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If you have OS/2 user group news to announce, please send a message to freiheit@tstonramp.com
to get them into the next issue of the VOICE Newsletter.
The OS/2 SIG of the Philadelphia Area Computer Society invites
all interested computer users to attend the November meeting:
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 1999 7:00 - 10:00 PM
The Episcopal Academy, 376 N. Latches Lane, Merion, PA
-- ProNews/2 News Reader --
The main feature planned for the November meeting will be a presentation &
demonstration of the full-featured ProNews/2 OS/2 news reader program by SIG member
Jim Nuytens.
Pronews/2 is a top rated OS/2 News client with many features that are lacking
in other OS/2 news readers. Many users regard this unique newsreader as the best
available, bar none. Key features include a process manager that gives the user
complete control over queued tasks (such as downloading articles), true message
threading and fully customizable toolbars. It also includes an advanced filtering
and thread-watching mechanism that can work on a group-by-group or global basis.
The user interface is based on the familiar and intuitive notebook format, with
tabs for quickly accessing subscribed groups, new groups, all groups, queued processes
and connections.
The most recent version, PN2_15B1.ZIP, can be downloaded from hobbes, OS/2 Supersite,
BMT Micro and other OS/2 websites. OS/2 e-Zine! published a very favorable review
of ProNews/
last year. Read it at http://www.os2ezine.com/v3n01/pn2.htm
Other agenda items include SIG business matters, OS/2 news, new software releases,
Q&A session, software raffle, etc. An OS/2 system will be on hand for demos
of OS/2, Java, Internet, etc., as time permits. Free light refreshments will also
be available.
Mark the date and time: Wednesday, November 17th, at 7:00pm, to hear about all
the new and exciting developments, or if you have questions about OS/2 Warp and
Java. OS/2 SIG meetings are open and free for OS/2 users, their guests and all others
interested in learning about OS/2 and associated Java technology.
WE SUPPORT THE JAVA LOBBY: http://www.javalobby.org
Further information, directions to Episcopal Academy, and other
useful information about the OS/2 SIG activities may be found on
our web site at http://www.phillyos2.org,
or contact SIG Leader
Larry Lavins: llavins@worldnet.att.net, or phone (215) 878-9609.
At 26 November 1999:
99-Years-meating, open only for members see http://www.os2ug.se
for place and time.
At the same day and place we will also show a "Warp 4.5 Client" on
a 2-processors SMP machine running DB2 6.1. This is open for everyone. This system
is a mix between WSfEB and Warp 4.0 client. For companys it seems to be possible
to order such systems as a service. http://www.os2ug.se
is in Swedish.
WS4eB Demo by the Sydney OS/2 SIG
Demonstrated by Daryl Pilkington, IBM Certified system Expert:- OS/2 Warp Server
Come find out about JFS, Journalling File System, LVM, Logical Volume Manager
& managing NT Domains using WS4eB!
18:00-20:00 Monday 15th November
10th floor, IBM building, Darling Park NOT the 9th floor, as previously posted!
Sussex St, Sydney,
UBD page number 236 grid reference B11
Contact Daryl Pilkington for further information:
email: darylp@senet.com.au
Tel: +61-414-327-957
This is a follow-up message to:
I will mainly concentrate on Lotus Word Pro and Lotus Organizer as they are the
two most requested applications for demonstration. If time permits, we'll touch
a bit on Freelance.
My normal routine for demonstrating Word Pro is do a résumé.
I can demonstrate close to 90% of features with this process. Some people may
ask how can you put frames and collumns in a résumé? Well, come and
find out! This will be a résumé lesson as much as a Word Pro overview.
So if your résumé needs work, bring it in it's native format, as well
as in ASCII format, and well use it as an example.
With regards to Lotus Organizer:
My hopes are to:
See you there!
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 1999
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: The Long Island Trading Center, 2 Jericho Plaza in Jericho, NY. Take the
Long Island Expressway (LIE, I-495) to exit 40.
From the westbound LIE get off at exit 40 East. At the next traffic light bear
right onto Jericho Turnpike heading east and turn right into the first driveway.
From the eastbound LIE get off at exit 40 West, it's easier than exit 40 East.
Follow the signs to get onto Jericho Turnpike heading east, you'll end up going
underneath the LIE. After going underneath the LIE, turn right into the first driveway.
The meeting room is on the second floor in the IBM wing.
Speaker: Henry Ferlauto, President of the New York OS/2 Users Group. Henry will
give a demonstration of Lotus Smartsuite for OS/2 Warp 4.
As usual, our meetings start with news and views on the latest of OS/2. If you
have any OS/2 news bring it with you to the meeting. All are welcome!
e-mail: jsvitak@banet.net
Web Pages: http://www.qc.edu/~cq1qc/lios2.html
Joe Svitak, Jr.
Long Island OS/2 Users Group
The OS/2 SIG of the Philadelphia Area Computer Society invites all interested
computer users to attend the October meeting:
The main feature planned for the October meeting will be a presentation/demo
of Remote Boot of OS/2 Warp 4 by SIG member Vadim Kavalerov, making use of IBM's
RIPL for this purpose. Comparisons of RIPL (Remote Initial Program Load) with WSOD
(Workspace on Demand) will also be discussed.
Dozens of RIPL requesters can share a single hard drive installed on a server.
Switched fast ethernet networks are in general use which provide wide bandwidth
to make RIPL practical. But the main advantage is simplified system administration.
Applications, user data, or system software updates need be installed only once
to be instantly available to the whole workgroup, on every desktop. An additional
advantage of RIPL systems is high reliability.
We'll be showing how to configure a basic Warp 4 RIPL requester with Warp Server
for e-business. A few other ways to manage RIPL clients with IBM and ISV products
will also be discussed. All it takes to boot Warp 4 is to install a supported network
SIG member Vadim Kavalerov is an investment analyst working for a major brokerage
firm in the Philadelphia area. He holds a PhD in physics and has been working in
research labs, and has taught university students since 1984.
Other agenda items include SIG business matters, OS/2 news, new software releases,
Q&A session, software raffle, etc. An OS/2 system will be on hand for demos
of OS/2, Java, Internet, etc., as time permits. Free light refreshments will also
be available.
Mark the date and time: Wednesday, October 27th, at 7:00pm, to hear about all
the new and exciting developments, or if you have questions about OS/2 Warp and
Java. OS/2 SIG meetings are open and free for OS/2 users, their guests and all others
interested in learning about OS/2 and associated Java technology.
WE SUPPORT THE JAVA LOBBY: http://www.javalobby.org
Further information, directions to Episcopal Academy, and other useful information
about the OS/2 SIG activities may be found on our web site at http://www.phillyos2.org,
or contact SIG Leader Larry Lavins: llavins@worldnet.att.net, or phone (215) 878-9609.
Larry Lavins llavins@worldnet.att.net
OS/2 SIG Leader, Philadelphia Area Computer Society
The Philadelphia OS/2 SIG web site at http://www.phillyos2.org
has just been updated. Stop in for these new features:
Updated listings of upcoming computer shows in the Philadelphia area during November
and December.
Topic: Using OS/2 as a tool for long term investing.
Our special quest will be Phyllis Pawlovsky, President of the New York Chapter
of NAIC (National Association of Investors Corporation), and the Chairperson of
the NYPC Investment SIG. She will give an overview of what NAIC does and how they
can help you achieve your financial goals. We will also show some tools to help
track market and other financial information under OS/2 and Java.
R.S.V.P. Henry Ferlauto (ferlauto@mindspring.com)
Date: November 10, 1999
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: IBM Building
590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
S.W. corner of 57th Street & Madison Avenue.
Directions: Subway - 4,5,6 to 59th Street station, walk two blocks south and
two blocks west.
On 28th October, our meeting will be a presentation of WiseManager.
Orion Solutions, the Australian distributor of Serenity Systems will present
Wise Manager, an OS/2 based managed client system as seen at Warp Expo West and
WarpStock Atlanta.This is probably the first time this version has been presented
in Australia.
The presentation starts at 8 pm, following club business.
The Agenda for the presentation is:
1) Fat clients & TCO Overview
2) How to help clients save money and consultants make money
3) Demo of firing up a Wise Client - then destroying & rebuilding the whole
client and applications on it within 3 minutes
Check out our web page at http://www.os2.org.au for details.
The regular meeting of the Triangle OS/2 Users Group will take place on Tuesday
Oct. 26th at 7:30 PM at the IBM Sales Office, 4800 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Raleigh.
I've asked Roger Root to share with us his impressions of his recent trip to
Atlanta for "Warpstock '99".
I'm about to leave for Florida for about a week and I haven't heard back from
Roger, but he's pretty conscientious about attending the meetings. I'm driving back
on the 26th, so if I'm not there to start the meeting... you know what to do.
The Mid-Atlantic OS/2 and Java User Group is back after a summer hiatus. Randall
Sandoval will be presenting XFree86/2, SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) and his video
camera using all native OS/2 applications.
Come on out and meet the crowd. Also, we unearthed a few OS/2 demo. diskettes
and we'll be handing them out.
The meeting as always is in the Auditorium at the Virginia Beach Main Public
Library, across from Loehmann's Plaza. Saturday's meeting starts at 10:00 A.M.,
but set up time is 9:30. You can enter at the rear entrance until 10:00 A.M. when
the main entrance also opens.
Richard Jacox
President MAOS2JUG
Les Utilisateurs d'OS/2 de Montreal
The Montreal OS/2 Users Group
Ordre du jour de la reunion du 20 octobre 1999
Agenda of meeting of October 20th, 1999
19:00 Ouverture de l'assemblee / Meeting opening
avec / with Gilbert Lefebvre
19:15 Presentation de ICQ beta 2 / ICQ beta 2 presentation
avec / with Raymond Dagenais
19:30 Nouvelles d'OS/2 et son futur / OS/2 news and its future
avec / with Gilbert Lefebvre
20:00 Pause-sante / Coffee break
20:30 Programmation sous OS/2 / Programming under OS/2
avec / with Georges Berutti
21:15 Partagiciels OS/2: Ptime et surprise / OS/2 shareware: Ptime and surprise
avec / with Raymond Dagenais
21:40 Levee de l'assemblee et tirages / End of meeting and drawings
P.S. La contribution d'entree est de 5.00$ par personne / Entrance contribution
is $5.00 per person
La reunion aura lieu a la / meeting's address
1250 Rene Levesque Ouest
7ieme etage / 7th floor
N.B. N'oubliez pas de rapporter votre disquette d'enregistrement / Don't forget
to bring back your registration diskette.
Disquette d'enregistrement remise aux nouveaux membres / New comers receive a
registration diskette.
Notre site sur Internet / Our Web site on Internet
Courriel / Internet E-Mail