[WarpCast] Followup: IBM not Testing OS/2 Compatibility on 300GL Models - 2/16/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
Responding to a recent WarpCast post about IBM not 
supporting OS/2 on the IBM PC 300GL,Loren Bandiera has 
forwarded us the following information:

"This is incorrect.  If you visit IBM's web site and look 
at their PC Compatibility Reports (http://www4.pc.ibm.com/cdtcompat/)
you'll find the following 300 GL models:

IBM PC 300GL (6272/6282) 
IBM PC 300GL (6275/6285) 
IBM PC 300GL (6277/6287) 
IBM PC 300GL (6277/6287) 
IBM PC 300GL (6561/6591) 

Of these the following support OS/2:

IBM PC 300GL (6561/6591) 
    IBM OS/2 V4.0 Merlin

IBM PC 300GL (6272/6282)
    IBM OS/2 Lan Server V3.0 
    IBM OS/2 Warp Connect V3.0 
    IBM OS/2 Warp Connect V3.0 
    IBM OS/2 Warp Server V4.0 
    IBM OS/2 Warp V3.0 
    IBM OS/2 Warp V3.0 "

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