[WarpCast] Warpstock 99 - 1/29/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Judy McDermott (bri@gt-online.com)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
The time is drawing near. Initial requests indicating your intent to
bid for Warpstock 99 are due by January 31, 1999. Completed bid
proposals will be accepted starting Feburary 1, 1999 until March 1,

A host city announcement date has not be determined. This will be
dependent upon the number of bids received so that time will be allowed
to throughly review each proposal.

Visit http://www.warpstock.org for full details and request a bid form
if interested in becoming the host city for the OS/2 event of the year,
Warpsock 99.

We've received several requests for bid forms and really look forward
to starting the review process once the bid proposals are submitted !!!

Thank you,

Warpstock, Inc.

President, Larry Finkelstein
Vice President, Judy McDermott
Secretary, Treasurer, Mark Abramowitz
Board Member,  Paul Hethmon
Board Member, Rollin White
Board Member, Tom Stevic
Board Member, John Ratti
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