[WarpCast] Mail List for PMMail/2 - 6/03/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Ralph Cohen (rpcohen@neurotron.com)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
Because the official PMMail mail list stopped functioning 
about a month ago Steve Lamb, a longtime expert PMMail, 
user has just donated space on his list server to fill the 
void.  PMMail/2 and PMMail/98 users are invited to join the 
new list (pmmail@rpglink.com) by sending a message to 
 with the word "subscribe" in 
the body, or a message to  with the 
words "subscribe pmmail" in the body.  Steve  says that he 
will keep the new list open as long as there is interest or 
until the official PMMAIL-L list is reactivated.

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