03-02-98 19:59:49 *** Log Activated #voice (E:\INTERNET\GTIRC30\#voice.log)
03-02-98 20:00:01 <MADodel> UncleGrim: Aren't you on the voice news list?
03-02-98 20:00:18 *** Projects (plazenby@ has joined #voice [20:00:18]
03-02-98 20:00:32 <MADodel> Sander, Timur and Peter of win32-OS/2
03-02-98 20:00:39 <Abraxas> NewOrder You liked that?
03-02-98 20:00:42 <UncleGrim> oh--I think I got that
03-02-98 20:00:50 <UncleGrim> heya Projects
03-02-98 20:00:50 <mandie> I'm not happy with Innoval at all..I never get responses to any email that I send
03-02-98 20:01:03 <Projects> heya UncleGrim
03-02-98 20:01:28 <Projects> !op
03-02-98 20:01:30 *** Projects Kicked off #VOICE (Pardon Me?) by VOICEBot [20:01:30]
03-02-98 20:01:33 *** Projects (plazenby@ has joined #voice [20:01:33]
03-02-98 20:01:37 <MADodel> hehehehe
03-02-98 20:01:42 <Projects> bah... silly bot!
03-02-98 20:01:45 <UncleGrim> by the way, how soon 'till I can start putting "Member of VOICE" on my e-mail signature? :)
03-02-98 20:01:50 <UncleGrim> heheh
03-02-98 20:01:55 <UncleGrim> touchÉ
03-02-98 20:02:33 <MADodel> You can put Asst. Editor of the VOICE Newsletter on it. :-)
03-02-98 20:02:51 <mandie> uncle: upon completion of your membership registration :)
03-02-98 20:03:07 <Abraxas> UncleGrim I need you to e-mail me a short biography of yourself for the Web SIte....so members will know something about who they are voting for
03-02-98 20:03:13 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o Projects by MADodel
03-02-98 20:03:22 <Abraxas> UncleGrim e-mail to: voicevp@ibm.net
03-02-98 20:03:33 <UncleGrim> oh, for the sec position?
03-02-98 20:03:39 <Abraxas> UncleGrim yes
03-02-98 20:04:06 <UncleGrim> okay, will do
03-02-98 20:04:08 <Projects> hmm... fp6 is out
03-02-98 20:04:09 <Abraxas> who has the membership list?
03-02-98 20:04:18 * Projects does
03-02-98 20:04:31 <UncleGrim> so I also still need to mail in the membership app from the website?
03-02-98 20:04:39 * UncleGrim will do that tonight as well
03-02-98 20:04:59 <Abraxas> Projects is Bill DeLong a member?
03-02-98 20:04:59 <MADodel> Even we who made up the form had to send it in.
03-02-98 20:05:01 <Projects> UncleGrim: email is fine
03-02-98 20:05:53 <MADodel> Hmmm, warpcast hasn't sent out my fp6 post yet. They sent out the speakup post right away.
03-02-98 20:05:57 <Projects> Abraxas: not yet
03-02-98 20:07:03 <mandie> projects: I was going to put you in the bot again but your IP didn't resolve to a dns
03-02-98 20:07:12 <mandie> do you always have the same IP ?
03-02-98 20:07:22 <Abraxas> Projects ok...I'll e-mail him and mention that he must be a member to run for office
03-02-98 20:07:31 <Projects> mandie: figures...
03-02-98 20:08:41 <Projects> mandie: it's my isp... sometimes it resolves, sometimes it doesn't. I can usually connect to a different server and have it resolve properly though
03-02-98 20:09:15 <mandie> projects: right..their router is trashed somewhere
03-02-98 20:09:41 <UncleGrim> hmm, can't sign it by e-mail
03-02-98 20:10:32 <Projects> mandie: heh... 'their' being?
03-02-98 20:10:41 <mandie> the ISP
03-02-98 20:10:54 <Projects> UncleGrim: send it anyway, and send a follow up later
03-02-98 20:12:11 * Abraxas used BMT Micro....never did mail a signed form
03-02-98 20:12:15 *** Signoff: Projects (Changing Servers) [20:12:15]
03-02-98 20:12:48 <Abraxas> mandie you still running the bot on the box with TCP/IP 4.02t?
03-02-98 20:12:50 <MADodel> Can we get started
03-02-98 20:13:00 <mandie> abraxas: no this box is 4.00e
03-02-98 20:13:23 <Abraxas> k...it should be working, then....you'll probably have to re-enter me in the chop list
03-02-98 20:13:33 <UncleGrim> what shall I put in the subject line of the e-mail? Honorary VOICE membership?
03-02-98 20:13:40 <Abraxas> MADodel yes....let's begin
03-02-98 20:13:41 <mandie> CHOP* Abraxas *!*dcasey@indianapolis.in.ameritech.net 300 a
03-02-98 20:13:44 <mandie> hmm
03-02-98 20:14:07 <Abraxas> mandie no pass set?
03-02-98 20:14:11 <mandie> I keep getting the last seen!
03-02-98 20:14:21 <mandie> abraxas: no entry at all.
03-02-98 20:14:41 <mandie> I took you and projects out completely
03-02-98 20:14:45 *** Projects (plazenby@kitimat-1-12.yellowhead16.net) has joined #VOICE [20:14:45]
03-02-98 20:14:50 <Abraxas> mandie ok...I'll reset pass
03-02-98 20:15:03 *** Signoff: Dogger (irc2.suntrix.com descendants.dynip.com) [20:15:03]
03-02-98 20:15:09 <mandie> abraxas: no, it won't accept the !CHOP to even put you in the cfg
03-02-98 20:15:31 <Abraxas> hmmmm.....sounds like the old problem with the new TCPIP stack
03-02-98 20:15:48 <NewOrder> hmm is dogger useing OS/2?
03-02-98 20:16:04 <mandie> abraxas: ok, try now to set pass
03-02-98 20:16:29 <Projects> !op
03-02-98 20:16:29 *** Projects Kicked off #VOICE (Pardon Me?) by VOICEBot [20:16:29]
03-02-98 20:16:31 <mandie> WarpGuru ??
03-02-98 20:16:32 <Abraxas> nope....
03-02-98 20:16:34 *** Projects (plazenby@kitimat-1-12.yellowhead16.net) has joined #VOICE [20:16:34]
03-02-98 20:16:51 <mandie> I'm not even running IP masquerading
03-02-98 20:16:56 <Projects> argh
03-02-98 20:16:59 <WarpGuru> Yes?
03-02-98 20:17:06 <mandie> Warpguru: hadn't heard a word out of you :)
03-02-98 20:17:18 <mandie> I'm going to have to give this bot an attitude adjustment :(
03-02-98 20:17:26 <WarpGuru> I've been working on an APM problem on my Thinkpad 770
03-02-98 20:17:36 *** Signoff: MADodel (Ping timeout) [20:17:36]
03-02-98 20:17:39 <mandie> I d/l and eggdrop a couple of days ago..may have to interview it for the position :)
03-02-98 20:17:42 <UncleGrim> hey there WarpGuru
03-02-98 20:17:44 <WarpGuru> Hey!!!
03-02-98 20:17:44 <mandie> ah
03-02-98 20:17:53 *** MADodel (MADodel@cable032110.cable.str.ptd.net) has joined #VOICE [20:17:53]
03-02-98 20:17:54 *** Dogger (SomeGuy@ has joined #VOICE [20:17:54]
03-02-98 20:17:55 *** moondog (abcdefg@ has joined #VOICE [20:17:55]
03-02-98 20:17:55 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o Dogger
03-02-98 20:17:58 * Projects votes yes on the eggie :p
03-02-98 20:18:17 <moondog> are we here?
03-02-98 20:18:21 <NewOrder> Dogger question. Are you running DYNDNs/2 4.0 for dynip.com beta? :)
03-02-98 20:18:25 <Projects> why won't this silly bot accept my password?
03-02-98 20:18:34 <mandie> ah...wi dogger ???
03-02-98 20:18:46 <UncleGrim> hi moondog
03-02-98 20:18:50 *** os2hq (os2hq@user-38lcn2a.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #voice [20:18:50]
03-02-98 20:18:52 <os2hq> Howdy, neighbors!
03-02-98 20:18:58 <UncleGrim> hey hq
03-02-98 20:19:03 <moondog> i thought a discussion of the PEL2X was happening today?
03-02-98 20:19:14 <os2hq> NOw that supper is over.....
03-02-98 20:19:14 <mandie> and how did dogger hack ops
03-02-98 20:19:14 <os2hq> moon: next Mon.
03-02-98 20:19:24 <os2hq> +op
03-02-98 20:19:30 * Projects is multitasking supper now...
03-02-98 20:19:33 <moondog> oh shit :)
03-02-98 20:19:34 <Dogger> NewOrder: New to voice AND irc... got chan oped when everything dissappeared and I rejoined
03-02-98 20:19:42 *** #VOICE Mode change: -o Dogger by mandie
03-02-98 20:19:59 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o os2hq by mandie
03-02-98 20:20:02 <UncleGrim> heheh, you're lucky Dogger :)
03-02-98 20:20:02 <moondog> dogger: you just lost it
03-02-98 20:20:07 <NewOrder> Dogger hmmm it's that one server you where on that is useing a dynip.com accoutn.. just wondering if there running OS/2 and my client
03-02-98 20:20:38 *** Signoff: moondog (changing servers) [20:20:38]
03-02-98 20:20:40 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o MADodel by mandie
03-02-98 20:20:53 <Dogger> mandie: bad nick for me.. left over from last winters trial of irc. I'll get something a bit more appropriate in the future
03-02-98 20:20:57 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o Projects by mandie
03-02-98 20:21:14 <mandie> dogger: I just wondered who you were that you got ops :)...np
03-02-98 20:22:02 <Dogger> mandie: did you see my earlier comment on that? It was unintentional for sure...
03-02-98 20:22:12 <mandie> dogger: yes :)
03-02-98 20:22:39 <MADodel> OK so everyone know that the Speakup with Sander, Peter and Timur is next Monday at 8PM EST.
03-02-98 20:22:44 <mandie> I'm going to take the bot down and try something
03-02-98 20:22:45 <MADodel> ?
03-02-98 20:22:49 <mandie> I know :)
03-02-98 20:22:54 * Abraxas knows
03-02-98 20:23:16 <Dogger> NewOrder: What client might that be?
03-02-98 20:23:33 <MADodel> Is everyone aware we are seeking nominations for Secretary for the VOICE Board?
03-02-98 20:23:40 <NewOrder> Dogger DYNDNS/2
03-02-98 20:23:51 <NewOrder> the gui client has been put on hold for the most part
03-02-98 20:23:51 *** Signoff: VOICEBot (EOF From client) [20:23:51]
03-02-98 20:24:12 <MADodel> Course just about everyone here is on the board. :-)
03-02-98 20:24:14 <os2hq> Some guy offered to be sec. From Nicholasville, KY. ???
03-02-98 20:24:30 <Dogger> NewOrder: I am on an OpenChat client
03-02-98 20:24:48 <os2hq> brb...
03-02-98 20:25:01 <NewOrder> Dogger DYNDNS/2 is not an IRC client. :)
03-02-98 20:25:58 <Abraxas> UncleGrim you need to send the membership to Projects....the voicevp@ibm.net is for the nominations :-)...I'll go ahead and forward it
03-02-98 20:26:27 <MADodel> Abraxas: you are aware that you can ask Vince for an os2voice.org mail address?
03-02-98 20:26:32 <Dogger> NewOrder: See... I told you I was new! :-) I'm going to keep quiet and lurk for a while to learn and not reveal anymore of my stupidity...
03-02-98 20:26:49 <UncleGrim> argh
03-02-98 20:26:51 <UncleGrim> thanks Abraxas
03-02-98 20:26:53 <MADodel> Dogger: you using OS/2?
03-02-98 20:26:54 <mandie> dyndns.com is screwed up again!
03-02-98 20:26:58 <Abraxas> MADodel no, I wasn't aware of that.....I'll remember it, next time
03-02-98 20:27:08 <mandie> Error: unable to resolve dyndns.com, retrying...
03-02-98 20:27:11 <UncleGrim> but the short letter I'm typing now goes to you, right?
03-02-98 20:27:32 <MADodel> Talk about stupid, I just realized you said you were using OC/2. guess you are using OS/2. :-)
03-02-98 20:28:02 <Dogger> MADodel: Wouldn't be caught with anbything else!
03-02-98 20:28:11 <Abraxas> mandie My dyndns is connected just fine :-)
03-02-98 20:28:13 <NewOrder> this might not be the place to ask.. but is any one running NT now? :)
03-02-98 20:28:34 <mandie> abraxas :P
03-02-98 20:28:40 <MADodel> ./kick NewOrder
03-02-98 20:28:50 <Projects> hehehe
03-02-98 20:28:53 *** Signoff: os2hq (Ping timeout) [20:28:53]
03-02-98 20:29:01 <NewOrder> I need the file ctl3d32.dll to convert
03-02-98 20:29:33 <UncleGrim> oh, well if you're asking about a Win32-OS/2 thing, then you can ask about NT, yes :)
03-02-98 20:31:17 *** Signoff: Dogger (irc2.suntrix.com descendants.dynip.com) [20:31:17]
03-02-98 20:31:32 <NewOrder> descendants.dynip.com <--------- whos server?
03-02-98 20:31:36 *** Dogger (SomeGuy@ has joined #VOICE [20:31:36]
03-02-98 20:32:09 <mandie> don't know
03-02-98 20:32:28 *** SunnyBear (sunny@dev.suntrix.com) has joined #VOICE [20:32:28]
03-02-98 20:32:32 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o UncleGrim by MADodel
03-02-98 20:32:39 <NewOrder> SunnyBear descendants.dynip.com <---- who's server?
03-02-98 20:32:41 <UncleGrim> woohoo
03-02-98 20:33:28 <mandie> sunnybear!! hiya ;)
03-02-98 20:33:28 <UncleGrim> hey there SunnyB, what's up?
03-02-98 20:33:28 <SunnyBear> NewOrder: Insomnia's
03-02-98 20:33:28 <SunnyBear> hey dandie mandie..
03-02-98 20:33:28 <NewOrder> SunnyBear what OS is that sever?
03-02-98 20:33:28 <SunnyBear> I see you whipped whoever into shape..
03-02-98 20:33:36 <Abraxas> just got e-mail posted to neonpuppy OS2 list wondering why we don't hold the meetings in EFnet
03-02-98 20:34:03 <mandie> neworder: that's weird...I couldn't connect with the vio version but the pm version connected to dyndns.com
03-02-98 20:34:03 <SunnyBear> Unc!
03-02-98 20:34:03 <SunnyBear> New: I believe he's running 95
03-02-98 20:34:20 <NewOrder> mandie hmmm
03-02-98 20:34:49 <NewOrder> mandie that's odd.. there preaty much using the same procedure for connecting.. hmmm
03-02-98 20:35:03 <SunnyBear> Abraxas, he's upset cause we require servers to be connected here for more than just this meeting..
03-02-98 20:35:08 <mandie> I'm going to try vio now
03-02-98 20:35:26 *** os2hq (os2hq@user-38lcn1d.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #voice [20:35:26]
03-02-98 20:35:28 <os2hq> Howdy, neighbors!
03-02-98 20:35:37 <Abraxas> SunnyBear yeah....I recieved e-mail from him a week or so ago.....don't know why he e-mailed me???
03-02-98 20:35:37 <os2hq> Sorry about that, folks.
03-02-98 20:35:40 <mandie> ah, it's working in vio now also
03-02-98 20:35:43 <os2hq> SIQ I guess.
03-02-98 20:35:55 <MADodel> what is neonpuppy? You mentioned that the other day.
03-02-98 20:36:07 <os2hq> I asked LinkExchange who makes their window stickers. We'll know soon I hope.
03-02-98 20:36:16 <Projects> MADodel: a very bright dog? :)
03-02-98 20:36:20 <Abraxas> MADodel it's the mailing list for the #os/2 channel
03-02-98 20:36:21 <SunnyBear> Abraxas: cause yer nick starts with an "A", perhaps?
03-02-98 20:36:22 <os2hq> heh.
03-02-98 20:36:23 <MADodel> :-)
03-02-98 20:36:33 <os2hq> Proj: the first step to indigestion.
03-02-98 20:36:34 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o os2hq by MADodel
03-02-98 20:36:42 <os2hq> thx.
03-02-98 20:36:47 <mandie> neonpuppy is a site that setup a mailing list for info for #os/2 on efnet
03-02-98 20:37:04 <mandie> it's ran by a guy with the nick of Rednivek
03-02-98 20:37:07 <MADodel> Abraxas: which #os/2?
03-02-98 20:37:18 <SunnyBear> Mad: on efnet
03-02-98 20:37:21 <Abraxas> efnet, apparantley
03-02-98 20:37:33 <MADodel> Is it a public mailing list or private?
03-02-98 20:37:43 <Abraxas> Maybe posting the meeting announcements to that wasn't such a good idea :-)))
03-02-98 20:37:45 * Projects wonders why he didn't get that email...
03-02-98 20:37:52 <SunnyBear> it requires subscription
03-02-98 20:38:03 <Projects> I am subscribed
03-02-98 20:38:16 <Dogger> mandie: I just checked myself (whois) and it looks like I have half of your info attached to me. I'll log off and come back, possibly shed that info?
03-02-98 20:38:27 <mandie> I was subscribed..but when they started bashing and BS...I unsubscribed
03-02-98 20:38:28 *** fuzz_j (fuzz_j@uar225231.columbus.rr.com) has joined #VOICE [20:38:28]
03-02-98 20:38:42 <mandie> dogger: you're ok..don't worry about it
03-02-98 20:38:49 <Abraxas> mandie it's been pretty dead for the past few months
03-02-98 20:38:53 <os2hq> welcome, fuzz
03-02-98 20:38:53 <Projects> mandie: there hasn't been a peep out of that list since then
03-02-98 20:38:54 <mandie> dogger you have my info because you're on my server :)
03-02-98 20:38:59 <mandie> lol
03-02-98 20:39:21 <fuzz_j> is this suppose to be the "gathering" of OS/2 "nuts"? :)
03-02-98 20:39:26 *** VOICEBot (judymc@dyn2-tnt2-179.detroit.mi.ameritech.net) has joined #VOICE [20:39:26]
03-02-98 20:39:32 *** #VOICE Mode change: +o VOICEBot by mandie
03-02-98 20:39:35 <MADodel> We prefer loons
03-02-98 20:39:37 <os2hq> fuzz: Yes, this is the convent of the zealots
03-02-98 20:39:38 <Projects> that's "zealots"!
03-02-98 20:39:38 <mandie> abraxas ok, try to set a pass
03-02-98 20:39:40 <Dogger> mandie: wierd! I was on a server out of sioux falls when I got on
03-02-98 20:39:54 <mandie> dogger: that is weird :)
03-02-98 20:40:17 <mandie> and zealotettes!
03-02-98 20:40:26 <os2hq> cool, a new word.
03-02-98 20:40:35 <Projects> whoops... can't forget the zelotettes :)
03-02-98 20:40:41 <os2hq> Not "zealette?"
03-02-98 20:40:41 <Projects> +a
03-02-98 20:40:43 <SunnyBear> yep.. that fits nice..
03-02-98 20:40:45 <Dogger> mandie: I checked when NewOrder asked and now it has changed...
03-02-98 20:40:46 <fuzz_j> oops. Just re-read my mail. the "special" event is a week from now huh?
03-02-98 20:41:03 <mandie> dogger: you're on my server
03-02-98 20:41:05 * UncleGrim notes he's an OS/2 "bolt" not a "nut"
03-02-98 20:41:06 <os2hq> fuzz: yes, but you're welcome to stay & chew the fat.
03-02-98 20:41:09 <mandie> warpedworld.dyn.ml.org [Judy's Warped World, Garden City, MI]
03-02-98 20:41:16 <os2hq> GRim: :0
03-02-98 20:41:16 <mandie> server : warpedworld.dyn.ml.org [Judy's Warped World, Garden City, MI]
03-02-98 20:41:30 <Abraxas> mandie no response
03-02-98 20:41:36 <Projects> heh... just got the neonpuppy email... figures. Up here, we're way behind the times :p
03-02-98 20:41:40 <mandie> oh well..time to find a replacement
03-02-98 20:41:50 <fuzz_j> Can anybody tell me more about GTU 4.0. I have 3.0. Do I really need 4.0? What's the difference?
03-02-98 20:42:06 <MADodel> I asked the same thing earlier.
03-02-98 20:42:18 <MADodel> Is 4.0 worth it?
03-02-98 20:42:18 <Abraxas> mandie Spoc is writing a REXX bot....still early, but it works
03-02-98 20:42:25 <mandie> fuzz: year 2000 ready and it's got some updated features..go to the page and check out the updates
03-02-98 20:42:45 <mandie> abraxas: then tell him to let me know when it's done plz :)
03-02-98 20:42:55 <Abraxas> mandie ok...will do
03-02-98 20:43:04 <mandie> plus it's discounted until 5/31 I believe
03-02-98 20:43:28 <mandie> I just sent a notice to warpcast about it today
03-02-98 20:43:29 <fuzz_j> mandie: uh.. there is an "update" link?
03-02-98 20:43:56 <mandie> fuzz: isn't there a list of updated features on the gt-online page?
03-02-98 20:44:25 <fuzz_j> mandie: nope.
03-02-98 20:44:29 <UncleGrim> Does anyone know where I can get the latest VIRC/2? I want to try it out 'cos I'm trying to write a "review" of up-coming OS/2 internat apps (Opera/2, VIRC/2, Communicator/2 if possible) for this month's newsletter.
03-02-98 20:44:42 <mandie> btw...fyi...my page will have a new home....gt-online will be hosting me :)
03-02-98 20:44:56 <Projects> UncleGrim: /whois Smaze
03-02-98 20:45:02 <os2hq> Please post that info on the VOICE site, mandie.
03-02-98 20:45:10 *** Dogger has left #VOICE [20:45:10]
03-02-98 20:45:13 <SunnyBear> Unc: Smaze is usually in #Wallops
03-02-98 20:45:25 <Abraxas> Projects Smaze is the author (main one, anyway) of virc IRC client
03-02-98 20:45:27 <MADodel> mandie: you realize alot of links have to be changed because of this. :-(
03-02-98 20:45:37 <os2hq> heh.
03-02-98 20:45:40 <Projects> Abraxas: I know... hotwired is the other one
03-02-98 20:45:41 <mandie> os2hq: once I get it u/l I will post everywhere I can think of :)
03-02-98 20:45:46 <os2hq> good.
03-02-98 20:45:56 * Projects has been using virc since alpha 1
03-02-98 20:46:02 <mandie> madodel: but it will be worth the money it will save me :)
03-02-98 20:46:02 <Abraxas> ahhh
03-02-98 20:46:22 * UncleGrim tried to talk to smaze in efnet #os2coders but I guess he wasn't in...I'll try again
03-02-98 20:46:42 <Projects> UncleGrim: he does a lot of lurking...
03-02-98 20:46:47 <UncleGrim> :)
03-02-98 20:47:01 <Abraxas> UncleGrim he was on this net a little while ago....I talked to him
03-02-98 20:47:09 <mandie> madodel: http://www.gt-online.com/~bri
03-02-98 20:47:10 <Projects> UncleGrim: *** Smaze [smaze@hdjdv97.lyan.hv.se]
03-02-98 20:47:13 <Projects> *** Comment: Author of Virtual IRC for OS/2
03-02-98 20:47:13 <Projects> *** On Channels: @#SDG @#Virc2 #WallOps
03-02-98 20:47:13 <Projects> *** IRC server: irc.sdg.ml.org
03-02-98 20:47:13 <Projects> *** Smaze is an IRC operator! Be nice.
03-02-98 20:47:13 <Projects> *** End of /WHOIS list.
03-02-98 20:47:23 <Projects> on this net
03-02-98 20:48:07 <MADodel> Maybe I should be running an IRCD since I'm up 24/7 now, and even have a static ip. :-)
03-02-98 20:48:17 <mandie> mad: good idea!
03-02-98 20:48:28 <MADodel> Course I don't have one of those fancy url's
03-02-98 20:48:29 <SunnyBear> Abraxas: here Sugar...
03-02-98 20:48:36 <NewOrder> did saltlake just die on undernet?
03-02-98 20:48:37 <Abraxas> SunnyBear hiya
03-02-98 20:48:40 <SunnyBear> Administrative info about irc.sdg.ml.org
03-02-98 20:48:41 <SunnyBear> irc.sdg.ml.org
03-02-98 20:48:41 <SunnyBear> Software Developers Guild/WEBBnet Server, Lule†, Sweden
03-02-98 20:48:41 <SunnyBear> Smaze, Henrik Djurner, hdjdv97@student.hv.se
03-02-98 20:48:41 <NewOrder> mandie UG?
03-02-98 20:48:51 <mandie> UG ?
03-02-98 20:49:00 <UncleGrim> beg pardon?
03-02-98 20:49:06 <mandie> UserGroup?
03-02-98 20:49:08 <UncleGrim> UncleGrim or User Group?
03-02-98 20:49:09 <mandie> UncleGrim?
03-02-98 20:49:11 <UncleGrim> :)
03-02-98 20:49:13 <mandie> lol
03-02-98 20:49:14 <mandie> gmta
03-02-98 20:49:18 * Abraxas is lost
03-02-98 20:49:21 <UncleGrim> :)
03-02-98 20:49:25 * mandie is lost also
03-02-98 20:49:30 <os2hq> Doh!
03-02-98 20:49:36 <mandie> no, make that NewOrder is LOST!
03-02-98 20:49:53 <UncleGrim> MAD, what's the deadline for articles for this month?
03-02-98 20:50:14 <MADodel> UG: I'd like them by the 7th
03-02-98 20:50:36 <SunnyBear> Abraxas: 'scuse me... alzheimer's moment.. that was for UncleGrim
03-02-98 20:50:40 <MADodel> Takes me awhile to put it all together.
03-02-98 20:51:07 <os2hq> 3 bids were received for Warpstock... NYC, Chicago, and Dallas.
03-02-98 20:51:14 <os2hq> Anybody hear about any others???
03-02-98 20:51:20 <Abraxas> SunnyBear that's a relief....I thought I was suffering brain-fade
03-02-98 20:51:21 <MADodel> Anyone else gonna have something for the newsletter?
03-02-98 20:51:37 <SunnyBear> Abraxlog: nu uh... my bad... :)
03-02-98 20:51:52 <SunnyBear> darn nickcompletion...
03-02-98 20:52:15 <UncleGrim> MAD, I'm working on it
03-02-98 20:52:26 <Projects> nick completion is your friend (if you pay attention to it :>)
03-02-98 20:52:39 <UncleGrim> smaze should have a new VIRC/2 for me to try by Wed/Thur, so I'll get my article in at the last minute
03-02-98 20:53:06 <os2hq> MAD: I maybe should do a commentary on the possible impacts of Win32os2, and how it should be marketed....
03-02-98 20:53:13 <SunnyBear> Projects: I messed up... :( adjusting my attn span even as we speak...
03-02-98 20:53:24 <MADodel> os2hq: it's free
03-02-98 20:53:38 <Projects> SunnyBear: hehehehe
03-02-98 20:53:43 <os2hq> MAD: but it must be *marketed* to be *used*
03-02-98 20:54:07 <os2hq> The Internet has been basically "free" for ten years... it was "marketing" that made it real.
03-02-98 20:54:33 <MADodel> os2hq: people are beating down doors to get it.
03-02-98 20:54:43 <os2hq> BTW, did you folks know Microsoft is paying attention to us?
03-02-98 20:54:57 <os2hq> MAD: yes, in the *current OS/2 user* community. We want to expand that, right?
03-02-98 20:54:58 <Projects> os2hq: eh?
03-02-98 20:55:02 <Abraxas> os2hq us??? as in VOICE
03-02-98 20:55:04 <os2hq> How about W95 users?
03-02-98 20:55:27 <os2hq> Here's how I know about MS: they have a new gathering....
03-02-98 20:55:45 <os2hq> coming later this year, I think....
03-02-98 20:55:57 * UncleGrim wants M$ to take a long look at his os2apps page :)
03-02-98 20:55:57 <os2hq> called "GAMESTOCK"
03-02-98 20:56:29 <os2hq> This is their attempt to blur the news about Warpstock, apparently.
03-02-98 20:56:29 <Abraxas> well, noone ever accused M$ of being original, did they
03-02-98 20:56:29 <SunnyBear> os2hq: that's cuz "microstock" wouldn't exactly instill confidence
03-02-98 20:56:33 <UncleGrim> oh, and my earlier favorite, the os2vswin page, of course
03-02-98 20:56:34 <os2hq> It's not about taking advantage of our thing.... it's about *preventing publicity*
03-02-98 20:56:41 <os2hq> sunny: :)
03-02-98 20:56:44 <mandie> ok, what's new in GTU 4.0
03-02-98 20:56:50 <mandie> Y2K ready, new graphics, some bug fixes, online manual and increased performance.
03-02-98 20:56:57 <MADodel> MicroSuck?
03-02-98 20:57:23 <os2hq> Winstock.
03-02-98 20:57:25 <os2hq> heh.
03-02-98 20:57:25 <fuzz_j> mandie: thanks. sending in my credit card # now... :)
03-02-98 20:57:34 <mandie> fuzz: ok :)
03-02-98 20:57:36 * Projects quite likes the name MicroSoft since micro=tiny and soft=limp...
03-02-98 20:57:38 <os2hq> "Winstock Smith, 1984."
03-02-98 20:57:55 <os2hq> Proj: it's a fake. Should be MegaHard.
03-02-98 20:58:02 <os2hq> Big and Tough.
03-02-98 20:58:16 <Projects> os2hq: hehehe... what part?
03-02-98 20:58:27 <os2hq> between the ears.
03-02-98 20:58:27 *** Dogger (SomeGuy@bay1-15.daktel.com) has joined #VOICE [20:58:27]
03-02-98 20:58:30 <UncleGrim> so when do we start MacroHard to make OS/2-only hardware devices? :)
03-02-98 20:58:37 <os2hq> Heh.
03-02-98 20:58:41 <MADodel> Projects: All balls
03-02-98 20:58:45 <UncleGrim> bwahahahaa
03-02-98 20:58:48 <Projects> oh, I get it... big=bloat and tough=tough to keep running
03-02-98 20:58:54 <os2hq> Yeah, there's a "PC98" standard, it requires Windoze.
03-02-98 20:59:13 <os2hq> big for ego. tough to keep it running.
03-02-98 20:59:27 <Abraxas> Big article in this AM's business section on ADSL (and the M$ led standard, Universal ADSL)
03-02-98 20:59:45 <os2hq> We ought to propose a rival standard. Hmmm.... PC99?
03-02-98 20:59:57 <os2hq> PC2000 standard. Requires OS/2 or Linux.
03-02-98 21:00:35 <MADodel> I see nothing at the warpstock site about the 98 bids.
03-02-98 21:00:48 <os2hq> Right, Hethmon's group is still reviewing them.
03-02-98 21:00:50 <mandie> we got 3 bids
03-02-98 21:00:53 <os2hq> Somebody should update that site.
03-02-98 21:01:07 <os2hq> hmmm... ptackbar isn't here....
03-02-98 21:01:15 <mandie> yes ?
03-02-98 21:01:18 <mandie> oops :)
03-02-98 21:01:23 *** Signoff: fuzz_j (Read error: 0 (Unknown error)) [21:01:23]
03-02-98 21:01:31 <Abraxas> we need a "Supporting Warpstock 98" graphic for our websites
03-02-98 21:01:43 <os2hq> As soon as a site is confirmed, definitely.
03-02-98 21:01:43 <UncleGrim> hmm, there's a webmaster job needing to be done and ptack's not here--and I am--
03-02-98 21:01:51 <mandie> they'll come up with something once the location is determined I'm sure :)
03-02-98 21:01:56 <UncleGrim> blah, no good at graphics, though
03-02-98 21:02:05 * os2hq is selling Warpstock bumper stickers.
03-02-98 21:02:13 <mandie> projects is our graphics PRO!
03-02-98 21:02:16 <os2hq> Guy in Europe plans to order 50 pieces.
03-02-98 21:02:24 * UncleGrim is actually wearing his Warpstock t-shirt today
03-02-98 21:02:32 <os2hq> heh.
03-02-98 21:02:33 *** Jeff- (tr007@user-36sac0u.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #VOICE [21:02:33]
03-02-98 21:02:43 <os2hq> Welcome, Jeff
03-02-98 21:02:43 <UncleGrim> been out in public with it--I do that from time to time :)
03-02-98 21:02:44 <mandie> Jeff: welcome
03-02-98 21:02:55 <Jeff-> Hi
03-02-98 21:02:56 <mandie> unclegrim: go out in public?
03-02-98 21:02:59 <UncleGrim> hi there Jeff-
03-02-98 21:03:03 <Projects> hahahahaha
03-02-98 21:03:06 <os2hq> Grim: I lift weights at the gym wearing my Red TeamOS2 shirt.
03-02-98 21:03:13 <UncleGrim> judy, yes occasionally i go out in public *lol*
03-02-98 21:03:20 <mandie> hehe
03-02-98 21:03:37 *** fuzz_j (fuzz_j@uar225231.columbus.rr.com) has joined #VOICE [21:03:37]
03-02-98 21:03:55 <mandie> fuzz_j out of curosity..where did you hear about the new gtu 4.0?
03-02-98 21:04:00 <fuzz_j> can't believe gtirc crashed on me. me newbie.
03-02-98 21:04:03 <os2hq> Remember, folks, the purpose of Win32os2 is not just to make life easier for OS/2 users.
03-02-98 21:04:19 <mandie> fuzz: sometimes it's the server
03-02-98 21:04:23 <fuzz_j> mandie: read it on WarpCast. WarpCast RUleZ!!
03-02-98 21:04:24 <os2hq> It's also to make OS/2 attractive to non-OS/2 users who must run a W95 app, but want something better.
03-02-98 21:04:39 <mandie> fuzz: ah, ok..I sent that in, that's why I was wondering :)
03-02-98 21:04:43 <os2hq> So, we need to market Win32 thingie worldwide, outside of the OS/2 users.
03-02-98 21:04:44 <UncleGrim> hear hear hq
03-02-98 21:04:59 * Projects has a friend who's using NT who'd switch in a minute when win32os2 is fully functional
03-02-98 21:05:07 * UncleGrim posted on the PC/Computing forum earlier about the released alpha (Quake II converter)
03-02-98 21:05:13 <mandie> projects: that very good to hear!
03-02-98 21:05:17 <os2hq> The whole purpose of removing apps liability -- via Java or W32 converter -- is to make OS/2 the BEST choice, with NO DOWNSIDE.
03-02-98 21:05:23 <fuzz_j> mandie: I have not tried GT IRC 3.0. Is it worth it? :)
03-02-98 21:05:29 <os2hq> PC Computing!!! Yech!
03-02-98 21:05:33 <mandie> fuzz: I think it is
03-02-98 21:05:39 <os2hq> PC Mag is better.
03-02-98 21:05:43 <os2hq> Anything's better.
03-02-98 21:05:43 <UncleGrim> the discussion forum on PC/C is okay
03-02-98 21:05:50 <UncleGrim> there's some intelligent people there
03-02-98 21:05:54 <os2hq> okay, I've never been there.
03-02-98 21:05:55 <os2hq> heh.
03-02-98 21:05:56 <UncleGrim> and they know me very well :)
03-02-98 21:05:59 <os2hq> cool.
03-02-98 21:06:02 <fuzz_j> mandie: UI-wise. How different is it?
03-02-98 21:06:03 <Abraxas> fuzz_j just don't try it if you're running the TCP/IP 4.02t stack on Warp 4
03-02-98 21:06:05 <MADodel> mandie converted the gtirc 3.0 manual to inf
03-02-98 21:06:12 <os2hq> Does Ed Bott still write for them?
03-02-98 21:06:16 <UncleGrim> been going there for a year and a half--converted one guy from Win95 right past OS/2 to Linux :)
03-02-98 21:06:17 <fuzz_j> Abraxas: why? bug?
03-02-98 21:06:25 <os2hq> heh.
03-02-98 21:06:31 <mandie> fuzz: basically just some new icons as far as gui goes
03-02-98 21:06:41 <mandie> madodel: that doesn't make the program any better :)
03-02-98 21:07:03 <Projects> mandie: does too
03-02-98 21:07:05 <mandie> just makes the manual d/l over the net :)
03-02-98 21:07:06 <mandie> hehe
03-02-98 21:07:14 <os2hq> Well, time to go, folks.
03-02-98 21:07:19 <fuzz_j> mandie/anybody: is the topic displayed on the window bar like mIRC?
03-02-98 21:07:20 <mandie> os2hq: nite
03-02-98 21:07:20 <UncleGrim> later hq
03-02-98 21:07:24 <os2hq> I'll try to whip up some marketing stuff.
03-02-98 21:07:36 <UncleGrim> fuzz, yes
03-02-98 21:07:41 <Abraxas> fuzz_j yeah....bug in TCP/IP 4.02t.....apparantley....GTIRC doesn't play well with it
03-02-98 21:07:45 <os2hq> Say, what do you folks think for a "consumer name" for the Win32 converter: ACTIVEWARP
03-02-98 21:07:46 <mandie> fuzz: ;you're talking apples and oranges...GTU is GammaTech Utilites not GTIRC the irc client
03-02-98 21:07:50 <UncleGrim> #voice : Promote OS/2 discussion group
03-02-98 21:07:57 <UncleGrim> right across the title bar of GTIRC 3.0
03-02-98 21:08:01 <mandie> or I'M totally confused not you! sorry
03-02-98 21:08:16 <mandie> I'm not using gtirc...I use irc/2
03-02-98 21:08:21 <Abraxas> mandie too many GT's in the channel :-)
03-02-98 21:08:25 <fuzz_j> mandie: uhh.. I know. I have GTU and GTIRC. :)
03-02-98 21:08:30 <os2hq> Let me know what you think of that name, or if you have a better one... bye.
03-02-98 21:08:30 <mandie> for sure! :)
03-02-98 21:08:36 *** os2hq has left #voice [21:08:36]
03-02-98 21:08:48 <UncleGrim> WinConvert for OS/2 *shrug*
03-02-98 21:08:56 <mandie> I'm sure the win32 team will come up with a name :)
03-02-98 21:09:11 <WarpGuru> Winvertible??
03-02-98 21:09:12 * Projects is only slightly confused... wouldn't the win32os2 people come up with their own name?
03-02-98 21:09:14 <MADodel> make that win32-OS/2 team
03-02-98 21:09:28 <mandie> projects: you'd think so :)
03-02-98 21:09:48 <Projects> mandie: then why are we trying?
03-02-98 21:09:52 * UncleGrim shrugs -- Win32-OS/2 tells ya straight up what it does
03-02-98 21:09:58 <mandie> WE aren't :)
03-02-98 21:09:59 <Abraxas> MADodel yep....little "win" big OS/2
03-02-98 21:09:59 <MADodel> How about DeathToWindows?
03-02-98 21:10:03 <Projects> exactly
03-02-98 21:10:12 <fuzz_j> OH MY GOD!! why is the download sooooooooo s-l-o-w..?
03-02-98 21:10:18 <Projects> mandie: heh... ok, why is os2hq trying? :)
03-02-98 21:10:34 <mandie> projects: idle time on his hands I guess :)
03-02-98 21:10:35 <fuzz_j> is gt-online running off of a modem?
03-02-98 21:10:41 <Projects> mandie: :)
03-02-98 21:10:45 <mandie> fuzz: no ascend router
03-02-98 21:10:46 <MADodel> ISDN
03-02-98 21:11:03 <fuzz_j> i am only getting about 3KB/s. :(
03-02-98 21:11:12 <mandie> projects: come to think of it...it's his feeding time ;)
03-02-98 21:11:24 <mandie> fuzz: what's your connect speed?
03-02-98 21:11:27 <Projects> fuzz_j: heh.. that's about my usual speed :p
03-02-98 21:11:27 <Abraxas> mandie did I tell you....Ameritech "forgot" to program voice capability into my ISDN....all fixed, now
03-02-98 21:11:35 <fuzz_j> mandie: I have cablemodem.
03-02-98 21:11:35 <Projects> mandie: hahahahaha
03-02-98 21:11:36 * MADodel got about .4KB/s off hobbes earlier today. :-(
03-02-98 21:11:47 <mandie> abraxas: ahh...then that explains it..they sure are a screwup!
03-02-98 21:11:49 * MADodel has a cable modem also. :-)
03-02-98 21:12:14 <Projects> anyone installed fp6 yet?
03-02-98 21:12:18 <mandie> I'll have to settle for ISDN right now :(
03-02-98 21:12:19 * Abraxas spent 3 days trying to configure a TA that was already configured :-(
03-02-98 21:12:22 * fuzz_j feels like a molass now...
03-02-98 21:12:39 <fuzz_j> FP6? Any more bugs?
03-02-98 21:12:41 <Abraxas> fuzz_j maybe it's the backbone?
03-02-98 21:12:42 <UncleGrim> so it's all good now Abraxas?
03-02-98 21:12:49 <mandie> fuzz: he may have alot of connects...there's been alot of online sales
03-02-98 21:12:52 <Abraxas> UncleGrim yep....works GREAT
03-02-98 21:13:02 <mandie> abraxas: using InJoy?
03-02-98 21:13:06 <fuzz_j> mandie: hey. makes sense. :)
03-02-98 21:13:17 <Abraxas> mandie yes....but I only use single "B" channel
03-02-98 21:13:24 <mandie> right
03-02-98 21:13:41 <fuzz_j> FP6. Anybody crash like crazy yet?
03-02-98 21:14:00 <Abraxas> fuzz_j just in trying to download it :-)
03-02-98 21:14:00 <WarpGuru> Have not installed FP6
03-02-98 21:14:05 * UncleGrim sent off the money order for Warp 4 today
03-02-98 21:14:11 <mandie> is anyone going to use the RSU to install fp6?
03-02-98 21:14:11 * UncleGrim jumps up and down
03-02-98 21:14:14 <UncleGrim> finally upgrading
03-02-98 21:14:15 * Projects will download fp6 later tonight
03-02-98 21:14:22 <mandie> yayaya for UncleGrim!
03-02-98 21:14:24 <WarpGuru> I will use RSU when I install it.
03-02-98 21:14:25 <MADodel> Fix Pack 6 for OS/2 Warp 4.0 is available. It is not yet on the
03-02-98 21:14:25 <MADodel> softupdate page, but the disk images are available at
03-02-98 21:14:25 <MADodel> ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes/v4warp/english-us/xr_m006
03-02-98 21:14:25 <MADodel> and RS install is available via netscape at
03-02-98 21:14:25 <MADodel>
03-02-98 21:14:25 <MADodel> http://ps.boulder.ibm.com/pbin-usa-ps/getobj2.pl?/pdocs-usa/xr_m006.rsu
03-02-98 21:14:26 * UncleGrim looked over fp6 and doesn't *think* he'll need it
03-02-98 21:14:37 <UncleGrim> besides, I just d/l'ed fp5 last night :\
03-02-98 21:14:39 <fuzz_j> How many more floppies does FP6 needs?
03-02-98 21:14:48 <Abraxas> UncleGrim you will if you want to run SS/2
03-02-98 21:14:50 <UncleGrim> fp6 is 15 floppies (1 more than fp5)
03-02-98 21:15:07 <UncleGrim> Abraxas, I can't afford SS/2 yet anyway, and I'll have fp5
03-02-98 21:15:09 <Projects> UncleGrim: I didn't think I needed fp5, but it makes for the best Warp yet IMHO
03-02-98 21:15:18 <Abraxas> UncleGrim or removeable-media drives
03-02-98 21:15:18 <mandie> I asked IB today the price of SS/2 and they had nothing on it..just ss/2 '96
03-02-98 21:15:27 <Projects> fuzz_j: none... use fastkick and install from the hard drive
03-02-98 21:15:35 * Abraxas gets SS/2 free, when it ships
03-02-98 21:15:43 <mandie> abraxas: brat!
03-02-98 21:15:45 * Abraxas LIKES FastKick
03-02-98 21:15:56 * Projects LOVES fastkick
03-02-98 21:15:59 <fuzz_j> Is there a way to install the fixpack from an rsu but executed from a different OS/2? Right now I have a backup partition holding Warp 4 GA (with no fixpack).
03-02-98 21:16:00 * UncleGrim will need to get FastKick
03-02-98 21:16:03 <mandie> ss/2 '96 was $3xx.00 :(...I won't be getting the new one at that price :(
03-02-98 21:16:12 <UncleGrim> does it work with the actual disk images as downloaded?
03-02-98 21:16:15 <fuzz_j> Projects: What is fastkick?
03-02-98 21:16:21 <UncleGrim> like xr_m005.1dk
03-02-98 21:16:21 <Abraxas> mandie I bought and reg'd the original Smartsuite for OS/2....so I've gotten ALL the upgrades free :-)
03-02-98 21:16:35 * MADodel gets a free ss/2 for Warp 4.0 u/g. :-)
03-02-98 21:16:40 <mandie> abraxas: good move
03-02-98 21:16:59 <Projects> fuzz_j: a utility that lets you download the *.dsk images and install them right off the hard drive.... no more making countless floppies
03-02-98 21:17:10 <Abraxas> mandie and I only paid about $50.00 for it (when Egghead Software cleared out their OS/2 apps
03-02-98 21:17:11 * UncleGrim just hopes the apps in SS/2 will be releases separately as well as in the suite
03-02-98 21:17:15 <UncleGrim> all I need is WordPro
03-02-98 21:17:24 <UncleGrim> can't see paying $200-300 for WordPro, ya know?
03-02-98 21:17:30 <mandie> uncle: that would be nice...but I highly doubt it :(
03-02-98 21:17:40 <fuzz_j> Projects: Can i install the fixpack from another partition using FastKick?
03-02-98 21:18:10 <Projects> fuzz_j: yup... but you have to be booted to the OS you want to upgrade though
03-02-98 21:18:12 <Abraxas> fuzz_j yes....that's the nice thing about FastKick
03-02-98 21:19:11 * MADodel paid a couple hundred for the original ss/2 2.0. Ack 1-2-3G!
03-02-98 21:19:52 <fuzz_j> Projects: "OS that i want to upgrade" = OS/2 vis-a-vis Mickey$oft's OS?
03-02-98 21:20:01 *** WarpGuru has left #VOICE [21:20:01]
03-02-98 21:20:03 <MADodel> RSU allows you to choose the warp partition you want the install applied against also.
03-02-98 21:20:05 <Abraxas> MADodel Ack is right.....I still like Mesa better than 1-2-3
03-02-98 21:20:30 <UncleGrim> fuzz, you have to be booted into the version of OS/2 to be upgraded
03-02-98 21:20:51 <UncleGrim> so if, for instance, you have Warp 3 and Warp 4 on the same system (different drives) you have to be in the one that's getting the fixpack
03-02-98 21:20:59 <UncleGrim> I believe that's the idea
03-02-98 21:21:18 <Projects> fuzz: no, I thought you said earlier that you were booted to a maintenance partition...
03-02-98 21:21:51 * Projects never got RSU to work...
03-02-98 21:22:23 <MADodel> UncleGrim: You are still running Warp 3.0 aren't you? If so what fp?
03-02-98 21:22:33 <UncleGrim> MAD, I'm on 3-fp31 right now
03-02-98 21:22:40 <UncleGrim> by this time next week I should be on 4-fp5
03-02-98 21:22:51 <MADodel> UG: can you dcc me aic7870.add?
03-02-98 21:22:51 * UncleGrim is hoping snipa comes through
03-02-98 21:23:03 <UncleGrim> umm...if I have it
03-02-98 21:23:06 <mandie> uncle: I'd keep my ears open about fp6 and install that if it's stable
03-02-98 21:23:14 <mandie> uncle: he will :)
03-02-98 21:23:22 <fuzz_j> Projects: uuh.. Let me rephrase. Can I use FastKick from Warp4 GA (on a separate partition) to apply Fixpacks on another Warp4 (fixpack level 5 which is not booted)?
03-02-98 21:23:28 <MADodel> Should be in \os2\boot
03-02-98 21:23:50 <Projects> fuzz_j: no... you have to be booted into the version you want to upgrade
03-02-98 21:24:27 <UncleGrim> ping please?
03-02-98 21:24:27 <mandie> projects: are you sure about that?
03-02-98 21:24:40 <fuzz_j> Projects: Then, it is floppies for me. I dun wanna risk anything. Too many horror stories about RSU, and applying on the "current" OS.
03-02-98 21:24:59 <Projects> mandie: I've never seen an option to allow another version to be upgraded (?)
03-02-98 21:25:22 <Abraxas> MADodel you know there's a new AIC7870.ADD on Testcase?
03-02-98 21:25:32 <Projects> fuzz_j: fastkick is not RSU, it's a replacement for the floppies
03-02-98 21:25:40 <mandie> projects: well, if your booted to d: I believe it offers you the option of what drive you want to apply the fixes to..so why couldn't you say c:
03-02-98 21:25:41 <NewOrder> well I'm very busy with other junk.. :)
03-02-98 21:25:45 <NewOrder> C ya's
03-02-98 21:25:48 *** NewOrder has left #VOICE [21:25:48]
03-02-98 21:26:04 <UncleGrim> mad, are you getting the DCC?
03-02-98 21:26:07 <mandie> wouldn't have any locked files either :)
03-02-98 21:26:09 <fuzz_j> Projects: Still have bad dreams from Warp3 days when I installed a fixpack from floppy on the currently booted partition...
03-02-98 21:26:10 *** Signoff: MADodel (Connection reset by peer) [21:26:10]
03-02-98 21:26:13 <Projects> mandie: hmm... but it runs system checks and stuff... I wonder...
03-02-98 21:26:39 * UncleGrim installs his fixpacks in Warp 3 from the booted partition (using service.exe)
03-02-98 21:26:42 <mandie> projects: yes, but the system checks are all in syslevel files etc
03-02-98 21:26:44 <Projects> fuzz_j: hmm... I've never had a problem 'cept for the ibms1506.add
03-02-98 21:26:58 <UncleGrim> the only thing you must remember is to shutdown and reboot immediately after the fixpack install because of locked files
03-02-98 21:27:03 <mandie> projects: I'll try it on my other machine;)
03-02-98 21:27:10 <Projects> mandie: I've never even thought about that...
03-02-98 21:27:12 <UncleGrim> other than that I've had no problems (fp26 or fp31)
03-02-98 21:27:41 <fuzz_j> Projects: I am currently working on flushing out my EIDE subsystem. Moving into a Pure SCSI environment soon. Waiting for my 9GB UW drive to arrive. 8)
03-02-98 21:27:50 * Projects 's other machine is dos only...
03-02-98 21:27:58 * fuzz_j will have no more EIDE blues!!!
03-02-98 21:28:21 <Projects> fuzz_j: that'll be my next upgrade once I win the lottery or something :-/
03-02-98 21:28:30 <UncleGrim> heh
03-02-98 21:28:38 <Abraxas> fuzz_j ask MADodel (when he returns) about UWSCSI blues :-)
03-02-98 21:28:39 <mandie> not bad..11.5kB/sec from boulder :)
03-02-98 21:28:51 <Projects> damned government eats up all the spare $$ here :p
03-02-98 21:29:07 <UncleGrim> nice speed mandie
03-02-98 21:29:16 <mandie> uncle: :)
03-02-98 21:29:18 <fuzz_j> Projects: Got the nine-giga from Onsale. $328 (shipping included).
03-02-98 21:29:45 <Abraxas> fuzz_j which card are you using?
03-02-98 21:30:03 <fuzz_j> mandie: UWSCSI is a pain in the B***. But the SCSI repeater, good cables from Granite Digital solves ALL my problems. :)
03-02-98 21:30:05 <Projects> fuzz_j: $328 is about $430 for me, and that's not including the controller :(
03-02-98 21:30:35 <fuzz_j> abraxas: AHA2940UW (DELL OEM).
03-02-98 21:31:07 <mandie> all my drives are EIDE...and one IDE UDMA
03-02-98 21:31:46 <Abraxas> fuzz_j that's the card (basically) that MADodel has.....good luck, and if you need a working driver, let me know
03-02-98 21:31:47 <Projects> well... time to run... laters all!
03-02-98 21:31:55 <UncleGrim> bye Projects
03-02-98 21:31:55 <mandie> projects: niters :)
03-02-98 21:31:56 <Abraxas> Projects cya
03-02-98 21:32:01 *** Signoff: Projects (work >) [21:32:01]
03-02-98 21:32:09 <fuzz_j> abraxas: oh oh. What's wrong? I have the v.2.11 driver. Should I be worrying about something?
03-02-98 21:32:10 <fuzz_j> Bye Projects!
03-02-98 21:32:27 * UncleGrim must go as well
03-02-98 21:32:32 <SunnyBear> folksies... I gotta get a few things done afore I get horizontal...
03-02-98 21:32:35 <fuzz_j> Bye UncleGrim!
03-02-98 21:32:38 <UncleGrim> will see you all next Monday!
03-02-98 21:32:40 <mandie> sunny: thx for coming :)
03-02-98 21:32:42 <Abraxas> fuzz_j MADodel had a LOT of probs with his....The Driver I have is AIC7870.ADD dated 4-19-96...and works well
03-02-98 21:32:46 <fuzz_j> Bye SunnyBear!
03-02-98 21:32:49 * UncleGrim grabs an edge of his black velvet robe in one bony hand, his gleaming scythe clutched in the other
03-02-98 21:32:53 <mandie> I'm going to take of too..my EA article is screaming at me :(
03-02-98 21:32:53 <SunnyBear> but it's been frun being with ya'll again tonight..
03-02-98 21:32:56 <Abraxas> SunnyBear 'night
03-02-98 21:32:57 <mandie> nytol :)
03-02-98 21:33:01 * UncleGrim explodes in a flurry of black cloth and a cloud of dust (bone fragments?)
03-02-98 21:33:03 *** Signoff: mandie (Time wasted: 1 hour, 45 minutes, 56 seconds) [21:33:03]
03-02-98 21:33:03 <SunnyBear> cya'll laters..
03-02-98 21:33:05 *** Signoff: UncleGrim (Birthday boy (almost)) [21:33:05]
03-02-98 21:33:14 *** SunnyBear has left #VOICE [21:33:14]
03-02-98 21:38:34 *** Log Terminated.