![]() VOICE Home Page: http://www.os2voice.org |
October 2001 |
There are Six Officers presiding over VOICE affairs. They are common OS/2 users, voted into office by the membership of VOICE, and act solely to carry the VOICE of our members to the rest of the world. They are:
Position | Name | Homepage | |
VOICE Board of Directors | |||
President | Walter Metcalf | president@os2voice.org walter.os2@home.com |
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Vice-president | Wayne Swanson | swanee@pillarsoft.net | http://www.pillarsoft.net |
Treasurer | Peter Lazenby | plazenby@yellowhead16.net | http://www2.yellowhead16.net/~plazenby |
Secretary | Andrew Welty | secretary@os2voice.org andreww@aaip.net |
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Marketing | Phil Butler | Phil@qpdbcom.force9.co.uk | http://www.webwizards.co.uk/qpdb/ |
Liason Officer | Judy McDermott | liaison@os2voice.org judy@moon-scape.com |
http://www.moon-scape.com/warp/ |
Assisting the VOICE Board | |||
System Administrator | Abel McClendon | sysadmin@os2voice.org | http://abelmcc5.rbdc.com/ |
Web Master | Seth McFarland | ptackbar@jamawkinaw.com | http://www.rps.net/ptackbar |
Editor | Mark Dodel | editor@os2voice.org | http://home.ptd.net/~madodel/ |
Associate Editor | Robert Shallenberg | bobshall@sd.znet.com | - |
Associate Editor | Julian Dominic | jdb@juliand.com | http://www.juliand.com |
Associate Editor | Jim Gorman | jcgorma@attglobal.net | - |
News Editor | Andrew Welty | vnews@os2voice.org | - |
German issue of the VOICE Newsletter | |||
Editor | Christian Hennecke | christian.hennecke@os2voice.org | http://www.os2world.com/os2files/ |
Associate Editor | Frank Berke | frank.berke@kdt.de | http://www.os2world.com/linkland/ |
Translator/Editor | Philhard Ackermann | os2fan@gmx.net | - |
Translator/Editor | Manfred Agne | manfred.agne@munich.netsurf.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Markus Backwinkel | markus.backwinkel@ruhr-uni-bochum.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Dirk Baumanns | dbaumanns@os2world.com | - |
Translator/Editor | Peter H. Beier | peter.beier@t-online.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Heribert Bieler | h.bieler@arcormail.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Cornelis Bockemühl | cbockem@datacomm.ch | http://home.datacomm.ch/~cbockem |
Translator/Editor | Andreas Boesche | andreas.boesche@t-online.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Thomas Galley | thomas.galley@gmx.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Robert Henschel | os2info@gmx.net | - |
Translator/Editor | Thomas Kellerer | thomas.kellerer@web.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Carsten Kettner | carsten.kettner@web.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Andreas Kieser | andreas.kieser@epost.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Thomas Klein | thklein@netcologne.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Marckus Kraft | Marckus@web.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Thomas Müller | th.mueller@nwn.de | - |
Translator/Editor | Peter Weilbacher | pweilba@gwdg.de | - |
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VOICE Home Page: http://www.os2voice.org