[WarpCast] New and Updated Technologies on alphaWorks - 2/11/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Frank Carlos(solrac@us.ibm.com)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)

New alphaWorks Technologies [#005]

New alphaWorks Tools - http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/


What it is
Mapuccino is an innovative application from IBM's Haifa Research
Lab that dynamically constructs visual maps of Web sites. The maps
can be viewed using any Java-enabled browser, and can be stored for
quick reference or shared with other users.


Distributed Application Tester

What it is
There are a lot of application performance testers in the market.
However, they perform application specific testing. DAT helps plan,
configure, develop, debug and test distributed Web based applications
across many systems running on various platforms. It tests the performance
and functionality of a complete e-business solution.


New alphaWorks Java Applications

Install Toolkit for Java

What it is:
Install Toolkit for Java is a program for writing install programs for
Java or non-Java programs (including OS/2, OS/390, AIX, Solaris, Linux,
and Windows NT/95 programs). Since Install Toolkit for Java is written
in Java, it can be run on any platform and operating system that supports
Java. This portability provides a simpler installation and distribution

Fixed all Installer.java files to correctly choose jre or
java for uninstall, added sorting of directories in DirDialog,
fixed bug in unistall for Solaris.



What it is:
Jinsight is a tool that lets you visualize and explore a Java program's
run-time behavior. It is useful for performance analysis, debugging,
and any task in which you need to better understand what your Java
program is really doing. It displays performance bottlenecks, object
creation and garbage collection, execution sequences, thread interaction,
and object references, and has features to help find and solve memory
leaks. Jinsight can also take repetitive execution behavior and boil
it down to its essentials, eliminating redundancy and uncovering the
highlights of an execution.

Jinsight version 1.1a is extended with additional tracing
instrumentation for Windows JDK1.1.7B and for AIX JDK1.1.6


XML Parser for Java

What it is:
XML Parser for Java is a validating XML parser written in 100% pure Java.
The package (com.ibm.xml.parser) contains classes and methods for parsing,
generating, manipulating, and validating XML documents. XML Parser for Java
is believed to be the most robust XML processor currently available and
conforms most closely to the XML 1.0 Recommendation.

Changes for XML4J v1.1.14 include: a user data object on DOM
nodes, better access to DTD information, support for Swing 1.1,
and many bug fixes since version 1.1.9




What it is:
Jikes is a Java compiler that translates Java source files as defined in
the Java Language Specification (Addison-Wesley, 1996) into the bytecoded
instruction set and binary format defined in The Java Virtual Machine
Specification (Addison-Wesley, 1996). Unlike other compilers, Jikes
accepts the Java language only as specified: not as a subset, variant,
or superset.

New version 0.42 for Jikes contains bug fixes, renewed support for
incremental compilation, and revised license.


New JavaBeans Suites on alphaWorks

JSP Format Bean Library

What it is:
SP Format Bean Library is a collection of beans which support Java
Server Pages(JSP). JSP allows the HTML developer to embed Java
into a page. There are a number of common operations in a scripted
page that would be tedious or complex without additional support.
JSP Format Bean Library is a library of beans to make these common
operations very simple to code.


Image Conversion

What it is:
The ImageConversion Bean Suite provides two non-visual beans for
working with BMP format images: the BMPEncoder bean and the
BMPDecoder bean. The BMPEncoder bean saves a java.awt.Image
to a given file according to a BMP 3.x file format. The BMPDecoder
bean loads an image in BMP file format.


Updated JavaBeans Suites on alphaWorks


What it is:
The ObjectComboBox is a text field with an attached drop-down list
box. It can add not only string items but also object items of any
kind into the list directly. It may be editable and/or searchable.
The following example shows how you can use this bean in a visual
builder tool.



What it is:
The Randomizer beans can be used to generate sets of Uniform,
Gaussian or Poisson distributed pseudorandom values.
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