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September 2001
Support Warpstock Europe 2001!
The Warpstock Europe 2001 Conference is organized by a group of dedicated, hard
working people, but the event would not even exist without the help and support of
many others, including you. If you want to help become Warpstock Europe 2001 a big
success, there are many ways of doing it.
One way of supporting Warpstock Europe 2001 is to become a sponsor for the
conference and make a donation to help with the organization of the event. Another
way to show your support, which is totally free, is by placing the Warpstock Europe
2001 logo on your web site to make visitors of your site aware of the event.
If you would like to spread the news about Warpstock Europe 2001 by placing a logo
and link on your own web site, please go to http://warpstock.os2.org/en/supporters/ for
detailed instructions. In return you will be listed as a supporter on that page.
For more information about sponsorship or to find out how you can help the Event
Team, please contact info.warpstock2001@os2ug.be
The Warpstock Europe 2001 Conference will be held on November 2-4, 2001 at the 'KH
Limburg' College near Hasselt, Belgium. Warpstock Europe is an annual gathering of
developers, vendors and users of the OS/2 and eComStation operating systems, for
the purpose of education, providing information and support to everyone with an
interest in these operating systems or related technology. More information is
available at the Warpstock Europe web site http://warpstock.os2.org
Convenience Package FixPak XR_C001 Released and a fix for it
Convenience Package FixPak XR_C001 Released
On July 26, 2001 IBM OS/2 Fix Distribution released FixPak XR_C001 for the
OS/2 Convenience Packages. This FixPak can be used with any version of the
Convenience Package 1.
Diskette images can be found at http://www3.software.ibm.com/cgi-bin/asd/priv/rsudl/images/xr_c001
For other countries, please use the FixPak Repository, located at http://service5.boulder.ibm.com/pspfixpk.nsf/ to check for National
Language Versions released.
Remote Software Updates enabled versions (RSU) can be found at http://ps.boulder.ibm.com/pbin-usa-ps/getobj.pl?/pdocs-usa/softupd.html
Note: These FixPak's can only be obtained with a valid Software Choice
subscription. Links to these Fixpak's will ask for your Software Choice
User ID and Password.
Also IBM has released the following fix for this new fixpak:
Fix for Network Config problem with Fixpak XR_C001
Fixpak XR_C001 introduces a problem that does not allow you to complete
network configuration when installing using Selective Install for
Networking (NPCONFIG.EXE).
To resolve the problem, download and unzip npconfig.zip from the Software
Choice site and follow the instructions in the read.me file. http://www3.software.ibm.com/cgi-bin/asd/priv/rsudl/images/xr_c001
This fix can only be obtained with a valid Software Choice subsctiption.
The link to this fix will ask for your Software Choice User ID and
Warpstock shirts and mugs now available for pre-order
Are you looking for more OS/2 merchandise? Perhaps your wardrobe
selection is looking somewhat stale, or maybe you need something new to
hold your beverages? Either way, Warpstock 2001 has what you need.
The Warpstock teams are pleased to announce that Warpstock 2001 shirts and
coffee mugs are now available for pre-order. The black shirts are
available in six sizes for $30 (US$), and the coffee mugs are $12.50.
You can either pick up your purchases at WS 2001, or they can be shipped
to you for $5 S/H each.
More information, including pictures and ordering instructions, are
available at http://www.warpstock.org/merchandise.html. Payments can be
made online using the convenient PayPal system.
The 5th annual Warpstock conference will be held October 6-8, 2001, in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is produced by Warpstock, Inc., a North
Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a
gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for
the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at
the Warpstock 2001 website, http://www.warpstock.org or its mirror site: http://warpstock.os2voice.org
Dialer/2 2.0 alpha7 - bugfix
Dialer/2 is a nice OS/2 PM dialing program with several features:
phone-book, autodialing, phone-tax, log file of calls.
Dialer/2 is now at version 2.0 alpha7.
You can download it from hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/d2_20a7.zip
and later it may be moved to: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/apps/d2_20a7.zip
This is a bugfix. I hope, that alpha-testing is finished. Release of
Dialer/2 will be soon.
Please, note, that version 1.90beta6 had a error in phone-book code, so
you may need to make new phone-book.
Please, note, that this is ALPHA release. In case of any errors and
unwanted behavior - please contact me.
Best regards,
Denis Devastator@icl.kazan.ru
Update Inet.Mail and Inet.Mail Pro Available
Hethmon Brothers has released an updated version of smtpd.exe for use with
Inet.Mail 1.3 and Inet.Mail Pro 1.5. This minor update corrects a problem
with an extra space in the EHLO response Inet.Mail uses.
It is not a required update, but recommended to stay current.
The update files are:
Versions for both the 16 bit and 32 bit tcp/ip stack are included in each
Any questions should be directed to the Hethmon Brothers support address
at support@hethmon.com.
Paul Hethmon
Hethmon Brothers
Knoxville, Tennessee USA
Paul Hethmon
New W4, UNI, SMP Kernel 0710 on IBM's Testcase site
From: Scott E. Garfinkle as posted on comp.os.os2.bugs
[ Moderator note: As always only use files from IBM's Testcase facility if
you are able to accept a certain degree of risk, and always backup any
files prior to installing new versions. You have been warned!!!! Report
any problems/outcomes on the comp.os.os2.bugs Usenet group. Don't send
your problems to me. I'm just passing on the information. ;-) ]
The latest build is out. As always, get the kernels on the internet at ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2
DFxxx is the dump formatter stuff for this build. xxxD.zip are the debug
kernels. Don't use them unless you know how to use the kernel debugger.
If you use SES, any of the SESDD32s released since Mar 1 are ok, though
today's version fixes a couple of bugs.
w4 kernels are for Warp 4/MCP
uni/smp kernels are for WSeB/ACP uni and smp installations
readme follows:
This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you
use the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated April 2001 or
later to use this kernel. Also, a matching dump formatter (df_ret.exe),
provided separately, is required, if you want to analyze a dump from this
kernel. Finally, note that os2ldr is only required for the >64mb memory
detection mentioned below.
New function:
1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support
enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel
machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older
2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of
internal revision during boot.
3) Adding "EARLYMEMINIT=TRUE" to config.sys will allow device drivers,
access to the memory above 16mb early in boot. Previously, this was
available after DD and IFS init was completed. This has various
implications when enabled:
a) AHA154X.ADD may do bad things to your system. Don't even askb
b) There may be some settings of HPFS386 cache that are
4) Trap messages will now give the module name instead of the device
For example, "Exception in module: CLOCK01" instead of "Exception
Device Driver: CLOCK$".
***change from 0220/0223: Traps in 32 bit code now show the
modname, too
5) Systems with a 486SX chip running FP15 will function correctly.
they will NOT work with ACP or (necessarily) on MCP.
6) SESDD32 will now work correctly (I hope) for both uni and smp
Bug Fixes:
Fixes from earlier "dated" kernels:
Fixed a trap 000d in w_OpenCreate (140:4dfd or so in uni/w4 krnls,
have regs for SMP). This was a post mcp/acp regression
Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel.
Fixed a bootup sys31xx problem specific to the 0123 kernel.
Fixed a problem that was (I think) specific to Janauary uni & W4
which resulted in odd ring 3 (maybe ring 0?) traps and hangs
Fixed some trap and other peculiar problems specific to the 0206
Those were the result of a build problem.
Fixed some trap and other problems specific to the 0220/0223 kernels
Fixed a regression from JR15038 that caused a trap in CWBBS.IFS and
PCSFLR0.IFS (AS/400 shared folders access).
Fixed a regression in the 0330 kernel that messed up getting procdumps
Fixed a regression in the 0416 kernel that caused some hangs and also
affected APM
Fixed a regression in the 0502 kernel that prevented booting
altogether or
caused other very bad problems.
Fixed a regression in the 0502/0503 kernels that caused some odd trap
in the scheduling code
Don't use the 0601 kernels.
Don't use the 0615 kernels, either. There seems to have been some kind
build problem, there.
Fixes to problems that exist in released code:
JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows
JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread
mscount rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime
JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe,
JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines
JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives
JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive
JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to
PJ27700: SMP systems may get a trap 000e in _tkStopScan, particularly
during a procdump operation.
PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels
PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps
PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there
a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding
to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the
VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers.
becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. It may be helpful
UNI RIPL boot, as well.
PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process
entering a critical section (affects ADSM client)
PJ27757: Trap 000e running Theseus/4 (note, theseus4.exe may still end
with a sys3175, but at least the system doesn't crash).
PJ27736: Trap in _PLD_WriteReturnCode
PJ27777: Set BEGINLIBPATH= (in config.sys ONLY) may be ignored. Also,
it would lead to a bogus copy of BEGINLIBPATH= in the
PJ27906: Trap 000e in pvwRegKrnlInstance running SPM/2 (may also cause
unknown odd behavior in other performance monitors).
PJ27919: Complete system hang running some apps (same as JR12136)
PJ27544: Panic in SwitchNPX
PJ27972: trap 000e in _SecExecPost (the actual fix is in ses0604 or
PJ27952: DosFindFirst returns incorrect returncode for various
when querying extended attributes
PJ28005: ProcDump command returns error code 6 (and the procdump is
PJ28013: read of >2k from named pipe on a timecritical thread can
loss of pipe data or session hang
PJ28027: trap in KMQueryClientRegister reallocating a trace buffer
Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the
directory from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these
commands. Note that os2krnl should have come with this file.
1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl
2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr
3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav
4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav
5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever)
5. unzip -o xxx.zip
If you want, you can turn the os2krnl and os2ldr attributes back on, but
it's not necessary to do so.
Trace files (*.tdf) have been included.
An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it
somewhere (root directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2
service requests a standalone dump of your system in the future.
RexxMail updated to build 20010725.162603
Build 20010725.162603 of RexxMail is now available from: http://www.degeus.com/rexx/
From the RexxMail readme.txt file:
RexxMail is an e-mail client program that uses the facilities offered by
the OS/2 Workplace Shell (WPS) to the full. RexxMail itself is a Classic
REXX program that runs invisibly (i.e. minimized) in OS/2 VIO sessions. It
works by using a number of program objects that call the program
(RexxMail.CMD) with various switches. Associations between these program
objects and mail message files enable RexxMail to perform its tasks using
the WPS, which is still the best GUI around, bar none.
2001-07-25 = Update: build 20010725.162603.
- Bugfix: message header keywords longer than 16 characters
caused indent error.
- Bugfix: message header wordwrap error in lines other than
addresses and dates.
- Changed RexxMail system message domain to 'localhost'.
- Added RexxMail background to attachment folders. Many
thanks to Luc van Bogaert luc.vanbogaert@pandora.be for
donating the bitmap file.
- (Install.CMD): Added RexxMail background to user folders.
More thanks to Luc van Bogaert luc.vanbogaert@pandora.be
for donating this bitmap file as well.
- (Install.CMD): The 'Configuration' folder object in the main
uder folder is now invisible, and is reached through a shadow
in the 'Accessories' folder (new installations only).
- (MailLock.CMD): Settings options limited to single user;
added option to specify user through command line; added
option to make subfolders of main folder (with the exception
of the 'Accessories' folder) (in)visible; added option to set
user folder background to bitmap or system default.
Marcus de Geus
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