![]() VOICE Home Page: http://www.os2voice.org |
October 2003 |
WarpDoctor Mtg
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 21 Sept at 3:00 EDT
(19:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for
timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info
The #warpdoctor chat room can be found on any of these servers.
You can use any of those server addresses to initialize your IRC client,
or alternatively, click on the link at the bottom of the page, and load a
Java IRC applet to immediately start your chat session. I have tried this
applet, and it is remarkably quick, and simple to use.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/agendas/warpdoc_2003-09-21.html.
Please read review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
BayWarp meeting Sept 23
BayWarp (OS/2 Bay Area User Group) Meeting Announcement
Date: Tuesday Sept. 23, 2003
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Place: Help Desk Computers (WTW Group), 1456 Pollard Road, Los Gatos, CA
Come join us in our monthly meeting. We are OS/2 and eComStation users,
and we meet every month to show off our latest software and hardware. We
bring laptops, network cables and power, and we often do live
troubleshooting of systems during our meetings.
Hint: It's between the Mexican Restaurant and the Chinese Restaurant in
the corner (Safeway is on the far right). $5.00 per person to be collected
for help with the munchies.
Note: this wil be the last BayWarp meeting before Warpstock. The October
meeting will be held at Warpstock. Warpstock will be the weekend of Oct
* Demonstration: Connectix Virtual PC 5.1
* OS/2 question and answer
* Warpstock planning session
* connecting and sharing between Windows and eCS or OS/2
Web Page http://www.baywarp.org/
Contact Info
Paul Lazaga paul@wtwgroup.com
Neil Waldhauer neil@blondeguy.com
VOICE Meeting
There will be a VOICE business meeting this Saturday, 20 Sept at 3:00 EDT
(19:00 GMT) in the #voice chatroom. Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info
#voice can be found on any of these servers.
You can use any of those server addresses to initialize your IRC client,
or alternatively, click on the link at the bottom of the page, and load a
Java IRC applet to immediately start your chat session. I have tried this
applet, and it is remarkably quick, and simple to use.
Please read the agenda at http://www.os2voice.org/Agendas/voice_2003-09-20.html so you will be ready
for the meeting.
SCOUG meeting Sept. 20: SCOUG 10-year anniversary
The next meeting of the Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG) will
be this Saturday, September 20, 2003 from 10 AM - 2 PM PDT, at the
Fullerton Public Library, 353 W. Commonwealth Ave., in meeting room B.
SCOUG is 10 years old: it's definitely Party Time!
Ten years is an event definitely worth celebrating. Come join our pizza
But before the food, our presentation will give us an in-depth look at the
new Mozilla tools available for OS/2:
- Firebird 0.61 Browser
- Thunderbird 0.2 Mail/News Program
- The latest Mozilla builds (1.4 & 1.5 beta)
We'll also see how plug-ins are installed under OS/2, where the bookmarks
live, and other goodies like running multiple versions simultaneously.
Besides this being our 10th anniversary, we have something else to
celebrate; our President, Tony Butka, got married last month.
Congratulations, Tony!
Lest we forget our every month routine, there's always:
- Free coffee
- Free donuts
- Free advice.
NOTE: The meeting starts at 10 AM, not 9 or 9:15 as we're used to.
Help Desk chats are on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM PDT. If you've got a
problem with hardware or software, join the chat and ask for help. Info is
at http://www.scoug.com/chat/index.html.
OS/2 Help Desk and Networking SIG, October 5th, 2003, 2 PM PDT, Chapman
University in Orange:
At the live OS/2 Help Desk, volunteers will give you hands-on assistance
solving your hardware and software problems. It is generally held the
first Sunday of the month at Chapman University in the city of Orange
(east of I-5 and north of the 22 freeway) in cooperation with the OS/2 SIG
of the North Orange County Computer Club.
Come to Hashinger Hall Science Building, room 203. There is an elevator
to bring up your equipment. Bring your system and all related hardware
and software, along with a detailed explanation of your problem.
How to get to the Fullerton Public Library:
From the 91 freeway, exit Harbor Blvd. heading north. Turn left at
Amerige Ave. The library is 2 1/2 blocks down on your left-hand side; the
main entrance is actually on Amerige 1/2 block west of Highland Ave.
From the 57 freeway, exit Chapman Ave (near Cal State Fullerton) heading
west. After you pass Harbor Blvd., go 2 more blocks and turn left on
Highland Ave. Go 3 short blocks south on Highland Ave. and turn right on
Amerige Ave.; the library is 1/2 block down on your left.
Visit us at http://www.scoug.com/meetings.html; there is a link to Yahoo!
Maps with a map to the Fullerton Public Library.
How to get to Chapman University:
There are two ways to get directions:
1) Go to http://www.scoug.com/warpexpowest/sitemap.html
2) Go to http://www.mapquest.com/ and enter the address 400 N. Center
Street, Orange, CA.
You can park in any of the University lots for free on Sundays, but if you
part on the street, watch the signs carefully or else risk getting a
parking ticket.
WarpDoctor Mtg
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 14 Sept at 3:00 EDT
(19:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for
timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
You can use any of those server addresses to initialize your IRC client,
or alternatively, click on the link at the bottom of the page, and load a
Java IRC applet to immediately start your chat session. I have tried this
applet, and it is remarkably quick, and simple to use.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/agendas/warpdoc_2003-09-14.html.
VOICE Meeting Saturday, 6 Sept at 3:00 EDT (19:00 GMT)
There will be a VOICE business meeting this Saturday, 6 Sept at 3:00 EDT
(19:00 GMT) in the #voice chatroom. Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info
#voice can be found on any of these servers.
You can use any of those server addresses to initialize your IRC client,
or alternatively, click on the link at the bottom of the page, and load a
Java IRC applet to immediately start your chat session. I have tried this
applet, and it is remarkably quick, and simple to use.
Please read the agenda at http://www.os2voice.org/Agendas/voice_2003-09-06.html o you will be ready
for the meeting.
WarpDoctor Mtg Sunday, 7 Sept at 3:00 EDT (19:00 GMT)
There will be a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 7 Sept at 3:00 EDT
(19:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconv
erter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for
timezone help.
To find the server closest to you, go to http://www.webbnet.info
The #warpdoctor channel can be found on any of these servers.
You can use any of those server addresses to initialize your IRC client,
or alternatively, click on the link at the bottom of the page, and load a
Java IRC applet to immediately start your chat session. I have tried this
applet, and it is remarkably quick, and simple to use.
The agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.warpdoctor.org/Agendas/warpdoc_2003-09-07.html.
Please read review this agenda so you will be ready for the meeting.
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VOICE Home Page: http://www.os2voice.org