[WarpCast] Fixpack 42 for Warp3 - 9/29/99 |
Warpstock 99 - Atlanta, October 16-17, 1999 Two fun filled days of OS/2 and YOU! Registration discount has been extended to October 14th! Visit http://www.warpstock.org for full details ******************************************** Source: (madodel@ptdprolog.net) Moderator: Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@dtcweb.com) ********************************************************************** Of interest to anyone who is still running Warp 3, Fixpak 42 for Warp 3 has now appeared on the IBM NCSD Software Updates page - http://ps.boulder.ibm.com/pbin-usa-ps/getobj.pl?/pdocs-usa/softupd.html#warp34 +---- MODERATOR'S NOTE: We noticed that Fixpack 12 for OS/2 Warp 4 is also on this page. Original post continues. +---- RSU appears to work (I don't have Warp 3 installed so I could only start it, not apply it, but the zip files download), but the links to the Diskette images doesn't exist yet. When they do the link is ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes/v3.0warp/english-us/xr_w042 From the README.1ST file: Build level 8.266 This FixPak applies to: XR_3005 Warp Server XR_3006 Warp Server SMP Here is a list of APARS addressed by this fixpak(It is a cumulative Fixpak but as with FP11 for Warp 4, the Device Drivers have been removed): ================================ OS/2 Warp Server/SMP Fixed APARs FixPak Name = XR_W042 Build Level = 8.266 =============================== APAR= JR12550 INSTALLATION FAILS ON DESELECTING THE "SERVICEABILITY AND DIAGNOSTIC AIDS" OPTION. APAR= PJ26405 WHEN A NO OF OS/2 SESSIONS ARE OPENED AND CLOSED, SWITCH LIST CO NTAINS GHOST WINDOWS THAT CAN NOT BE DELETED. APAR= PJ26406 TRAP AT _TKVSPRINTF + 256 PROCESSING A PROCDUMP OR POPUPLOG ENTRY. APAR= PJ26430 SYSLEVEL.EXE SKIPS SEARCH FOR SYSLEVEL FILES ON A DRIVE IF IT ENCOUNTERS ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ACCESSING A DIRECTORY/FILE. APAR= PJ26433 PRINT JOBS UNEVENLY DISTRIBUTED OVER A SET OF PRINTERS BEING SHARED BY A PRINT OBJECT. APAR= PJ26464 PROBLEM WITH WINDOW LIST APPEARING WHEN TASKLIST IS REMOVED FROM THE AUTOSTART SECTIONON CONFIG.SYS. APAR= PJ26490 TRAP 000E DUE TO BROKEN DISK FRAME. APAR= PJ26496 METHOD FORK FAILURE IN TIVOLI OR OTHER MSSING RETURN CODES FROM SES API CALLS. APAR= PJ26523 PSTAT LOSES LAST FEW LINES WHEN PIPED INTO REXX AFTER APPLYING PJ26396. APAR= PJ26531 MEMORY LEAK IN PMMERGE. APAR= PJ26585 FILES VCFGCID.CMD , GETMONID.CMD AND RXVIDCFG.DLL MISSING IN WARP SERVER V4. APAR= PJ26690 POSTING WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS OVERWRITES 2 BYTES ON STACK. APAR= PJ26691 REGISTRY EDITOR FAILS TO IMPORT FILE FROM COMMAND LINE. APAR= PJ26695 SYS3175 IN VARIOUS APPS DUE TO FREED SHARED OBJECTS. APAR= PJ26696 TRAP IN NEWSESCONTEXT. APAR= PJ26697 RMP$RMP_MOVE + 18. APAR= PJ26698 TRAP AT W_OPENCREATE + 2EC. APAR= PJ26699 TRAP 000E IN VR32PMWAITEVENTSEM. APAR= PJ26700 TRAPDUMP WAS TAKEN AUTOMATICALLY AFTER JR13284. APAR= PJ26701 FAT FILE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION IN WARP 4. APAR= PJ26702 CHKDSK /V DOES NOT PRODUCE VERBOSE OUTPUT ON HPFS DRIVES. APAR= PJ26703 FP11 BREAKS PKZIP DUE TO D172229, UNZIPPING A FILE WITH EA DATA CHANGES IT'S TIMESTAMP TO THE CURRENT SYSTEM DATE/TIME. APAR= PJ26709 PRINTING ANY .INF FILE REULTS IN A TRAP IN SPANISH MERLIN FP9 WITH LASERJET DRIVER 30.678 APAR= PJ26722 DDINSTAL.EXE FAILS WITH SYS3175 AFTER FIXPAK10. APAR= PJ26723 'START'ING DOS SESSION PARAMETERS LIMITED BY LENGTH. APAR= PJ26724 WINOS2 CANNOT PRINT TO FAXROUTER PRINTER WITH OS/2 WARP 4 FROM FIXPAK 6. APAR= PJ26725 REPAINT PROBLEM WHEN WINOS2 WINDOW IS MAXIMIZED AND MOVED OVER WARPCENTER. APAR= PJ26726 BUSINESSOBJECT WINDOW REFRESHES BADLY WHEN MOVED OR RESIZED. -- From the Desk of: Mark Dodel editor, VOICE Newsletter editor@os2voice.org http://www.os2voice.org/newsletters.html For a choice in the future JOIN VOICE NOW check out http://www.os2voice.org/index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------