[WarpCast] Rexx page updates - 1/25/00

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Source: Wayne Swanson (psoft@tech-center.com)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)

The "Rexx Snippets and Code for OS/2 & VisPro/Rexx" web pages have
been updated with an additional routine and an update.

The new snippet comes from Doug Rickman (easily our most prolific
contributor) and sets up generic routines for initialization and
loading of ini files that can be plugged into your program with just
a bit of tweaking. The title to look for once you are there is
"Generic "Ini" Loading Routine".

We have also updated the "Get Boot Drive" routine to include the
SysBootDrive call if it is present and fall back to alternatives if
it is not present.

The url is:


or go to:


and choose "Rexx" from the menu.

As an aside:

If you have written and I haven't answered with my usual speed and
"savoir-faire" (OK, just joking) it is because the isp I have most of
my email routed through is having a mail server problem that they
hope to have fixed (or exorcized) in the next day or so. Please be
patient and cross your fingers that it all gets here eventually. If
the problem persists or you need to contact me, I have redirected the
wswanson@pillarsoft.net temporarily to another isp that I will check
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