SpeakUp with Kim Rasmussen - Author of Internet Adventurer for OS/2 PM from 08-03-98
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:02:37 ] <freiheit> I...am here
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:02:54 ] <mandie> RS: ah, haven't tried RA with it yet
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:02:55 ] * PoohBear- gives communicator a poohbear stamp of approval. ;P
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:02:55 ] <mandie> freiheit: welcome :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:02:58 ] * freiheit takes a cupcake from Hostess
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:05 ] <os2hq> Howdy, neighbors!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:12 ] <freiheit> hey there hq!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:24 ] <freiheit> SunnyB
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:34 ] <SunnyBear> hey ya'll...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:34 ] <os2hq> Hey everybody.... Mandie, how come you're not Op'd??
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:38 ] * Hostess slaps freheit's hand!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:40 ] <SunnyBear> am I buttin in?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:46 ] <Longstaff> damyu - quite a few java sites shut comm/2 down...i dunno why but it's acting like the classpath is incomplete
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:55 ] <mandie> sunny: never! alwasy welcome :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:55 ] <os2hq> No, Sunny. I don't think so....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:03:59 ] <Projects> SunnyBear: never
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:04 ] <freiheit> nope SunnyB, session's open to all
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:14 ] <os2hq> Ah.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:15 ] <mandie> os2hq: ip didn't resolve
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:18 ] <os2hq> heh.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:18 ] <damyu> I see
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:20 ] <SunnyBear> oh darn... I felt like crashin sumthin
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:23 ] <PoohBear> Longstaff: I've not seen a crash from java under Comm/2 here at all. some crashes from Old NS/2 bugs, yes...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:34 ] <os2hq> Sunny: There's always NT....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:45 ] <Abraxas> SunnyBear well, your NEWS page (applet) still crashes ME :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:49 ] * PoohBear offers SunnyBear a BillGates Pic to beat up on. ;)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:51 ] <SunnyBear> NO WAYY! don't touch the stuff..
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:53 ] <mandie> agios!! hiya :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:04:55 ] <Projects> SunnyBear: ok, then you're butting in... crash away! :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:02 ] <freiheit> whoa, graces with Agios' presence at 2 SpeakUps in a row!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:04 ] <MADodel> PoohBear: What are your java settings?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:04 ] <freiheit> something's wrong
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:05 ] <freiheit> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:05 ] <Agios> hiya mandie !! :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:15 ] <PoohBear> MADodel: default.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:41 ] <SunnyBear> butt butt butt butt butt butt
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:05:51 ] <Projects> hehehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:11 ] <damyu> I've never heard such gratuitous use of the word "butt"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:18 ] <MADodel> PoohBear: you running Java 1.1.4?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:34 ] <freiheit> damyu, you've never seen Beavis & Butthed, then
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:38 ] <freiheit> you're lucky :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:39 ] <Projects> MADodel: I am
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:41 ] <mandie> mad: have him do those test sites with comm/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:48 ] <PoohBear> mandie: 1.1.6
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:53 ] <PoohBear> erf.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:56 ] <PoohBear> MADodel: 1.1.6
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:56 ] <PoohBear> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:59 ] <Abraxas> I STILL have 2 sites that only work with specific setting (JAVA) in COMM/2 ... one works with one setting and the other works with another ... driving me NUTS
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:06:59 ] <mandie> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:07:12 ] <damyu> Oh... wull, then I have. Although, actually, I was making an obscure Simpsons reference. ;D
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:07:14 ] <mandie> abraxas: that's right..you were the one with the url
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:07:17 ] <mandie> 's
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:07:57 ] <SunnyBear> anybody runnin an eggie on efnet or undernet?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:08:01 ] <Abraxas> The File ARchives page at os2ss.com only works if the JVM path is blank (and IGNORE CLASSPATH is set) OR teh path to java.exe is pecified
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:08:21 ] <PoohBear> Abraxas: I'd say "let me try 'em" - but, my computer does happen to have a open webbnet irc server on it, that's quite stable, and I DON'T wanna mess that up. ;)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:08:30 ] <os2hq> Well, I for one have a question for Kim R.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:08:44 ] <freiheit> well he has to get here first, hq :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:08:55 ] <Abraxas> The other site (http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9885/osapplet.html) refiese to work UNLESS the path specified points to javai.dll
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:00 ] <mandie> what time is it in Denmark?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:05 ] <Longstaff> sunnybear - i posted 3 reminders in #os/2 on undernet
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:06 ] <os2hq> frei :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:16 ] <MADodel> PoohBear: have you been to caffiene mark?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:30 ] <PoohBear> MADodel: no.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:33 ] <MADodel> http://www.webfayre.com/pendragon/cm3/runtest.html
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:34 ] <SunnyBear> Longstaff: yer a winner Sugar... :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:09:53 ] <Abraxas> And .... java.sun.com:80 locks the system HARD with path to java.exe specified
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:01 ] <PoohBear> hrmmm.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:08 ] <MADodel> Anything other then javai.dll is essentially turning off java
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:10 ] * Longstaff mumbles something self-depricating :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:20 ] * PoohBear boots Longstaff in the head repeatedly.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:29 ] * Abraxas wonders if the default -nojit is at work here
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:45 ] <freiheit> ./kick PoohBear No violence in #voice
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:48 ] <freiheit> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:10:48 ] <Frogger> Ribbet!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:02 ] <MADodel> hey frogman
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:06 ] <freiheit> Greetings Frogger, hey there os2r
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:07 ] <os2r> evening all
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:14 ] <Swanee> Hi os2r & frogger
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:15 ] <mandie> os2r: hiya :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:18 ] <MADodel> congrats os2r
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:23 ] <Frogger> And a jolly good evening to you, freiheit.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:25 ] <Longstaff> hiya os2r
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:27 ] <os2r> thanks MADodel
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:27 ] <Frogger> mandie!!!!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:30 ] <mandie> frogger!!!!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:45 ] <damyu> john!!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:48 ] <Swanee> Yep, congrats to os2r from swanee too
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:48 ] <damyu> marcia!!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:11:58 ] <DynoMutt> howdy ho!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:00 ] * MADodel never wins anything
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:04 ] <mandie> dynomutt: hi :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:05 ] <os2r> am looking foward to Chi town
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:13 ] <mandie> os2r: same here :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:16 ] <DynoMutt> when's StarLord_ gonna show up?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:24 ] <Frogger> !op
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:27 ] <Frogger> hehe.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:47 ] <mandie> soon I hope...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:12:58 ] <mandie> hope he didn't fall asleep or forget :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:17 ] <DynoMutt> mandie: has that ever happened?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:22 ] <Longstaff> mandie - it'd be hilarious if he did :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:34 ] <mandie> dyno: yes, we had 2 ppl forget on one of the speakups :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:45 ] <mandie> but the 3rd showed up and carried on :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:47 ] <os2hq> congrats, os2r!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:50 ] <MADodel> Gee this is looking just like #OS/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:13:50 ] <SunnyBear> Alborg Denmark is 3:14 am
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:14:05 ] <os2r> thanks os2hq
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:14:53 ] <os2hq> Well, what we need is a way to e-mail Kim R. awake.... turn on one of his system sounds, or something.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:04 ] <os2hq> Heh.... an "alarm virus".
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:09 ] <PoohBear> Denmark is GMT+2?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:16 ] <Frogger> Or a telephone call?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:29 ] <DynoMutt> Frogger: know anyone in .dk to do that
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:36 ] <Frogger> Nope.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:40 ] <os2hq> brb....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:42 ] <DynoMutt> Frogger: neither do I
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:15:57 ] * freiheit resists the urge to put on Kraftwerk's "The Telephone Call"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:16:42 ] <DynoMutt> freiheit: I don't think I've ever heard that one
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:16:53 ] <DynoMutt> freiheit: have heard "Pocket Calculator" tho
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:17:30 ] <freiheit> DynoMutt, not quite the same :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:17:56 ] <freiheit> especially since no one mentioned a pocket calculator in casual conversation here :b
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:18:17 ] <DynoMutt> freiheit: I have a TI-85. It doesn't beep tho :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:18:26 ] <Longstaff> freiheit...except now you did just now :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:18:37 ] <freiheit> aww nuts, Longstaff
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:18:42 ] <freiheit> =)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:19:14 ] <Longstaff> logic is relentless :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:19:54 ] <damyu> even when suspiciously absent
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:20:35 ] <PoohBear> logic = fake.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:20:36 ] <PoohBear> :P
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:20:47 ] <SunnyBear> world clock was off by 1 hour... it's 2:20am
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:20:53 ] * Longstaff would like to publish a book titled 'Programming Logic, or the lack thereof'
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:21:15 ] <PoohBear> SunnyBear: wouldn't be an hour ahead, would have it?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:21:47 ] <Longstaff> afaik denmark is either greenwich or one hour ahead...no more
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:21:50 ] <Frogger> World time is twenty past midnight right now.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:22:02 ] <DynoMutt> Z
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:22:15 ] <PoohBear> Longstaff: don't they have summer time tho?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:22:27 ] <Longstaff> poohbear - i believe so
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:22:37 ] <freiheit> I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that the VOICE Newsletter is always looking for new writers (even if you don't submit an article every single month) and new ideas for articles
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:22:47 ] <PoohBear> heh.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:22:52 ] <SunnyBear> dunno... if I don't adjust the hour it's 3+am and if I do, it's 2+am
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:23:11 ] <damyu> Where does one go for information on that subject?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:23:13 ] <freiheit> In order to continue to increase both the size and effectiveness of the Newsletter, we need the support of our members and any other interested parties
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:23:36 ] <Longstaff> welcome nasaOs
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:23:42 ] <os2hq> back.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:23:42 ] <MADodel> What's that you say you want to party?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:23:45 ] <freiheit> If interested, e-mail either the Editor (editor@os2voice.rg) or the Assistant Editor (me) at freiheit@tstonramp.com
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:02 ] <os2hq> Welcome, Nasa!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:09 ] <PoohBear> see! irc.wa2.webbnet.org does work! :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:10 ] <os2hq> Move right up here to first class seating!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:12 ] <NasaOS> hello :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:15 ] * PoohBear laughs.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:31 ] <PoohBear> os2hq: he's already in first class, he's on my server!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:35 ] <os2hq> LOL!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:39 ] <os2hq> good enuf.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:24:52 ] <mandie> freiheit: why not pick a subject and see who volunteers to do it ???
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:04 ] <freiheit> err, sorry, that should have been editor@os2voice.org
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:07 ] <freiheit> not .rg :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:11 ] <Longstaff> mandie - for obvious reasons :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:12 ] * freiheit needs an editor right now :b
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:13 ] <mandie> or who would like to do an article for the voice newsletter - Sept issue?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:17 ] <os2hq> I like writing articles.... but I don't think VOICE newsletter should become a Rant Mag.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:20 ] <MADodel> Well I'd like a review of Communicator
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:33 ] <freiheit> Who would like to do an article on the Communicator/2 beta?!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:35 ] <os2r> anyone do an article about networking os2 and wins95 machines?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:25:58 ] <Projects> not yet
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:26:01 ] <mandie> os2r: check out http://www.gt-online.com/~bri/lan.html
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:26:07 ] <os2hq> brb....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:26:13 ] <freiheit> That's a hot topic right now (Comm/2) and we can just about guarantee you fame for being the one to write the review :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:26:19 ] <os2r> thanks mandie.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:26:20 ] <mandie> os2r: it's also in the June issue of EA :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:27:30 ] * PoohBear wonders if there's a market for a "PoohBear stamp of approval"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:27:38 ] <freiheit> Other good topics are those not dealing directly with OS/2 but with PCs in general
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:27:40 ] <mandie> Our apologies to all for our guest speaker being a no show tonight. I'm sure he must have fallen asleep :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:27:40 ] <Projects> hehehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:01 ] <Frogger> How about a #Voice session with the developer of GtIrc? :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:09 ] <Longstaff> mandie - you don't suppose he's having trouble logging on?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:14 ] <damyu> Any specific number of word requirements for an article? Other than 'don't write a novel...'
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:17 ] <mandie> frogger: that might be a tough guy to snag :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:29 ] <Frogger> mandie: But what a catch!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:33 ] <mandie> longstaff: highly doubt it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:36 ] <mandie> hehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:36 ] <PoohBear> ya, I hear the GTIRC author is such a pain to find.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:28:49 ] <freiheit> damyu, no specific length requirement--since it's all online, it can be as long as a reader will pay attention to it :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:29:01 ] <damyu> okie :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:29:25 ] <os2hq> back.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:29:33 ] <mandie> even software reviews are welcome
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:30:14 ] <os2hq> Yes, the more participation we get, the more EVERYONE will enjoy VOICE.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:30:24 ] <freiheit> Yes, software reviews, hardware reviews, details on getting an OS/2 pre-load, opinion pieces, or if you've just got a great NEW idea, let us know and we'll try and work you in.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:30:34 ] <Agios> I don't read long stuff :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:30:58 ] <freiheit> For instance, OS/2 eZine has the OS/2oons
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:30:58 ] <damyu> you mean getting an OS/2 pre-load that doesn't involve a few guns and a lot of threats, right?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:00 ] <mandie> then we'll make your issue short!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:03 ] <PoohBear> the more wordy an article gets, the worse it is, to read, generally.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:10 ] <freiheit> damyu, preferrably, yes :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:12 ] <Agios> hahaha
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:22 ] <damyu> oh well...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:37 ] <os2r> while we're here, on my machine..fp7, comm/2 doesn't close down correctly....using any movie player locks up..any ideas?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:53 ] <mandie> don't use movie players
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:56 ] <freiheit> os2r, use 2.02?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:31:57 ] <os2r> lol
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:32:00 ] <freiheit> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:32:01 ] <Projects> hehehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:32:19 ] <os2r> freiheit: since installing comm/2, I can't get any movies to play on 2.02
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:32:21 ] <freiheit> it is just beta code, and the first beta, at that
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:32:33 ] <Longstaff> actually an article about getting an os/2 preload that DID involve guns and a lot of threats might be even more interesting...in fact, it might make a good made-for-tv movie
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:32:47 ] <PoohBear> freiheit: and yet, it's still 40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% better than 2.02
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:33:03 ] <mandie> such excitement :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:33:04 ] <PoohBear> IBM hasn't had a chance to screw it up yet.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:33:31 ] <damyu> well, this probably won't have anything to do with it, but a few times I had problems with 2.02 locking up, and deleting everything in the cache directory (especially fat.db) worked well
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:33:52 ] <mandie> trixer!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:33:54 ] <damyu> Longstaff, that's good thinking
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:33:56 ] <freiheit> Also, VOICE members who will be attending Warpstock '98, if you would like to volunteer to help with the VOICE table, we'd be most appreciative
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:02 ] <trixer> mandieness!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:18 ] <trixer> sunnysweetie!!!!!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:32 ] <os2r> freiheit: i could certainly do that.....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:36 ] <SunnyBear> trixer-hunkman!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:38 ] <NasaOS> Excuse my intrusion: (you can laugh you know) is Communicator/2 available? From Netscape or is it one of the 2 projects (Warpscape / Warpzilla?)?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:47 ] <freiheit> The more people we have working at the table, the more each of those people has a chance to walk around and actually see some of the event
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:34:48 ] <mandie> we really need volunteers to help out at warpstock...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:02 ] <PoohBear> NasaOS: it's in beta, from IBM.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:04 ] <freiheit> Nasa, it's from IBM
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:10 ] <Projects> NasaOS: it's available from ibm... hang on, I'll digu up the url
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:31 ] <Longstaff> nasa - go into #os/2 on undernet and !ask communicator
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:38 ] <NasaOS> mandie: Where is Warpstock this year? In Canada?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:51 ] <mandie> Chicago
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:35:58 ] <mandie> Illinois
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:00 ] <freiheit> Chicago, IL (usa)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:05 ] <damyu> the land of pizza and blues
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:09 ] <freiheit> and of course there's still Warpstock Europe in Germany
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:13 ] <damyu> and good pool, too
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:15 ] <Longstaff> details on www.warpstock.org
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:19 ] <mandie> http://service5.boulder.ibm.com/pcpd.nsf/ocomm40+home
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:37 ] <Projects> http://service5.boulder.ibm.com/pcpd.nsf/OCOMM40+Home
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:41 ] <os2hq> Well, beep me when Kim R. comes in !
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:42 ] <Projects> hrm
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:42 ] <freiheit> echo
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:42 ] <os2hq> brb...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:36:55 ] <WarpGuru> Hey all!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:03 ] <mandie> David!!! hiya :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:08 ] <Agios> hi David
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:12 ] <Projects> WarpGuru!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:12 ] <freiheit> Welcome WarpGuru
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:30 ] <Abraxas> Hi, WarpGuru welcome
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:32 ] * freiheit flushes some RC5-64 blocks
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:44 ] <mandie> Warpguru: looks like Kim fell asleep and isn't showing for the session tonight :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:37:59 ] <NasaOS> mandie: Sorry, Chicago is a little bit too far for me. Besides, my holidays are over and my dollar is worthless compared to the US dollar :-(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:38:21 ] <mandie> Nasa: maybe next year :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:38:28 ] * NasaOS thinks freiheit has a good idea. I'll do the same :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:38:32 ] <freiheit> yeah, Chicago's too far for me as well, this year :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:38:45 ] * PoohBear is too broke this year.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:38:57 ] <freiheit> but I plan to attend again next year, wherever it will be
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:39:05 ] <freiheit> Warpstock '97 was a total blast!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:39:38 ] <freiheit> '98 I believe has already gotten more registrations for both vendors and visitors than '97 did, so it ought to be spectacular--'99... :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:40:22 ] <NasaOS> freiheit: Plan it in Canada, where dollar is cheap :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:40:27 ] <WarpGuru> What is the topic then, or is it just free for all?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:40:31 ] <Longstaff> anyone know what time bars close in denmark?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:40:42 ] <mandie> just open discussion...alot of chit chat about comm/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:41:00 ] * mandie grins at longstaff :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:41:28 ] <damyu> the bars close in Denmark?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:41:38 ] <damyu> that's rotten
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:41:53 ] <Frogger> Boo! Hiss! :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:41:59 ] <mandie> hmm...somethings rotten in Denmark :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:42:24 ] <damyu> thank you, Frogger... glad to know I'm appreciated :D
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:42:38 ] <Frogger> :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:42:53 ] <mandie> do we have any suggestions for future topics or speakers?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:04 ] <MADodel> damyu: never say Bars closed around Frogger
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:16 ] <damyu>
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:28 ] <MADodel> Gee how about one of those Netscape guys?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:32 ] <damyu> bill gates
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:43 ] <damyu> I have a few 'questions' to ask him
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:45 ] <NasaOS> mandie , Projects : It is a beta, but they do not recommend to install it for personnal use. Then why do they release it?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:46 ] <mandie> Mad: like Mike Kaply :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:43:49 ] <MADodel> Bill Clinton
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:44:05 ] <damyu> Mr. Bill?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:44:17 ] <mandie> nasa0s: I believe they mean on a production machine :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:44:18 ] <Projects> NasaOS: so that they can laff and laff when you break your system :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:44:23 ] <Longstaff> thomas penfield jackson :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:45:01 ] * NasaOS thinks a good topic could be "Why winxx when you can have OS/2 for half the price also?"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:45:10 ] <mandie> Tp: welcome
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:45:22 ] <damyu> really? Half the price? Where?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:45:48 ] <NasaOS> damyu: price for winxx vs. OS/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:45:54 ] <freiheit> Some things to consider when suggesting future SpeakUp sessions -- we'd like to maybe get some borderline OS/2 developers in here to see support for their products, maybe some companies who don't support OS/2 but which you think could be persuaded to
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:46:10 ] <Tp> Howdy, Mandie and All
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:46:15 ] <freiheit> We'd also like to get people in that you would seriously like to talk to about their products or about how they use OS/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:46:23 ] <Swanee> Hi Tp
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:46:32 ] <freiheit> The emphasis is on what you, the OS/2 using public, want
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:46:47 ] <freiheit> so your suggestions are the best we could have
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:46:57 ] <damyu> hmm
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:47:02 ] <mandie> We'd also like to have one meeting a month be a live help session on specific topics
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:47:19 ] * NasaOS wants an OS/2 logo on every hardware he see on shelf of every computer store :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:47:32 ] <damyu> no kidding
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:47:40 ] <mandie> nasa: now that's a mission!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:47:55 ] <freiheit> Nasa, so you want to get Dell and Micron and Packard *ell and Gateway and Hewlett Packard all in here at once?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:48:09 ] <freiheit> it'd be a tight squeeze, but... :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:48:10 ] <Longstaff> you know what i'd find interesting? a session with ibm on running an e-business web/database site on warp
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:48:40 ] <NasaOS> Well like RC5-64, take them one at a time and they will be "on our side" :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:48:56 ] * PoohBear wanders off.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:48:59 ] <mandie> longstaff: I'll see if we can come up with someone from IBM that would be willing to cover the topic
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:49:06 ] <damyu> actually, frei, don't forget Matrox, ESS, those sound blaster people...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:49:10 ] <MADodel> Well if we leave off the warp part we could probably get someone from IBM
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:49:36 ] <freiheit> ESS do mention OS/2 (or at least the company that made my ESS based soundcard did)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:49:48 ] <freiheit> one (big) reason I bought it :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:49:54 ] <MADodel> How about we trick them and say we are an NT promotion group financed by M$.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:08 ] <os2hq> Well, I'd like to see a session with whoever at IBM is in charge of whether or not to take Warp Server 5.0 and make a client version....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:17 ] <NasaOS> MADodel: Why leaving the OS/2 part. Are they reluctant to the software they created?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:18 ] <damyu> Wull, yah... actually same here, but I was trying to think of company names and drew a blank, OK?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:19 ] <os2hq> I doubt we would EVER have better attendance than that one.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:43 ] <os2hq> Nasa: IBM seems to be playing a "finesse".
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:45 ] <freiheit> hq, you mean Gerstner?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:52 ] <MADodel> NasaOS: they'd be here in a flash to sell the windoze version.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:50:56 ] <os2hq> frei: I don't know if he's the one who makes that call.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:06 ] <freiheit> wonder if we could get Nader for a SpeakUp...doubtful
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:09 ] <damyu> actually, get Elvis here, and THEN you would see attendance
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:33 ] <Longstaff> i don't think it's realistic to expect ibm to disclose future product plans my topic suggestion was based on presently available products
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:40 ] <Elvis> hey! :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:41 ] <damyu> I don't know... that seems like Nader's type of thing
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:43 ] <os2hq> Say, we just have to convince IBM that our group is Vindows Online Interested Corporate Executives!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:50 ] <damyu>
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:51:58 ] <damyu> rofl
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:52:31 ] <NasaOS> os2hq: Good one :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:52:35 ] <os2hq> You know, we could all get IRC tags like "DeciznMkr" and "ISMgr" and "TopMan"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:12 ] * Longstaff is now known as CEO
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:15 ] <damyu> BGates
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:17 ] <os2hq> lol!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:18 ] <Longstaff> hmmm :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:23 ] <WarpGuru> Did the UFO just get Elvis - again?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:31 ] <os2hq> Hey WarpGuru!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:42 ] <damyu> aw shucks
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:43 ] <WarpGuru> Hey!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:53:55 ] <os2r> sorry about that....something closed me down
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:54:02 ] <os2hq> WarpG: Remind me to snag an access to that WarpBook... just been too busy to sign up!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:54:07 ] <os2hq> Esp. with the VOICE deal.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:54:08 ] <freiheit> Welcome back os2r
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:54:32 ] <os2hq> I've got 3 universities I'm planning to offer as potential VOICE "marketing targets"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:54:49 ] <os2hq> Georgia Southern, Wisconsin, and Univ. of Chicago.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:55:18 ] <os2hq> I'll be putting together a "sample ad" and what costs would be, and send everyone on the Board a package.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:55:30 ] <damyu> not bad
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:55:35 ] <os2hq> Unless somebody else would like a different university added to the list???
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:55:40 ] <os2hq> I'm open to suggestions.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:55:47 ] <damyu> U. of Houston
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:03 ] <Longstaff> MIT?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:08 ] <os2hq> Hmmm....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:11 ] <damyu>
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:36 ] <damyu> I'd say a real prize would be University of Texas in Dallas
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:38 ] <os2hq> I'm thinking something more middle-of-the-road, Longstaff.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:40 ] * Longstaff should have said seattle community college :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:52 ] <NasaOS> Is there a University near Palo-Alto? Why not Standford? Near Sun's Java programmer?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:53 ] <os2hq> Long: I seriously considered Univ. of Washington.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:56:58 ] <os2hq> Hmmm....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:57:09 ] <os2hq> Stanford... we could get Chelsea Clinton to join VOICE.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:57:17 ] <os2hq> That would indeed be an interesting coup.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:57:18 ] <Swanee> How many of you have sent you location to the author of WarpGlobe?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:57:21 ] <damyu> Yah!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:57:24 ] <Swanee> you=your
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:57:34 ] <os2hq> "News Flash: Clinton Mandates OS/2 on All Navy Ships."
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:58:31 ] <os2hq> Maybe we can practice on a few "test cases," and expand to UW, Stanford, MIT, etc. as we gain experience.... If the thing works out at all.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:58:41 ] <Projects> Swanee: I did
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:58:48 ] <freiheit> hq, indeed
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:59:03 ] <NasaOS> "News Flash: Navy officiers are unhappy. A high ranked officer, who don't want to be recognised, said: It's a shame, I won't be able to play my games anymore...""
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:59:14 ] <os2hq> Nasa: LOL!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:59:29 ] <Swanee> Projects: I've looked at you area but there are a few dots there and I can'r decide which is yours.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:59:32 ] <os2hq> "Wargames Turn Ugly; Bored Sailors Lob Live Ammo"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 17:59:55 ] <Projects> Swanee: if it's there, it'll be way up the western coast by itself
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:00:12 ] <os2hq> Proj: The Last Outpost.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:00:12 ] <os2hq> ;)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:00:27 ] <Projects> end of the world...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:00:37 ] <os2hq> Or the beginning....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:00:55 ] <Projects> or as they call it in #os2prog on Efnet... "East Bumfuck, Egypt"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:01:01 ] * os2hq imagines map with little sign next to Proj's house: "World Starts Here"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:01:07 ] <Swanee> Projects: There are about three up there around Seattle and up. Assume you're the top one?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:01:35 ] <Projects> Swanee: way above seattle...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:01:59 ] <freiheit> Projects is to the North, eh.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:02:08 ] * os2hq wonders if we could get enough VOICE members to do a "road show" someday....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:02:32 ] <NasaOS> freiheit: North? You mean Canada whare dollar is almost worthless?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:02:40 ] <Swanee> It looks like the northernmost might be around Victoria? (maybe?)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:02:47 ] <Projects> dollar?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:02:50 ] <os2hq> heh.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:02:53 ] <Projects> that loose change?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:03:11 ] <Projects> Swanee: hang on... going there to see myself :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:03:12 ] <MADodel> They have money up in Canada?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:03:16 ] <os2hq> Proj notes that American money has pictures of men on it, that nobody knows....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:03:18 ] <NasaOS> Projects: Yep, those pennies
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:03:52 ] <NasaOS> os2hq: I like you sense of humor
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:04 ] <MADodel> I know Ben, George, Alex
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:05 ] <Swanee> They have nice dollar coins. I wish they were REAL gold though.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:06 ] <os2hq> Or maybe pictures of cities? "Cleveland" "Franklin" "Washington" "Lincoln"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:20 ] <Projects> NasaOS: those $1 and $2 coins are the result of a conspiracy between our government and our children...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:26 ] <os2hq> Doh!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:45 ] <NasaOS> Projects: You watch too much X-files.....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:04:49 ] <os2hq> We have $1 coins here, Susan B. Anthony's. With 8 or 10 sides, I think.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:07 ] <os2hq> Gov't. has about 220,000 of them in storage. Something like that.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:08 ] <Projects> NasaOS: heh... nope. I have children...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:14 ] <NasaOS> And I was lucky enough to grab a real 2$ bill US.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:22 ] <os2hq> Hey, that reminds me....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:40 ] <os2hq> When Clemson Univ. fans go to a bowl game, they all get $2 bills for all their cash.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:40 ] <Projects> Swanee: nope, not on the map yet...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:05:57 ] <os2hq> That way, the city they visit will be impressed by the amount of "Clemson dollars" and invite them back.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:08 ] <os2hq> I wonder if we should do that with /2 bills.....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:08 ] <Swanee> Projects: OK, It'll probably be there next week.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:33 ] <NasaOS> os2hq: funny but interesting :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:36 ] <freiheit> well hq, that'd work (maybe) if we were all in one area
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:37 ] <Projects> Swanee: I just checked the user list... easier than looking for a dot :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:43 ] <os2hq> Nasa.... I mean for Warpstock.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:46 ] <freiheit> but we're not
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:06:49 ] <os2hq> Frei: yes, at Warpstock.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:02 ] <os2hq> Chicago is our "Bowl City" this year.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:03 ] <Swanee> Projects: What city in BC?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:18 ] <Projects> Swanee: Kitimat
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:32 ] <Projects> btw, it doesn't even qualify as "city"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:36 ] <Projects> or "town"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:44 ] <os2hq> "village"??
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:51 ] <freiheit> yes, but do we want to be invited back to Chicago or keep having Warpstock move around the country from year to year so that more people can get to it easily?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:07:55 ] <NasaOS> os2hq: I am happy that it poped an idea for Warpstock.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:01 ] <Swanee> But it'll still show up on the globe! :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:03 ] <Projects> village is down the road... this is "district"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:22 ] <Projects> heh
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:25 ] <os2hq> frei: Yes, but that means extra press.... the Next city will be looking forward to us.... which means more press!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:28 ] <freiheit> (we, in this case, being OS/2 users in general)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:45 ] <os2hq> Proj: That wide spot in the road over yonder.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:57 ] <Projects> road?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:59 ] * freiheit wonders how much press we'd get from putting /2 on dollar bills
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:08:59 ] <Projects> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:09:06 ] <os2hq> Oops, er, "trail"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:09:26 ] <os2hq> frei: We'd have to consult the VOICE Lawyer on that.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:09:38 ] <os2hq> Wide spot on the trail, yep, sounds great.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:09:51 ] <freiheit> we'd have to consult the press on that--the press that generally don't acknowledge our existence
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:09:57 ] <Projects> wet spot on the trail
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:10:03 ] <os2hq> brb....
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:10:09 ] <mandie> onward and upward :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:11:06 ] <mandie> freiheit: who's scheduled for our next speakup?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:11:18 ] <freiheit> Though if Warpstock '98 is as successful as we're all hoping, and if some attendees of it take the time to write positive and eloquent reviews of it and send them in for the VOICE Newsletter and send them to the non-OS/2 press as well, things might change a little bit
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:11:50 ] <freiheit> mandie, Benedict Chong, Power Boot author, August 17, 1998 is the next currently scheduled SpeakUp Session
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:12:01 ] <mandie> that's right..couldn't recall
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:13:03 ] <freiheit> one of those fringe-OS/2 developers we'd like to rope in and demonstrate to that there's great enthusiasm among OS/2 users
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:13:04 ] <mandie> MickBrown: hello
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:13:38 ] <freiheit> enthusiasm that could spur them to speak favorably of OS/2 to others and maybe to develop some native OS/2 software
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:13:40 ] <mandie> Abraxas will be demo'ing PowerBoot at Warpstock
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:14:22 ] <freiheit> I recall the good press OS/2 got in relation to Partition Magic in '95 or '96--actual mention in ZD mags of HPFS drives and installing OS/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:14:37 ] <freiheit> Power Boot can go along similar lines
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:15:35 ] <Abraxas> Power Boot is the BEST!!! .... same (or better) functionality as System Commander, doesn't require a Pri Partition (or any partition at all) and 1/4 the price of System Comander
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:15:39 ] <freiheit> So we sincerely hope that you all will make it for that SpeakUp session and will mention it not only to other OS/2 users but to any Linux, BeOS, DOS, and Windows users who might remotely be interested
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:15:43 ] <NasaOS> Seeing the word boot reminds me that I seek information but I hesitate to ask about it here...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:16:06 ] <Abraxas> NasaOS go ahead and ask ... worse that could happen is we'd /kick you
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:16:14 ] <Swanee> lol
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:16:15 ] <freiheit> heh
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:16:15 ] <Abraxas> hehehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:16:38 ] <Abraxas> NasaOS just kidding :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:16:52 ] <Swanee> Just don't mention any bad words... you know what they are :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:17:12 ] <NasaOS> Abraxas: ok, .. I;am a little bit daredevil and want to play some games. See I want to install win98 and I have a free 400 Megs space. Someone already tried it without loosing his/her main OS?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:17:29 ] <NasaOS> Swanee: I'am kicked then! :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:17:43 ] <Swanee> hehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:17:55 ] <Projects> NasaOS: nah... the "main OS" part saved you
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:18:50 ] <NasaOS> Project: Well you know, I use OS/2 24h usually. My computer is hooked to the net with modem cable and I run the RC5 cracking client...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:19:34 ] <Projects> NasaOS: I run OS/2 24h too, but wouldn't be able to afford a 24/7 connection :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:19:47 ] <Swanee> NasaOS: Do you have Boot Manager installed?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:20:00 ] <Projects> or PowerBoot? :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:20:01 ] <NasaOS> Swanee: Boot manager installed.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:20:27 ] <Swanee> I don't know much about PowerBoot yet but...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:20:40 ] <mandie> does everyone make new utility disks after applying the fp's ?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:20:41 ] <NasaOS> Swanee: It used to select between Linux and OS/2. Linux did not filled my expectations.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:20:49 ] <freiheit> NasaOS, well if Win98 does disable Boot Manager (as Win95 did) you should (hopefully?) be able to boot from OS/2 install disks and reenable Boot Manager in FDISK
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:07 ] <Abraxas> Swanee what do you want to know (about Power Boot) ????
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:11 ] <Projects> mandie: heck, I haven't made the first utility disks
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:17 ] <Projects> didn't work, as I recall...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:25 ] <NasaOS> freiheit: My fear is that win98 want to take ALL HD space, not the space I selected for it.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:41 ] <freiheit> Yes, I make new utility disks after a fixpack install (after verifying the fixpack works)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:51 ] <Abraxas> Best way to make OS/2 Boot Disks is with BOOTOS2 (IBMEWS software utility)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:21:56 ] <mandie> if you hide the os2 partition then there shouldn't be a problem...make them both primary partitions
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:22:00 ] <Swanee> Abraxas: Just about how one would install multiple os's but he has BM installed anyways.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:22:08 ] <Projects> Abraxas: yup... that's what I use
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:22:42 ] * freiheit has a small hard drive partition set up with BootOS/2 in a PM session
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:22:46 ] <Abraxas> Swanee Power Boot installs in the MBR of your 1st disk drive ... it WILL boot to Boot Manager, if you have it installed
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:22:53 ] <NasaOS> And what is the command I read to type once multiple OS's are intalled, something like fdisk /newmbr ?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:22:58 ] <freiheit> so I can run the System Editor and INItor and such :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:23:38 ] <Swanee> NasaOS: If you make them both primary partions (as mandie said) and set the open one to "installable" you should be able to install any other system. After the install you will need to use fdisk to set the BM pertition "Bootable"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:23:50 ] <mandie> nasa: you shouldn't need to create a new master boot record
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:23:51 ] <freiheit> And it's one of those must-have freeware utilities
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:24:10 ] <Abraxas> freiheit yep
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:24:27 ] <freiheit> Swanee, the BM partition needs to be Startable--the OS partitions need to be bootable
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:24:27 ] <Abraxas> don't go warping without it :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:25:05 ] <NasaOS> I always have the OS/2 boot disks. I even created some after I installed BackMaster/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:25:17 ] <Swanee> freiheit: oops... See, you just can't trust me. :) It's been a long time since I installed. :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:25:25 ] <Projects> afk
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:25:32 ] <freiheit> Well that's a good thing, Swanee :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:26:00 ] <NasaOS> So I will make startable the 400Megs partiton, reboot, and win98 should take this HD space only.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:26:08 ] <Swanee> freiheit: True, I installed Warp4 when it came out and haven't reinstalled since...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:26:18 ] <mandie> nasa: make it installable
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:26:40 ] <mandie> then when ;you boot with win98, it will grab the installable partition
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:26:45 ] <Swanee> NasaOS: What mandie said.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:27:03 ] <NasaOS> mandie: Well it is already covered with dos6.22 things
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:27:28 ] <NasaOS> I actually have this choice at each boot: Dos 6.22 or OS/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:27:34 ] <mandie> nasa: then just go into dos and type install or whatever is need to install it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:27:58 ] <NasaOS> mandie: ok.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:28:00 ] <Swanee> It may want the first physical partition also. I have my BM at the end of the disk and the primaries at the front.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:28:31 ] <NasaOS> Swanee: Same thing here.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:28:32 ] <mandie> nasa: do you have boot manager installed/
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:28:42 ] <Swanee> Just something to keep in mind in case you have any trouble
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:28:48 ] <NasaOS> mandie: Boot manager IS installed and working.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:29:39 ] <Abraxas> With Power Boot, you don't have to worry about all this ... just choose the partition, and click on "Install OEM OS" ... it hides all the other partitions (all of them) from the installation routine
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:29:47 ] <mandie> nasa: why wouldn't you just format the C: (dos) and make installable and then install win98?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:30:04 ] <freiheit> Abraxas, very impressive!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:30:32 ] <Swanee> Abraxas: I will probably buy PowerBoot also when we're at WarpStock.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:30:55 ] <MickBrown> I found the Linux miniFAQs helpful when I installed (boo hiss) win95... www.linux.org
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:31:15 ] <NasaOS> mandie: SCSI system. HD and CD are SCSI. HD is seen via SCSIbios but CD isn't. I need a driver. How to install a driver without a OS?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:31:16 ] <Abraxas> We'll (VOICE) will be giving away a copy of it at our next Speakup (August 17th) .... members only eleigible
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:31:18 ] <mandie> MickBrown: did you have os2 on the system also?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:31:44 ] <mandie> nasa: ah, got it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:31:51 ] <freiheit> But the SpeakUp session itself will be open to everyone
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:02 ] <freiheit> (just for clarification's sake) :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:02 ] <Abraxas> freiheit yes .... as usual
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:09 ] <MickBrown> I had DOS/win3.1/Warp installed -- I don't have Linux.... but the miniFAQs were helpful
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:17 ] <MADodel> OK wher is that Warp Globe thing? I can't find it on hobes
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:28 ] <Swanee> MADodel: Just a sec...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:34 ] <Abraxas> MADodel hehe .. hold on
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:32:49 ] <freiheit> http://www.arrakis.es/~scostas/OS2/globeeng.htm
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:33:02 ] <freiheit> that from the upcoming VOICE Newsletter's news page
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:33:29 ] <Swanee> freiheit: You're FAST!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:33:35 ] <MickBrown> That should also be in COOA
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:33:52 ] <freiheit> See all the wonderful information you become privvy (sp?) to when you get involved in VOICE? :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:33:59 ] <Abraxas> MickBrown yes, it should .... I found it in Warpcast
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:34:47 ] <MickBrown> I meant it should be a live post on most servers posted 25jul
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:34:53 ] <mandie> ahhhhhh, now I know why that name rang a bell!!! COOA :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:35:15 ] <NasaOS> Thank you, but don't mistake me, I like OS/2. As I type this, Apache 1.2.4, RC5-64 bovine, FTP server, Netscape and GTIRC. Win98 will only to play games, and start a RC5 client :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:35:42 ] <freiheit> Nasa, we don't mine--it's your system :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:35:45 ] <freiheit> mine = mind
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:35:48 ] <mandie> nasa: ppl need to use whatever meets their needs
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:36:11 ] <MADodel> freiheit: thanks
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:36:19 ] <NasaOS> mandie: This is exactly what I find while I was testing Linux.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:36:33 ] <mandie> nasa: I personally like linux as a server
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:36:56 ] <Abraxas> MickBrown perhaps I was mistaken .... it's not at Warpcast ... must have seen it in usenet (somewhere)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:37:19 ] <MickBrown> The Linux miniFAQs on linux.org cover a lot of the nasties everyone who runs on intel equipment may need to know when installing hardware & OSes
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:37:31 ] <freiheit> Abraxas, I believe I grabbed it off the OS/2 News & Rumours site (http://www.os2ss.com/news/)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:37:40 ] <NasaOS> mandie: But I dunno why, my HD was crunching like hell while just sitting at the prompt. The apache server was too cpu consuming...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:37:53 ] <MickBrown> I think he also posted it to os2users
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:38:09 ] <mandie> nasa: how much ram?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:38:38 ] <NasaOS> mandie: 98Megs (well 96 but counts 98) and there was a 100Megs cache partition
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:38:52 ] <mandie> wow...that's overkill for a linux box
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:38:54 ] <Abraxas> freiheit speaking of which ... PGP 5.0 for OS/2 went GA today :-)))
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:38:55 ] <freiheit> umm, 96 megs gets counted as 98?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:39:04 ] <freiheit> Abraxas, I saw that :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:39:08 ] <mandie> I only had 32 and it rarely churned
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:39:14 ] <freiheit> but I don't (currently) use PGP
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:39:32 ] <mandie> but I preferred cli to the Xwindows
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:05 ] <mandie> we should have whigiii do a speakup on pgp
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:07 ] <NasaOS> mandie: thing went worst when I started the latest Netscape. I was there like a sitting shooting duck.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:13 ] <MickBrown> I wanna shoot whoever allowed the NSA patent and the dodos at DoD that classified it as a munition
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:33 ] <freiheit> heh
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:38 ] <Abraxas> http://www.openpgp.net/ (for anyone interested)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:42 ] <mandie> nasa hmm
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:40:51 ] <mandie> abraxas: thx
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:41:05 ] <Swanee> Abraxas: How, when, how often do you use pgp?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:41:18 ] <freiheit> Well, for web-based work, Fortify seems to be a nice way around the DoD
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:41:24 ] <freiheit> not sure about PGP
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:41:29 ] <NasaOS> mandie: anyway, that was enough to convice me that OS/2 will the the MAIN os for my personal use.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:41:46 ] <freiheit> welcome back madodel
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:41:48 ] <mandie> nasa: :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:42:01 ] <mandie> mad: using virc again?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:42:28 ] <madodel> stupid 4.04 and Xit. I keep forgetting not to use the middle mouse button in communicator/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:42:40 ] <madodel> Hangs the whole system
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:42:44 ] <freiheit> bleah
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:42:51 ] <mandie> freiheit: did you see that comm/2 supports style sheets and dynamic html :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:42:55 ] * freiheit doesn't have a middle mouse button so wonders if he'd be safe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:43:03 ] <MickBrown> PGP doesn't integrate into SSL and the web stuff is SSL (also NSA patent I believe)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:43:11 ] <freiheit> mandie, yep--but I've no clue how to code them :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:43:23 ] <Abraxas> Swanee I used yo use it all the time (to "sign" e-mail ... but there is a bug in either PGP or PMMAIL that coughs up a key or encrypts the message every once in a while
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:43:25 ] <freiheit> and I won't code them until I'm sure most OS/2 users have Comm/2 working properly
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:43:28 ] <mandie> freiheit: good info on http://www.stars.com
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:43:45 ] <mandie> freiheit: same here..but I plan to play with them on my own system
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:02 ] <Confed2> Did I miss everyone?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:02 ] <mandie> Confed2!! hi :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:03 ] <MickBrown> Does NS comm/2 support disabling cookies?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:11 ] <mandie> Mick: yes
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:16 ] <freiheit> Besides, my understanding of DHTML is that it's like a cross of HTML and JavaScript--which I'm already doing on my site
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:17 ] <Confed2> Mick.....Yes
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:26 ] <Confed2> Hi mandie :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:27 ] <freiheit> Mick, I believe so
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:44:36 ] <freiheit> it's got 3 or 4 cookie handling options
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:05 ] <freiheit> Accept All, Deny All, Accept Only Those That Get Sent Back to Originating Server
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:13 ] <freiheit> Ask Each Time
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:21 ] <MickBrown> I do a lot of intelligence on spammers, so I don't like to have cookies enabled... so I have to boot to windows
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:37 ] <Abraxas> new Java Tips site (for COMM/2) ... http://macarlo.com
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:44 ] <mandie> mick: then comm/2 should work good for you
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:44 ] <Confed2> I guess I'm going to have to try using them on my site LOLOLOL
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:51 ] <madodel> You could just make cookies.txt read only
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:45:54 ] * freiheit got Internet Junk Buster for OS/2 to help avoid spammers getting too much info from my browser :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:46:23 ] <Confed2> Yea, if you can get by the PMMERGE.DLL problem
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:46:36 ] <madodel> Any thing different in Xit 2.51?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:46:42 ] <mandie> confed: with which program?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:47:13 ] <Confed2> freiheit.....not fair :0
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:47:22 ] <NasaOS> Hum I am wondering if I am a spammer without knowing it. Can someone come to and tell me if I did configure correctly Apache please?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:47:23 ] <freiheit> Confed, what's not fair?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:47:24 ] <Confed2> NSComm/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:47:44 ] <MickBrown> I'll configure IJB also... setting cookies to RO may still send info to nasties for the cookies in memory
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:47:57 ] <Confed2> Junkbuster......
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:49:07 ] <madodel> Clean out the cookie file first
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:49:21 ] <Confed2> So is that the Topic for Tonight? ..........Communicator/2?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:49:47 ] <mandie> confed2: turned out to be
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:49:49 ] <MickBrown> cookies even if RO will persist for the length of the session
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:50:03 ] <mandie> confed2: our guest must have fell asleep or something :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:50:21 ] <Projects> back
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:50:24 ] <Confed2> mandie......I was hoping so.......I've had a few problems with it at home, but at the store it is a disaster!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:50:52 ] <Confed2> Ohhhhhhhhh, who's the guest..........I forget.........
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:50:55 ] <mandie> doesn't sound good at all :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:50:56 ] <madodel> Well I have to go. Been up since 5Am, and I've about had it.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:10 ] <freiheit> Good night madodel
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:12 ] <madodel> have fun
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:17 ] <Confed2> See ya
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:42 ] <Confed2> KIM! Ok, now I see it :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:43 ] <NasaOS> Unbeleivable! I receive this error while trying to signup for the betatest program at IBM (I want Comm/2):Error 500
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:43 ] <NasaOS> HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - The specified database lookup generated more than 65,000 bytes of
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:43 ] <NasaOS> results, which is too large for Notes to handle in this context.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:51:43 ] <mandie> Kim Rasmuessen ...developer of InetAdven
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:09 ] <mandie> nasa: just keep trying
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:18 ] <freiheit> I hope that's a good thing, NasaOS
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:19 ] <freiheit> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:27 ] <Confed2> KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you alive?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:40 ] <mandie> nasa: I received email from someone that tried to access from my site link...I tried it and it worked fine...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:46 ] <Projects> NasaOS: at the beginning, there was only a 1mb file where it says it's supposed to be 7mb
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:47 ] <freiheit> Confed2, we all certainly hope so!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:52:51 ] * mandie thinks confed2 is seeing things :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:53:08 ] <NasaOS> mandie , freiheit: what does that really mean?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:53:20 ] <Confed2> I know I'm seeing things.................Usually, their not good either! :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:53:39 ] <freiheit> NasaOS, I'm not sure what the error means--I just hope it means that a lot of people were trying to get the file at the same time (showing great interest)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:54:41 ] <NasaOS> freiheit: At the bottom I see a link to : Lotus-Domino 4.6 -> http://service5.boulder.ibm.com/
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:54:51 ] * freiheit wants OS/2 users (espcially home and SOHO users) to keep putting positive pressure on IBM to continue OS/2 development for our market
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:54:53 ] <Confed2> Friday, I d/l'd it at 4.3 cps/sec........We tried saturday.....CPS was 1.2 a sec.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:54:54 ] <MickBrown> which link was that mandie?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:04 ] <mandie> 500 Server Error. The server encountered an internal error or
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:05 ] <mandie> misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:05 ] <mandie> server...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:26 ] <mandie> just keep trying
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:44 ] <NasaOS> mandie: ha...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:54 ] <mandie> let me try and see if I get it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:55:58 ] <NasaOS> mandie: you don't see that on my web page, do you??
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:56:49 ] <mandie> I'm here right now and no error..this is the signup page
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:56:50 ] <mandie> http://service5.boulder.ibm.com/pcpd.nsf/Signup2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:57:08 ] <Confed2> Tell ya what.......Composer in Communicator is really nice......if you get a chance, load Comm/2 and hit my Website where the systems are
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:57:16 ] <mandie> nasa: I'm not on your webpage..I was just showing you what the 500 error meant
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:57:32 ] <NasaOS> mandie: yes. I filled the required balnks (thoses yellow spots) and hit sign up. This error is the result of pressint signup
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:57:33 ] <Projects> Confed2: url?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:57:47 ] <freiheit> Nasa, then hit Back and try again
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:58:03 ] <mandie> agree ^^^^^^^^^
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:58:14 ] <freiheit> if it fails again, give them 10-15 minutes to work it out and try again
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:58:22 ] <Confed2> BLATANT ADVERTISMENT COMING!!!! http://pages.sssnet.com/Confed2 Use Java & Frames
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:58:27 ] <NasaOS> freiheit: I will write a rexx prg to do that...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:58:30 ] <mandie> go for it :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:58:53 ] <NasaOS> mandie: the only problem is... I dunno how to write rexx!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:05 ] <mandie> lol
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:09 ] <freiheit> umm
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:11 ] <freiheit> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:14 ] <Confed2> The Home of Centari Computers.............Os/2's Newest Hardware Vendor, and simply the BEST!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:28 ] * freiheit was just there last night (Centari)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:43 ] <freiheit> check out MC&C, too
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:47 ] <mandie> and also an exhibitor at Warpstock 98 :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:50 ] <Confed2> Well, what did Freiheit think of it?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:52 ] <freiheit> but the Java on their site nearly throttled my system
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:55 ] <NasaOS> What do they recommend as for a CD-R or CD-RW??
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 18:59:56 ] <os2hq> confed: What's that site again???
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:00 ] <Abraxas> Confed2 now THAT'S a webpage :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:07 ] <Projects> anyone figure out a way to use comm/2 in offline mode, but not get that annoying message when trying to go online?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:18 ] <freiheit> Confed2, only problem I had was with the main page--the navigation menu is kind of out of the way
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:22 ] <Confed2> http://pages.sssnet.com/Confed2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:27 ] <freiheit> took me about 3 minutes to notice it was there
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:43 ] * Projects wisely takes "Frames, No Java"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:44 ] <Confed2> Abraxas..............You like?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:46 ] <freiheit> other than that I had no problems and thought the product pages were laid out nicely
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:47 ] <mandie> hmmm...when to http://pages.sssnet.com/Confed2 and comm/2 up and disappeared
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:53 ] <NasaOS> Projects: I will when I DL it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:00:54 ] <mandie> when=went
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:16 ] <os2hq> confed: That place I couldn't find today... Hmmmm.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:22 ] <Confed2> Mandie.........That's one of the Comm/2 Bugs.........it's really particular
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:27 ] <Projects> mandie: that's what happened when I tried to access my bank last night... poof! gone
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:29 ] <Abraxas> Confed2 looks pretty good (in NS/2 2.02) ... I dare not fire up COMM/2 while in a meeting ... BAD THINGS happen :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:40 ] <mandie> projects: and so quietly too :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:43 ] <os2hq> Ah, maybe it's the Caps.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:48 ] <MickBrown> I avoid enabling Java and (so called javascript) for security reasons
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:01:54 ] <Projects> mandie: and no black hole :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:01 ] <mandie> exactly :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:04 ] <os2hq> Well, time to go, people.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:07 ] <os2hq> Bye.
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:07 ] <freiheit> later hq
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:11 ] <mandie> although, netscape never hangs anymore
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:14 ] <Confed2> OK, to avoid the JAVA, go to
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:02:19 ] <Projects> Confed2: looks fine here, using frames with no java, but the yellow text is a bit hard to read on the white bg
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:03:18 ] <Abraxas> Projects I have a blue background (behind yellow text)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:03:20 ] <NasaOS> I give up. I wont DL comm/2 tonight :-(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:03:23 ] <Confed2> In Comm/2.............The Fonts are all nice and neat...........Shopping Carts are in Nice tables and working very well..........It impressed me :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:03:40 ] <Projects> Abraxas: hrm... on the first url?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:03:41 ] <mandie> trying agina
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:03:51 ] <mandie> again even
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:05 ] <Confed2> Actualy, Composer is the only thing I'm really running out of the package
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:20 ] <Confed2> No, go to one of the Series
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:40 ] <mandie> ahh, ,the applet counter is the killer
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:41 ] <Confed2> Series Links that is
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:58 ] <Abraxas> Projects http://pages.sssnet.com/Confed2/ (click on Frames and Java)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:59 ] * Projects laffs every time he reads "OS/2 Warp v4.0 (easy installation) or Win 95"
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:04:59 ] <Confed2> No......JAVA is the Killer, trust me :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:18 ] <mandie> I know...I've tried many and most kill it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:19 ] <Projects> Abraxas: no... java's just too unstable with comm/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:22 ] <Abraxas> THAT'S where I see yellow text on blue (textured) background
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:25 ] <Confed2> Ahhh, laugh, but I have found a bug in the advanced install and refuse to use it
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:47 ] <Confed2> Try Londo
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:48 ] <freiheit> would that happen to be a TCP/IP bug?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:05:58 ] <Projects> Confed2: heh... but reading it, it sounds like the warp 4 is the easy install, with the other choice being win95
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:06:11 ] <NasaOS> The Centari computer pages are ok with frames & java for my NS/2 2.02 :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:06:11 ] * Projects is at londo now
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:06:19 ] <freiheit> Proj, yeah, so for not-yet-OS/2 users, it makes a good point :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:06:23 ] <Confed2> Ok, I see what you mean.....I'll clear it up tomorrow
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:06:53 ] <Projects> Confed2: NO! Leave it the way it is... much better :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:01 ] <Confed2> Ok....................
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:09 ] <freiheit> it IS correct wording, but it has another meaning which could be beneficial
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:10 ] <MickBrown> Is there a way to install comm/2 and leave the NS 2.02 alone so one can switch versions?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:19 ] <freiheit> MickBrown, yes
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:25 ] <Projects> MickBrown: yup
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:27 ] <freiheit> just install Comm/2 to a different directory
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:29 ] <Confed2> NasaOS...............Looks good but the Fonts in Comm/2 realy make it stand above the rest
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:41 ] <Projects> MickBrown: different directory, and say "no" to all the questions it throws at you
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:42 ] <mandie> Mick: you can use which ever you want and can make comm/2 default or not
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:52 ] <Abraxas> MickBrown and do NOT move/copy current NS/2 settings
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:07:55 ] <Confed2> JUST DO NOT LOAD THEM UP AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:01 ] <freiheit> however my experience has been that, even if you tell it not to, Comm/2 grabs the default association for URL and HTML objects
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:08 ] <mandie> confed: I have and there wasn't a problem
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:10 ] <Abraxas> Confed2 hehe ... yes, I figured that out
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:11 ] <NasaOS> Confed2 What would you recommend: A CD-R / CD-RW or a JAZZ/ZIP drive??
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:37 ] <Projects> freiheit: yah... some things here were grabbed by comm/2 when I wish it had left things alone
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:45 ] <Confed2> JAZZ for Portability, CD-RW for reliability
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:08:52 ] * Abraxas just remembered who Confed2 is .... and Thanks him for forwrading the Warpcast messages to ibm.net when it was broken
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:09:00 ] <Confed2> I loaded them both and get a FREEZE instantly
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:09:07 ] <Projects> are these prices correct?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:09:16 ] <mandie> confed: know where Oxford, OH is?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:09:28 ] <Confed2> Your Welcome..........I just changed the Header on those to Centari
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:09:36 ] <Confed2> Sure do Mandie
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:09:38 ] <Projects> Confed2: got any laptops?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:10:02 ] <Confed2> Projects........a few but not tested throughly with OS/2
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:10:19 ] <Confed2> The Video tends to screw OS/2 up
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:10:27 ] <Projects> Confed2: anything advertised online at the moment?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:10:28 ] <freiheit> hmm
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:10:32 ] <mandie> confed: will be there in Nov for Parents weekend at Miami Ohio Univ :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:10:41 ] <Confed2> Projects..........The prices are correct
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:01 ] <Projects> Confed2: hmm... I live in the wrong country :(
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:08 ] <Confed2> Kool, you might have to take a detour and see our Little place
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:17 ] <Confed2> I ship overseas!!!
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:23 ] <Projects> :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:27 ] <freiheit> heh, he's only in Canada
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:40 ] <freiheit> just ship via Mounty
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:42 ] <Abraxas> eh
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:43 ] <Confed2> Shoot, that like my backyard
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:44 ] <Projects> the END of canada :p
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:54 ] <freiheit> oh yeah, ship via Mounty, eh
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:56 ] <Projects> heh... wanna bet?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:11:59 ] <Abraxas> Projects the OTHER end of Canada :-)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:12:05 ] <Projects> hehehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:12:11 ] <freiheit> anyway, I must go all--have to make some copies of stuff I printed on my Lexmark 5700 (beautiful printer!)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:12:15 ] <Confed2> I have shipped Systems to Australia, UK, Netherlands
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:12:42 ] <Confed2> We even ship without an OS! Eat that one M$
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:12:55 ] <Projects> hehehe
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:12:56 ] <freiheit> Will see you all again in 2 weeks' time for the Power Boot SpeakUp Session. Invite anyone you know who might be interested (in using it for OS/2) :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:13:00 ] <Confed2> I love to do that to them :)
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:13:01 ] * NasaOS thinks like Projects, our dollar is worthless compared to US at this time...
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:13:01 ] <Projects> what about just hardware?
[ 08-03-98 ] [ 19:13:08 ] Connection Closed [19:13]