1970 Wezenbeek-oppem
detailed driving instructions are found on our website :
We expect a lot people to turn up tonight, since we have planned a very special meeting tonight. It's OS/2 tips & tricks time! We'll reveal many unknown and obscure tricks that could be helpfull when working with your OS/2 system. We'll explain how to use some really cool Desktop features, how to improve your system performance, how to survive your system without the mouse, do more with the command line, etc... With this collection of tricks you're ready to show off the beauty and strength of OS/2 to all your friends and colleagues. Don't miss this meeting!
The meeting starts around 20:30 cet, with a collection of news and gossip from the OS/2 front, followed with a short introduction of a few new and interesting OS/2 web sites. As always, there will be a workshop throughout the meeting, so we would like to invite everyone to bring a PC, especially since you will be able to immediately try out all those exciting new trics you will have learned tonight.
A detailed agenda for the June 11th meeting is available on our website.
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: The Long Island Trading Center, 2 Jericho Plaza in Jericho, NY. Take the Long Island
Expressway (LIE, I-495) to exit 40.
From the westbound LIE get off at exit 40 East. At the next traffic light bear right onto Jericho Turnpike heading east and turn right into the first driveway
From the eastbound LIE get off at exit 40 West, it's easier than exit 40 East. Follow the signs to get onto Jericho Turnpike heading east, you'll end up going underneath the LIE. After going underneath the LIE, turn right into the first driveway.
The meeting room is on the second floor in the IBM wing.
Speaker: John Rodriguez from Hauppauge Computer Works will give us an update on the work done to get Hauppauge's Wincast/TV product to work under OS/2. The OS/2 Wincast/TV driver is continually being updated and IBM is slowly working on the WarpTV application to get it ready for release. In fact John posted a note on Warpcast 2 weeks ago, just point your browser to see it at http://www.os2ss.com/warpcast/wc3484.html
As usual, our meetings start with news and views on the latest of OS/2. If you have any OS/2 news bring it with you to the meeting. All are welcome!
e-mail: jsvitak@banet.net
Web Pages: http://www.qc.edu/~cq1qc/lios2.html
Seat belts required
We're a little nervous about the Phoenix OS/2 Society's general meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, June 8. Kim Cheung, Executive Director of Serenity Systems, will show us WiseManager, a product that delivers to small and medium size companies the same benefits that IBM has been providing to their enterprise accounts through the WorkSpace On Demand product.
But we'd like to avoid a repetition of what happened at the recent Southern California OS/2 User Group meeting, when Kim Cheung demonstrated the WiseManager product. Their newsletter's report begins, "SCOUG members were seen falling out of their chairs in amazement..." and concludes, "WiseManager is truly a miracle." That's a little overwhelming. What kind of product can generate such a response? How about a product which allows anyone to build a TCP/IP intranet, by filling in the blanks? Ever hear of a product which can deploy an application across a WAN with one drag and drop -- over a switched connection, from a remote site? Or how about building an OS/2 machine in 30 seconds or less?
According to Cheung, business partners have said, "If you want to make your product valuable, make it simple and complete." At the June general meeting, you'll watch how simple it is to build an OS/2 machine on the LAN. Power on the machine, type in a name and -- poof! -- a complete OS/2 Warp 4 machine is ready.
With WiseManager, you get more benefits, more function, and less cost in an "out of the box" solution that works. WiseManager provides solutions for software deployment, application and user management, problem resolution, all accomplished using OS/2's solid and proven technology. Although WiseManager can coexist with IBM's Workspace On Demand, WSOD is not required for WiseManager to operate. All you need is OS/2 Warp Server Entry, OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, or OS/2 Warp Server SMP.
Kim recently completed testing on Aurora and IBM's new Network Station hardware. At this meeting, you'll hear his assessment of how these new products from IBM can improve your experience with "Network Computing -- for the rest of us."
When and where
The general meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 8, at 7:00pm, at the Mountain Preserve Reception Center, 1431 E Dunlap. The "random access" Q&A session starts promptly, on the dot, at 6:30pm, give or take a half hour. Kim is a dynamic presenter who's sure to reinvigorate your enthusiasm in OS/2 -- so plan to reconvene after the meeting at Coyote Springs.
The Phoenix OS/2 Society Inc (POSSI) is the world's largest user group devoted to OS/2, with members in 16 countries and 48 U.S. States. Membership includes a subscription to its monthly print magazine, extended attributes, which includes how-to articles, OS/2 product reviews, industry commentary, and even an occasional cartoon. For a free sample issue, visit http://www.possi.org. (And if you visit the site today, you'll have the opportunity to vote on the location of POSSI's planned OS/2 weekend, which will be held over Memorial Day Weekend, 2000.)
Topic: Java Programming in OS/2 using IBM Visual Age for Java
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 1999
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: IBM Building - 590 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10022-2524, U.S.A.
R.S.V.P.: Henry Ferlauto (ferlauto@mindspring.com)
Come get your feet wet with an introduction to Java programming. We will be demonstrating development of Java applications under the fastest way to run Java applications, OS/2. Our development package of choice will be IBM's Visual Age for Java.
+ Visual Age for Java Home Page: http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/vajava
+ OS/2 Home Page: http://www.software.ibm.com/os/warp
+ Gothan NYPC Home Page: http://www.nypc.org
Please join us.