[WarpCast] Third Weekly Newsletter Update Released by Warp Expo West - 7/15/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Peter Skye (pskye@peterskye.com)
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (admin@os2ss.com)
Contact:  Rollin White (Rollin@scoug.com)
          1-562-596-5121 office

                  Thursday, July 15, 1999

           Press Release - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

 Third Weekly Newsletter Update Released by Warp Expo West

  Warp Expo West, the free international OS/2 expo to be 
held this September, has just emailed its third weekly 
newsletter to all those who've registered for the event.  
(The url to register and receive the newsletter is below.)

  "It's important to give our future guests a steady flow 
of information," said Rollin White, Chairman of the Warp 
Expo West planning committee as well as a significant 
player in Warpstock 97 and the 1997 and 1998 versions of 
Warp Expo West.  "Back in 1997, one of the things we didn't 
have time to do was a newsletter.  Putting on two years of 
OS/2 shows has given us a lot of experience, and the Warp 
Expo West newsletter is one result."

  Warp Expo West is free for guests and exhibitors alike, 
and everyone who registers for Warp Expo West receives the 
weekly newsletter.

  "The newsletter isn't a huge weekly writeup," explained 
Carla Hanzlik, who edits the monthly OS/2 For You 
publication for Warp Expo West's sponsoring organization.  
"It's in an easy-to-read format with headlines and a quick 
paragraph for each, so people know we're on top of all the 
details and that they'll have the experience of their life 
once they get here."

  In fact, the show's byline -- "A Warpfest Of OS/2 
Excitement" -- says it all.  "That's why we chose the 
Chapman Conference Facilities near Disneyland," said Steve 
Schiffman, the Warp Expo West facilities planner.  "It's 
big enough for us to do anything we want.  Did you see the 
picture on our web page?  It's huge.  We're not using the 
entire building, but we've already expanded the show size 
once and it's certainly nice to have all that space 

  The Warp Expo West web pages, complete with the free 
registration form and pictures of the conference 
facilities, begin at http://www.scoug.com/warpexpowest/

  "The Southern California OS/2 User Group (SCOUG) is 
sponsoring this event because we care about OS/2," said 
Terry Warren, President of SCOUG.  "We've made the show 
free so more people can attend the seminars and lectures, 
talk with the exhibitors, see the new software and meet the 
other OS/2 users of the world.  Warp Expo West is something 
special, something that is for the people, the users, the 
vendors, the proponents, the *community* that uses OS/2."

  Sponsored by The Southern California OS/2 User Group.

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