[WarpCast] PMView 1.03 - 11/23/98

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Source: Steve Wendt (stevew@hartnell.cc.ca.us)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
PMView 1.03 has been released:

The following bugs and problems are fixed in PMView 1.03:

Screen Capture: PMView locks up the work place shell if Ctrl+Esc is pressed 
during an "Area of Screen" capture. 

The saved size and position of the main window is not respected if PMView is 
launched with a bogus file name. The same happens if the specified file does not 
contain an valid image (e.g. the image is corrupt). 

File Open/Save dialogs: PMView does not detect or display the correct 
"thumbnail" for slideshows. 

Loading, TGA: Some TGA files cannot be read although they are perfectly normal 
TGA files. (PMView mistakes the TGA files for Windows Cursor files). 

Loading, IFF/ILBM: Some 8-bit ILBM files cause PMView to crash. 

Loading, TIFF: RGB TIFF files that have the number of bits (bit count) defined for 
only one channel cannot be read. 

Loading, TIFF: Black&White TIFF files with an undefined bit count cannot be read.
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