VOICE Newsletter FAQ
Last update: July 6, 2008
0.1 Why do you do this?
0.2 This looks like a lot of work. Do you get any compensation?
0.3 VOICE is an OS/2 user group. Do I have to be a member to be “allowed” to help?
1. What can I do to help?
1.1 What kind of work is there to do?
1.2 What kind of articles do you want?
1.3 What's the matter with sponsoring?
2. I would like to help, but...
2.1 ... where are the articles that have to be edited or translated?
2.2 ... I don't know about all these file formats.
2.3 ... I don't have the time to contribute regularly.
2.4 ... I'm not capable of translating articles.
3. Organizational
3.1 How is work on the Newsletter organized?
3.2 How do I access an article?
3.3 What do all those directories on the FTP-Server mean?
3.4 What is the work-flow for an article like?
3.5 How do I send a message to the mailing list?
3.6 What are the files with the def suffix for?
3.7 What is required to build the Newsletter?
3.8 How is the Newsletter built?
4. Things to note
4.1 Page headers and footers
4.2 Issues with editors
4.3 Formatting
4.4 Translating "you"
4.5 Apostrophe usage
5. Tips
5.1 Dictionaries
5.2 HTML validation
5.3 Comparing files
0. General
0.1 Why do you do this?
To create a monthly information resource for OS/2.
0.2 This looks like a lot of work. Do you get any compensation?
No, all team members contribute voluntarily. What you get in return is being able to read articles several weeks before they are published, and the thanks of people who wouldn't have anything to read otherwise (or their complaints ;-) ). Also, the authors don't get paid either.
0.3 VOICE is an OS/2 user group. Do I have to be a member to be "allowed" to help?
No. Many team members aren't VOICE members. Unless you are a member of the "Death to OS/2, long live Windows!" club, you are welcome to join.
1. What can I do to help?
You can
- join the Newsletter team,
- write articles for the VOICE Newsletter yourself, or
- sponsor us.
1.1 What kind of work is there to do?
- Translating from English to German and vice versa
- Editing English articles regarding content, spelling, and grammar, as well as the translations of German articles regarding spelling and grammar.
- Maintaining this FAQ ;-)
- Acquiring authors
1.2 What kind of articles do you want?
Please see our Guidelines for submissions to the VOICE Newsletter
1.3 What's the matter with sponsoring?
Of course, this is a bit tricky, because we have to ensure that the money or whatever reaches its destination and is used for what you want it to be used. As an alternative for money, e.g., software licenses or hardware could be used.
If you want to support us, you can do the following:
- Join VOICE
- Directly sponsor VOICE and specify what to do with the money, e.g., buy a translation tool, an HTML editor, or one laptop for each team member. ;-)
- Accord someone something, or invite him/her to diner/a drink at Warpstock.
2. I would like to help, but...
2.1 ... where are the articles that have to be edited or translated?
On the VOICE FTP server. To access them, an account is required. If you really want to help, send an e-mail to editor@os2voice.org and you'll receive user ID and password later.
2.2 ... I don't know about all these file formats.
No problem. You can also do your work based on plain text files. We recommend NVU. The Newsletter's layout inside the article body is quite plain and usually you should be able to use NVU without problems. Be careful however, that no absolute paths (e.g. C:\HTML\VOICE\feature_3.html) creep in. Somebody else will do the rest.
2.3 ... I don't have the time to contribute regularly.
That doesn't matter. If you do have time, take a look at our task assignment web page and choose an article for editing.
2.4 ... I'm not capable of translating articles.
That doesn't matter. There is enough other work to be done, e.g., correcting English articles, acquiring authors, and writing articles yourself.
3. Organizational
3.1 How is work on the Newsletter organized?
Of course, you have to see who is doing what. That is why we have a task assignment web page. It displays articles that need to be translated, names and e-mail addresses of their authors, as well as names and e-mail addresses of the assigned editor, and the editing or translation status. In addition, articles can be downloaded directly from here. There is a mailing list called translate@os2voice.org for communication between the team members, announcements of new articles, etc. at VOICE. After announcing your sincere willingness to contribute to editor@os2voice.org, you receive the data that is required to access the web page and are subscribed to the mailing list. More see 3.4.
3.2 How can I access the articles?
The files are located on the VOICE FTP server, which requires access accounts. After announcing your sincere will to contribute to editor@os2voice.org, you receive the data that is required to access the server.
3.3 What do all those directories on the FTP server mean?
- always: contains files that are used for building each Newsletter, like information regarding VOICE or for authors.
- info: things like a dictionairy for OS/2 specific terms go here. IBM's translations are a bit strange sometimes, and sometimes you need to know how certain menu items are named in another language.
- ppwiz: if you would like to try the build process using PPWizard yourself, here are the files required.
<month><year> (e.g., 0403 for April 2003) contains all files for the certain
issue, located in subdirectories:
- raw_german and raw_english contain the translated, but not yet corrected articles, as well as the corrected versions.
- todo_german and todo_english: new articles go here.
3.4 What is the work-flow for an article like?
The editors upload new articles to the todo_* directories and enter them into the task assignment database.
If you have the time to edit or translate something, invoke the detail view for an article by clicking on the related entry on the task assignment page. A new view is displayed that allows you to take (and also cancel, if neccessary) tasks. Then download the article by clicking on the file link or directly downloading it from the FTP server. After finishing the task, upload the result to the raw_* directory on the FTP server. German articles that have been translated to English are placed in raw_english and vice versa. Add a two-digit version number to the file name. If the ZIP archive that contains the original article is called feature_2.zip, for instance, the translated one is called feature_2-00.zip. Then change the translation status on the task assignment page accordingly and send a short message to the mailing list.
Now someone else downloads the article from the raw_* directory or via the related link in the article's detail view for correction, and adds him- or herself as editor. Having finished the correction, you change the status accordingly via the assignment page and upload the result to the FTP server. The same naming scheme applies. In our example, the corrected version would be called feature_2-01.zip, since feature_2-00.zip already exists.
Besides the article itself, there is a second file to work on. It uses the .def suffix. Therein, the article title, author name and address, maybe a short author info, links etc. are specified for automatic inclusion by PPWizard. Don't forget to enter your own name and address as translator, formatter, or proofreader.
Should any questions arise during translation or correction, contact the author or the mailing list. In all cases, avoid delivering unfinished work. If something leaves you puzzled, or you don't have the time anymore, tell us.
3.5 How do I post a message to the mailing list?
Once you are subscribed, just send a message to translate@os2voice.org.
3.6 What are the files with the def suffix for?
The VOICE Newsletter is build with the help of the PPWizard pre-processor. It allows to automatically create navigation, author and translator info, and the references box. To do this, several variables have to be defined, and that's what is done in the files with the def suffix. Please don't forget to translate the article title and description. And don't forget to insert your name and address!
3.7 What is required to build the Newsletter?
First of all, building means that the final pages are generated by running PPWizard to assemble them from the editable HTML and the def files. This adds the header, the navigation, the references box, and the footer.
Required are:
- The PPWizard preprocessor by Dennis Bareis
- The build environment
- GNU sed
- The IPFC compiler from IBM, which is part of VAC++ and the toolkit
To install it, do the following:
- Download PPWizard
- Extract the package to a directory of your choice.
- Optionally, add the directory to your PATH
- Download the build environment as newsletter_buildenv.zip from the VOICE FTP server.
- Create a directory x:\Newsletter and extract the build environment to it.
- Adjust the path to PPWizard in the *.CMD files
Download GNU sed and place the executable in your path.
Some versions come with a script called SED.CMD which will be executed instead of GNU sed if it is located in a directory earlier in the PATH. Either rename it or make adjust your PATH.
- Install the Developers Toolkit or VAC++. The toolkit is included with recent versions of eComStation.
3.8 How is the Newsletter built?
- The directory x:\Newsletter\0000 contains all files for an issue. Copy it, using the format mmyy, e.g., 0708 for July 2008.
- Open the file x:\Newsletter\mmyy\issue.ih and adjust the values for month, year, and volumeno. Save the file.
- Place all HTML, def, and image files of the finished and proof-read articles in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_english and x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_english, respectively.
Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708 and run:
This will read all def files, extract the names of all editors, translators, and proof-readers and save them to a file. This file is later read to generate the officers page.
Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_* and run:
This will read all def files, extract the author, title, and summary, and write it to a file. This file is later read to generate the start page and the navigation in each page of the issue.
The Tips page needs special treatment. Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_* and run:
sed -f tips.sed tips.html
This will extract the title, date, and skill level information for each tip and write it to toc.html. Now run:
sed -f tips2.sed tips.html > tips.html.sedded
This will read the tips HTML file, insert a table with the information from toc.html, and write the result to tips.html.sedded. Open the file. If everything is OK, delete tips.html, and rename tips.html.sedded to tips.html.
The HTML version
- Copy the image files to the html subdirectory
- Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_* and run the commands makehtml and makeinf on every HTML file of the Newsletter. This creates the final files in the html subdirectory.
- Zip everything in the html subdirectory as vnl0708h.zip
The INF version
- Copy the image files to the inf subdirectory
IPF can only make use of BMP files. Also, to keep the resulting INF file's size as small as possible, the number of colors should be reduced.
Convert all images to BMP after reducing the colors to a maximum of 256. I generally do this with PMView using Color > Convert to > 256 colors with an adaptive color palette and diffusion dithering. If images are really large, you may want to consider 128 colors.
If you have GBM (Generalized Bitmap Module), the HTML2IPF script can take care of the conversion automatically. However, I have found the resulting BMP files much larger than the ones created by PMView the way described above.
- Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_* and run the command makeinf on every HTML file of the Newsletter. This creates the source files for conversion to IPF in the inf subdirectory.
Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_english\inf and run:
..\html2ipf.cmd start.html -sort-
Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_german\inf and run:
..\html2ipf.cmd start.html -sort- -german+
This reads all Newsletter files and creates an IPF source file start.ipf
To correct some of the IPF output, run the command:
sed -f ..\ipf.sed > start.ipf.sedded
To compile the IPF file to an INF file, run the command:
ipfc -i start.ipf.sedded vnl0708i.inf
- Zip the files vnl0708i.inf and voice.zip as vnl0708i.zip
Updates for the VOICE web site and announcements
- Copy the files newsletters.html and vnlindex.html from the previous issue to x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_english and x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_german, respectively.
Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_* and run:
This creates the following:
- The event calender for the VOICE web site
- The issue's announcement for the home page of the VOICE web site
- The Newsletter page for the VOICE web site
- The master index for the VOICE web site
Open a command line in x:\Newsletter\0708\finished_* and run:
This will read the article information and create several text files with announcements and for uploading to Hobbes in x:\Newsletter\0708.
4. Things to note
4.1 Page headers and footers
Translating the page header and footer with links to previous and next pages each time is not required. This is done by the editors using a script. The article title, description, links, author info, and summary, however, have to be translated in the related def file.
4.2 Issues with editors
Please ensure that your HTML editor does not use absolute paths in links, e.g., C:\VOICE\März2001\feature_3.html. Futhermore, sometimes font tags are used (size, font face) which don't belong there.
4.3 Formatting
If you work on formatting, please be sure to comply to some guidelines to ensure that the Newsletter retains a consistent look.
Any comments you add should be placed in square brackets ([]
) and be marked with something like "translator's
note". In general, it is preferable to contact the author and change the article accordingly.
4.4 Translating "you"
This is an English to German issue. In German, things are different when you address a specific person, and when addressing an abstract one as well.
While adding a "Sir" or "Madam" and calling someone "Mr." or "Mrs." is the way to be polite when addressing a specific person whom you are not close to (no relative or friend) or whom you don't know in English, Germans have two words for "you". "Du" is used to address people you know well (relatives and friends, in some cases co-workers), while "Sie" is reserved for the rest. In any case, omitting the German term for "Mr." or "Mrs." ("Herr", "Frau") and using only the surname is considered extremely impolite. (This was different and more like the British usage earlier last century, but things have changed.) Well, we are polite, so we always use "Sie" to address our readers. The one exception is if you translate quotes from Usenet or mailing list postings where people who know each other well are involved.
If you use "you" to address an abstract person, i.e., the "you" does not mean, e.g., "Mrs. Elisabeth Stone" or "the particular reader" as in "What do you think of our new Newsletter design?", but could be replaced by "people" as in "You shall not kill", "you" is generally translated as "man". Or you can use a passive phrase.
4.5 Apostrophe usage
There is a different spelling for the Genitive in German: No apostrophe! This also applies to acronyms, where you only add a lower-case "s" to create the genitive. So it's "IBMs Betriebssystem", not "IBM's Betriebssystem". The same applies to creating the plural of acronyms. You have got "several CDs", not "several CD's".
5. Tips
5.1 Dictionairies
A good online dictionairy can be found at LEO. It also contains a number of idioms.
5.2 HTML validation
HTML Tidy, the W3C's HTML check and pretty-print tool is available at Hobbes.
5.3 Comparing files
When editing, you sometimes have to ask article authors if they agree to your changes. And there are more situations where you have to merge two slightly differring files into one. Comparing and applying changes by hand is quite tedious, so leaving that to the computer lends itself to the task. The following tools are available:
- Graphical File Compare: A tool from the IBM EWS series and free. A simple, but good solution that marks differences using colors. Parts of the complete buffer can be marked and changed. Available at Hobbes as os2gfc.zip in the /pub/os2/util/file directory.
- Guiffy is a Java tool. The display is similar to the program mentioned above. However, Guiffy offers a bunch of additional features. When using the "Merge" function, you can copy whole blocks from the original files with the click of the mouse. The convenient solution, but shareware. Available at http://www.guiffy.com.
- Emacs offers the Ediff mode, which is also capable of beautifully merging files. You can jump between blocks of changes and define what is taken from which file. As usual for Emacs, there are lots of features more, e.g. narrowing the search to word-wise detection. As unsual for Emacs, you quickly get used to this editing mode, without having to configure anything. However, GNU diff must be in the PATH. Emacs is freeware and available at Hobbes.