[WarpCast] Let's vote the Team OS/2 Italia web site! - 10/02/98

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Source: Max (maxwarp@sp.itline.it)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
Let's vote the Team OS/2 Italia web site!

CONTEST ENDS 10/24/1998

On the contest promoted by Il Sole 24 Ore, the most 
import and economic daily newspaper, the italian OS2 users 
community has made a good work voting the Team OS2 Italia 
web site, but after reaching a impressive 6th in the 
"Information Technology" section, now the site has gone
down to 15th position.

But there's still hope: everyone in the Net can vote any
site - the contest isn't restricted only to Italian people, 
although foreign can't win any prize - and every vote, both 
from Italy and outside Italy, are counted for the final 

In a race between the major companies of the Italian 
Economy will be great to see the Team OS2 Italia among, or 
even at the top, of the web sites done only by business 

This will be possible if all the international OS2 
community will vote the Team OS2 Italia on the contest site.

We already suspect of some busting mehods done by several 
companies, opening mail accounts only for voting then 
shutting it down. As example, what it means for a daily 
newspaper as "La Repubblica" (sort of italian New York 
Times) into the category of "Information Technology"? Or a
site about Video Games?

What we want is only the votes of the whole OS2 community. 
You can use all the mailboxes you have available.

With 7000 votes we can reach the top of the chart in just 
some days, and even if after that we will not receive any 
more votes, we will be on the first three position, and 
without cheating.

You can vote the Team OS2 Italia web site at this url:

Remember: you MUST vote t into the "Information and 
communication technology" category!!!
Please state your vote filling out all the dialog-boxes.

With almost 150 votes, we will be into the first 5 
positions, and in the final chart.

Thanks to everyone. Let's vote the Team OS2 Italia web site!

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