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Januar 2004
DECalc 3.42 released - adds multi-lingual support
December 12, 2003
Don Eitner has released DECalc 3.42, a moderately powerful eComStation and
OS/2 PM based calculator. This is a minor update which simply adds
multi-lingual support through plain text .LNG files. Included languages
are English (EN_US) and Spanish (ES_ES). You can download DECalc from:
If you are interested in translating DECalc, or any of my other programs,
to another language (French, German, Italian, etc, etc) please let me
OS/2 Redbooks
I was recently looking for some highly specialized networking information,
and eventually worked my way over to the Redbooks. These books are
published by research teams that work at IBM labs to document various IBM
I was amazed at the large number of books on OS/2 still available.
Although most of them are quite dated, the bulk of the information
contained in them has not changed that much from when they were written.
Many of these books are on networking. However, there are others on
Debugging and tracking a problem from core dumps. Others are devoted to
such topics as CID, Object Rexx, and the structure of device drivers.
I highly recommend you go to the complete list at http://www-306.ibm.com/software/os/warp/library/redindex.html. You may
find your mouth start to water as I did. :-)
DFSee 6.xx preview bootable CDROM available
Ever thought about using the DFSee disk-utility without having to install
it somewhere or boot to an operating-system on your hard-disk or diskette
Well, here is a unique opportunity to get just that!
The DFSee version 6.xx (3rd beta, dated 28-11-2003) is available as a
Bootable-CDROM now.
This is the full package with DOS, OS/2 and Windows version in a ZIP file,
but also a working DOS version usable directly from the booted CD. There
is also some HTML on the CD that explains the added
functionality since the last official version 5.55 and download links for
updated 6.xx betas still to come ...
The CD includes a 6.xx temporary key valid until the beginning of march,
but will remain fully functional after that.
(It just adds some reminders to register the official version)
The price is just 5 euro's plus shipping, this amounts to a total of
about 12 dollars at the moment, for worldwide shipping!
This is a limited offer, there are just 25 CDROM's left as of today ...
To get it, just visit the DFSee homepage and click on one of the CDROM
images displayed on the various pages, or use the more direct link:
Updated Mozilla for OS/2 1.6b
"December 10, 2003 The Mozilla 1.6b zip file that was posted yesterday did
not contain proper Java support. That has now been fixed, and a new zip
FotoGet/2 Version 0.9.15
FotoGet/2 is intended to be a freeware utility to ease the transfer of
pictures between a digital camera and your OS/2 (eCS) PC.
The camera must be accessible from OS/2 by a driveletter.
Note: This is not a device driver.
This release fixes some more bugs and odd behaviour, and has an improved
feature set, most of these changes are based upon user feedback and
Hobbes Incoming: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/fotoget0915.zip
Hobbes Search: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=fotoget0915.zip
SmartBackup 1.1 released
December 9, 2003
SmartBackup 1.1 has been released with the following improvements:
* supports multiple independent input directories (non-treed)
* fixes a problem with enabling empty directory support through the GUI
Download as either a Zip file or a self-installing WarpIn archive from:
SmartBackup takes the time and guess work out of backing up large drives
or directories to CD, DVD or other low-capacity media. It supports smart
disc spanning to backup all of your files while minimizing the number of
discs needed. It has been developed entirely in Rexx, is extensible
through post-processing scripts to support any backup method or media you
can imagine, and best of all it's free! However, if you like SmartBackup
you are asked to make a small donation to promote further development.
Thunderbird 0.4
"December 8, 2003 Thunderbird 0.4
Zipfile: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/0.4/contrib/thunderbird-0.4-os2.zip
have been released.
Requires libc04fix1 http://download.innotek.de/gccos2/runtime/libc04fix1.zip
"Mozilla Thunderbird is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component. Our goal
is to produce a cross platform stand alone mail application using the XUL
user interface language."
New CD - 2 400 perfect skins for PM123 !
Mike6SKN.INF version 1.45 is an English hypertext file in the native INF
format, offering a detailed overview of 400 perfect skins for PM123 ! In
practice, it is an accurate catalog of all skins with order numbers from 2
001 to 2 400.
Mike6SKN.INF is FREEWARE and is a part of the NEPTUNE project, which
contains -- 2 800 skins !
New features:
- Simple Calculator (Some useful tools)
- Neptune-CD Cover (StarOffice 5.1 - necd2400.sda)
Direct download link (5.96 MB) --
http://www.os2ecs.net/neptune/mike6skn.zip See --
Url: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=mike6skn&pushbutton=Search
Mozilla 1.6b Has Been Released
Mozilla 1.6b has been released. http://www.mozilla.org/ports/os2/
You can download it here:
NOTE: This release requires updated C runtime DLLs (libc04) from Innotek.
Available here:
Copy the two DLLs to the same directory as mozilla.exe, or put them
somewhere in your path.
Golden Code J2SE 1.4.1_06 update available
A maintenance release for the Golden Code J2SE 1.4.1 native port to OS/2
is now available. Registered users can use their existing account
information to download the software and existing license key to activate
it. New users are welcome to register at the Golden Code Development
Improvements include:
- fully functional and well-tested plugin for Mozilla 1.4 and equivalent
IBM Web Browser;
- enhanced high memory support
- Java heap now resides in high memory,
allowing for very large (>2GB) heap sizes;
- performance improvements;
- new configuration options based on user feedback;
- update of core code to 1.4.1_06 level;
- DBCS friendlier;
- font processing improvements;
- native interface more compatible with IBM JVM's;
- many defect fixes.
Url: http://www.goldencode.com/company/software/
Security/2 SSES-alpha-0.2.1
Download: ftp://ftp.os2.kiev.ua/sses/sses-alpha-0.2.1.zip
"Security/2 is a multi-user system for OS/2. It provides controlled access
to files, drives, drivers and other OS/2 stuff, based on access control
list for each user. Security/2 has modular structure and can be easily (i
hope ;)) extended and provides a API for developers to enable their
applications be multi-user."
Web site: http://os2.kiev.ua/en/sses.php
Support forum: http://os2.kiev.ua/en/forum.list.php?f=5
Smartsuite 1.7.2 for OS/2 is available on IBM Partnerworld/Passport Advantage.
Posted by Dag Kvello
IBM Lotus Smartsuite OS/2 Warp 4 V1.7.2 International English
Platform(s) OS/2
Language(s) English
File Name C53NRIE.EXE
File Size 18,784,965 bytes
This is available from Partnerworld/Passport at the moment.
PM123 Goes Opensource
Posted by Brian Smith
Samuel has once again worked hard and we have a new release available for
you: PM123 1.21. There's been a load of new stuff and fixes. And what's
more: the application is now free software under a BSD-like license.
-> URL: http://sektori.com/pm123/
eCo software products updated
eCo Software released updates for three of their popular applications:
JRescuer, PMDownloader, coolfm.
JRescuer v.1.9 - allows recoverery of damaged JFS volumes and can undelete
files on JFS.
PMDownloader v.0.8.8 - is an interactive multithreaded network retriever
supporting HTTP and FTP protocol for downloading of files. This version
contains a fix for a trap that was caused by forward to reference with
unsupported protocol, and corrected the drawing of icons for compatibility
with low-quality video drivers
coolfm v.2.11
Is a utility to control FM-tuners.
This version contains:
Updated USBRESMG.SYS driver for owners of USB-tuners
New bonus packs for USA users
Support of dutch language
Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4
Styler/2 (Smart Windows) V.1.7.4 is available for download at hobbes:
Hobbes Search: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=styler
Direct Download: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/util/wps/smw174.zip
Warp 3 version: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/util/wps/smw174w3.zip
"Styler/2 is an user interface enhancer for OS/2 Warp 3 and 4. Both the
aesthetics and the behavior of various OS/2 Presentation Manager windows
and controls can be easily modified to meet your needs.
You will be able to use bitmaps and shades as titlebar backgrounds, choose
any bitmap (of appropriate size) for the window buttons and enable all
dialog windows to use your favorite font."
web site: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/acantato/
WarpWeekend website
First of all I would like to thank all speakers and visitors making
WarpWeekend happen. Some time has passed since WarpWeekend but I have been
busy! OK, the following things are going to happen on the website.
1. People send in your pictures so I can expand the gallery!
(use email adres rwklein@cistron.nl)
2. Presentations will be placed on the website a soon as I have and
received them!
3. Maybe a short MPEG giving an impression of what WarpWeekend was
New WarpVision GUI build 20031207 with Mozilla Plugin
With this new WarpVisionbuild, they have made a streaming plugin to work
with Mozilla > v1.5. See what all is supposed to supported...
File name: npwv.dll
WarpVision streaming plugin, http://os2.kiev.ua/en/wv.php
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/mpeg Audio MPEG mp3 Yes
video/mpeg Mpeg1 mpg Yes
video/x-mpeg Mpeg2 mpg Yes
video/x-mpeg2 Mpeg mpeg Yes
video/x-msvideo avi avi Yes
video/quicktime Quick Time mov Yes
audio/x-ms-wax asf wax Yes
audio/x-ms-wma wma wma Yes
video/x-ms-asf wmv wmv Yes
video/x-ms-afs asf asf Yes
video/x-ms-wvx asf afs Yes
video/x-ms-wmv asf wmv Yes
video/x-ms-wma asf wma Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio rm rm Yes
application/x-ogg ogg/ogm og? Yes
application/octet-stream asf Yes
application/octet-stream avi Yes
application/octet-stream mp* Yes
application/octet-stream wm* Yes
text/plain asf Yes
Url: ftp://ftp.os2.kiev.ua/wvgui/wvgui20031207.zip
PLEASE! Remove VIDEO2.INI first!
Fixed Mozilla plugin. Check README.PLG for details about plugin
Reworked DVD audio selection. Now if language in DVD settings doesn't
exist on given DVD, WV setup first language from that DVD. If language is
set to None, there will be no audio
RexxMail build 20031207.161740 released.
A new build of RexxMail is available from my web site:
The distribution ZIP file is also available from the Hobbes repository:
Added : ReplyLineLength setting to specify maximum length of quoted (>
lines in reply messages.
RexxMail is an object-oriented WPS e-mail client, written in REXX, which
uses the standard WPS user interface. It features an extensive range of
functions and options with full command-line access.
RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
see: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
RexxMail features include:
Standard WPS interface.
Full command-line access to all functions.
Send mail from any folder on your desktop.
Edit/view messages using your favourite editor/viewer.
Add addresses to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Add attachments to messages using standard drag & drop methods.
Compatible with external junk mail filter software.
Message transmission status indicator/byte counter/progress bar.
Display message dates in RFC or ISO-sorted form.
Display message times as original, local system, or UTC times.
Calculates time zone offset using any RFC 868 time server.
User exits to run external programs before/after:
opening user folders;
collecting mail;
sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for collecting/sending mail.
User exits to run external programs for processing attachments.
Process/create/edit messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Add attachments to messages from the command line, a user script,
or any other program with user exits.
Automagically collect/delete/skip mail on a POP3 mail server, based
on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move incoming mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject or junk/virus mail flag.
Automagically move outgoing mail to specific folders (or delete it),
based on sender/recipients/subject.
Collect mail from a POP3 server through an interactive interface to:
Collect a message and delete it from the server;
Collect a message and leave it on the server;
Delete a message from the server without collecting it;
Skip a message on the server for later processing.
User-customizable signals for:
Incoming messages;
Outgoing messages;
Incoming junk mail;
Incoming virus mail.
And more.
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