![]() VOICE Homepage: http://de.os2voice.org |
Juli 2002
Wellington, New Zealand Monthly OS/2 and eComStation User Group meeting
Wednesday 3rd July, 2002
Computerland House, Featherston Street, Wellington
7:25pm sharp outside (If you're late call 021 730 326 to be let in)
Entry by donantion ($2)
All welcome.
BayWarp monthly meeting
BayWarp (OS/2 Bay Area User Group) Meeting Announcement
Date: July 9, 2002
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Place: Help Desk Computers (WTW Group), 1456 Pollard Road, Los Gatos, CA
95032-1031 Hint: It's between the Mexican Restaurant and the Chinese
Restaurant in the corner (Safeway is on the far right).
$5.00 per person to be collected for help with the munchies.
* OS/2 DHCP and DDNS (from TCP/IP 4.3x), BIND
* REXX, Perl, and other CGI for your Website
* More on the VPN Demonstration using Injoy from F/X Communications
Web Page: http://www.baywarp.org/
Contact Info
Paul Lazaga paul@wtwgroup.com
Neil Waldhauer neil@blondeguy.com
Philadelphia OS/2 UG Mtg: Wed, Jun 26
The Philadelphia OS/2 User Group invites all interested computer users to
attend the June monthly meeting:
. *** JUNE 26th MEETING AGENDA ***
This month, Barry Mann and John Davey will continue with Part 2 of the
website maintenance presentation they began in April.
As the phillyos2 website's new webmaster, Barry has rearranged everything
under the hood, while keeping the site's familiar look and feel. During
the presentation, Barry and original webmaster, John, will compare their
differing styles of web authoring. John will show how he used a GUI tool,
Home Page Publisher, to maintain previous versions of the site, and Barry
will show how he migrated the site to PPWizard, a text based tool. Both
styles have advantages and disadvantages.
During the presentation, we'll be covering cross platform browser issues.
Attendees are encouraged to bring laptops (you'll need a CDRW reader). All
platforms welcome. We want as much diversity as possible.
Using the phillyos2 site as a sample, we'll test Barry's success at
creating a browser agnostic site. So far, it's been tested on Netscape
4.61, Mozilla 1.0, Opera 5.1 B2 and WebEx. There are a few surprises, but
the site is readable on all above browsers. Please try this site on any
browsers you have. If any quirks are found, make a detailed record of the
circumstances. We'll try to replicate them at the meeting.
Other agenda items include U/G business items, OS/2 news, new releases,
Q&A session and raffles. The usual free refreshments will also be
Mark the date and time: Wednesday, May 22nd at 7:00pm.
OS/2 meetings are open and free for OS/2 users, their guests
and others interested in learning about OS/2 and associated
technologies. We have a very full agenda, so also please try
to be on time promptly by 7:00pm.
WE SUPPORT THE JAVA LOBBY: http://www.javalobby.org
Further information, directions to Episcopal Academy, and other useful
information about the OS/2 U/G activities may be found on our web site at http://www.phillyos2.org, or contact U/G Leader Larry Lavins: llavins@worldnet.att.net, or phone (215) 878-9609. - -
OS/2UGSA - June Meeting
Hi All,
Gees, the time flies by!! We have another meeting next week. Tuesday, June
25th. From 7.30pm at ARPA, 84 Archer St., North Adelaide.
Its a hardware session, so bring along your machines and their problems -
but remember our time is limited to around 9.30. Another group may be
using the room prior to us.
Hope to see you there.
Michal Necasek Brings The OS/2 Years To SCOUG
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Michal Necasek Brings The OS/2 Years To SCOUG
Michal Necasek, a SciTech Display Doctor developer and member of the Open
Watcom compiler development team, will showcase his very special OS/2
hardware at the June 15 meeting of The Southern California OS/2 User Group
"I have some very special items that OS/2 users may want to see" says
Michal. "For example, I have a PS/2 laptop running OS/2, it's a Thinkpad
720C, and I'll have some other machines too. I can even boot up OS/2 1.0
and 1.1 for comparisons. And wait until you see the OS/2 applications
it's running."
Michal's private hardware collection of "The OS/2 Years" will accompany
the SciTech Display Doctor and Open Watcom presentations already scheduled
for June 15.
You do not want to miss this very special meeting of The Southern
California OS/2 User Group. Free admission for everyone, so come and join
us. Come to SCOUG!
- - -
SCOUG meetings are free, free, free and our coffee and
donuts are free, free, free. Driving directions are at
Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2 SCOUG - SciTech Display Doctor Added to June Meeting
Saturday, June 8, 2002
SCOUG Adds SciTech Display Doctor to June Meeting
"We've added SciTech to our Saturday June 15 meeting" says Tony Butka,
President of The Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG). "We're
pleased to have them come and demonstrate their SciTech Display Doctor for
OS/2, the preeminent video display driver for just about every graphics
card. SciTech will be telling us about the video future for OS/2."
Already on the June 15 schedule is an Open Watcom presentation. "This
will be an outstanding meeting" adds Carla Hanzlik, board member and
webmistress for SCOUG. "Having a SciTech and Open Watcom team member in
town for our membership has already created a lot of excitement."
Come and learn about future video cards, screen resolutions, portrait and
landscape monitoring, how to properly choose an LCD screen, the
installation process, cable and video "KVM" switch considerations,
installing the free SciTech Display Doctor evaluation copy, choosing a
video rate, full motion video, hardware support for the new Flash
full-animation cartoons, dual monitor setups and how to create a virtual
video office.
A free CD containing trial versions of SciTech Display Doctor will be
distributed to all attendees. There will also be SciTech Display Doctor
licenses in the free SCOUG Member Raffle.
Mark your calendar for Saturday June 15 at 9:15 a.m. SciTech Display
Doctor plus Open Watcom software development. OS/2 is back in the
limelight! Come to SCOUG!
- - -
SCOUG meetings are free, free, free and our coffee and
donuts are free, free, free. Driving directions are at
Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group.
WarpDoctor meeting Sunday 9 June 2002 at 3:00pm EDT (19:00 GMT)
As a reminder the WarpDoctor group meets every Sunday at 3:00pm ET (19:00
GMT) http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc for timezone
WarpDoctor IRC Discussions take place in the #WarpDoctor channel on the
webbnet irc network. If you have trouble connecting with Webbnet, try
using the server irc.us.webbnet.org . The port is still 6667.
If you are unfamiliar with the procedure of visiting a chatroom, there is
a set of detailed instructions at http://www.warpdoctor.org/IRC_ChatProc.html.
Please read the agenda at Please read the agenda at
http://www.warpdoctor.org/agendas/warpdoc_2002-06-09.html so you will be
ready for the meeting.
****This meeting will be devoted primarily to the subject of upgrading the
Apache server on the VOICE server.****
OS/2 SCOUG June 15 - Open Watcom To Accelerate OS/2 Development
Friday, June 7, 2002
SCOUG Presents: Open Watcom To Accelerate OS/2 Development
The Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG) proudly presents one of
the Open Watcom team members at its Saturday June 15 meeting.
"We are thrilled, absolutely thrilled to have an Open Watcom core
developer and team partner come and speak to us" says Steven Levine, SCOUG
Programming SIG Leader. "The new Open Watcom compiler is arguably the
best tool available for creating robust future-generation OS/2 software.
It's free and it's open source. Open Watcom breathes new life into OS/2
The Open Watcom representative will cover OS/2 development, porting
software from other platforms including from Windows and Linux, developing
custom DLLs, available libraries of existing functions and subroutines,
templates, linking modules together, the various files that programmers
must create when developing large projects, writing "make" files and how
to convert them from other systems, available GUI and graphics routines,
writing cross-platform code, the development environment, and where to get
manuals, source code and online help.
"Open Watcom is an outstanding way to write OS/2 programs" says SCOUG
member Harry Chris Motin, author of
Open Watcom - Getting Started http://www.scoug.com/os24u/2002/scoug204.watcom.html
"I've already written several programs with it. It's fast, it's accurate
and it shows off the power that we all expect from OS/2. I look forward
to meeting one of the developers from Open Watcom!
A free CD containing Open Watcom will be distributed to all attendees.
Do not miss this very special presentation by one of the Open Watcom team
members. Saturday June 15 at 9:15 a.m.
Come to SCOUG!
- - -
SCOUG meetings are free, free, free and our coffee and
donuts are free, free, free. Driving directions are at
Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group.
Kitchener-Waterloo OS/2 Users Group June Mtg
K-W OS/2 Users Group
Serving Kitchener-Waterloo and area OS/2 Users
June 2002 Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 2002
TIME: From 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Room DC1316, Davis Centre, University of Waterloo
Meeting facilities provided courtesy of Institute for Computer Research.
Everyone is Welcome to Attend!
[This presentation postponed from last month.]
A comparison "Ftree", written for OS/2 with "PAF" written for DOS.
Comparison will show the value of these programs in storing data and their
ease of use.
There is no such thing as a perfect database for genealogy. All programs
are written by people who have individual needs in recording their
research and each of has a different idea of what is important and what is
not. The difference is in the genealogist's desire for accuracy and proof.
Some "genealogists" insist on level one proof for each bit of data, others
take a more cavalier approach and enter data without proof, only
Database Tutorial 3
We will look at the process of setting up of a simple datebase using
dbExpert. This is a continuation of the previous tutorial.
OS/2 User Forum
(Sharing OS/2 Ideas)(Bring Your Questions)
(What's New with OS/2)(Announcements)
As a courtesy to our presenter, please plan to arrive by 7:00 p.m.
For up-to-date information check our homepage at: http://www.sentex.net/kwos2cug/
For directions to get to the meeting check: http://www.sentex.net/kwos2cug/directon.html
Wellington New Zealand User group meeting
Wellington, New Zealand Monthly OS/2 and eComStation User Group meeting.
Wednesday 5th June, 2002
Computerland House, Featherston Street, Wellington
7:25pm sharp outside (If you're late call 021 730 326 to be let in)
Entry by donation ($2)
All are welcome.
VOICE IRC meeting on Monday June 3 at 8:00pm EDT
There will be a VOICE IRC meeting on Monday June 3 at 8:00pm EDT (11:59
GMT), in the #voice channel on the WEBBnet IRC network.
VOICE IRC meetings are held on the first and third Monday of the month and
as always, everyone is welcome.
For more on VOICE meetings http://www.os2voice.org/meetinginfo.html where there is information on IRC clients and their use, as well as a link
to a time conversion page.
There is more information on Webbnet servers and how to connect at http://www.webbnet.org/chats.html. If you have trouble connecting to
Webbnet, try using the server irc.us.webbnet.org port 6667.
Topics to be discussed include an update on VOICE e-Business page, and
nomination/election of new officers.
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VOICE Homepage: http://de.os2voice.org