[WarpCast] ANNOUNCE: OS/2 ports of JConv, JCode, and JChar - 3/03/99

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Source: Stephen A. carter (scarter@hticn.com)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
I've uploaded ports of Ken Lunde's Japanese 
code-manipulation tools to hobbes.nmsu.edu.  The zipfile 
containing the OS/2 executables and source code is named 
j_tools.zip.  It's now in /pub/incoming directory, but 
should eventually come to reside in /pub/os2/util/convert.

JConv, JCode, and JChar are handy command-line tools for 
converting and inspecting Japanese text codes and 
generating Japanese code sets.  All three tools support the 
three basic Japanese codes most commonly used in text 
files, e-mail messages, and on the World Wide Web:  JIS, 
Shift-JIS, and EUC.

The programs in this package are straight ports for OS/2 of 
original C-language programs written by Ken Lunde, author 
of _CJKV Information Processing_ (O'Reilly & Associates) -- 
a must-read for anyone dealing with Japanese or other 
East-Asian scripts in the context of computers and 
information processing.

The programs have been tested under the English version of 
OS/2 Warp 4 and the Japanese version of OS/2 3, but they 
should run under any version of OS/2 3.x or later.  Emxrt 
v0.9d is required.

The programs are also available from the OS/2 section of my 
web page at .

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