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August 2002
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Hi Christian,Thanks a lot for the latest Newsletter which I found enormously interesting this time.
In the editorial you wrote regarding audio recording:
There is no fancy GUI solution for OS/2 yetThis is not correct. For recording there are:
- the outstanding dTape by Paul Ratcliffe
http://home.clara.net/orac/os2.htm#dtape- the wave editor from Warp 3 that can be installed on Warp 4 or eCS by using a REXX script (works like a charm, in contrary to the wave editor of Warp 4, the script is available at commTalk), and
- PMRec from myself, which is a front-end for PlayRec that is especially suitable for timed recordings.
http://www.subsys.de/download/pmrec102b.zip- Finally I have created a front-end for CopyWave called WaveCut you can work quite conveniently and quickly with:
http://www.subsys.de/wavecut/WCut1b.zipI had sent the announcement for WaveCut to VOICE (via OS2.org) too, but OS2.org hasn't published it (for whatever reason) and I don't know if you have received it. So I hint at it again. PMRec and WaveCut are Freeware. Both tools are still in beta phase, but several people have been successfully working with them for some time.
And a small correction: you can split files by 1/1000 sec with CopyWave.
May you can forward this to the author of the article.
Christian's response:
Of course I know dTape. But I was thinking more of an all-in-one solution for recording and the following editing.
Don's reply:Please note, that Alex Samorukov is skin author and webmaster of http://os2.kiev.ua
Author of WV engine (aka WarpVision command line) is Alex Strelnikov
Author of WVGUI is Vlad Stelmahovsky
My apologies to Alex, Alex and Vlad. I should have paid more attention to the documentation (RTFM as they say).Don
Dear Sir,Reply from Mark Dodel:I have an OS/2 Warp 4.0 CD-ROM disc I bought 5 years ago and I am curious if there are any differences between the one I have with the others which I suspect has newer revision. I you do not mind, I would like to have the complete file list using the DOS "dir x:\ /a /s" of your OS/2 Warp 4.x CD-ROM disc to see any differences. I thank you in advance.
Jaelani C. Utomo
Warp 4 was the last retail version of OS/2 workstation released by IBM. Any Warp 4 CD you have would be identical to the same one I have. IBM has released 15 free fixpacks (all of which are cumulative so you only need the latest) which provide updates for Warp 4. You can obtain these at http://ps.boulder.ibm.com/pbin-usa-ps/getobj.pl?/pdocs-usa/softupd.htmlIn addition IBM now has a subscription update service which provides the latest version of OS/2 Warp (currently 4.52 and now called MCP for Merlin Convenience Package) called Software Choice. This is a 2 year subscription that requires that you already have a Warp 4 license. You can get more information on this at http://service.boulder.ibm.com/asd-bin/doc/en_us/catalog.htm
Finally there is an OEM version of OS/2 called eComStation. This is based on the latest MCP versions and includes all fixes and drivers provided on Software Choice. This also comes bundled with a number of applications such as Lotus Smart Suite for OS/2. You can buy this as an update to Warp 4 or as a new purchase. You can find out more on this at http://www.ecomstation.com
Finally if all you want is a CD with all the latest free updates to Warp 4, you can make one yourself. There is an application called UpdCD. You can find out more about this at http://www.os2voice.org/VNL/past_issues/VNL0502H/vnewsf4.htm
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