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December 2003 |
DECalc 3.4 released
After more than 2 years, I have released an update to DECalc. Version 3.4
is now available for download.
DECalc is an eComStation and OS/2 PM-based calculator with many advanced
features (bin/hex/oct conversion; sine, cosine and tangent functions, dual
memory storage, etc). New in version 3.4:
* DECalc now remembers the numeric base (BIN/DEC/HEX/OCT) between
* Fixed problem where period key did not create a decimal point.
* Added menu items on main dialog for Copy and Paste.
* Added Ctrl-C keyboard shortcut for Copy and Ctrl-V keyboard shortcut
for Paste.
DECalc is donation-ware. It is free for use but you are encouraged to
donate toward future development. Visit http://freiheit.syntheticdimension.net/ecomstation-apps.php for download
and donation information.
New/Old Crossword Puzzle software ...
While reading a reply from someone on one of the many mailing lists I
subscribe to I came upon a URL to a OS/2 version of a crossword puzzle
program called AcrossLite
I thought I was aware of every software program out there for OS/2 and was
pleasantly surprised to find this little gem. AcrossLite supports PUZ
puzzle files, of which there seems to be many freely available for
download. Hit google.com for various sites.
As an aside, AcrossLite appears to have been written specifically for The
New York Times. Also, there's a win32 version which installed and ran
perfectly under Odin.
Direct Download:
PS: Here's a silly little hack to change the main fonts of the program's
clues listings and other headings. Open ACROSSL.EXE with a HEX editor and
search for Helvetica and/or Helvetica Bold and change it to whatever you
want, remembering you can't exceed the number of characters used for the
original font name. Very important: Pad the string with double-zeros and
NOT spaces. If anyone has any questions on how-to change the fonts feel
free to write to me directly.
RexxMail build 20031128.103220 released.
A new build of RexxMail is available from my web site:
The distribution ZIP file is also available from the Hobbes repository:
Sorry, but one of you came up with a request for a feature that was so
easy to add that it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity of sending out
yet another release announcement. So here it is. Anyway, the only
significant difference between this release and the previous one is:
- Added *RUN* action to message redirection files to run external
triggered by message (From:/To:/Subject:/spam/virus) properties. The
*RUN* command accepts a %N message filename placeholder.
But wait, there's more! I have actually included a bugfix in this release:
- Bugfix: Previous build accidentally introduced keyword case-sensitivity
to message redirection routine.
I know, it's not much as bugs go, but at least it will give some of you a
reason to download the new release.
RexxMail is an object-oriented WPS e-mail client, written in REXX, which
uses the standard WPS user interface. It features an extensive range of
functions and options with full command-line access.
RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
RexxMail features include:
Standard WPS interface.
Full command-line access to all functions.
Send mail from any folder on your desktop.
Edit/view messages using your favourite editor/viewer.
Add addresses to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Add attachments to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Compatible with external junk mail filter software.
Message transmission status indicator/byte counter/progress bar.
Display message dates in RFC or ISO-sorted form.
Display message times as original, local system, or UTC times.
Calculates time zone offset using any RFC 868 time server.
User exits to run external programs before/after:
opening user folders;
collecting mail;
sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for collecting/sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for processing attachments.
Process/create/edit messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Add attachments to messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Automagically collect/delete/skip mail on a POP3 mail server, based
on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move incoming mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move outgoing mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject.
Collect mail from a POP3 server through an interactive interface to:
Collect a message and delete it from the server;
Collect a message and leave it on the server;
Delete a message from the server without collecting it;
Skip a message on the server for later processing.
User-customizable signals for:
Incoming messages;
Outgoing messages;
Incoming junk mail;
Incoming virus mail.
And more.
New articles at Q-Systems website
Two new articles discussing basic concepts of assembly language
programming for OS/2 Presentation Manager and WorkPlace Shell are
available online at Q-Systems website. Code sources and PDF versions are
available at Micho's website.
Url: http://www.q-systemsonline.com/papers.html
WarpNote 1.93 available for free
The author of WarpNote, Uwe Schlenther, appears to have released WarpNote
1.93 for free now. (The last version on hobbes was 1.92).
This is a very handy electronic Post-it Note type program. It is very easy
to use.
If you download it, please be sure to send a note of thanks to the author!
Url: http://www.schlenther.de/software/index_e.html
Microsoft threatening Mensys over selling of Lindows.
There'a an article on The Register about Microsoft http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/51/34233.html It also mentions Mensys as an alternate Op Systems vendor selling OS/2,
eComStation, Linux and Zeta. Open Watcom C/C++/FORTRAN 1.2 BETA From: http://www.os2world.com Open Watcom C/C++/FORTRAN 1.2 Beta is available for download: ftp://ftp.scitechsoft.com/watcom/devel/1.2_beta/ "Open Watcom is a joint effort between SciTech Software Inc, Sybase , and
the Open Source development community to maintain and enhance the Sybase
Watcom C/C++ and Fortran compiler products. Plans for Open Watcom include
porting the compiler to the Linux and FreeBSD platforms, as well as
updating the compilers to support the latest C and C++ ANSI standards." web Site: http://www.openwatcom.org/ Win32Prn updated to 0.9.4a Hello. Here is the history: Note: Win32Prn is the project to run MS Windows 2000 printer drivers under
OS/2. It can run virtually any printer driver but currently has only few
models tested. Please try it and contact me no matter if you have
succeded or failed. RexxMail build 20031125.161405 released. A new build of RexxMail is available from my web site: The distribution ZIP file is also available from the Hobbes repository: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=rexxmail I know, this is getting ridiculous, but before you burst some vital organ
laughing, you should be aware that the only significant differences
(ignoring a few corrected typos in the RexxMail Reference Guide) between
this release and yesterday's one (build 20031124.122856) are: Again, this new build is being released in response to a user request for
the above features. If you installed the previous build, there is no need
to download this one unless you need the extra functionality. RexxMail features include: Nachi worm infected Diebold ATMs The Nachi worm compromised Windows-based automated teller machines at two
financial institutions last August, according to ATM-maker Diebold, in the
first confirmed case of malicious code penetrating cash machines. ...
The incident highlights new dangers for financial institutions, as legacy
ATMs running OS/2 and propriety communications protocols give way to more
versatile and cost effective terminals built on Microsoft Windows and
TCP/IP -- with all the attendant security problems. Url: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/34175.html FotoGet/2 Version 0.9.11 FotoGet/2 is intended to be a freeware utility to ease the transfer of
pictures between a digital camera and your OS/2 (eCS) PC. The camera must be accessible from OS/2 by a driveletter.
Note: This is not a device driver. Usage is (and should be) obvious and easy. There are no switches (yet), no
options or whatever, that are not visible on the main window. FotoGet/2 makes use of the WPS. It optionally creates light tables instead
of folders and optionally creates shadows of subfolders on the desktop. This is the second public release and should be considered a public beta.
It fixes a nasty bug that prevented its predecessor to be run successfully
in most cases. Thanks for everybody, who reported this and sorry for the
inconveniance. amouse 2.5 final AMouse 2.5 final has been released at http://www.nbsoftware.de [Moderator note: Amouse is a replacement Mouse driver] RexxMail build 20031124.122856 released. A new build of RexxMail is available from my web site: The distribution ZIP file is also available from the Hobbes repository: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=rexxmail This new build is being released in response to a user request for the
above features. If you installed the previous build, there is no need to
download this one unless you need the extra functionality. RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html RexxMail features include: Warpstock 2003 Czech Republic Photos You can view some photos from "local Warpstock 2003 Czech republic" here: Url: http://www.os2.cz/warpstock eCS mentioned on OSNews OS/2 e-zine eCS reviews are mentioned on OSNews: It's nice to see a mention of eCS-OS/2 out there. It's good for people to
realize that OS/2-based op sys development is not dead. I hope this helps
get a few people interested in investigating eCS-OS/2.
[News Index]
November 26
November 26
Win32Prn project is updated to version 0.9.4a.
Project URL is http://www.gtech-ua.com/vit/en/win32prn.jsp
0.9.4a Wed 26/11/2003
+ Added print event signalling
* Fixed wprn32e utility (you need to reexport and reimport all files
created with previous one if you have problems)
November 25
- Message redirection routine can now create new directories more than
level deep.
- Added AND (&) function to message redirection files.
RexxMail is an object-oriented WPS e-mail client, written in REXX, which
uses the standard WPS user interface. It features an extensive range of
functions and options with full command-line access.
RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
Standard WPS interface.
Full command-line access to all functions.
Send mail from any folder on your desktop.
Edit/view messages using your favourite editor/viewer.
Add addresses to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Add attachments to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Compatible with external junk mail filter software.
Message transmission status indicator/byte counter/progress bar.
Display message dates in RFC or ISO-sorted form.
Display message times as original, local system, or UTC times.
Calculates time zone offset using any RFC 868 time server.
User exits to run external programs before/after:
opening user folders;
collecting mail;
sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for collecting/sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for processing attachments.
Process/create/edit messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Add attachments to messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Automagically collect/delete/skip mail on a POP3 mail server, based
on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move incoming mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move outgoing mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject.
Collect mail from a POP3 server through an interactive interface to:
Collect a message and delete it from the server;
Collect a message and leave it on the server;
Delete a message from the server without collecting it;
Skip a message on the server for later processing.
User-customizable signals for:
Incoming messages;
Outgoing messages;
Incoming junk mail;
Incoming virus mail.
And more.
November 24
November 24
Hobbes Incoming: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/fotoget0911.zip
Hobbes Search: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=fotoget
November 24
November 24
Note that the only differences between this release and the previous one
(build 20031119.164807) are:
- NTP, POP3, and SMTP server names may now be specified in mnemonic
(e.g. smtp.some.net) or dotted decimal (e.g. form
(previous builds accepted mnemonic names only);
- Non-standard port numbers for NTP, POP3, and SMTP servers may now be
specified by appending them to the server name or address, separated by
a colon (e.g. smtp.some.net:567 or
RexxMail is an object-oriented WPS e-mail client, written in REXX, which
uses the standard WPS user interface. It features an extensive range of
functions and options with full command-line access.
Standard WPS interface.
Full command-line access to all functions.
Send mail from any folder on your desktop.
Edit/view messages using your favourite editor/viewer.
Add addresses to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Add attachments to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Compatible with external junk mail filter software.
Message transmission status indicator/byte counter/progress bar.
Display message dates in RFC or ISO-sorted form.
Display message times as original, local system, or UTC times.
Calculates time zone offset using any RFC 868 time server.
User exits to run external programs before/after:
opening user folders;
collecting mail;
sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for collecting/sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for processing attachments.
Process/create/edit messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Add attachments to messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Automagically collect/delete/skip mail on a POP3 mail server, based
on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move incoming mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move outgoing mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject.
Collect mail from a POP3 server through an interactive interface to:
Collect a message and delete it from the server;
Collect a message and leave it on the server;
Delete a message from the server without collecting it;
Skip a message on the server for later processing.
User-customizable signals for:
Incoming messages;
Outgoing messages;
Incoming junk mail;
Incoming virus mail.
And more.
November 23
Presentations: http://www.os2.cz/warpstock2003/photos/prednasky
November 23
eComStation 1.1 from a user's view, Part 1 and 2
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