[WarpCast] Lots of OS/2 stuff for sale on eBay - 4/15/99

    When you gotta have it done right now. Set, see and change the 
   priority of your OS/2 apps for better performance. Set foreground 
      priority, run a list with a single button and more with 
 Priority Master II Version 2.5 Free fully functional demo available.

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Source: Timur Tabi (timur@tabi.org)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
It appears to me there are lots of people who want to buy 
OS/2 software and books and OS/2-compatible hardware, but 
don't know where to find it or don't want to pay full price.  
I think most of these people don't know about eBay.

eBay (http://www.ebay.com) is an online auction web site.  
They have tons of stuff for sale there, and the prices are 
usually very low, especially for not-so-popular items like 
anything OS/2-related.  To see what OS/2-related products 
are available, go to http://pages.ebay.com/aw/search.html,
type in "os/2" in the "Title Search" section and click on 
"Search".  You can also select "Order by Ending Date 
descending" to see what's new, and you can select "Search 
Title AND Description" to get a much larger list of anything 
that might be related to OS/2.

Some items I've seen recently:
OS/2 Warp Server Advanced for $100
OS/2 Warp 3 for $5
OS/2 Warp 4 for $50
Watcom VX-REXX for $10
A rare OS/2 video from IBM for $10.

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