[WarpCast] FILE World Clock 0.96 - 6/16/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Goran Ivankovic (goran_ivankovic@excite.com)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
World Clock 0.96 Released

World Clock is a configurable clock with Daylight Savings 
Time, Stopwatch, Alarm and Program launcher for 1 and 9 
cities from 360+ cities in the provided City list.


- display for each selected city, country, time, date, 
  Universal Time deviation, Daylight Savings Time (DST)
- horizontal or vertical arrangement of selected cities
- minimized view (only cities and time)
- selectable font and fontsize
- Alarm and Program launcher for each city
- stopwatch
- add new cities (e.g your own if not in the list), change 
- new Install/UnInstall program
- documentation in INF format.

To download World Clock 0.96, visit : 

World Clock is Freeware.

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