"[WarpCast] SysBar/2 0.14" - 9/15/98

                      Sponsored by RSJ Software
 Just press your files on CD-ROM with RSJ CD-Writer Software for OS/2

****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Dmitry I. Platonoff (dip@lab321.ru)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)

SysBar/2 version 0.14 released today. You can download it 
from the hobbes incoming directory:
(less than 200K)
oFrom news-request@os2ezine.com Tue Sep 15 06:09:26 1998
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To: news@os2ezine.com
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Subject: "[WarpCast] mSQL is here!"
Errors-To: admin@os2ss.com
From: "WarpCast News Service" 
Reply-To: "WarpCast News Service" 

                      Sponsored by RSJ Software
 Just press your files on CD-ROM with RSJ CD-Writer Software for OS/2

****************************** WarpCast ******************************re four time 
display styles, and several play modes including the 
shuffle and continuous play. It doesn't require OS/2 
multimedia support to work.

It displays a set of icons representing all the current 
jobs and windows. You can filter them (hide or show) and 
perform a number of actions, such as ability to close or 
minimize windows, to access their system menus, to remove 
tasks from the system task list, etc.

It can:
- display CPU load percentage;
- display available physical memory;
- display available drive space;
- monitor specified file size and count;
- display current power or battery usage status;
- display current time;
- display current date;
- display system uptime;
- display the number of currently running processes and 
- monitor POP3 mailox;
- display network interface traffic statistics;
- open a number of named pipes (in the server mode) and 
  read data from these sources. Any text arrived through 
  the pipe will be displayed in a separate (for every pipe) 
  cell using its own colour. This is useful for displaying 
  system information, for debugging purposes, messaging, 

One of the major features of this monitor is a dynamic 
binding to some important system libraries (for example, it 
will just disable some features if you have no TCP/IP or 
latest fixpack installed - but the rest of it will work 
well. Some popular system monitors will even be impossible 
to launch in the same situation).

The SysBar/2 support www site is here: http://www.lab321.ru/~dip/sysbar2/
Unfortunately, this server may be very slow sometimes.

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Source: Adrian Gschwend (ktk@netlabs.org)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
Today Yuri Dario released the first non beta port of mSQL

New features:

-added msqlUserConnect();
-added pipe support for Lite;
-added query for INST_DIR from INI file;
-new mmap() emulation;
-install script.
-dropped beta level

mSQL is a lightweight client/server relational database 
that earned a great popularity as a back-end for web sites.

You can find more informations at

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