[WarpCast] SysInfo/2 Beta 0.035 - 10/06/99

         Warpstock 99 - Atlanta, October 16-17, 1999
            Two fun filled days of OS/2 and YOU!
   Registration discount has been extended to October 14th!
       Visit http://www.warpstock.org for full details             
Source: Alexey Smirnov (ELF@KROVATKA.RU)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)

Beta 0.035 of SysInfo/2 is now available.

SysInfo/2 is a PM clone of Symantec's SysInfo from NU 3.0 for Win
95/NT. It now works quite fine and so is available for beta testing.

It has been posted to Hobbes and can be found at:


This program was made using SpeedSoft Sibyl and uses THESEUS API to
get information about memory distribution (*.DLL & *.SYS files are
included in the ZIP archive).
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