[WarpCast] A warning about Feature Uninstall - 10/29/98

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Source: Mark McClelland (mmcclelland@delphi.com)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
A warning to all who use OS/2's Feature install subsystem 
(to install TCP/IP 4.1, Java 1.1, etc...)

For those who have not yet noticed, this WPS-based system 
allows the user to uninstall an application by opening its 
install object (under \OS2\Install\Installed Features,) 
selecting components to uninstall, and clicking the 
uninstall button. IBM sometimes recommends this procedure 
before installing upgraded versions of products.

I strongly recommend AGAINST using this "Uninstall" 
function. I recently tried to uninstall Java 1.1.6 this 
way. Apparently it uses the system's INI files to locate 
certain objects and files to delete. If you have errors in 
your INI files, such as cross-linked file handles or 
possibly shadows to improper files these files can be 
unintentionally deleted during the process. This has 
occured on two different systems here, resulting in the 
loss of hundreds of megabytes of important data.

I would appreciate hearing from others who have had this 
happen. If I can determine that this is a fairly common 
problem I will send a report to IBM about it. 
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