[WarpCast] Updated OS/2 Distributed.net Client - 1/12/99

  Inet.Mail 1.3 -- The best mail server on OS/2 just got better!
    Audit Capabilities, More Spam Control, Improved Performance
         Visit us at http://www.hethmon.com/inetmail.html
         for full details. A free update for current users.

****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Kristian Durvin (kadurvin@calcna.ab.ca)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
For anyone participating in the Distributed.net RC5/DES 
contest, it looks as of today there is a new command line 
client release.  This is important as the new DES-III 
contest begins on Monday the 18th.  The full list of clients 
is at:


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