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IBM's Java(TM) technology continues to break all performance records, and the
latest Java 1.1.8 release from IBM is no exception.
In the new SciMark 2.0 benchmark, IBM's Java 1.1.8 (for OS/2 Warp) ranks right
at the top. (Benchmark results are available at http://math.nist.gov/scimark2/index.html.
At this web site you can test your own system's Java performance right from your
web browser.) SciMark measures scientific and numerical computing performance.
Moreover, PCs with older processors still beat rival Java implementations on
faster processors. In other words, IBM is helping to extend the life of older PCs
by providing the highest performance Java technologies.
IBM customers can enjoy these Java performance benefits both inside and outside
their web browsers. (Netscape Communicator for OS/2 Warp relies on IBM's Java runtime.)
To download the latest and greatest version of IBM's Java, or for more information
on IBM's Java technologies, please visit http://www.ibm.com/java.
To download the newest Netscape Communicator for OS/2 Warp (either Version 4.61
"Beta 2" or Version 4.04) please visit http://www.software.ibm.com/os/warp/netscape.
** Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.
OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
The Bay Area OS/2 Page has a Job links page listing Job Searches for OS/2.
Check out http://trss.webjump.com
Select the Jobs link.
I have just uploaded a new version of SEAL for OS/2 to the pub/incoming directory
of Hobbes. This version has several bug-fixes, including a bug in AGetAudioDevCaps
which mis-reported information for the DART driver.
This version includes some new functionality, such as the ability to query the
audio buffer size, the ability to suggest an audio buffer size, and the ability
to capture, modify, and display the mixed audio data before it is sent to the sound
card. There is a new programming example showing the use of these new functions.
As an added bonus, this version was compiled with the latest EMX tools and Pentium
Optimized GNU C compiler (PGCC).
You can get the new version here:
Any questions, concerns, or problems, please contact mamodeo@stny.rr.com.
We are making a significant commitment to the upcoming OS/2 focused business
shows. At Warp Expo West we will be debuting new products and technologies for small
to medium sized business, with a particular focus on computer consultants providing
fee services.
In line with that, we will be demonstrating our Managed Client products, featuring
WiseManager .. a tcp/ip network "out of the box", networking so easy a
marketing weasel could set one up! We will also be demonstrating our new WiseTalker
Database Server, announced through WarpCast last week.
We will be featuring a brand new application, a time clock program which is integrated
into payroll. Available with a flat panel touch screen interface and an optional
touch tone phone interface. Road crews can punch in and out from jobs over the phone!
A perfect blue collar, Managed Client application! General availability planned
for September 1999, this is the first module in an entirely new finance and accounting
package due by the end of the year.
We have significant announcements to make in the coming weeks. Watch for news
from Warp Expo West organizers about our jointly sponsored exhibit pavillion where
WiseManager and Managed Clients not only demonstrate ISV solutions, but also demonstrate
that networks just don't get any easier than this!
And I want to talk with service oriented consultants ... we are looking for top
notch, qualified channel partners.
Bob St.John
888 299-6483, ext 101
972 966-8072, ext 101 outside the US
Version 1.2 of my CMDRUN utility has been released. This fixes a major bug on
Warp 4 to do with starting Windows programs, and also adds a couple of features.
I have uploaded cmdrun12.zip to my homepage at http://home.clara.net/orac/prutil.htm
and to Hobbes incoming directory, with a final resting place in /pub/os2/util/wps
OS/2 WPS replacement WPFolder/WPDisk classes which give the ability to start command
line sessions from any folder/disk with the current directory set to that folder/disk.
Also gives a Run menu option similar to that found in Windows, allowing the starting
of OS/2, DOS and Windows applications.
Another new virus update, this is dated Aug 12. Go to:
Pepper Head Design (Hot Ideas) Limited Is looking for *another* lead java / db2
developer to join our team for what looks like will be a one month contract developing
the backend of a Java Served Pages web site on OS/2, DB/2 and Apache SSL with JSP.
We're also looking for students looking to do some Java work in London, (I'm
also looking for good skills is that can be used remotely for java bean jobs - this
work could be done anywhere (I'm particularly thinking Eastern Europe / Germany)).
If your in the EC and interested in doing some work in London please drop me
an email.
I'm also looking for information on a program that I read about somewhere which
allows you to talk to a DB/2 database using voice type such as "Show me all
the sales department with a profit ratio of 10~% or higher" as I'm looking
to get in touch with the author but have forgotten the name of the product.
Technical Director
ps. We know our website is Flash but the Shockwave / Flash 3 plugin for Windows
3.1 runs under winos/2 and our design side of the business did it not the technical
Dust up on your reflexes as you annihilate the invaders in the fast paced arcade
game B.U.G.S. from Stardock Systems Inc. and Cramon Utilities.
B.U.G.S. has been rated 5 Stars (maximum qualification) at the Super Shareware
Excerpt from their notification mail:
"[...] We are pleased to notify you that your application "B.U.G.S."
have been evaluated by our technical department, obtaining the highest possible
mark: 5 stars. As a recognition to the high quality of "B.U.G.S." and
the great work carried out in their development, you have been granted our greatest
prize. [...]"
B.U.G.S. is available for Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4 and OS/2 Warp Operating
System. For more information visit the B.U.G.S. Homepage on:
Let the games begin!
About B.U.G.S.:
Defend the galaxy as you pilot your lone starship against the evil hordes of
B.U.G.S. (Bill's Unbelievably Ghastly Spaceships). Decimate the ranks of invaders
in this Galaga-like game where the challenges and bugs change from level to level!
Defeat boss bugs when they arrive on the scene to eradicate the puny human resister.
B.U.G.S. was first released on IBM s OS/2 operating system and is one of the most
popular OS/2 games available. Its very simplicity (and low price) have attracted
many OS/2 gamers and even won it the coveted OS/2 game of the year runner up award
(behind Galactic Civilizations) from OS/2 Inside magazine for 1998.
This week's edition of Focus on OS/2 is now online.
Topic: Overview of Netscape 4.61 for OS/2 Preview.
See what's new in this latest version of Netscape from IBM and how it well it
works compared to previous versions.
The feature can be accessed at:
Denmark - August 12, 1999 -- F/X Communications announced today the release of
the first IPSec capable IKE Server for OS/2.
The IKE Server ("Pluto") is an OS/2 port of Pluto v1.0 found in the
Linux FreeS/WAN IPSec implementation. Pluto is released under the GNU General Public
License - with source code.
Pluto runs a daemon and implements the IKE protocol (RFC 2409). It verifies identities,
chooses security policies, and negotiates keys for IPSec (RFC 2401) implementations.
Pluto has been tested and found compatible with the InJoy IPSec Plugin which
is soon to be released as part of the InJoy Dialer, Injoy Connect and the InJoy
More information about the upcoming IPSec Plugin can be found at http://www.fx.dk/ipsec
(work in progress).
The Pluto distribution archive can be found at:
and possibly will be moved to:
This product includes software developed by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
Leave The Fuss To Us!
Is it possible to use SMACK! with the Seiko Smart Label Printer (Seiko SLP)?
Absolutely, but in order to do so, you must have the latest Omni printer driver
and create your own custom label layouts.
Too much trouble you say.. SMACK! Master Programmer, Bill Schindler, has done
it for you!
Visit http://www.perfectniche.com/html/smindex.html
to download the support file, seikoslp.zip . For your convenience, online installation
instructions (which is a breeze with the Rexx program that installs the new layouts),
and a link to the latest Omni driver have been provided.
Be sure to check out the SMACK! 2.0 Preview for a listing of all of the new features
that have been added to the soon to be released SMACK! 2.0.
We has started on our site Apartment v3.0. This is an application for realtors
and their customers powered by OS/2 and DB2.
We need your help for testing and tuning this application and DB2 configuration
for optimal perfomance!
Please do some transactions on our site. The best time is 20:00 (Kiev's time
GMT+02:00) in next few days, but you can check it for any time. We want look at
the system when it has many connections.
All data in this application is real! You can use it for your profit also.
for English
Russian cp866
Russian koi8r
Russian w1251
The DataBase not have data warehouse now, but it will update it after one or
two weeks regularly. We planned update via internet as replication of DB2 from from
full work system in realty agency.
On our site you can see other interest information also, freeware - for example.
Someone was in error when packing the GRADD 0.80 driver. The diskette label is
"GRADD080", but it is supposed to be "GRADD 1" just like the
other versions. Otherwise, what happens is that you get this message prompting you
to stick in the GRADD driver diskette, pressing ok or cancel just gets you beeps,
nothing else. Renaming the GRADD diskette label to "GRADD 1" will allow
you to continue.
Pretty Pop Software released PopCD! 2.16 and Beat/2 2.00, today.
PopCD! is `Pop Up CD-ROM/Removable media/Audio CD Object' Utility. When you insert
CD-ROM/Removable media/Audio CD, PopCD! creates its object on desktop and open/play.
And PopCD! ejects CD-ROM/Removable Media/Audio CD when you drag and drop object
into shredder.
Update topics are...
Version 2.15a (14.Jun.1999)
a.Expand Audio CD's device ID (3 to 6).
Version 2.16 (13.Aug.1999)
a.Specification changed to be set the object name as default name when the media
is removed. You can set default name at `Caption' parameter.
Beat/2 is Swatch Beat, Internet Time Indicator. Beat is new unit of time means
`No Time Zones' and `No Geographical Borders'. Beat is proposed by Swatch.
Version 1.01 (24.Jul.1999)
a.Fixed startup problem.
Version 2.00 (13.Aug.1999)
a.Add `Color Customize' function.
b.Add `Sizeable Window' function.
c.Add `Auto Font Size' function.
d.Add `Copy Beat Time' function.
You can get a copy from...
These OS/2 applications requires Watcom VX-REXX runtime module (VROBJ.DLL).
From the Southern California OS/2 User Group:
The August "Webfoot, The Duck" OS/2 column is now online at
This month, Webfoot covers:
Each monthly "Webfoot, The Duck" column includes:
Sponsored by the Southern California OS/2 User Group (http://www.scoug.com).
Henk Kelder's FAT32 IFS has reached version 0.90:
Netscape Communicator 4.61 for OS/2 Warp preview is refreshed today! Also available
today is a preview of the 128-bit strong encryption version for United States and
To download, go to:
Or you can start at the registration/download pages:
Let us know what you think! Please report problems or fill out a survey at:
As noted earlier, IBM has released the first OS/2 Device Driver FixPack (DDFP1).
IBM announced some months ago that they would be splitting the device drivers away
from the normal fixpacks. The DDFP's apply to all versions of OS/2 Warp 3 and up.
The URL provided earlier was incomplete. The full URL for DDFP1 is:
INI tools is an INI editor for binary OS/2 INI files with integrated tools to
compare ini files and search multiple files for a string.
To download INI tools 1.00, visit :
INI tools is Freeware.
There is an article at http://www.os2.spb.ru/technology/xfree86/gimp118/index.html
dedicated to up-coming GIMP/2 1.2.0 People interested in trying out this version
should visit this review. However please remember this is just a development version,
and you should probably wait for official Netlabs announcement. In this review you
will find some tips and information how to install new GIMP.
- UpdIni V1.2 is now able to manage additional INIs and CFGs
- XUpdSig BugFix
You can find these freeware tools at :
UpdIni moves the files OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI into a ramdisk and copies these
files back to harddisk in regular intervals. The idea behind this is to accelerate
the WPS. The WPS updates these INI files in irregular intervals with high priority,
suspending all other activities for the moment. With the INI files located on a
ramdisk, access time is significantly reduced, the user may even not notice any
activity at all.
The little tool UpdSig adds or updates in adjustable intervals in at most 10
different signature files for mailers and/or newsreaders the following line:
Product Name: RPF Zip Control
Product Category: System Utility
Version Number: 2.6.3
Platform: OS/2
Filename: zipct263.zip
File Size: 812KB
Price $35, $250, $975 (Single, Single Site, Multiple Site)
Developer Web Site: http://www.rpfsoftware.com
FTP URL: ftp://ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro/zipct263.zip
Secure Order URL: https://secure.bmtmicro.com/order0231.html
Product Description:
RPF Zip Control is a popular OS/2 .zip archive management tool. Having moved
from its early 1993 VisPro/Rexx beginnings to an efficient and powerful C .zip archive
manager, Zip Control makes easy work of creating, testing, viewing, printing, opening,
test running, virus scanning, converting to self-extracting archives, the contents
of .zip archives. With significant single user and site licenses from individuals
and major corporations, Zip Control is widely viewed as the .zip archive management
tool to use.
New in this Release:
* Support for Symantec Norton Antivirus 5.02.41
* Support for UnZip 5.40
For all users of E-Rotor for OS/2!
Version 1.10 of E-Rotor is available. Go here for the download:
Later it will be moved to:
For those who don't know, E-Rotor is a program that checks presence of new e-mail
in your mailbox.
Features of the program:
Support of unlimited number of mailboxes.
Invisible work. It is not shown in task list.
Visual (animated icon) and audio (sound) notification after any message received.
Setup are individual for each mailboxes.
New in this version:
Setup program and the program itself was merged.
Adding the new function to immediately check the mailbox.
Adding the new function to manage the popup window.
Other minor parts are also modified.
From IBM Network Computing Software Support Site:
We have released an update for Netscape 4.04 for OS/2. This update is not a complete
refresh of the product. We have build this update as a fixpak. There are 3 versions
of the fixpak:
XR_1404I.ZIP - 40 bit International (applies to any 40 bit SBCS or DBCS version)
XR_1404N.zip - 40 bit French (applies only to the 40 bit French version) (ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/netscape/fixes/french)
XR_1404S.zip - 128 bit (Only available for US and Canadian French North America
versions when made available)
These fixpaks will only apply to the 2/99 version of Netscape 4.04 for OS/2 (commonly
referred to as version 000006). To see if you have this verion, on your version
of Netscape, pulldown the HELP and then ABOUT COMMUNICATOR. On the BLUE frame bar
you should see "Version 4.04 [en] - 990212". If you do not see this, you
need to upgrade to this version first. Select this link (http://service.boulder.ibm.com/asd-bin/doc/en_us/catalog.htm)
to get the Feb. '99 4.04 version.
The 40 bit versions are available without restriction. The 128 bit version is
being released in a new area that handles fixpaks that contain high encryption according
to government rules.
Not only did IBM release their first Device Driver FixPak, but they also sneaked
in a new release of the GRADD driver now at v0.80.
Contact: Rollin White (Rollin@scoug.com)
1-562-596-5121 office
OS/2 Vendor100 Takes Off !!
We've had a really, really good turnout for Vendor100, our free showcase for
OS/2 products.
Where? At Warp Expo West!
Our free Vendor100 tables will give your product lots and lots of exposure to
OS/2 users. We'll supply the staff -- you don't even have to be there -- and every
single OS/2 user will get to see your product and, if you have online ordering,
order it on-the-spot.
That's what makes Vendor100 so different. Vendor100s don't have to show up!
If you have an OS/2 product of any type, be it software, book, web site or mouse
pad, register for Vendor100. Look at some of the Vendor100s who've already signed
And the Vendor100 exhibits are right in the middle of our exhibition hall. You'll
be sharing the aisles with other OS/2 vendors and the other Vendor100 exhibitors
-- the most perfect spot in the world to let hundreds of OS/2 users see your products,
buy your products, and take your information home where they can share it with friends,
business partners, user groups, newsgroups and mail lists. Sign up for Vendor100
and you'll be in the middle of one of the hottest OS/2 product exhibition halls
ever seen!
Here's how it works: First, fill out the free Vendor100 registration form at
That makes you a Vendor100, and we'll put you on one of our Vendor100 tables
where our own staff will show every attendee your products. If you have a web site,
we'll get the visitors to click to your site. If you have literature, we'll hand
it out. If you have demos, we'll distribute them too. If you take online orders,
we'll have computers ready for instant ordering. Plus, we'll even link to your site
from our own Vendor100 page.
Every single attendee will benefit from Vendor100. And every single OS/2 product
belongs on Vendor100.
Remember - It's Free!
For a quick, fast Vendor100 registration go to
and for more information go to
You belong with us - at Warp Expo West - as a Vendor100. Here are some of the
great OS/2 items that belong on Vendor100:
We want your products at Warp Expo West. OS/2 thrives on products that many people
don't know about yet. We want you to register for Vendor100.
- - -
Warp Expo West will be held on September 18 near Disneyland in sunny Southern
California. All the info is at
Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group.
For those OS/2 users who are also running Linux, you can find the drivers to
support read & write on hpfs partitions for linux at:
The IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) has just published
the redbook many of you have been anxious to get: "OS/2 Warp Server for e-business"
More information on this comprehensive technical manual can be found on the Internet
at http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg245393.html.
(You can even view the entire book online!)
OS/2 Warp Server for e-business, SG24-5393-00
This redbook describes some of the core functions of the IBM OS/2 Warp Server
for e-business product based on the experience of IT Specialists who participated
in the ITSO, Austin Center project.
The purpose of this redbook is to provide information and guidance on new features
that have been introduced into OS/2 Warp Server for e-business.
The book is organized as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction and overview
Chapter 2. Base operating system enhancements
Chapter 3. adapters and protocol services
Chapter 4. Journaled file system and logical volume manager
Chapter 5. File and print services
Chapter 6. Integrating Windows NT Servers
Chapter 7. TCP/IP Version 4.21 new functions
Chapter 8. Lotus Domino Go Web Server and WebSphere
Chapter 9. IBM remote access services
Note that the redbook does not describe the systems management, backup and restore,
software distribution and advanced print services components that are part of IBM
OS/2 Warp Server for e-business. A second redbook is planned to cover those components.
Also note that this redbook is not intended to provide basic information, but
instead, it builds on knowledge of IBM OS/2 LAN Server or OS/2 Warp Server, and
an understanding of TCP/IP is assumed.
New beta version 1.3.7i of my translator is now available.
You can downlod from http://home.t-online.de/home/C.Arnold/translator
[WarpCast Moderator's Note: Translator translates German words into English words.
The web page is in German.
This is to announce that MIDI Station Sequencer Beta 5 is now available for downloading.
This version fixes the problems some of you were having with recording. It also
includes a new preliminary Piano Roll module. You'll also notice a brand new mixer
layout - I hope you like it better than what was there before - many people complained
about the old one.
I really look forward to your feedback. Please let me know how this version works
for you.
The new beta is available only on the Hobbes site right now. I will be uploading
it to my website shortly. The URL to the beta is:
Christopher Hodges
Author of MIDI Station Sequencer
I've uploaded ADRp version 1.65 to ftp.btmmicro.com/bmtmicro
Weltschnellste Warp 32bit multithreaded Adressverwaltung. Schnellsuche, Waehlen
(Modem/ISDN-Phone), Kalender mit Feiertagen, Geburtstags Erinnerer, dBase, ASCII,
LaTeX, mySQL, StartOffice, CallerID u.v.m. Export, Briefumschlaege, Gruppenbildung
u.v.m. Deutsch + english
World fastest Warp address manager. VIO appl. Includes: dialing (modem/isdn phone),
calendar, birthday reminder, dBase, ASCII, LaTeX, mySQL, StartOffice, CallerID u.v.m.
Export and many more. German and english.
OS/2 Warp4, Ducati 750SS '92
Titanic'12 - NYSE'29 - Hiroshima'45 - Tshernobyl'86 - Windows'98
Acecad, Inc. out of Monterey, Ca. offers three different graphics tablets for
OS/2 users. Bought the A-1212 tablet and was a snap to install. There online webstore
is at:
Thanks Acecad!
i had a lot of troubles using the Matrox G400 Max (32MB) with OS/2. PMMail crashed
often with a sys147 (no ressources), sometimes i could not open command shells (OS/2
and Dos). The G400 i purchased had the bios 1.3 and drivers 2.30.089. After flashing
the bios to 1.5 and the installation of the drivers 2.31.095 Beta it worked, no
more crashes in PMMail.
Contact Matrox support for the new drivers.