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Dezember 2001
GCC 3.0.2 Beta Version
GCC 3.0.2 (BETA!) compiler is available for extensive test and download on
Netlabs server in incoming directory. (http://ftp.netlabs.org/) This is beta
software and it surely may contain bugs, but I highly recommend all GCC
developers to try it out.
Please pay attention to files in gcc-3.0.2 directory - you will need EMX
fix, new gettext and exm fix as well as generic EMX FIX 09d4 for correct
Please do not upload this to Hobbes! , although feel free to encourage
folks to test the new compiler.
P.P.S Users of 3.0 and 3.0.1 stuff should seriously consider switching to
3.0.2 the bug-fix list is HUGE.
P.P.P.S Bugs must be posted with testcases on UNIXOS2 list first. please
be very specific.
Happy GCC'ing ;)
cdrdao2 1.1.6 pre1 fix1 - enhanced os/2 port of cdrdao
Enhanced OS/2 port of cd writing program in DAO mode. Works only with
Aspirout 1.1b5. Does not require EMX runtime.
new kernel (1128) on IBM testcase FTP site
Subject: new kernel (1128)
Text: A new kernel has been released on the IBM testcase site. Note that
you can also find it on http://www.ecomstation.org/testcase/
[Moderator's note: As always these are not officially supported by IBM
unless they tell you to use them. Please send any followup to
comp.os.os2.bugs on usenet. Also note that files are only on IBM's
testcase for 2-3 days, so if you want to try these get them now. Make
certain you back up any files replaced and don't try these on a production
system. You have been warned. ]
Last day to vote on the future of Visual REXX development environment
From: "Eric Lavoie" elavoie@zeryx.com
Hello everybody, just a reminder to everyone that today is the last day to
cast your vote and give us input regarding a Visual REXX development
environment for OS/2. Your vote will influence our decision about whether
to undertake development of such a tool.
Please answer honestly, and note that duplicate votes will be discarded.
link to the survey: http://www.zeryx.com/selectpage.cgi?snp=select_en.snp&frame1=/English/survey.html
Thank you!
GSView 4.1 released
GSView 4.1 was released 23 Nov 2001 at
GSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript under MS-Windows or OS/2.
Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page description language
used by laser printers. It can be used as a replacement viewer for PDF
and Postscript files.
Software Screen to Screen BitBlt Acceleration GRADD filter, r0.0.6
This is a small GRADD filter driver that can accelerate simple 'Screen to
Screen' BitBlt operations under unaccelerated GRADD drivers. As a GRADD
filter driver, SSSBBACC.DLL is installed between GRADD video manager and
GRADD video driver, and watches over simple (but definitely important)
form of 'Screen to Screen' BitBlt GHI commands: - both source and
destination are VRAM - source-copy raster operation, with no pattern, no
transparency, no stretching and no clipping If such commands responded
software emulation, SSSBBACC intercepts and processes them by own blitters
faster than SOFTDRAW, and reports completion to VMAN. Assembler-coded, MMX
/ SSEint-ready blitters are heavy optimized for uncached memory reads and
write-combined memory writes, designed in order to eliminate unnecessary,
quite slower peripheral bus cycles as much as possible. Typically, such
slower software BitBlts may speed up to 1.5x ~ 2.5x. Highly recommended
for unaccelerated or poor-accelerated GHI (such as GENGRADD, M64GRADD in
24bpp, INTGRADD and so on) users.
Sibyl Mailing list Achive moved
The Mailinglist archive for the Sibyl (=Delphi clone) OS/2 Rapid
Application Development application has moved. As the list seems to have
gone down - losing all subscribers -, I am looking for people who are
interested in starting up a new mailinglist for this app.
From: Erik Huelsmann visualexplorer@sibyl-archive.org
New Board Members Announced for Warpstock, Inc.
Warpstock 2001 has come and gone, but that doesn't mean that the Warpstock
organizers haven't been busy. New members have been appointed, and new
officers have been elected.
The new members of the Board are:
- Mark Dodel, editor of the VOICE Newsletter
- John W. Edwards, event Chairman for Warpstock 2001 team
- Oliver Mark, Offering Manager for OS/2 related Services at IBM Global
Services Central Region.
The new officers are:
Mark Dodel - President
Oliver Mark - Vice President
Timur Tabi - Secretary
Stanley Sidlov- Treasurer
Eric Erickson - Director At Large
Jason Kowalczyk - Director At Large
John W. Edwards - Director At Large
Luc Van Bogaert - Director At Large
We invite everyone interested in the future of Warpstock to join us in
open and hopefully productive discourse on the Warpstock Public Discussion
list - http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/warpstock-public. In addition,
all the session presentation files from Warpstock 2001 have been placed in
the file download section here for member download.
Warpstock, Inc., is a North Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock
annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors
from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More
information is available at the Warpstock website, http://www.warpstock.org or its mirror site: http://warpstock.os2voice.org.
Web Family Tree (freeware) has been updated to version 0.4. You can find
it at Web Family Tree version 0.4 released
http://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au/os2/wft.html or, if you already know what it is, you can fetch it directly from ftp://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au/software/wft04.zip
This is a program that lets you display your family tree via a web
browser. My own family tree is online, so you can see an example at the
http link above.
Peter Moylan
Mozilla 0.9.6 for OS/2
Today (2001-11-27) IBM released the latest version (0.9.6) of Mozilla for
A LDAP SDK for OS/2 is ready
A LDAP SDK for OS/2 is ready.
It is based on OpenLDAP 2.0.15.
You can use LDAP APIs in your C programs with LDAPSDK.
It is ready at: http://www2c.airnet.ne.jp/yano/
[Moderator's note: And you ask what is LDAP? From TechEncyclopedia
http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia: " (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol) A protocol used to access a directory listing. LDAP support is
being implemented in Web browsers and e-mail programs, which can query an
LDAP-compliant directory. It is expected that LDAP will provide a common
method for searching e-mail addresses on the Internet, eventually leading
to a global white pages. LDAP is a sibling protocol to HTTP and FTP and
uses the ldap:// prefix in its URL."]
Flash 5 player coming soon
Hello, we will release a Flash 5 player shortly. Please watch our website
for announcements. It does not support Java 1.3 because there is no Plugin
Interface available with Java 1.3 in neither Netscape 4.61 nor Mozilla. We
are planning to release a Mozilla component which will not require Java to
support scripting. No date on that so far.
Kind regards / mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Achim Hasenmueller
website is http://www.innotek.de/
Dbf2MySQL 0.72
I just releaseed and uploasded version 0.72 of Dbf2MySQL to my website http://tam.belchenstuermer.de/
Dbf2MySQL converts .DBF (dBase/Clipper) files to mysql script, supports
memo fields, great for batch processes. Includes binary for OS/2 and
New: Added commandline option for table locking.
Direct d/l link, but you'll miss my great website :) http://tam.belchenstuermer.de/software/download.php4?id=8
Tonigy v1.5 has been released.
Known bugs were fixed. A WarpIN package is available now. A ZIP archive
can be downloaded too.
Tonigy is an Audio/Video/Data CD IFS for OS/2 that maps tracks of Audio CD
into WAV or RAW files, tracks of Video CD into MPG files and tracks of
Data CD into ISO files. Use it for accessing audio, video and data tracks
like ordinary files. Also Tonigy allows to access files of CD-I disks and
the boot image of ISO tracks.
PMRA (Poor Man's Roaming Access) Released
Hot from the Compiler - Poor Man's Roaming Access
Poor Man's Roaming Access (PMRA) is freeware that extends the roaming
access feature beyond Netscape 4.x to Warpzilla, the IBM web browser, and
other versions of Netscape. It allows the sharing of bookmark (or other)
files from multiple computers, or from multiple operating systems on a
single computer. PMRA uses ftp transfers in binary mode for more
error-resistant file transfers, eliminating the gradual and subtle data
corruption inherent in the original Netscape 4.x implementation. PMRA can
be used under OS/2 or Win32, and requires access to an ftp server.
To download a copy of PMRA, visit the PMRA page of Mike's Notebook at http://www.catherders.com/pmra.shtml
DSKSLEEP.FLT - a filter driver to stop your SCSI disks when they haven't
been accessed for some time. Timeout selection per disk, IOCtl interface.
For OS/2 2.0 and above. Now with APM support!
New Desktop On-Call eval v5
IBM Japan has evaluation versions of Desktop On-Call (DTOC) v5 in English
and Japanese now. English OS/2 version (4.1 MB):
New version of Mozilla for OS/2
Came across an updated file at mozilla ....build 096
The file size and date is 14214 KB 11/24/01 10:20:00 pm
[Moderator's note: the past several daily builds of Mozilla have been
reporting as 0.9.6. This build ABOUT: reports "Mozilla 0.9.6+ Mozilla/5.0
(OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv:0.9.6+) Gecko/20011124"]
GIF to PNG graphics file conversion
Java/Download Machine 0.12
Download Machine 0.12 is simple non-graphical, non-interactive tool for
batch file downloads with resume support. It is controlled via ASCII
formated queue file. DM runs in background and periodically checks queue
file for changes.
Virtual PC for OS/2 screenshots
You can download pack of 16 screenshots of Virtual PC for OS/2 and ECS in
the Download section of OS/2.cz! Thanks to Jan Beitl for these images.
Pine 4.42 for OS/2
Port of the well-known Unix e-mail and news client. Supports POP3, IMAP
and NNTP servers; MIME, HTML, multiple accounts, more.
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