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August 1999

August 6 Source: Tim Erickson (tjerick@ibm.net)

There has been another AV update released. Go here for the download:


August 6 Source: Walter Metcalf (os2.guide@about.com)

Topic this week: Larsen Commander: A Review

Although I'm not a big fan of file manager, Larsen Commander managed to pique my interest anyway. It is very cleverly written with a clean easy-to-use interface, yet retains much of the original Norton Commander flavour.

See http://os2.about.com/library/weekly/aa080499.htm for complete review.


SOFTOUCH OS/2 PRODUCTS BOUGHT OUT by original FileStar/2 developer. See Details at http://os2.about.com/library/blnews.htm#news


Tips and tricks for some common problems, including a legal method for strengthening security of the export version of Netscape. http://os2.about.com/library/blnews.htm#links

Come and visit http://os2.about.com to see these and all the other information available.

August 5 Source: Chris Wohlgemuth (chris.wohlgemuth@cityweb.de)

Version 1.8a23 of CDRecord/2 is avaiable.

For those who don't know, CDRecord/2 is a program ported from *nix to write CDs.

New in this version:

CDRecord/2 is released as freeware under the GPL.

Visit the homepage of the OS/2 version for more information:


For general information about cdrecord visit:


August 5 Source: Adrian Gschwend (ktk@netlabs.org)

Some days ago I announced the new CandyBarZ betarelease for OS/2. The file was available on Egroups and to get it, you have to subscribe first. A lot of people don't want to subscribe, I'm sorry about that but I forgot this.

The file is now also available at OS/2 Netlabs, I will try to keep the directory up to date with the new releases available.

You can get the file at:


Sorry for all the troubles with Egroups.

Adrian Gschwend
@ OS/2 Netlabs

August 4 Source: Aztek #os2russian EfNet (steve@iba.com.by)

New AWget uploaded to hobbes:


August 4 Source: Larry J. Martin (lmartin@softouch.com)

I am excited to have the opportunity to continue development and to have responsibility for sales and support of two outstanding OS/2 applications! As many of you may or may not know by now, I entered into an agreement with SofTouch Systems, Inc that, effective 1 August, 1999, transferred all rights to the OS/2 programs, FileStar/2 and UniMaint to myself. Also included in the agreement was File Secure and GT PowerPak. I intend to actively market FileStar/2 and UniMaint doing business as Sierra HyperStar Software (SHS). This is a company founded by myself when I first introduced FileStar/2 as shareware in 1994.

With this new ownership comes the responsibility for support of the thousands of users of the programs. This initially will be the primary objective and most support will be accomplished through this web site. Support of the products on the OS2AVEN forum of CIS will be terminated. As soon as conditions permit, equal emphasis will be placed on the upgrading of FileStar/2 and UniMaint. Both programs are fairly solid and problem free at this time. You can expect an upgrade to FileStar/2 first since that effort has been underway for some time by myself. It will be impossible to ever get to know UniMaint like Larry Martin does but I am now obligated to try. I will be negotiating with Larry to provide interim support for UniMaint. I will be actively seeking one or more additional programmers to assist in further development of the products. Interested programmers should contact me via email.

I intend to keep the programs FileStar/2 and UniMaint available for sale as commercial products, available through this site as soon as the necessary arrangements are made. Other ways to purchase the programs are under consideration.

I ask that all of you give SHS the opportunity to show that we can support and improve the products. Our goal will be to continue to make users happy with both programs and keep them viable in the shrinking OS/2 marketplace. Your continued support is vital in many regards. I will keep you updated on our progress. Stay tuned to this web site.

I want publicly thank Larry Martin, author of UniMaint for his part in making this possible.

You are invited to browse the rest of this site. It is far from being ready for business and several of the links have been intentionally broken where that area is under construction. The forms do not work so don't bother filling out any.

Jim Read

p.s. Constructive comments and ideas about the design and content of this site are welcome.

The web site url is:

My email address is: jread@gte.net

August 4 Source: Akira Hatakeyama (akira@sra.co.jp)

Greetings from Yokohama, Japan.

I release new version (beta 0.09) of VNC viewer for OS/2 PM.

This is new beta version (beta 0.09) of PM VNC viewer. I appended some requested features and fixed some problems.


VNC viewer saved window's size & position for next time, but if you moved window (not changing window size), it failed to save window position. Fixed to save position if window moved.

If using VNC viewer with VGA 16 colors, BGR233, TINY, GRAY failed to startup. Due to failed to load 256 pallete on VGA 16 display.

Now TINY, GRAY uses default 16 colors with 16 entry color pallet. For BGR233, VNC viewer checks avaiable colors. If enough colors avaiable (>=256), uses 256 entry pallet, and it works same as previous version. If there are not enough pallet, then VNC viewer maps BGR233 into default 16 colors, it works same as TINY color.

New Features:

Changed maximize operation. On previous versions, maximize brings window to remote desktop size. Now, if remote desktop size is greater than PM's dekstop size, remote desktop hold entire PM screen. If remote desktop have same size of PM, entire remote desktop appears on PM screen.

Titlebar or system menu still exist in this state. So if you want to use local function, ATL-SPACE will bring systemu menu.

You can get VNC viewer for PM under my OS/2 tools page


or directly,


VNC is a system to access remote desktops from a local machine. It consists of a remote server and a local viewer (client). This release is the viewer for OS/2 PM. For more details see:


August 4 Source: Steve Wendt (stevew@hartnell.cc.ca.us)

Matrox has released (8/3/99) version 1.04 of their video card BIOS updates for the G200 and G400 series. Thisupdate puts all the G200 cards at version 2.6, and the G400 at version 1.5.


August 4 Source: Dave Watson (dave@scoug.com)

Those of you who have witnessed first hand the excitement and the stunning progress of the SCOUG Chat meetings are the vanguard of the next stage of OS/2 evolution. If you care about your friends and colleagues who have missed some of these meetings, please encourage them to join us. They will thank you for introducing them to this fascinating new opportunity to learn about and guide the future of Warp.

SCOUG hosts three weekly meetings on the Webbnet IRC network, on the #SCOUG channel. The software is really easy and fun to install and use to join these meetings and many other active OS/2 chat forums, such as the Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education - VOICE. Learn about these and other groups and meetings at the SCOUG chat web site at http://www.scoug.com/chat.

This week's meetings include:

August 4 Source: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@ubersoft.net)

Ubersoft.net, official home of the Help Desk comic strip, now has an online BBS where fans (and enemies) of my comics strip can converge and gab. Share tech support horror stories, tales of lousy hardware and software, comment/criticize my web site, and tell me what you like (and hate) about Help Desk and it's characters, especially Binky the Cheerful Winking Paperclip.

Horror stories that I really like will probably be incorporated into future storylines.

Chris Wright (wrightc@ubersoft.net)
Ubersoft.net: Home of Help Desk (http://ubersoft.net)

August 4 Source: Judy McDermott (judy@moon-scape.com)

Contact: Benny Ormson (sales@gt-online.com)

GTIRC v. 3.0 Corrective Service

Several users of GammaTech's IRC client, GTIRC 3.0, have reported that the Work Place Shell freezes when initiating GTIRC after installing Fixpack 11 for OS/2 Warp 4.0. This is due to a problem loading OS/2 multimedia modules. Corrective service for this problem may be found in the Public Files area, http://www.gt-online.com/html/public_files.html, under the name grc99216.zip. You may work around the problem temporarily by pressing Alt-Esc or Ctrl-Esc a few times when the hang occurs.

August 4 Source: Mark Dodel (madodel@ptdprolog.net)

For anyone interested RSJ has just updated RSJ CD Writer for OS/2 to 2.81 - http://www.rsj.de/stage/en/downos2.asp. The update list of changes only shows that for 2.81 they are now replacing the base OS/2 IDE driver IBM1S506.ADD with the freeware replacement DANIS506.ADD driver. This is now an option on the install menu. Also the announcement in the RSJ support news group states that there were fixes for Plextor CD-RW's.

August 4 Source: Peter Skye (pskye@peterskye.com)

Three Free Plans for OS/2 Software Developers

Warp Expo West offers three free ways for OS/2 Software Developers and other OS/2-oriented vendors to demonstrate and sell their products.

First, we'll give you a free table in the exhibitor hall. Bring in your product and show our happy throngs of OS/2 users how it works and what it does. Remember that many guests at Warp Expo West will be looking for new OS/2 software and other OS/2-related products -- and your presence will give them a chance to see what your products can do. For your free exhibitor table, send a request to Rollin@scoug.com.

Second, we'll give you a seminar time period so you can give an in-depth presentation of your OS/2 products. We'll happily add meeting rooms to accomodate everyone, and we'll promote your presentation to make sure you have a good audience. To speak at Warp Expo West, contact Rollin@scoug.com.

And third, we've got Vendor100 ready just for you. We'll put your product in front of every Warp Expo West attendee, and our staff will assist every guest in finding the exact products that meet their needs. It's a free way to get your product known to Warp Expo West visitors -- and all you have to do to sign up is send an email to Rollin@scoug.com.

If you've got an OS/2 product, Warp Expo West wants to showcase it.

So take your pick of everything you want. A free exhibitor table in our vendor hall, a lecture period to demonstrate your product in detail, and Vendor100.

Warp Expo West will be held on September 18 near Disneyland in sunny Southern California. All the info is at


If you've got an OS/2 product, email Rollin@scoug.com

He'll get you signed up for the exact options you want - for free.

And if you're coming to Warp Expo West to see the sights, the software, the seminars and the excitement, you can register - for free - at


Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group

August 3 Source: Gordon T. Roland (groland@ibm.net)

Peter Coffee, Noted Industry Columnist, to Deliver Keynote Address at Warpstock 99

Warpstock 99 is pleased to announce that noted industry columnist Peter Coffee will deliver the keynote address at this year's Warpstock annual conference and exhibition. Mr. Coffee is best known for his highly respected opinion column which appears regularly in Ziff-Davis' PC Week Magazine. This is the first time that a media personality of Mr. Coffee's stature has so visibly participated in Warpstock. In addition to presenting Warpstock's keynote address Mr. Coffee will moderate a forum on the future of personal computing.

August 3 Source: Gordon T. Roland (groland@ibm.net)

IBM Promises Expanded Participation at this Year's Warpstock

IBM is expected to increase its visibility at Warpstock significantly this year. Already confirmed as a presenter, Big Blue is expected to focus on the recently released Warp Server for e-Business at the conference. But is also discussing plans with Warpstock organizers to hold training sessions and set-up an exhibition booth.

More information on IBM's presentation and exhibition plans will be available shortly.

August 3 Source: Andreas Linde (andreas.linde@os2.org)

OS2.org started a new survey in august, asking you all if you will attend to one of the upcoming OS/2 events.

The English version of the survey: http://en.os2.org/forum/survey/

The German version of the survey: http://de.os2.org/forum/umfrage/

August 3 Source: Head of Development Division (devdir@lgs.kiev.ua)

Monday, August 2, 1999 Link Guard Solutions started public beta testing of SafeFire Firewall 1.1

New and improved features in version 1.1

More information is available at SafeFire Firewall 1.1 beta page


August 3 Source: Marty Amodeo (mamodeo@stny.rr.com)

After speaking to Dave on IRC tonight, I showed him a prototype of my web page for the MAME for OS/2 project. Here's the conversation we had:

Dave: you want me to host your page? free space/bandwidth :)

Me: will I be able to update it easily?

Dave: sure. you'll get your own account and subdomain

Me: that would be cool

Dave: like mameos2.davesvgc.com or something

Me: :> I like the sound of that


Dave: you will have all the bandwidth and space you want on my server :)


Dave: you can also have your own message board too.. We are moving to UBB too :)

Me: wouldn't that be a bit excessive for me? ;)

Dave: umm, not if the os/2 port becomes popular enough

This will be transpiring some time this week or shortly thereafter. Stay tuned.

- Marty

August 3 Source: Dan Casey (dcasey@iquest.net)

This is the latest info posted on the Csatlewood website concerning their EIDE and Parallel Port ORB Drives:

Reference: http://www.castlewood.com/help/status_updates/status_updates.html


The latest drivers for the ORB EIDE and Parallel Port drives are being beta tested. As soon as they are ready, they will be posted on the web site.

August 2 Source: Meilinger (meilinger@wiesbaden.netsurf.de)


LOS2CL has been updated.

Thank you for your help to improve the LOS2CL

August 2 Source: Konstantin Okounkov (admin@os2.ru)

Russian OS/2 Team published this petition to IBM/EE Asia concerning OS/2 future. We invite you to join our efforts. The aim of this action to show growing concern about IBM's own OS.


The petition is published in Russian, English, French and Spanish languages. (The form is available now only in russian & english. If you can help us with translating the petition to other languages - write us, please).

OS/2 user group coordinators: You can participate this action and send gathered votes to your local IBM office.

You can send any comments to petition@os2.ru

August 2 Source: Timothy F. Sipples (tsipple@us.ibm.com)

The fact that I even have to write to you disturbs me, since I take it for granted that the overwhelming majority of IBM's customers are honest, making every effort to purchase software legally.

That said, some of IBM's commercial software is being distributed illegally on the Internet. Recent examples include HPFS386 (which can be legally used only if you have a license for LAN Server Advanced, Warp Server Advanced or SMP Version 4, or the Warp Server for e-business HPFS386 Option Pak), OS/2 Warp Version 4, Stardock's Object Desktop for OS/2 Warp, and other software titles.

This illegal distribution MUST BE STOPPED, and you can help.

Please report any instances of software piracy by visiting the Internet web site http://www.spa.org/piracy. Your report will be treated confidentially. You can report cases of Internet-based piracy ("online") or other forms of piracy ("offline").

Piracy hurts both consumers and software developers. IBM and other software publishers depend on regular revenues to fund exciting new technologies, including new Java(TM) software. Denied revenues, software publishers cannot fund these needed innovations, nor can they provide adequate support to law-abiding customers. In short, software piracy is theft, plain and simple.

Thank you for your help, and thanks for your continued patronage.

August 1 Source: Judy McDermott (judy@moon-scape.com)

Contact: Perfect Niche Software, Inc. (sales@perfectniche.com)

Do you need a cost-effective way to get the professional looking labels you need for mailings, diskettes, name badges, business cards, inserts, dividers, and more?

SMACK! is the world's first general purpose labeling program for IBM's OS/2 Warp. You get the functionality of a desktop publishing system and the power of OS/2.

Smack! requires a PC running OS/2 Warp 3 or higher, with a 386 or higher processor, 8MB of RAM and 2 MB of hard disk space.

Smack! version 1.01 uses a graphical drag-and-drop interface is REXX enabled and multi-threaded. You will be provided with a comprehensive set of templates, flexible printing options, and easy-to-use data manipulation capabilities. Smack! supports laser, inkjet, or dot matrix printers, with flexible print options.

Complete list of features and FAQ's available at http://www.perfectniche.com/html/smindex.html

Still not convinced? See what Luc Van Bogaert has to say in his SMACK! review at:


SMACK! v2.0 is scheduled for release in the third quarter of 1999. This will be a FREE upgrade to all licensed users of SMACK! v1.0 and above.

SMACK!'s v2.0 native file format is XML. Conversion from the 1.0 REXX format will be supported. Many new features have been added including a redesigned user interface and full Unicode support. For an extensive list of new features, visit http://www.perfectniche.com/html/smack__2_0_preview.html. While you're there, be sure to sign up so you will be notified and kept up-to-date as new features are added.

August 1 Source: Uwe Schlenther (software@schlenther.de)

Download URL: ftp://ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro/wnote185.zip
Developer Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/rodeodrive/2048/warpnote.html
Secure Order URL: https://secure.falcon-net.net/BMT/order0343.html

Product Description:

Tired of those yellow sticky notes that won't stick on your monitor? Here come the sticky notes that remain where you put them: On your OS/2 desktop. WarpNote gives you easy access to little yellow windows where you can note down everything you want. The program is simple and easy to use and consumes as little memory as possible. Each and any feature can be configured and adjusted to the user's needs. Extensive scripting capabilities give you unlimited possibilities (a birthday-reminder is included as an example script). A Blowfish encryption interface ensures that private data is stored in a secure way.

WarpNote is an ideal desktop companion, a fire-and-forget solution to keep all sorts of information - e.g. your shopping list or even confidential information like banking data, passwords or PIN numbers.

New in this Release:

Added ControlCenter window that enables even easier access to the most common tasks. Added function to create a new note from an existing text file. Text selections will now be saved and restored automatically. Changed settings dialog to a nice notebook.

August 1 Source: Dr. Martinus (nb2@gmx.net)

TouchStone, a German company, has published a PC Card (PCMCIA) driver for OS/2, which supports over 60 different adapters, including CardBus drivers from Texas Instruments, Toshiba and Ricoh. They offer these only for corporate customers, but I have contacted them to find out if also individuals can order. You can download a demo version at


If you try it out, please let me know how it works (for the Notebook/2 Site).


The driver is not available as an info. It is sold to individuals without technical support at a rate of 108 DM (appr. 65 USD).

I will post some more info soon on the Notebook/2 Site at:


August 1 Source: Don Eitner (freiheit@tstonramp.com)

Early on August 1, 1999 Don Eitner released his first stand-alone REXX program. Universal Lotto is a lotto number picking program on steroids! Coded for speed and efficiency, this small program is flexible enough to handle any number of draws from a pool of numbers that's any size (larger than the number of draws, of course). Whether you play Lotto 6/51 or 850/1500, Universal Lotto can generate a random set of numbers for you to play.

In addition, Universal Lotto includes its own entertainment-only game capabilities, so you can select numbers to play against the program's random draws. Virtual betting is not yet implemented but has top priority for the next release.

Universal Lotto is freeware, but donations are always welcomed if you appreciate the author's time and effort. You can download Universal Lotto from The 13th Floor website at:

http://www.tstonramp.com/~freiheit/Lotto.zip (7.7KB)

P.S. PGPro Scripts v4.0 will be released shortly with a new (4th) "3D Raised" script to make your Photo>Graphics objects stand out more from their surroundings/background. When available, you will find PGPro Scripts v4.0 at:


August 1 Source: Erico Mendonca (slaughter@malaconet.org)

Fixpak 11 for OS/2 Warp 4.0, Brazilian Portuguese edition has been released and is available at:


August 1 Source: Mark Eckstein (mark.eckstein@usa.net)

DSTswitch 1.32 has been released. DSTswitch is a utility to change your system's time from daylight saving to standard time and vice versa.

You can download DSTswitch from these sites:

hobbes, search for dsts132.zip

August 1 Source: Bob St.John (BStJohn@Serenity-Systems.com)

Serenity Systems is announcing a new OS/2 product, WiseTalker Database Server. Directed at DP consultants, this product has been enabled for telephone access. Many programmers pass on revenue opportunities involving Interactive Voice Response (IVR) jobs because of the need to interact with the phone system. Our new products use the WiseTalker software to handle that requirement, so all that remains is the DB application programming. And if you have Rexx skills, or are ready to acquire some, you will be blown away by the power of this product.

And we are delivering products which are aimed directly at small and medium sized businesses. Our Entry product is priced just under $3,000 and it includes IBM DB2 with DB Expert from Sundial Systems to function as a front end to DB2, handling all the interactive manipulation of the data.

The Entry product includes sample scripts running on the DB2 sample database and supports four incoming phone lines. However, the products scale up and are capable of supporting hundreds of incoming lines, and no need to stop there. Let's see someone top that on an Intel system!

For less than $1,500, we preload all this on to an industrial PC. When the box arrives, you can just plug in a phone line, call the system, and execute a sample program. Then pull up a chair and update the application for customer demonstrations.

But wait, there's more! The product includes a powerful GUI based application generator ... making it possible to meet application requirements by filling in the blanks and letting the product "write your code" for you. It's almost too easy!

Information about the new product is at:

https://www.stores-online.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/SSI/wtdbs.d2w/report. More information, contact Bob St.John, BStJohn@Serenity-System.com, or go to www.serenity-systems.com and go to the CTI product catalog.

This product will be demonstrated at Warp Expo West with other new products, details to follow.

August 1 Source: Aaron Williams (aaronw@home.com)

Java 1.1.8GA is now available. Also available is an updated version of the Jikes Java compiler. I have more information on my web site at http://www.doofus.org/Java/

IBM's new Java is available at http://www.ibm.com/developer/java/

August 1 Source: Andrey Nikolayev (andy_nik@cyberdude.com)

On June 30, 1999 Sybase posted "End Of Life" notice for the Watcom C/C++ 11. Notice starts with "We are writing to advise you that Sybase has concluded its development of Watcom C/C++ and that the current release of the product, version 11.0, will be the last."

Full text is available at:


August 1 Source: Goran Ivankovic (goran_ivankovic@excite.com)

World Clock 0.97 Released

World Clock is a configurable clock with Daylight Savings Time, Stopwatch, Alarm and Program launcher for 1 and 9 cities from 360+ cities in the provided City list.


To download World Clock 0.97, visit :


World Clock is Freeware.

August 1 Source: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)

Scitech has released the fourth beta of their display drivers for OS/2. New in this release is support for the ATI Rage 128 video cards.

You can download the beta from their web site:


August 1 Source: Roman Verhovsek (roman@cocoasoft.com)

On our site (http://www.cocoasoft.com/demo/sdesktop2/start.html you can find an online beta of Simple Desktop for Java v2.0. Username is 'visitor' and password is 'tryme'. All you need is Java 1.1 capable browser like Netscape Communicator or Sun HotJava.

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