[WarpCast] New Product - OS/2 update manager - 3/30/99

    When you gotta have it done right now. Set, see and change the 
   priority of your OS/2 apps for better performance. Set foreground 
      priority, run a list with a single button and more with 
 Priority Master II Version 2.5 Free fully functional demo available.

****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Katy Ansardi (katy@indelible-blue.com)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
WarpUP! is the newest and easiest way to update any flavor 
of OS/2 Warp - OS/2 Warp 3.0 and up, Warp Connect and OS/2 
Warp Server.

Indelible Blue has put together the latest fixpacks and 
tools from IBM, along with popular applications and 
utilities in an easy-to-use browser-like interface. Not 
just a "dump" of files, WarpUP! analyzes your system, 
presents you with current system status and update options, 
automatically installs the options you choose, and 
maintains your update history for quick reference.

For more information, go to 

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