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Dezember 2000
I'm working quite some time on OS/2 Netlabs at the moment. You might have noticed that I changed the size of OS/2 Netlabs, it should now bether fit on high resolution desktops.
I also changed the "Netlabs" part of the page, you can get some more informations at the moment, more will follow :-)
The Developer Corner is now completely database driven so it's much more fun to use it! I will also add a page where you can submit your own links to it later.
A new feature is the Snippets Database at the Developer Corner. This is a collection of code snippets collected by Patrick Haller over the past years! It contains more than 1000 (!!!) code snippets. I will improve the look and feel of the Snippets Database in the near future and also add a page where you can submit your own snippets! Thanks a lot to Patrick Haller for the collecting all the information!
That's it so far, more will follow all the time now :-) For those of you who don't know it yet: I have to do a practice year at university and I made a deal with them so I can now invest about 40-50% of my time into OS/2 Netlabs.
I've had the honor to write an article about Warpstock Europe for the current (December) issue of Germany's iX magazine ('magazine for professional information technology'). Sorry it's not available online. But another fifty pix of the event can be viewed at:
Thanks to Bob St. John for the interview and to Esther Schindler for the fine lecture on writing! :-)
Robert Schroeder
Today I uploaded the new CDR/RW Wizard 0.9.96 version. Please see the README file for more info on new features and bug fixes.
Focus on OS/2 News for This Week:
New Article:
A complete description of the contents of the eComStation packages
as of 22 November 2000:
News and Links:
For News and Links, see http://os2.about.com/library/blnews.htm
Walter F Metcalf
Compart has updated scanner-drivers for Impos on their webside for download.
You first have to register (for working cookies must be enabled).
Found this in coo.advocacy posted by jasper
who is the developer of DrawIt:
Current work is the implementation of pre-defined figures like:
I hope this mail has some positive impact....
This page contains a small TSR program that allows the DOS versions
of Westwood Studios' Command ~Conquer Red Alert and its add-on packs The
Aftermath and Counterstrike to run in an OS/2 Warp 4 DOS window.
F/X Communications today released new versions of the Pluto IKE server and the InJoy IPSec Plugin. The full announcement available at this location:
Most noteable new features:
New Pluto 1.70 features (OS/2 only version):
* Windows 2000 IPSec interoperability.
* Cisco PIX and Cisco IOS VPN compatibility.
* Nortel Extranet Switch 2.6 (or newer) interoperability.
New IPSec 1.70 features:
* New SHS tool for better monitoring of SA negotiations.
* IPSEC.CFG file contents no longer case sensitive.
* SA's using dynamic passwords and extended authentication will now
cause InJoy to pop-up a password prompt (requires NEW InJoy version).
* Stand alone IPSec clients with an external IP address can now use
NAT to convert the external IP address to a static "inner" IP address (e.g.
within the 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x segments).
* Cisco config mode support.
* Extended Authentication support.
* Management (clean-up) support of expired SA's.
* Added "exclude_local_ip_from_sa" and "exclude_remote_ip_from_sa"
to allow full PKSoft client compatibility.
* Added "isakmp_life_seconds" and "ipsec_life_seconds" configuration
attributes to better control the life-time of an SA.
IPSec downloads available at:
The HCC Computer Fair is one of the largest consumer computer fairs in the world. Each year, over 100.000 computer enthousiasts visit this event to buy hardware, software and attend demonstrations etc. from manufacturers, suppliers and user groups of the Holland Computer Club (HCC). Of course the dutch HCC OS/2 user group also participates in this event. Our picture gallery will give you an impression of this computer fair that takes place on november 24, 25 and 26. Pictures are updated daily...
Look at:
I have begun a new contest at the MAMERun home page.
Many people have written to me asking about some way to support DVD movies under OS/2. I believe development of drivers for this card, and cards like it will enable OS/2 users to finally play DVD movies on their systems in a legal manner.
To find out more information go to:
I made a quick down and dirty playlist generator for WarpAMP. It will create a playlist of all your MP3's including those in subdirectories. I don't know about most of you, but I have a different dir for each artist.
For more details and a copy of the script, email me at:
Dave Anderson atilla@optonline.net
SERVOLTUION Logon Client Build is available
Build is available for download.
Fixed Registry ACL problem:
Registry ACL's for the key HKY_CURRENT_USER was not correct set. e.g.:
Error message by first login by starting a Offiice application, " Error
1402. Error with the access of the Registry ....".
NEW Environment Variable "USER_PRIV"
The environment variable USER_PRIV is set depending of the LAN Server
group membership...
UpdCD version 1.1 has been released. It supports the following new components: TCP/IP 4.1 fixpak, Java 1.1.x fixpak, Open GL 1.1, USB drivers, WarpIn installer, File Commander/2, Netscape Plug-in Pak, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Bamba player, Norton Antivirus, Innotek Flash Plug-in and EMX run-time.
To see the complete list of supported components please visit the Update CD homepage. If you ordered a Warp Update Kit with UpdCD version 1.0 please read the UpdCD FAQ (Q13) to see how to upgrade it to this version.
UpdCD can be used to integrate IBM FixPaks, updates and various third party components with the OS/2 installation CD-ROM in order to produce an up-to-date installation CD.
PALM HARBOR, FLORIDA (November 20, 2000) - M. Bryce ~Associates (MBA)today announced the release of the December issue of OS/2 CONNECT,a freeware newsletter distributed through the various computer networks and bulletin boards.
The newsletter is implemented as a web page at: http://www.os2ss.com/connect/ . Its HTML files are also available for downloading and viewing locally. The file is named CON1200.ZIP. The newsletter includes the following sections:
Title ~Publisher
What's New in this Issue?
Sound Off!
Editorial Page
World Reports (Scandinavia)
News ~Press Releases
Graphic of the Month
Calendar of Events
Bulletin Boards
Internet Addresses ~Locations
Telephone ~Fax Numbers
Team OS/2
OS/2 User Groups
Who's Who of OS/2
- Books
- Periodicals
- Videos
OS/2 Tips, Tricks ~Keys
Products ~Services
A 1README.TXT file is attached to the .ZIP file explaining how to install and view the newsletter using standard web browsers,such as the Netscape Navigator.
OS/2 CONNECT is distributed electronically to the following:
1. On the Internet:
World Wide Web:
OS/2 CONNECT home page (HTML) http://www.os2ss.com/connect/
- the zipped HTML files for downloading can be found at:
IN AUSTRALIA - SBT Internet Systems Pty. Ltd.
FTP Site: ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu
(/pub/os2/info/newsltr/connect) or (/pub/incoming)
2. Commercial Networks:
America Online
In the OS/2 Forum (Ctrl+K, "os2"), under "OS/2 News Magazines."
NOTE: You can also access our Web site through AOL's "OS/2 on the 'Net" section in the OS/2 Forum; select "OS/2 Publications Websites."
3. Bulletin Boards:
The 42nd Street BBS (Northern Ireland, UK)
IBM OS/2 BBS Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
The Lighthouse OS/2 Support BBS/HUGO (Netherlands)
Me2BBS London (London, UK)
NightCall (Odense, Denmark)
The OS/2 CONNECT HTML files may be distributed free of charge.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Tim Bryce
Editor, OS/2 CONNECT
M. Bryce ~Associates (MBA)
a division of M&JB Investment Company (M&JB)
3310 U.S. Alt. 19
P.O. Box 1637
Palm Harbor, FL 34682-1637
United States
Tel: 727/786-4567
Fax: 727/786-4765
E-Mail: timb001@attglobal.net
WWW: http://www.os2ss.com/connect/
MBA: Developers of the "PRIDE" Information Factory(R) ~Batch Manager
Since 1971: "Software for the finest computer - the Mind"
Russian Team OS/2 are glad to announce CONNECT/2 [http://os2.ru/projects/connect/] version 7.6.7 (OS/2 version by Alexander Trunoff).
You can also download the Colorer plugin: the syntax highlighting engine for CONNECT/2.
You can view the changes in current version by visiting the news page:
CONNECT/2 is a Borland-style integrated environment application:
Multi-window multifunctional text editor capable of processing files. Multi-window HEX editor;
Text viewer and HEX viewer
File Manager which looks much like the Norton Commander but is at least twice as powerful
External mutlifunctional application executor
Keyboard macro editor and player
Clipboard window
Miscellaneous tools (programmer's calculator, alarm clock, ASCII table, calendar)
Context-sensitive help system.
Now, you can send an electronic OS/2 postcard to your friends! With the help of Lukas Koutsky, there are now more than 20 e-cards with OS/2 topics!
Visit OS/2.cz, select e-cards and send a beatiful e-card to your fellows!
Dmitry B. Afanasiev has released new (last unix port) version of Analog - 4.13 with his KOT patches:
- localization RUSSIAN_ALT is added.
- option SET_CHARSET is added. When it is switched off analog does
not write charset= to the generated html
-lang/rualtdom.tab is created.
-parameter of command line -c analog.config is added, where analog.config
is the path to the configuration file analog.
-option LANGDIR is added. It determines the catalog with localization.
It is necessary when the path to the catalog differs from ../analog/lang/.
-for using the program as CGI script it is enough to correct several
lines in the configuration file.
Analog is freeware program which analyses logfiles from WWW servers. It works on almost any operating system (now on OS/2 Warp too!) and designed to be fast and to produce attractive statistics.
The audience at the Saturday meeting of The Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG) got one big surprise: handfuls and handfuls of real dollar bills thrown about the assembly hall by the guest presenter, who then lectured on his methods of using OS/2 for computerized stock market investing.
"We've never had a meeting like this one" said one SCOUG member who drove for an hour to attend. "We had money literally raining down on our heads. Everybody got some."
The presentation was given in two sections during the four-hour meeting. First, the complete investment system was block diagrammed on white boards and each block was discussed, along with the specific requirements for each. The system software components were described, including custom software plus two inexpensive commercial OS/2 programs -- Mesa 2 for analysis and data presentation and DBExpert for maintaining the databases.
Then, in the second half of the presentation, the formulas, terms and software rules for the OS/2 system were detailed.
Both sessions included lots of question-and-answer time, including several questions about the compilers used for the custom software. Also of keen interest to the audience was the real-time data feed capability of Mesa 2 and the simultaneous support of multiple databases by DBExpert.
SCOUG welcomes all OS/2 users to their monthly General and SIG meetings. Admission is always free. Mark your calendar for the third Saturday of every month, and come to SCOUG. Visit
Website Editor, Southern California OS/2 User Group
After PMNRDX was tested "worldwide", it was necessary to make some fixes. Also I could improve highly the performance of this tool.
Please download the new release directly from my home page (home page is in in German only-sorry)
I will upload the fixed version, when it runs stable, so please give
a feedback!
The 16 November 2000 issue of OS/2 eZine is now online. In this issue:
- Creating Icons for your OS/2 Desktop
- Managing a Novell Netware Network in an OS/2 shop
- Configuring Odin properly
- The third installment of Hands on your homepage, and the eleventh
installment of Simon Gronlund's "Into Java"
You can read the latest issue at our web site:
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