<DCasey> | Well, this is certainly a lively bunch, tonight
<Sector> | Is there an agenda"
<DCasey> | Nothing cast in stone
<DCasey> | We've discussed a members-only newsletter ... nothing like the monthly newsletter we have now, just something to keep members informed on our current projects
<DCasey> | That .. and The Warpdoctor project
<DCasey> | I think it's time we cranked up the Warpdoctor
<mandie> | was anything ever worked out for the database?
<DCasey> | mandie not yet
<DCasey> | I already have the OK to re-do the Notebook/2 site and place it on the Warpdoctor site
<mandie> | who were you going to work with on the database?
<DCasey> | But I'd like to have some sort of plan in place before we do that
<Projects> | and it has a working db
<DCasey> | mandie I was planning on getting together with Andreas Linde
<mandie> | I think that should be a starting point...then once a database is setup, it would just be a matter of entering info
<mandie> | searchable database
<DCasey> | I think the Notebook/2 site is a good place to start
<DCasey> | That site has loads of good information ... but the pages (frames) are way too "busy"
<Longstaff> | webserver installation requirements would be comething to consider regarding that
<Projects> | and the important frame is far too tiny... I almost didn't see it
<DCasey> | Longstaff in waht way?
<mandie> | you might want to do html>txt and insert into a template that would be used for all WarpDoctor pages
<Longstaff> | DCasey: well, hypothetically, like to run oracle on a linux server, you'd need a linux version of oracle
<DCasey> | Longstaff This all native OS/2
<DCasey> | Webserver is currently running the latest version of Apache
<Longstaff> | DCasey: kewl
<Longstaff> | where you be hosting the site?
<DCasey> | Longstaff Abel has a friend in NC that owns a small ISP
<DCasey> | The server, that we built, is located there, on a T-1 connection
<Sector> | Site exists now, VOICE's own server it's co-located at a site
<DCasey> | K62-500 w/256Mb of ram
<Longstaff> | the database won't take up that much diskspace, even when substantially populated
<Sector> | Hi StevenL
* | Longstaff was hoping abel would be here......please tell him i said hello
<StevenL> | Hi there. I've been convinced to join.
<Rat-Salad> | he said be home soon
<DCasey> | Longstaff I thought he'd be here, too
<Sector> | Hi Swanee
<DCasey> | Oh ... it can't be!!!!!!!!
<Swanee> | Hi all
<Sector> | So now we are just short the System Administrator and the Secretary. (not counting Marketing who isn't usually present for these)
<os2r> | what's the talk about tonight?
<Sector> | We've been discussing WarpDoctor
<Projects> | and then in walked wayne :-)
<Rat-Salad> | hello
<DCasey> | Another semi-ralated topic (to Warpdoctor) is the NEWS list
<madodel> | What about the News list?
<DCasey> | If we are to come up with a replecement to warpcast,
<Swanee> | What is the status of WarpCast other than the fact that it hasn't been seen (around here) for a while now?
<Sector> | The newslist is there, just under utilized... Though for a full WarpCast replacement it could use some more options (web archive, digest)
<DCasey> | we need to get a way to archive all the messages on a website
<madodel> | Peter Moylan is working on adding the Digest feature to MajorMajor
<madodel> | He just added a multiple-moderator feature at our request
<madodel> | There is a REXX exit in MajorMajor. perhaps we can build a web archive using that?
<DCasey> | I'd think that would be a good thing to look into
* | Sector agrees
<Swanee> | Is WarpCast completely dead or just broken (still) since the equipment replacement of last year?
<Sector> | Was nice when WarpCast appeared on the scene
<madodel> | Swanee: It's been about 4 weeks. Even a Linux guy should be able to fix it by now
<Swanee> | I know that things are much differnt now at BMT. They were almost trouble free all the years I did business with them but since redesigning, there have been a multitude of mixups and problems.
<DCasey> | I think Thomas is trying to grow his business ... and he's either doing it too quickly, or he's not doing it the right way
<Swanee> | Maybe it's just because they are larger and more prone to problems because of that. I have to give them the benefit of the doubt.
<Swanee> | In any case, I think OS/2 users are missing out on a great resource.
<DCasey> | Projects did you ever get confirmation from BMT on those memberships in question?
<madodel> | the OS2SS has languished for over a year. It's like TeamOS2.org. It's dead Jim
<Projects> | DCasey: huh?
<Swanee> | MADodel: Agreed, it was also a victim of the changes.
<DCasey> | Projects I thought you said something last BoD meeting about a couple of memberships you'd received, but had yet to receive the confirmation from BMT
<Projects> | DCasey: ah, you mean the ones I mentioned that BMT hasn't (apparently) processed yet... answer is no
<DCasey> | OK
<madodel> | Swanee: Yes I agree. I don't understand what they did to screw things up, but it happened.
<os2r> | gotta reboot....bbiab
<mandie> | WarpCast was a free service that consumed the time of moderators....not exactly a money making deal for BMT
<Swanee> | Didn't Trevor Smith moderate?
<DCasey> | I've seen an increase in the amount of traffic on our news list this past week
<DCasey> | Is that due to increased submissions?
<mandie> | yes, but I believe he's tied in with BMT now
<DCasey> | Or is Mark picking up on them, and re-sending them on that list?
<Swanee> | mandie: Oh, I didn't know that.
<Projects> | DCAsey: mark's been advertising the hell out of the news@ list :-)
<mandie> | Projects: better known as "marketing"
<Projects> | hehehe... yup
<XRange> | Mark doing good job of to.
<madodel> | I asked Adreas to add os2voice.org to the News Add page on os2.org
<madodel> | We are now getting most posts from there
<DCasey> | Thta's good
<DCasey> | I know there are a few good sites where I can go to get news ... but I prefer to have it delivered to me rather than go looking for it
<Projects> | exactly
<Projects> | kinda like subscribing to a newspaper you have to pick up at the printers...
<Swanee> | What would we need to do to recreate a new WarpCast? Start a new mailing list and be able to access archived copies?
<DCasey> | Swanee We already have the mailing list (news@os2voice.org)
* | Sector prefers email for news
<DCasey> | We need a way to setup multiple moderators (which I believe we now have as soon as Abel installs the files from Peter Moylan)
<DCasey> | And a way to archive the posts to a webpage
<DCasey> | The listserver software we are using (MajorMajor) has a REXX exit built in
<DCasey> | May be able to do it with a REXX script and a webpage template
<DCasey> | But that's out of my are of expertise
<madodel> | Abel has setup a new email address for news submissions - submit@os2voice.org
<madodel> | Currently that just comes to me.
<Swanee> | Is the news list just for news type announcements? (Swanee just subscribed to it - didn't know he wasn't subscribed)
<madodel> | What other type posts?
<DCasey> | Swanee yes .. anything OS/2 related that's newsworthy
<Projects> | or eCS related
* | Projects ducks
<madodel> | It's actually not moderated yet. But to this point the volume has been so low it hasn't mattered
<DCasey> | Didn't Warpcast have a policy of not accepting announcements from Commercial vendors?
<Projects> | oh, no TM :)
<Swanee> | OK, another Q: Do all the submissions to "news" go into a separate directory?
<DCasey> | That's a good question
* | Swanee is just thinking... (grind... whirrrr....)
<madodel> | What does that mean? Another directory?
<madodel> | I have no idea what MajorMajor does with them
<DCasey> | Yes .. they are in their own directory
<Swanee> | MADodel: I'm wondering if all the news submissions are placed in a separate directory from any other mail that MajorMajor recieves
<DCasey> | I just checked the directory structure on VOICE1
<Swanee> | DCasey: OK
<madodel> | So each list has it's own directory? I didn't know that
<DCasey> | I may be mistaken ...
<Swanee> | I'm sure I could do something to process them and get them ready for sending out so a moderator could just approve them and then send.
<DCasey> | Let me do some more looking
<DCasey> | I think I was in the old directory structure from Hethmon's mail server
<madodel> | Swanee: MajorMajor already has a moderator feature. We just need a way to get posted announcements on a web page
<DCasey> | OK .. I think it's still the same
<DCasey> | each mailing list seems to have it's own directory
<Swanee> | That shouldn't be too difficult.
<DCasey> | I need to get with Abel and see which directories are actually in use (and get rid of the ones that aren't)
<madodel> | Can we also build an archive of old Warpcast posts? That would give us a few years of archive
<Swanee> | MADodel: Yes
<madodel> | I have Warpcast posts back to july 1998
<Swanee> | I've already written rexx to update webpages from directories full of information. This wouldn't be too difficult.
<madodel> | great, now all we need to do is come up with a method for multiple moderators to determine when to post. We also will need volunteers for moderators
<DCasey> | Swanee GREAT!
<madodel> | We don't want every moderator posting the same announcement
<Swanee> | MADodel: One dir for incoming and they get archived after being posted. Mods can just watch the incoming dir.
<Sector> | Some sort of holding place for the messages where the moderators could check on new message and approve or disaprove them
<madodel> | Swanee: Watch how?
<DCasey> | Sector That could be the ditrectory for the submit@ e-mail address
<DCasey> | ?
<Swanee> | MADodel: We'd have to write a rexx script to update the webpage for mods.
<Sector> | A web interface to this directory where designated moderators could approve the post so it goes out and gets archived, or disapprove where it simply gets deleted
<mandie> | or edited
<madodel> | OK, so moderators get an email that a post has been received. they then check the directory and approve/disappove it for posting.
<Swanee> | MADodel: We could do it that way
<DCasey> | If the SUBMIT@ address is just a POP3 account, then the posts go nowhere, by deafault
* | Projects thinks that getting an email would be pointless... there'll be news everyday. You really want all those notices?
<DCasey> | The moderators could check the inbox of that account periodically
<madodel> | It's an alias
<Swanee> | I will assume that MajorMajor has a filter system that we can route mail or run rexx against it?
<Swanee> | Like: anything with [NEWS] in the header goes here or whatever we specify?
<Sector> | Check the page when they have time, no need to get flooded with emails that might tell a moderator about something submited that's allready been sent out or deleted
<ccatgirl> | whats this room about
<Sector> | !ask voice
<VoiceBot> | [voice] Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education (mandie)
<Rat-Salad> | hehe
<DCasey> | ccatgirl It's about OS/2 ... IBM's Operating System/2
<Swanee> | haha
<Chrissy> | I think she was lost...
<mandie> | Sector: ideally, the postings could be checked nightly at a specific (approx) time....moderators could rotate days/nights
<ccatgirl> | i never saw this room was just wondering
<Swanee> | She was probably looking for #hottub
<ccatgirl> | no i wasnt
<Swanee> | haha
<ccatgirl> | ha ha
<DCasey> | If we had an actual e-mail account setup as submit@ .. and the news@ list was limited to posting only by certain people (moderators) .. would that make it any easier?
<Sector> | I'de rather check more often then that... Get the posts out, if checked just once a night/day could build up a bit.
<DCasey> | You could have as many or as few "moderators" as needed
<madodel> | Sector: so would I. We want to be responsive
<Swanee> | MADodel: Could you zip the WarpCast dirs and an example webpage and send it to me?
<Rat-Salad> | its funny when they wander in like that :)
<DCasey> | If a :moderator: checked the inbox, the posts would be deleted from there (providing the mail client was set to remove posts from the server)
<mandie> | even funnier when you "think" they've wandered out already :)
<madodel> | I could send the Warpcast posts, but I have no idea on what the web page should look like
<Swanee> | mandie: hajha, she did but she came back just as I hit
<DCasey> | The "moderator could then send the pst on to the NEWS list .. and the archiving could be done from there
<Swanee> | DCasey: True... good thinking
<DCasey> | No duplicate posts
<DCasey> | since whoever last checked the inbox at submit would have removed them
<madodel> | Could we subscribe a different email address to the list to build a different directory for the archive
<DCasey> | newsarchive@os2voice.org?
<madodel> | Swanee: I have 4178 Warpcast posts - 876,575 bytes according to MR2ICE
<Swanee> | MADodel: I can take an email that big if you want to send it.
<Projects> | Swanee: won't be that "big"... just watch out for 4178 incoming messages... :-)
<mandie> | or ftp it
<Swanee> | My isp is changing mail servers and the one I'm on goes offline tonight. Guess I'd better get cracking on changing my setup. I've been avoiding it until now.
<DCasey> | As to the webpage ... I'd think a chronologicaly ordered list by subject that links to the text of the post should suffice
<Swanee> | MADodel: Can I get it via FTP?
<Sector> | At least they let you know about it...
<Sector> | Should be a search feature as well
<madodel> | I just found a few more in an older archive.
<Swanee> | DCasey: We'd still need some kind of header and footer for it. They don't have to be fancy.
<madodel> | Swanee: I can setup my ftp server, but I can't leave it up.
<Swanee> | MADodel: Just let me know when, where and what time and I can get it.
<DCasey> | Header and Footer for the page?
<Swanee> | MADodel: If it is a pain to setup hjust email it to me Mark.
<madodel> | Shouldn't we have a page with just dates-subjects which link to either individual posts, or maybe a month's worth of posts?
<Swanee> | DCasey: Yeah, that's no big deal. I'll do it so you can change it when ever you want.
<madodel> | Doesn't Seth have a shell page he uses?
<DCasey> | MADodel Maybe weekly and monthly?
<madodel> | Course how will it be searchable?
<madodel> | We don't have a search engine on os2voice.org
<Swanee> | MADodel: search.cgi
<DCasey> | Searchable would be nice ... but I don't think that's a priority right now
<madodel> | Though Warpcast's subjects should be pretty useful for doing a find
<Swanee> | search.cgi is free and works pretty well. Does Abel have Perl setup on the server?
<madodel> | Maybe Date-subject and poster
<DCasey> | Swanee not sure if he does or not
<DCasey> | I know he was fiddling with perl a while back
<Swanee> | If he does, search.cgi would work really well.
<madodel> | I'm still waiting for MR2ICE to finish up moving those old posts to my Warpcast folder. It's a big archive it's moving from.
<DCasey> | Maybe we could use that for a search engine in the newsletters as well
<madodel> | anything would be better then what we have on the newsletter
<DCasey> | The JAVA search engine we have now is slow
<DCasey> | and innacurate
* | Projects muttered something about that last meeting
<DCasey> | Swanee where do we find search.cgi?
<DCasey> | Projects I remember it being muttered ... just not who muttered it :-)
<Projects> | spent about 3 hours looking for an article...
<Swanee> | I have it but there is a place to get it customized automatically for you on the internet. I'll find it.
<Sector> | Hello again os2r
<Swanee> | http://users.hypermart.net/autocgi/
<DCasey> | Thanks
<DCasey> | I'll pass that along to Abel
<DCasey> | So I don't screw up the usernakes and directories and such :-))
<DCasey> | usernames, even
<os2r> | is there anyway to get lotus smartsuite to install on a large harddrive? i just want it over the original install and it's a drive with 5g free
<Swanee> | DCasey: That is especially for Hypermart hosted sites but it will give you the adjusted script and how to install. We can edit the script for the proper directory later
<DCasey> | Oh .. OK
<DCasey> | os2r which version?
<os2r> | 1.51
<DCasey> | It should install .. what error are you getting?
<mandie> | how secure is that...giving out the username and directory to the site
<os2r> | not enough space.....i
<Swanee> | os2r: Is it because you have more than 2 megs free? How about having a rexx script write a 3 meg file to be deleted after the installation.
<os2r> | it only sees 100mb
<mandie> | nevermind :)
<Swanee> | os2r: Yep, sounds like it
<os2r> | and it's wseb fp2
<DCasey> | What hard drives? IDE or SCSI?
<os2r> | scsi
<DCasey> | Controller?
<os2r> | adaptec 2940u2w
<DCasey> | Which SCSI Controller card?
<DCasey> | OK .. Look in your config.sys file and see if there is a BASEDEV statement loading the SYM8XX.ADD driver
<os2r> | nope
<DCasey> | Hmm
<DCasey> | Is the AIC78U2.ADD driver loading?
* | Projects has to go... will catch up with the logfile