<10:07:16 Sector> | would like to introduce Achim Hasenmueller from Innotek, Inc. |
<10:07:36 Sector> | achimha, would you like to introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what you do¨ |
<10:07:56 Blackbird> | Hello Mr. Hasenmueller.....thanks for coming |
<10:08:09 achimha> | thanks, Sector. My name is Achim Hasenmueller and I live in Stuttgart, Germany. |
<10:08:29 achimha> | I work as a project manager at InnoTek here and I'm in charge for some of our OS/2 related projects. |
<10:08:57 achimha> | I've been using OS/2 since 1991 and have been stuck with it since then :) |
<10:10:43 achimha> | maybe I should talk a bit about the products we have |
<10:10:50 francesk> | yes please |
<10:11:00 achimha> | I think most of you have heard about some of them or even use them :) |
<10:11:35 achimha> | We have the Macromedia Flash Player for OS/2 which the only official Flash Player based on original source codes from Macromedia |
<10:12:15 achimha> | Currently, we have Flash 4 available from our website at www.innotek.de/flash and also part of IBM OS/2 (Convenience Pack 1 & 2) and IBM Web Browser for OS/2 (Mozilla) |
<10:12:29 achimha> | very soon (hopefully next week) we will release Flash 5 |
<10:12:50 bela> | good news :-) |
<10:12:54 achimha> | it is also based on the original Macromedia source codes and will be able to support the latest Flash content |
<10:13:09 francesk> | great ! |
<10:13:13 achimha> | unfortunately - it won't be free anymore. We had to change our licensing model which was free for individual users. |
<10:13:36 achimha> | you will be able to download and try it for free but there will be some subtle nag screens from time to time |
<10:13:53 achimha> | if you just view web sites with Flash - they might not be annoying at all |
<10:14:00 Rat-Salad> | it won't expire? |
<10:14:17 Blackbird> | will it be available with a Software Choice license |
<10:14:20 francesk> | how much would the registered version cost ? |
<10:14:31 achimha> | However, if you use it, you are supposed to register it for EUR 20 (around USD 17). |
<10:14:38 Ltning> | Are there business reasons for this, or is it due to something macromedia did/said? |
<10:15:04 achimha> | It will not expire. Just open another browser window with the registration page on every 5th click on a flash movie. |
<10:15:24 Rat-Salad> | that's reasonable |
<10:15:27 achimha> | Blackbird: so far, IBM has not licensed the new version. |
<10:15:42 achimha> | so if you just view Flash content, there will never be a Flash movie |
<10:15:54 achimha> | if you play a Flash point and shoot game - it might be a bit annoying ;-) |
<10:16:25 bela> | might be serenity - and their eCS an chance to get to full version ? |
<10:16:37 achimha> | Ltning: various business reasons. |
<10:17:06 achimha> | bela: we have not started to talk to Serenity about that. They do ship Flash 4 and can continue to do so. |
<10:17:14 Walter> | Achim: Do you know if it will be included on an eComStation upgrade? |
<10:17:17 MADeCSSMP> | Is Flash 5 available yet? |
<10:17:35 achimha> | We are also going to offer a standalone player as part of the Flash 5 Player. You don't need a browser to view Flash movies. |
<10:17:51 Sector> | Same licensing for the standalone¨ |
<10:17:56 achimha> | And we are planning to release a Mozilla component that gives scripting support in Mozilla. |
<10:18:23 Blackbird> | next week ...Madecssmp...hopefully...as stated earlier |
<10:18:27 achimha> | Sector: yes, it will be part of the package. It will not have any restrictions/nag screens in the "shareware" version though. |
<10:19:16 achimha> | Personally, I think Flash 5 is much better. Both Macromedia and InnoTek have learned a lot from past experiences. |
<10:19:44 achimha> | So you are encouraged to try it out when it's available (basically only a matter of finishing the README) |
<10:20:01 bela> | i'll do so :-) |
<10:20:21 francesk> | you've said FLASH was developed with sources , is it difficult to "port" with ODIN ? |
<10:21:11 achimha> | francesk: it does not use Odin. We wanted to keep it very small and efficient so we did not add any additional library. Even though Odin is very well able to handle it. |
<10:21:33 achimha> | another product we offer is InnoTek Co-StandbyServer for e-business |
<10:21:45 achimha> | this goes back to the StandbyServer products from Vinca and Legato |
<10:22:06 achimha> | we bought the product in late 2000 and enhanced it for WSeB |
<10:22:21 achimha> | CSBS for short is a high availability clustering and failover software |
<10:22:33 achimha> | it allows you to connect two OS/2 machines to a cluster |
<10:22:54 achimha> | if one machine fails (hardware, software), our software will instantly transfer the tasks to the other machine |
<10:23:00 achimha> | users will notice little or no downtime |
<10:23:15 francesk> | flash - so it is a really native product , incredible . well done guys |
<10:23:22 achimha> | it's mainly targeted at enterpise OS/2 customers where downtime means money |
<10:23:46 francesk> | again - what's its price ? |
<10:23:52 bela> | hmm - so nothing for two SOHO machines *g* |
<10:23:53 achimha> | I don't anticipate much interest in it from this audience ;-) |
<10:23:59 e-babe> | is it only realized via software? |
<10:24:04 achimha> | francesk: Flash 5: EUR 20 (~ USD 17) |
<10:24:16 Blackbird> | I hope there are lots users out there for you to market too.... |
<10:24:27 achimha> | e-babe: yes, our version does not require special hardware. It uses a dedicated 100MBit ethernet card for the mirroring link |
<10:24:38 achimha> | CSBS costs $4999 for one server pair |
<10:24:40 francesk> | thanks , and price od CSBS ? |
<10:24:42 francesk> | ok |
<10:24:51 achimha> | so definitely an enterprise class solution |
<10:25:10 francesk> | is CSBS really worth ? , please try to simulate a sell |
<10:25:19 Walter> | achimha: you're begin to talk like IBM :-) |
<10:25:32 bela> | definitely YES |
<10:25:34 achimha> | francesk: well, there are several thousand copies in use today |
<10:25:42 francesk> | why would i want such a thing, is really usefull ? |
<10:25:46 francesk> | GREAT ! |
<10:25:49 achimha> | Walter: hehe, my professional career started at IBM ;-) |
<10:25:57 Walter> | :-) |
<10:26:08 achimha> | francesk: for many companies, server downtime results in losing fortunes every hour |
<10:26:15 francesk> | you said thousands ? wow |
<10:26:22 francesk> | ok i do , but |
<10:26:39 achimha> | francesk: imagine a bank branch with one server. When its hard drive dies, all employees and customer can go home. Bad for your business. |
<10:26:39 francesk> | that means a lot of bussines if using oS/2 , a good news |
<10:26:58 francesk> | a good reason |
<10:27:03 achimha> | francesk: OS/2 is very popular among the Fortune 1000 |
<10:27:23 Ltning> | OS/2 is a very low TCO solution, if done right. |
<10:27:29 Ltning> | Much lower than anything else currently on the market |
<10:27:35 Ltning> | ..within the limits of what it can do ofcourse.. |
<10:27:58 achimha> | Ltning: yep, that's why banks use it. For them IT is something to run their business and make money - not to play with. |
<10:28:08 achimha> | but I think CSBS is not our most exciting product for you :) |
<10:28:14 Ltning> | that's why there is some 'silent uproar' among some huge companies and banks over the fact that IBM is letting OS/2 die.. |
<10:28:33 bela> | yeah ... tel us something about ... |
<10:28:48 bela> | VPC :-) |
<10:29:01 achimha> | ok |
<10:29:09 achimha> | VPC solves the #1 problem of OS/2 |
<10:29:16 achimha> | and it solves the #1 problem with OS/2 |
<10:29:31 achimha> | #1 problem of OS/2: it doesn't run most applications |
<10:29:55 achimha> | #1 problem with OS/2: companies are stuck with it because they have large applications written for it - they can't migrate to Windows |
<10:30:25 achimha> | therefore we have two products |
<10:30:29 achimha> | Virtual PC for OS/2 |
<10:30:56 achimha> | it runs on your OS/2 workstation as a normal application and it allows you to install any type of operating system into a virtual machine. So you can run Windows and office |
<10:31:16 achimha> | Virtual PC for Windows with OS/2 Guest Support |
<10:31:30 bela> | finally no DualBoot anymore :-) really good news ... |
<10:31:45 achimha> | This one runs on Windows and allows you to execute OS/2 in a window including all your OS/2 apps. Perfect for migrating off OS/2 (and that's definitely a market!) |
<10:31:56 achimha> | So Virtual PC is part of an integration and migration solution |
<10:32:14 francesk> | is VPC a semi-"ported" ODIN produtc ? or again you have the "sources" ;-) ? |
<10:32:53 KC> | Would you tell us the hardware requirements for VPC? |
<10:32:54 francesk> | "Perfect for migrating off OS/2 (and that's definitely a market!)" good for you , bad for warp |
<10:33:08 achimha> | francesk: VPC is a 100% native OS/2 application and we do have full source code access as part of our partnership with Connectix |
<10:33:35 francesk> | achimha : you are great boys , GO ON ! |
<10:33:37 achimha> | francesk: of course we took advantage of some of the ODIN technology, given the fact that InnoTek developers are responsible for most of the Odin code... |
<10:34:26 francesk> | achimha : sorry , when i use ODIN i am meaning the use of ODIN api , not "traduction" i am right ? |
<10:34:30 achimha> | e-babe: well, it's sad what IBM is doing. I prefer OS/2 over Windows in many ways and I think it is the better solution for many customers. However, I rather have OS/2 in a box than no OS/2 at all. Still OS/2 after all. |
<10:34:45 FAO> | What about USB supoport in VPC? |
<10:35:03 achimha> | FAO: in the works. Maybe 3rd quarter 2002. |
<10:36:15 Walter> | Achim: are there limits on what windows can be run in a box and what OS/2 apps can be run when you're running the Windows box? |
<10:36:33 Walter> | what windows=what windows apps |
<10:37:01 achimha> | Walter: basically we emulate a whole PC including a BIOS, PCI bus, hard drives, etc. Therefore any type of Windows and application should work. |
<10:37:25 Rat-Salad> | hehe thats cool |
<10:37:27 Walter> | there's that word: SHOULD. :-) |
<10:37:45 achimha> | Walter: well, for Windows, we run any version that's ever been released. |
<10:37:56 MADeCSSMP> | Do windoze apps run as full screen under VPC, like fullscreen win-OS/2, or do they run as windowed apps? |
<10:38:01 Walter> | OK, that's a good start. |
<10:38:24 TheSeer> | Walter: VPC emulates a computer.. which is a special GFX-Card, special Sound-Card, and stuff.. |
<10:38:27 achimha> | MADeCSSMP: the Windows desktop will be a window on your OS/2 desktop. Take a look at the screenshot at www.innotek.de/products/virtualpc |
<10:38:38 TheSeer> | thus an app requireing a different 'hardware' would fail to run in VPC |
<10:38:41 Andy> | What about Cut'n'Paste from WinXX into OS/2 and v.v. in windowed sessions? |
<10:38:56 achimha> | Andy: there is special cut & paste support between Windows and OS/2 |
<10:39:14 e-babe> | do you also support that win-versions that dont 'use' that 'wait-cycle-stuff'? |
<10:39:23 Andy> | What about SMP ? |
<10:39:24 achimha> | Andy: that and some other integration features are provided by the "Virtual PC Additions" - a set of device drivers for the guest operating system |
<10:39:25 bela> | the cut&paste support sounds rellay good |
<10:39:38 mike_snyd> | I haven't seen much traffic on the Innotek support lists. Does that mean that you're ready to ship? |
<10:39:41 achimha> | e-babe: yes. With the latest version, we have a fix to cut down CPU usage |
<10:40:26 achimha> | Andy: currently, we do not benefit from SMP and we also do not officially support it but it appears to work fine. |
<10:40:35 francesk> | is there a fullscreen mode like in Vmware ? |
<10:40:38 achimha> | mike_snyd: well, only very few copies have been released so far. We will ship in the first quarter, most likely February. |
<10:40:38 Ltning> | achimha: well you do benefit in the way that any app benefits from smp.. |
<10:41:03 achimha> | francesk: on Windows, yes. On OS/2 later this year. Need to use Scitech MGL for that. |
<10:41:17 Blackbird> | no screen shot at that url....????? |
<10:41:25 Sector> | Should benefit some at least, OS/2 can run on one CPU other VPC should be able to use the other one. |
<10:41:29 francesk> | ok , price of VPC ? |
<10:41:41 svobi> | What about C-A-D under VPC ? Under OS/2 C-A-D has slightly different manner ?? |
<10:41:41 achimha> | Blackbird: there is a PDF with a screen. I also found screenshots on some Russian site. Let me check. |
<10:41:43 MADeCSSMP> | Blackbird: Its in the PDF |
<10:41:55 Ltning> | achimha: I can create a screenshot right away.. |
<10:41:56 francesk> | would tha Fullscree option be released as an update ? |
<10:42:20 achimha> | francesk: the price will be Euro 199 (+ tax) / USD 199 |
<10:42:33 Rat-Salad> | why would one want a full screen mode is what I'm wondering |
<10:42:39 achimha> | francesk: so we will charge the same as for the Windows version which has a much larger market |
<10:43:02 achimha> | francesk: yes, all 4.x updates will be free |
<10:43:02 MADeCSSMP> | achimha: Will you continue to support NT4, even though m$ has abandoned it? |
<10:43:18 achimha> | MADeCSSMP: it is my favorite guest operating system - stable and fast ;) |
<10:43:34 francesk> | Rat-SAlad : to "belive" you are really in another OS , for those who are not prepared to |
<10:43:39 MADeCSSMP> | That means NT4 as a guest on OS/2 of course |
<10:43:48 Kris> | We (I) want a full screen coz the window can't be resized to the max. |
<10:44:01 achimha> | Kris: you are right. Definitely a high priority. |
<10:44:15 achimha> | The virtual machine also has networking. |
<10:44:16 bela> | achimha - what are useful hardware requirements for VPC running on a OS/2 box ... |
<10:44:17 Kris> | Thank You! |
<10:44:22 achimha> | We have something called the "Virtual Switch" |
<10:44:39 achimha> | that will allow you to run a Linux guest with Apache and serve webpages to other systems in the network! |
<10:44:40 Walter> | achimha: nice! |
<10:44:41 bela> | for example to use win98 and corel draw in it ... |
<10:44:43 e-babe> | the 'gui' around the guest seems to be odin-based?!= |
<10:45:12 achimha> | bela: 500MHz CPU and you need RAM for OS/2 + the guest OS and its applications |
<10:45:25 bela> | ok |
<10:45:30 achimha> | e-babe: so if OS/2 needs 96MB, Windows 98 48MB and Corel 32MB, you need 96 + 48 + 32MB |
<10:45:45 achimha> | RAM is cheap and the more the better :) |
<10:46:12 achimha> | e-babe: yes, we are using portions of the Odin technology for the GUI |
<10:46:37 francesk> | what about VPC performance compared with a real PC ? |
<10:47:10 achimha> | francesk: that is not an easy questions. Depends on what you do. Some operations are like just as fast and some operations are like 100x slower. In average it might about be 50% slower. |
<10:47:12 bela> | so on a AMD Athlon 600 with 256 MB there will be a chance to have a useable VPC-WIN98-Corel-session ... |
<10:47:14 Ltning> | VPC screenshot: http://anduin.net/vpc.png |
<10:47:22 achimha> | francesk: I usually run OS/2 and Internet Explorer 6.0 in NT 4 as a guest |
<10:47:35 achimha> | francesk: IE6 in VPC is still faster than Netscape 4.61 on OS/2 |
<10:48:16 achimha> | very nice screenshot |
<10:48:52 Blackbird> | thanks Ltning |
<10:49:05 Andy> | What type of apps are slower? |
<10:49:05 Kris> | Where then can we purchase Flash 5, or will it still come free? |
<10:49:25 achimha> | Kris: watch our website for updates during the next week. It will be sold through Mensys |
<10:49:42 achimha> | Andy: something that would involve a lot of disk activity |
<10:49:50 Kris> | Thanks |
<10:49:57 achimha> | Andy: or a lot of graphics like a high end game |
<10:50:18 achimha> | Andy: typically, everything dealing with accessing the virtual hardware will have a performance penalty |
<10:50:20 Andy> | So a faster HD and CDROM could improve performance? |
<10:50:26 Blackbird> | So do I understand that......file systems....HPFS...FAT...FAT32...JFS.....etc will not be an issue with VPC... |
<10:50:42 achimha> | Andy: yes - just like with your standard OS |
<10:50:51 achimha> | Blackbird: yes, the guest OS will partition and format its virtual hard drive |
<10:51:01 achimha> | the virtual hard drives will appear as ordinary files in your OS/2 |
<10:51:08 achimha> | with the .vhd extension |
<10:51:14 bela> | achimha: just a short step back - will be my box (as mentonied before) a usable solution ? i would use a VPC solution mainly for corel8 and viso ... |
<10:51:27 TheSeer> | achimha: can i "mount" a real partition to boot from there ? |
<10:51:29 achimha> | bela: I use both apps in VPC |
<10:51:55 achimha> | TheSeer: we disabled that feature in the first release because it needs more testing - we don't want to have any bugs that corrupt your partitions :) |
<10:52:20 achimha> | bela: you probably won't notice any differences for Corel |
<10:52:23 francesk> | so playing , if not with a AThlon 4Ghz , forget it |
<10:52:30 e-babe> | is it possible to share a vhd between two different guest-os'es? |
<10:52:32 TheSeer> | to bad ;) but understandable ;) |
<10:52:47 Rat-Salad> | that would be helpfully since I already have four oses installed |
<10:52:48 achimha> | e-babe: not concurrently but otherwise yes |
<10:52:51 bela> | thank you , achim |
<10:53:16 bela> | sounds really good for me (and my needs) |
<10:53:17 achimha> | we also have a very nice feature called Shared Folders |
<10:53:27 achimha> | that allows you to mount a drive letter into your guest OS |
<10:53:34 achimha> | that drive letter maps to a directory on your host OS |
<10:53:42 Andy> | MADeCSSMP: that was me asking about SMP. |
<10:53:47 achimha> | so you can access your JFS/HPFS/etc drives from a windows guest |
<10:54:02 bela> | cool - so i can exchange files between OS/2 and the VPC guest , right ? |
<10:54:03 achimha> | perfect to share files and applications |
<10:54:10 bela> | ok |
<10:54:12 Gord> | achimha - You mention virtual hard drives. This is going to make changes to HD layouts. What about backing VPC out? How hard? |
<10:54:16 e-babe> | without ea's i guess--- ;-) |
<10:54:19 achimha> | this is also provided by the "Virtual PC Additions" |
<10:54:36 achimha> | Gord: virtual hard drives are just ordinary (but usually large) files on your OS/2 |
<10:54:52 achimha> | Gord: no change at all. Uninstalling VPC is just removing one directory and a driver. |
<10:55:03 Gord> | Wow! |
<10:55:19 achimha> | ... unfortunately I will have to run in some minutes .... |
<10:55:38 achimha> | I want to make sure you know our Online Forums |
<10:55:46 TheSeer> | hehe |
<10:55:48 achimha> | they are located at http://www.innotek.de/support/forums |
<10:56:04 achimha> | there are forums for VPC, Flash, CSBS |
<10:56:15 achimha> | you can find answers to common questions and also post yourself |
<10:56:30 bela> | "haben will" (that means "I want it" and was the name of a button of a old software which was used be IBM for providing some shareware/freewareapps during Exhibitions "Messen" in germany) ;-) |
<10:56:49 bela> | loooong time ago ;-) |
<10:57:15 achimha> | bela: hehe. You will be able to get it. Details about distribution, dealers, etc. will follow shortly. It will even be shrink-wrapped! |
<10:57:49 bela> | fine |
<10:58:00 bela> | but i'm still waiting for my eCS ... |
<10:58:11 achimha> | if you think our forums are not enough - you can also email to virtualpc@innotek.de |
<10:58:23 bela> | but this is another story ;-) |
<10:58:38 achimha> | we will also be giving a free version to user groups |
<10:58:45 achimha> | so if you think you qualify, let us know |
<10:58:51 MADeCSSMP> | achimha: Are you planning to be at Warpstock again this year. |
<10:59:06 achimha> | MADeCSSMP: sure. whereever, whenever and whatever it will be ;-) |
<10:59:14 Andy> | Can we pay for VPC in advance and get the 2nd beta? |
<10:59:19 achimha> | MADeCSSMP: Toronto was awesome |
<10:59:20 TheSeer> | MADeCSSMP: you didn't need to ask that... ;) |
<10:59:22 MADeCSSMP> | There is a survey on that at http://warpstock.os2voice.org/surveys/ws2002.html ;-) |
<10:59:43 achimha> | Andy: unfortunately, not right now. We're close to release and it won't take much longer... |
<10:59:43 MADeCSSMP> | Yes I did. i wanted to post my survey ;-) |
<11:00:33 achimha> | ok, I think I better run |
<11:00:51 achimha> | thanks for inviting me - was a pleasure to meet you! |
<11:01:00 KleinDuim> | achimha: Good Evening and thanks for your answers! |
<11:01:01 Blackbird> | Thanks for being here |
<11:01:03 achimha> | for any questions, use our forums or drop me a note |
<11:01:08 MADeCSSMP> | Thanks for coming and thanks for all your work for OS/2 |
<11:01:23 svobi> | Danke schoen ;-) |
<11:01:26 bela> | Thank you |
<11:01:33 Gord> | Thanks. |
<11:01:34 Andy> | achimha: Thank you very much! |
<11:01:39 StevenL> | Thanks. |
<11:01:41 achimha> | btw, Ltning is excellent for asking more questions - he knows VPC better than I do! |
<11:01:43 orac> | Thanks also |
<11:01:44 Walter> | Thank you for all that info. |
<11:01:47 achimha> | cu |
<11:01:51 Kris> | Thank you very much! |
<11:02:05 Sector> | achima, thanks for stopping by |