[WarpCast] OS/2 eBay Report - 6/07/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Timur Tabi (timur@tabi.org)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)
Fear not, the OS/2 eBay report is back! Last week's Memorial Day holiday
threw my schedules out of alignment.  To keep this from happening again,
I've decided to publish this report only once a week, every Monday.  Keep
in mind that because of the timing, some auctions will never appear on a
report, or will close before the report is published.  The purpose of this
report is more to increase awareness of OS/2 items for sale on eBay and
comp.os.os2.marketplace, rather than be a single source of the OS/2 

As always, there are copies of OS/2 2.x, Warp 3, Warp 4, and Lotus applications available for sale. A suggestion: if you're trying to sell a copy of OS/2
2.x, the most you'll get is about $2.

Of note this week: BlueCAD for OS/2, an excellent CAD package.  
ColorWorks V2. Warp Server 4. DeScribe 4.0. Object Desktop (1.0 I
assume). A CD of OS/2 shareware apps called "OS/2 Fever", which
amusingly includes a sticker which says, "Microsoft Windows
Compatible". An old version of DB2/2. 

There are also quite a few books available: OS/2 LAN Server Certification
Handbook, OS/2 Certification Handbook, Illustrated OS/2, Official Guide
to Using OS/2 Warp, Teach Yourself OS/2 Warp, OS/2 Warp Unleashed, Your
OS/2 Warp Consultant, Using OS/2 Warp: The User-Friendly Reference, 
the OS/2 Warp Professional Reference, OS/2 Warp for Dummies, and
Dvorak's Guide to OS/2 2.1.

For programmers, we have the book OS/2 2.1 WPS Programming, Borland
C++ 1.5 manuals (no software), the book OS/2 Assembly Language, and
Microfocus COBOL.

There's a promotional posted for OS/2 Professional Magazine with
the image of Locutus of Bog aiming his laser. There's also Novell
Netware 3.12 for Mac, DOS, Windows, and OS/2.

On comp.os.os2.marketplace, there is a copy of Warp 4, Warp 3, OS/2 2.0,
the book "Client Server Programming with OS/2", a bundle of OS/2 +
some software (OD, Impos/2, P>G), and a bunch of other stuff.

Those of you looking to sell your OS/2 related stuff, I strongly 
recommend you put it on eBay and post an announcement on comp.os.os2.marketplace. 
If you include the word "OS/2" in the title of your description, 
I'll see it and include it in the next report.

If you're looking for OS/2 items on eBay, you should make two searches, 
one with the search term "OS/2" and another with the term "OS2".
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