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Februar 2003
WarpDoctor Mtg
There is a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 26 January 2003 at 3:00 ET
(20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for
timezone help.
Please connect to any of the following servers (California)
homeos2.homelinux.org: (Florida)
plazenby.homeip.net (British Columbia, Canada) (Manitoba, Canada)
all using Port 6667 to get the WD chatroom .
This a temporary condition, and you will be notified in this message of
further developments.
If you are unfamiliar with the procedure of visiting a chatroom, there is
a set of detailed instructions at http://www.warpdoctor.org/IRC_ChatProc.html.
Thank you.
Walter F. Metcalf
WarpDoctor Co-ordinator
Melbourne OS/2 SIG Meeting
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.
Melbourne OS/2 SIG Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 28th January 2003
Time: 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Place: Melbourne PC Group
Victoria, Australia.
The Monthly Meeting of Melbourne OS/2 SIG
Normally held the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Except December ! ie, this is the last meeting for
the year, so be there or be hexagonal.
PASUG Mtg: Thu, Jan 23rd
The Philadelphia Alternate Systems User Group (PASUG), formerly The
Philadelphia OS/2 User Group, invites all interested computer users to
attend the January monthly meeting:
. Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:00-10:00 PM
. Bryn Mawr Community Center, 9 S.Bryn Mawr Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA
As we enter this new year, we're pleased to announce that our charter is
being augmented by the introduction of the Linux operating system
alongside of our original OS/2 areas of interest, a move which we have
been planning for the past several months. Linux is now rapidly growing in
and popularity across the nation for many business users as
well as the personal user market.
Consistent with this move, it was appropriate to change our
name to the Philadelphia Alternate Systems User Group (PASUG), whereby we
may also look at other new operating systems, such as BeOS, for example,
and others, at some future time.
Our first meeting of 2003 will be devoted to this long-awaited
introduction of Linux.
Knoppix is a complete *bootable* Linux, booted and also *RUN* directly
from a CDROM drive. Your hard drive is used only for swap space, plus any
storage you might wish to employ.
There is NO installation required. Repeat: NO installation!
Knoppix is an outstanding way to familiarize yourself with the many
features and characteristics of Linux.
Knoppix may be freely downloaded from http://www.knopper.net/, a German website.
But unless you have broadband service, it's not a good idea to try to
download the 700MB file.
Several copies of Knoppix will be made available at the meeting for raffle
and auction. For those who don't want to download the ISO image file, and
then burn a CDROM, orders will be taken for copies of the CDROM for a
nominal service charge.
Larry Lavins and David Moskowitz will conduct a live installation of the
popular Red Hat Linux 8.0, with commentary & explanations at each major
step along the way. Hopefully, this will go a long way towards dispelling
the mystery & fear of Linux installation.
Meeting attendees may also ask relevant questions during the
installation, and discussions are encouraged in order to promote
understanding of the basic installation process. Future meetings will
address advanced installation topics, internet access, Linux applications,
Linux commands, networking, etc.
- - - - -
Other agenda items include announcements, news and raffles.
The usual free refreshments will also be available.
Directions to the Bryn Mawr Community Center (BMCC) and other useful
information about PASUG activities may be found on our web site at llavins@worldnet.att.net, or phone (215) 878-9609. - -
Larry Lavins llavins@worldnet.att.net Leader, Philadelphia Alternate Systems User Group
WarpDoctor Mtg
There is a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 19 January 2003 at 3:00 ET
(20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for
timezone help.
Please connect to any of the following servers (California)
homeos2.homelinux.org: (Florida)
plazenby.homeip.net (British Columbia, Canada) (Manitoba, Canada)
all using Port 6667 to get the WD chatroom .
This a temporary condition, and you will be notified in this message of
further developments.
If you are unfamiliar with the procedure of visiting a chatroom, there is
a set of detailed instructions at http://www.warpdoctor.org/IRC_ChatProc.html.
Please read the agenda athttp://www.warpdoctor.org/agendas/warpdoc_2003-01-19.html so you will be
ready for the meeting.
Thank you.
Walter F. Metcalf
WarpDoctor Co-ordinator
SCOUG meeting Jan. 18: Open Source: Some Assembly Required
The next meeting of the Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG) will
be this Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 9:15 AM PST, at the Fullerton Public
Library, 353 W. Commonwealth Ave., in meeting room B.
Open Source: Some Assembly Required
Following Lynn Maxson and Bob Blair last month, Greg Smith is our next
Open Source presenter. As Greg explains, the scary holidays are now
behind us. No, not Halloween --- Christmas. And we all know the truly
scary words of Christmas: SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.
This is the case with open source software. While we await the Esperanto
of process specification languages, we are still cursed with the Tower of
Babel in programming lanuagages.
It is time to learn Pidgin - Savvy mon?
Greg will give us a second look at the HP calculator program and compile
it this time. Along the way we will visit the C compiler. We'll see what
is needed to really use the compiler - the libraries. What is EMX and
where does it take us? Will it get us to the land of POSIX?
Then Greg will help us put it all together with another fun specification
language, Make. We'll use the file system to divide things up for our own
convenience, and try to put it all back together. Why do we need these
stupid *.h files for our program? Will we get done in by the killer tab?
Come to the meeting and find out!
And remember, if you're having difficulties with something OS/2 related,
be ready to explain your problem and get some answers and suggestions for
solving it during the Q&A session. Donuts and coffee await you too.
Help Desk chats are on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM PST. If you've got a
problem with hardware or software, join the chat and ask for help. Info is
at http://www.scoug.com/chat/index.html.
OS/2 Help Desk and Networking SIG, Feb. 2th, 2003, 2 PM PST, Chapman
University in Orange:
SCOUG's in-person OS/2 Help Desk is held once a month at Chapman
University, in room 203 of the Hashinger Hall Science building. SCOUG
volunteers are there to help you work through your hardware and software
While you're at the in-person Help Desk, take a look at what the
Networking SIG is doing. It meets at the same time and place, so it's
convenient to do both. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon each
How to get to the Fullerton Public Library:
From the 91 freeway, exit Harbor Blvd. heading north. Turn left at
Amerige Ave. The library is 2 1/2 blocks down on your left-hand side; the
main entrance is actually on Amerige 1/2 block west of Highland Ave.
From the 57 freeway, exit Chapman Ave (near Cal State Fullerton) heading
west. After you pass Harbor Blvd., go 2 more blocks and turn left on
Highland Ave. Go 3 short blocks south on Highland Ave. and turn right on
Amerige Ave.; the library is 1/2 block down on your left.
How to get to Chapman University:
There are two ways to get directions:
1) Go to http://www.scoug.com/warpexpowest/sitemap.html
2) Go to http://www.mapquest.com/ and enter the address 400 N. Center
Street, Orange, CA.
You can park in any of the University lots for free on Sundays, but if you
part on the street, watch the signs carefully or else risk getting a
parking ticket.
Come to Hashinger Hall Science Building, room 203. It's on the second
floor and there's an elevator for you to bring up your equipment.
Come and join us!
BayWarp meeting January 21, 2003
Baywarp will meet on Tuesday evening, January 21, at 7:00 - 10:00 PM in
Los Gatos, CA. Directions and full address is located at http://www.baywarp.org
Meeting is open to everyone; a $5 donation to cover food and drink is
Meeting topics:
OS/2 in the New York City Transit Authority subway and bus system. Neil
Waldhauer will discuss his work maintaining and upgrading a
well-established OS/2 system.
Notebook computer configuration. Robert Kuropot will describe his on-going
struggle to get full functionality from his Thinkpad 600.
BayWarp may take over The Notebook/2 Site, which is a web site compiling
hundreds of OS/2 notebook owners experiences. Dr. Martin Senftleben has
moved to Linux because of the difficulty of running ADSL with OS/2. (Neil:
huh? Linux users are jealous of my setup...)
Warpstock 2003 may be held in the Bay Area. Neil will present the status
of the Warpstock bid. Suggestions will be solicited on how to complete the
bid document. We are almost there. We have some sites with hotel access,
internet access and meeting rooms, but we'd like to have more.
Digital cameras and OS/2. More people are reporting success with digital
cameras. We may have access to a CF reader and card to see what the
details are. Most cameras use CF cards, and store their images as jpg, so
if the reader works in OS/2, then most cameras are also going to work. Ed
Brink and W D(Bill) Loughman contributed to this topic.
As always, we will welcome OS/2 questions and answers. This is how our
members can keep their systems functioning nicely.
BayWarp meetings are generally held at Help Desk Computers (WTW Group) in
Los Gatos. The address is:
1456 Pollard Road
Los Gatos, Ca
Hint: It's between the Mexican Restaurant and the Chinese Restaurant in
the corner (Safeway is on the far right).
Neil Waldhauer neil@blondeguy.com http://www.blondeguy.com/
WarpDoctor Mtg
There is a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 12 January 2003 at 3:00 ET
(20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconv
erter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for
timezone help.
Please use connect to any of the following servers (California)
homeos2.homelinux.org: (Florida)
plazenby.homeip.net (British Columbia, Canada) (Manitoba, Canada)
all using Port 6667 to get the WD chatroom .
This a temporary condition, and you will be notified in this message of
further developments.
If you are unfamiliar with the procedure of visiting a chatroom, there is
a set of detailed instructions at http://www.warpdoctor.org/IRC_ChatProc.html.
Please read the agenda at http://www.warpdoctor.org/agendas/warpdoc_2003-01-12.html so you will be
ready for the meeting.
Thank you.
Walter F. Metcalf
WarpDoctor Co-ordinator
General meeting of VOICE tonight (Monday 1-06-2003)
There will be a General meeting of VOICE tonight (Monday 01-06-2003)
@08:00pm EST (01:00 GMT / UT).
Topics will include confirming our new Marketing officer and our new
System Administrator.
In addition we will be presenting important developments regarding the
hosting of the VOICE Server.
There is a complete agenda available at
http://www.os2voice.org/agendas/voice_2003-01-06.html for your viewing. (California)
fyrelizard.homelinux.org (Florida)
Port: 6667.
For further information on attending VOICE meetings and for links to
download an IRC client please see:
There is a WarpDoctor chat meeting this Sunday, 05 January 2003 at 3:00
ET (20:00 GMT). Visit http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone help.
Please use connect to any of the following servers
all using Port 6667 to get the WD chatroom .
This a temporary condition, and you will be notified in this message of
further developments.
If you are unfamiliar with the procedure of visiting a chatroom, there is
a set of detailed instructions at http://www.warpdoctor.org/IRC_ChatProc.html.
Please read the agenda at http://www.warpdoctor.org/agendas/warpdoc_2003-01-05.html so you will be
ready for the meeting.
Thank you.
Walter F. Metcalf
WarpDoctor Co-ordinator
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