"eBayWatch/2 is an auction management tool for OS/2 users. It works solely
with the eBay auction site. It is meant to aid the user in searching for,
monitoring and bidding on auction items. eBayWatch/2 is copyright
Required -
1) partition with long filename support (hpfs/jfs)
2) rexxutil.dll and rxsock.dll in libpath
3) must start from its work directory, or a program object which sets the
work directory"
Hello All,
I have uploaded ver 1.09w to -
This release is to fix several items broken by recent eBay changes. From
the readme -
Ver 1.09w (released 20040508)
- eBay changes break search results
- eBay change causes problem in "Seller" field
- Chg: Bid Amount will accept entry formatted "1234.56" or "1234,56"
- Chg: Added search title line as separator on all searches
- Chg: Added Buy Now price to update bid window
As usual, any feedback of things strange or broken is appreciated.
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