[WarpCast] Product Update: Timekeeper/2 - 6/22/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Thomas Bradford (tbrad@bmtmicro.com)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
Product Update: TimeKeeper/2
Product Category: Utility

Download: ftp://ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro/timekeep12.zip
Web Page: http://www.bmtmicro.com/catalog/timekeeper2.html

New in this release:

06/99 NEW: 'adjust' command line parameter
06/99 FIX: 1 hour difference when using a short timezone 
06/99 FIX: "Auto Adjust Local Time" checkbox does not 
           remain checked


TimeKeeper/2 is a program that retrieves Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) from a time server using time protocol
RFC868 and compares the results to your system time and
optionally updates your system time if necessary.

TimeKeeper/2 can even be configured to adjust for Daylight
Saving Time if you provide your time zone information in 
the program settings.

TimeKeeper/2 has a set of predefined NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology) servers which are
synchronized with an atomic clock. When TimeKeeper/2 is
installed, a server is automatically selected for you and
may be changed at any time if you wish to use a different
predefined server. If you have a preferred time server that
is not in the preconfigured list there is an option to add

TimeKeeper/2 is ideal for keeping your system time and date
as accurate as possible and makes a nice addition to
your Startup folder.   

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