General VOICE Meeting - 18 June 2005
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Old Business
a) VOICE forum (Walter Metcalf)
b) New subjects/people for VOICE speakups (Roderick)
3) New Business.
a) sponsorship Warpstock
b) VOICE sponsorship of Warpstock 2005 (Hershey PA). A vote will held on this meeting and normally VOICE would sponsor Warpstock with 1000 US dollars.
4. Adjournment
Summary - Decisions/Announcements Made
1. A Discussion on SpeakUps topics was held. Some suggestions were made. JWE to prepare a list for future topics.
2. The Treasurer reported on the financial and membership status.
3. A motion was passed regarding VOICE sponsorship of Warpstock 2005 in Hershey, PA. An amount of $1,500 was approved with an additional $500 available upon review of anticipated expenditures.
4. Next meeting is the 9th of July 2005.
Meeting Log
Chairman of the meeting Roderick Klein called the meeting to order at 15:16:18 EDT
<eCSNL> OK I hereby declare this meeting opened.
<JWE> Logging has started.
<eCSNL> Well to this VOICE business meeting.
<eCSNL> Chairman is Roderick Klein, the secretary is John Edwards.
<eCSNL> Well Walter is not here.
<eCSNL> So item one if not possible.
<eCSNL> Speakups.
<eCSNL> Point 2b.
<eCSNL> Are there other proposals for speakups from people?
<Gord> How about someone from Serenity Sytems about the work being done on eCS?
<Gord> You keep hinting at it.
<eCSNL> I tried that but everybody is occupied.
<eCSNL> I send out an email.
<eCSNL> I also wanted to do a speakup later this year and not directly Serenity.
<eCSNL> Since I wanted to put some other topics on the agenda first.
<eCSNL> Thats why I'm asking for proposals.
<Hawklord> Sundial
<eCSNL> noted
<eCSNL> other suggestions ?
<Gord> Where else is new work being done?
<Gord> Netlabs?
<Hawklord> Look at the list at
<Hawklord> Some of them are still active and could need a new speakup
<eCSNL> Could actualy somebody else from the board try and do 1 or 2 speakups.
<eCSNL> I flodded in work at the moment ?
<eCSNL> JWE could you try ?
<JWE> It might be possible.
<JWE> I will need a contact list.
<eCSNL> What kind of contact list ?
<Hawklord> Proposal; Innotek
<Hawklord> and Netlabs
<JWE> Who to contact for a specific proposal.
<eCSNL> Well you can ask me...
<eCSNL> JWE can you start making a list of this week
<eCSNL> and then we can discuss what are interesting topics.
<Hawklord> Proposal; SmartSuite developers/maintainers
<eCSNL> OK next topic
<eCSNL> gordin
<eCSNL> Can you give us an financial update ?
<eCSNL> FOr a speakup ?
<eCSNL> From IBM ?
<Gord> Checking Finances.
<Gord> As of the end of May, the balance in our US dollar account was $234.25
<Gord> As of 16 May, the balance in our Canadian dollar account was $12,057.55
<Hawklord> eCSNL: Yes, if at all possible...
<Gord> Our membership stands at about 145.
<Gord> (There are a few renewals pending.)
<Gord> end of report.
<eCSNL> OK...
<eCSNL> Well thats short then :-)
<eCSNL> I did send out
<eCSNL> this email a week in advanced so people know they could come to this meeting to discuss
<eCSNL> the Warpstock sponsorship.
<eCSNL> JWE did Marc Dodel not send you a link ?
<JWE> Yes
<JWE> Mark has made Warpstock financial data temporarily available at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<eCSNL> One momemnt please...
<eCSNL> OK it seems we have a net split.
<eCSNL> Everybody has seen the results for Warpstock.
<eCSNL> It would be a good thing to limit Warpstock there risk.
<eCSNL> I would like to suggest that this year we donate 1500 US dollars to Warpstock.
<eCSNL> When you look at the visit numbers you see a trend in dropping visitors.
<eCSNL> However...
<Gord> Hi , wdl
<eCSNL> However...
<eCSNL> Looking at 2001
<eCSNL> and 2002
<eCSNL> there is a jump in visitors...
<eCSNL> My personal view is that we should sponsor Warpstock US
<eCSNL> because it brings people togheter and it also results in developers talking to each other.
<eCSNL> Also with now being organized in Hershey there might a chance that people from Canada will come.
<eCSNL> OK I now get of my soapbox.
<Gord> I agree, we should support Warpstock.
<eCSNL> What is other people there view on the my sponsship of 1500 dollars (US).
<eCSNL> Its 500 dollars more
<eCSNL> then last year.
<Gord> Yes.
<eCSNL> OK Gord, your view is clear.
<eCSNL> Supportive :-)
<KenKrchnr> Sounds good to me as well.
<eCSNL> However I would like to hear other people there view on this proposal...
<JWE> I too support this increase.
<eCSNL> Walter will also be coming he forgot about the meeting.
<eCSNL> Go grab a cup of coffee...
<MikeG I don't know if this is out of place, but I have read alot on this Pixel program in the groups. Could Voice help out in this?
<eCSNL> JWE you are secreatary for Warpstock as well.
<eCSNL> I want to sponsor
<Gord> And could VOICE help out with the SNAP driver?
<JWE> Yes
<eCSNL> Warpstock US.
<JWE> Yes
<eCSNL> Do you know where Warpstock US is trying to reduce the expenses ?
<eCSNL> Will Warpstock for example no longer produce the t-shirts ?
<eCSNL> Let me put it differently.
<eCSNL> Warpstock still has t-shirts from last year and the years before (if I'm correct).
<JWE> There are a number of areas including the rental of data projectors, borrowing instead.
<eCSNL> I think we should even consider maybe increasing the sponsorship to 2000 US dollars.
<JWE> Some shirts still left, can be ordered.
<eCSNL> But under the condition that we have a clear overview where is being cut back in the expenses.
<JWE> There is also a cutback in the shirt area. Other areas deal with cutbacks in the hotel contract.
<WalterOS2> Gord, what is the current bank balance?
<eCSNL> Is there any rough number what the budget for this year is ?
<WalterOS2> For Voice.
<eCSNL> The balance in Candian dollars is a bit more then 12000.
<Gord> Checking Finances.
<Gord> As of the end of May, the balance in our US dollar account was $234.25
<Gord> As of 16 May, the balance in our Canadian dollar account was $12,057.55
<JWE> There is also a severe cut back in the provision of internet access as the hotel is asking $125 per day for the 1st connection and $50 per day for each additional connection.
<eCSNL> What is the estimate the entire event is going to cost ?
<JWE> I don't have the budget handy. But I believe it is between $9,000-$10,000
<Hawklord> Does VOICE sponsor anything other than Warpstock?
<Gord> Not in this past year.
<eCSNL> I just discussed with Walter.
<WalterOS2> Roderick's going to have a large phone bill this month. :-)
<eCSNL> I would like to propose that Warpstock sponsors this years Warpstock US(in Hershey) with 1500 US dollars.
* eCSNL rewrites text
<Gord> I second the motion.
<eCSNL> I would like to propose that OS/2 VOICE sponsors this years Warpstock US(in Hershey) with 1500 US dollars.
<Gord> Second.
<eCSNL> With the posibility of an additional 500 US dollars if Warpstock US can show us a more detailed budget of last year and this year to see where the expenses are.
<Gord> I don't like the condition.
<eCSNL> Well let me put it like this.
<eCSNL> For us its a lot of money
<WalterOS2> Gord: I think it's a fair request.
<eCSNL> and also for Warpstock inc.
<eCSNL> I'm willing to support Warpstock.
<Gord> WalterOS2: Understood.
<eCSNL> But its members money that is being spent and that should be well justified.
<eCSNL> Especialy since VOICE is an organisation of which the accounting is open.
<Gord> Well, OK.
<eCSNL> anybody here
<eCSNL> more comment...
<eCSNL> ?
<WalterOS2> I agree with the motion.
<eCSNL> I know.
<eCSNL> But since this is an important dission
<eCSNL> I would like to
<eCSNL> hear other people
<eCSNL> there view
<Hawklord> I don't mind
<eCSNL> OK who will put the motion forward ?
<Gord> You did already.
<Gord> And I seconded it.
<eCSNL> OK who in in favour of this motion say aye...
<Gord> Aye.
<JWE> aye
<WalterOS2> I would like to propose that Warpstock sponsors this years Warpstock US(in Hershey) with 1500 US dollars.
<WalterOS2> * eCSNL rewrites text
<Gord> I second the motion.
<eCSNL> I would like to propose that OS/2 VOICE sponsors this years Warpstock US(in Hershey) with 1500 US dollars.
<WalterOS2> *eCSNL* didn't you say $2000?
<WalterOS2> Aye
<WalterOS2> Sorry about the noise.
<KenKrchnr> Aye
<Gord> The extra $500 was if Warpstock showed us how the money will be well spent.
<eCSNL> Coreect.
<Gord> For a possible total of $2000
<eCSNL> yes
<eCSNL> Aye
<eCSNL> Is there anybody against this sponsorship.
<eCSNL> Please say nay then.
<Gord> How is Warpstock to present their budget to us?
<eCSNL> Well they made an overview of expected expenses
<eCSNL> Rooms
<eCSNL> food
<eCSNL> internet etc.
<eCSNL> Just a simple overview of all expenses added up.
<Gord> Who will tell Warpstock of this donation?
<eCSNL> Should I tell Warpstock this as president of VOICE ?
<Gord> OK with me.
<eCSNL> As chairman of the meeting I have to conclude the motion is accepted by all people who voted.
<eCSNL> It as annouched a week in advance
<eCSNL> and via the VOICE memberlist.
<eCSNL> I there for see no nothing that can stop the acceptance of this motion.
<eCSNL> Motion accepted.
<eCSNL> Boy what a bad English.
<eCSNL> Sorry about that
<eCSNL> I'm sleepy.
<eCSNL> Who is in favour of closwing this meeting as all agenda points have been discussed.
<eCSNL> ?
<Gord> I move we adjourn.
<JWE> Second
<WalterOS2> I'm going back to bed. :-)
<eCSNL> All in favour of closing this meeting say aye...
<eCSNL> aye
<Gord> Aye.
<KenKrchnr> Aye
<JWE> aye
<Hawklord> aye
<eCSNL> This meeting is then closed.
Meeting adjourned 18 June 2005 at 17:10:22 EDT