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Martin Vieregg has released Hypermake 3.99
With Hypermake (earlier version "MakeIPF"), you can easily create HTML
files or IBM IPF files, Winhelp and Microsoft HTML-Help files. Instead of editing
the HTML, IPF or RTF files directly, you enter a more simple ASCII source text.
Links are created automatically; windows of different headings levels can be shown
simultaneusly (frames) with only one command; at the end of a chapter, links to
subchapters are created automatically and a lot of more.
Marty had updated his port of SNES9X for OS/2 to Release 6 with core version
1.34. Snes9x is an Super Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator.
EmuOS/2 also has a new site at netlabs. http://emuos2.netlabs.org/
This is the new official home of the MAME, Retrocade, and SNES9x for OS/2 projects.
Editor's note: From the Emu-OS/2 site - "SNES9x emulates Nintendo's 16 bit
game platform, the Super Nintendo. Its emulation core is written in x86 assembly
and gets very good performance. In addition, the emulation of the advanced features
of the Super Nintendo are extremely accurate."
Guiffy - source compare/merge tool updated
Guiffy 1.5 (Build 47) Update has been released.
Guiffy is a visual source compare/merge utility. Guiffy features 2-way interactive
and 3-way smart SureMerge interfaces. Guiffy is available, tested, and supported
on OS/2 - requires the Java 1.1.8 with Swing package runtime environment. It comes
complete with full-featured JavaHelp.
Release 1.5 features enhancements which enable integration with CM/SCM tools.
Homepage: http://www.guiffy.com
License: Fully functional 30-day evaluation. Single User registration is $49.
Thank you for your support,
eGroups.com becomes groups.yahoo.com
Because several OS/2 mailing lists are hosted on the free eGroups.com, I thought
it would be helpful to mention that as of today (Jan 26, 2001), the eGroups.com
domain is now groups.yahoo.com (aka Yahoo Groups). All email and web access will
be automatically forwarded, so you won't need to change your bookmarks or web pages
or address books, but you may want to anyway.
The only hiccup in the transition is that you may need to "convert"
your eGroups ID into a Yahoo ID. You'll definitely need to do this is you own or
moderate any groups. You can convert by going to http://groups.yahoo.com/convwiz.
The form will require you to give more personal information than I like, but you
can then edit your preferences later and delete that information.
Speaking of privacy, I recommend you check out http://sneakemail.com/. It's a
very cool free anti-spam and privacy service.
The good news is that there are a few more features, the interface has been cleaned
up a bit, and it's not any slower nor has anything been removed.
ID3 Tag Editor for MP3 Files
MyMP3FS finds mp3 files along a search path and sets them up for individual or
multiple editing. MyMP3ORx can edit v1.1 ~1.2 tags or will amend an ID3 Tag to the
end of the file if none was there originally (v 1.2 is used for writing). MyMp3x
will also , remove TAGS, delete or rename ~move files and make, rename or remove
Directories. It is file system aware for HPFS, FAT, JFS ~ FAT32 (VFAT untested).
Hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=MyMP3FS
Source code of the game "Hexen for OS/2" released
The code does not contain many comments, I plan to do this later. But since I
never got around to tidy up the code and the fact that people wanted to port other
games. I figure that by reading this code it might help them porting other games
to OS/2. Look at the given URL for more info.
Updated RPM and UNRPM
SAWATAISHI Jun has released an update to unrpm and to RPM (now Ver.3.06)
RPM stands for the Redhat Package Manager, a standard packing method for many
linux-versions (comparable to wpi for os/2)
Lotus has updated the OS/2 Domino Server to version 5.0.6a
Download it from:
select 5.0.6 to 5.0.6a and then OS/2.
From: Martin Iturbide martin@os2world.com
PM Download Center 0.5.9 released
Fudeba Software has released PM Download Center 0.5.9
This a full-featured Download Manager based on the powerful WGet tool. It just
take care of everything: hang-ups, download recover, number of downloads at the
same time, download order, and more! PM Download Center born as the sucessor of
AutoGet/2, giving you all the functionality of it and much more!
IBM announcent Printerpak 16
IBM has announced the Printerpak16 (laserjet, postscript, plotter, omni ) for
several languages.
The english/US version has already been released. Other languages are soon to
New MCP/ACP/W4 kernel for 01/24/2001
Bug fixes since the previously announced 23/1/2001 kernel are as follows:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bootup sys31xx problem specific to the 0123 kernel.
Paul Smedley - Development Engineer
Dayco Pacific Pty Ltd - South Australian PVC Factory
Lot 15 Hewittson Rd
Elizabeth West, South Australia, 5113
Ph: +61 8 8255 3144 Fax: +61 8 8287 0303
Mobile: 0402 402 277
Email: paul.smedley@dayco.com.au
New W4/MCP/ACP kernels and ses release out for test
I've put out (ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2)
the current state of the kernel and ses. EVERYBODY who is currently using the 0111
kernels MUST get this (or revert to something earlier than 0111) to fix a regression
in that kernel. I'll append the new readme below. Note to those of you using SES:
you MUST get ses0123.zip and apply the new sesdd32.sys (and, I suggest, the mouse.sys
that also comes in that zip file). Older SESDD32s will cause traps. This version
of SESDD32 should work fine with all 6 kernels I've put out.
w4*.zip - for MCP or FP15
uni*.zip - for ACP or FP2 (running UNI)
smp*.zip - for ACP or FP2 (running SMP)
This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you use
the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated 1/23/2001 or later to use
this kernel. Also, a new dump formatter (df_ret.exe) is required, if you want to
analyze a dump from this kernel.
New function:
1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled
ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class
machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs.
2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision
during boot.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel.
JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows
JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread after mscount
rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime
JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe, too)
JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines
JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives
JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive
JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app
PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels
PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps
PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys
parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces
the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers.
This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple
threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client)
Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the directory
from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these commands. Note that os2krnlr
should have come with this file.
1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl
2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr
3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav
4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav
5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever)
5. unzip -o xxx.zip
Trace files (*.tdf) have been included.
An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it somewhere (root
directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2 service requests a standalone
dump of your system in the future.
Lotus Smartsuite for OS/2 1.6 now announced by Lotus
...from Spiceware
Coming soon, an updated OS/2 port of Marat Fayzullin's Virtual GameBoy
The new port, version 1.7, will add support for Color Gameboy games, as well
as other enhancements.
From: Martin Iturbide martin@os2world.com
Fixpak M015 DE for German Warp 4 is now available for RSU or Diskette - http://ps.boulder.ibm.com/pbin-usa-ps/getobj.pl?/pdocs-usa/softupd.html#warp34
PM Download Center 0.5.8 is out!
The new version (0.5.8) of PMDC (PM Download Center) is out. It does not have
any great improvements over previous ones. Just a few bug fixes (some SYS3175 errors
corrected, corrected also the problem on selecting download/scan folders). Also,
this version has an automatic clipboard URL paste on "Add URL" dialog.
The WGet version was changed also. Now it displays percentage, time remaining and
so on, instead of the "old dots".
On the internal side, this version is already compiled with VAC++ 4.0. The file
seems to be at the same size, but it appears to be faster than previous one.
On the "aesthetical" side, I had added a image with Mr Nomono (for
anyone that doesn't know, Mr Nomono is that nice guy on the Fudeba Software logo)
for PMDC and Fudeba Software folders' background. I also tried to solve the initial
logo and about dialog cut problem. Now they should be shown in the correct size.
Daniel Caetano
From: Daniel Caetano djcaetano@yahoo.com.br
Analog 4.14 for OS/2
Analog 4.14 has been ported to OS/2. You can find more info at http://www.analog.cx/
and the executables at http://www.mentiattive.com/corrado/
Moderator's note: Analog is a web server log analyser.
Matrox drivers 2.54 released
Matrox has updated his Video driver to ver. 2.54.130. This is the latest OS2
driver for Millennium G450, Millennium G400, MGA-G200, MGA-G100, Millennium, Mystique.
Unlike an earlier available 2.5x version on hobbes this one seems to work with
all cards, not only the G450.
IBM has updated the printer drivers
IBM has updated all printer-drivers (laserjet, plotters, postscript omni) there
are also several new printers added
To see what printers are new or updated see:
SysInfo/2 ver. 0.7.10 is out!
I uploaded my new SysInfo/2 (build 0.7.10) to Hobbes and SysInfo/2 project homepage
Main changers are:
- On the first page OS/2 version detection algorithm and FixPack level and KERNEL
level detection algorithm were rewroted. Now SysInfo/2 will show OS/2 version and
FixPack level in accordance with SYSLEVEL.* files information;
- On "Memory" page processes, threads and modules enumerating algorithm
was rewroted. Now SysInfo/2 will show correct number of modules, threads and processes
running in system.
- Also there - memory distribution detection algorithm was rewroted too. For now
it will work faster and will show more accurate results.
- Also there - memory leaks corrected in memory distribution detection algorithm;
- On "Video" page - video detection algorithm is rewroted again. Now it
will show correct video memory ammount and Video adapter DAC description (for now
is only tested to work with SDD);
- "Help" button is temporary disable until author finished the development
of SysInfo/2 help system;
- On "Network" page - TCP/IP information gathering algorithm was modified,
so for now all information (IP address, address mask, subnet gateway) is recieving
through software calls.
Also, I hope that this version of SysInfo/2 will be published on eCS 3rd party
CD. This is very stable and I think as bugfree as possible version of my product.
But, offcause, I'll be very happy to recieve your bugreports and suggestions.
Regards, Alexey Smirnov.
Hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=sysinfo0710.zip
FTP-Search: http://ftpsearch.ntnu.no/cgi-bin/search?query=sysinfo0710.zip
Peter Nielsen released PMView 2.14 on New Year's Eve. So far, no issues with
this version. If you use PMView, (or are considering it), head over to http://www.pmview.com
and snap up the latest and greatest!
jSync Manager, Palm
<>OS/2 (Java)- Synchronisation
The jSyncManager is alot of things, It is both an easy to use program for end-users
(such as yourself) designed to provide PalmOS data synchronization on any Java-enabled
platform. It is also a powerful developers toolkit, allowing programmers to write
jConduits, or to employ data synchronization into their own projects.