[WarpCast] Larsen Commander 0.93 - 11/30/98

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Leif-Erik Larsen (leifel@online.no)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
The Larsen Commander program has reached its third public
release, which is version 0.93. Point your browser to


if you are interested in taking a look or download it.

Larsen Commander is an ongoing development project of mine.
I am trying to make this one of the best File Managers in
the universe, for both OS/2 and Windows. The basics are
finished and works well by now.

Some facts:
* Nice, attractive and highly customizable look and feel.
* The program actually works very well, and it is quick too.
* Powerful and user friendly at the same time.
* Built in GUI Console and Command Line Prompt with History.
* You can SET environment variables directly in the shell.
* Preserves the Command and Directory History between sessions.
* File Columns are no wider than the widest item of the respective Column.
* Platform independent human editable INI-file.
* Easy creation of Program and Shadow Objects on Desktop.
* Built in command line commands: PUSHD, POPD, R, SET, TAG, WHICH, +++
* All built in commands can be disabled on a per-command basis.
* Almost all commands are accessable by keyboard shortcuts.
* Directory Cache with smart CD command.
* Built in Extended Attribute Viewer.
* Smart Program Launching.
* Toolbar bubble help.

Changes since the previous public release:
* Toolbar buttons bubble help.
* You can now tag files by holding the CONTROL key down while mouse 
* The "Hidden Files" command now toggles both hidden and system files.
* Larsen Commander now run also on Warp prior to Warp 4 with 
  fixpack #4.
* Child processes that are started from the command line and tries 
  to read from its STDIN should now work.
* The command line will now be colored with a special color whenever
  a child program (if it was started from the command line) reaches a
  point where it tries to read something from its STDIN. The color 
  is set back to normal as soon as you have given any input by 
  pressing enter.
* You no longer have to hold the mouse button down to see the hint 
  text in the status bar.
* Use CTRL+I to toggle the visibility of icons in the current file 
* Use CTRL+F9 to open the sorting options dialog of the current file 
* Use ALT+SHIFT+F5 to toggle the visibility of the tool bar.
* Use ALT+SHIFT+F6 to toggle the visibility of the command line.
* Use ALT+SHIFT+F7 to toggle the visibility of the key bar.
* Use ALT+SHIFT+F8 to toggle the visibility of the status bar.
* Use ALT+SHIFT+F9 to toggle full "screen" file panels.
* Use CTRL+N to activate the menu bar. This is the same as pressing F9.
  Nice if you are used to File Commander/2.
* Text on the console monitor was scrolled outside visible area if 
  pressing SHIFT+UP when there was fewer lines of text in it than 
  the height of the monitor. This was true for a number of other key 
  combinations as well.
* All the internal commands of Larsen Commander can now be enabled or 
  disabled in a user friendly manner on the new "Commands" page of 
  the options dialog.
* The Progress Bar overflowed when copy or move file(s)that contained a 
  huge number of bytes (more than aproximately 25 MBytes).
* New toolbar button: "Open WPS Folder".
* Typing "CD\INCOMING" at the command prompt will now operate the 
  same as if "CD \INCOMING" was typed. Nice if you are used to CMD.EXE.
* CTRL+F8 (Reverse Sort) did not work at all.
* LCMD crashed when trying to scroll an empty console monitor
* New popup menu (with View, Edit, Copy, Move, Delete, etc. commands) 
  when Right-Click on a selected or marked file name item in the 
  File Panels.
* New commands in command line popup menu: "Enter", "Execute in 
  new session", "Previous command", "Next command" and "Command 
* Entering "start" at the command prompt did not start a new OS/2 window.
* Major redesign of the way that a file object is launched from file 
  This fixes the problem that caused VIO programs to be executed 
  in a background window. They are now launched in the foreground 
  Z-order as they should. This change also fixed the problem that 
  Larsen Commander did lock the Single Input Queue of OS/2 when 
  launching WAV-files(among others).
* Drive size information in the Info Panel was not updated upon 
  Panel Reread.
* Reduced the size of the executable file simply by changing the 
  color and resolution format of several icons. Also changed the 
  salmon bitmap from 256 colors to 16 colors. Executable size reduced 
  by about 40 KBytes.
* Program name and parameters was clipped at 32 characters in
  the various program pages of the options dialog.

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