[WarpCast] international WARP-CHANNEL available - 8/28/99

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****************************** WarpCast ******************************

Source: Maike Budelmann (maike@warpsite.de)
Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com)

Under www.warpsite.de/en/sides/channel/warp.cdf the INTERNATIONAL CDF-Cha=
nnel is now available.
If you don=B4t know how to use the channel, visit http://www.warpsite.de/=
en/sides/office/cdf.htm and you will see
that all users of StarOffice 5.x can use it (OS/2, SUN solaris & x86, Win=
32, Linux).

The channel contents:

- OS2.ORG [software-, common-, driver-news, ...[
- WARPCAST  [current news]
- WARPSTOCK EUROPE [news, exhibitors, workshops]

Enjoy it!

Mit lieben Gruessen

Maike Budelmann

eMail: maike@warpsite.de
URL  : http://www.warpsite.de/

Dieses OS/2-System laeuft 0d 8h 28m 58s 625ms (en).

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