[WarpCast] First Automatic Junk Spy Update - 2/25/00 |
PMView 2000: The ultimate in image viewing PMView 2.0 is now PMView 2000! See http://www.pmview.com/ for details ********************************************************************* Source: Sundial PR (sundialpr@sundialsystems.com) Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com) ------------------------------------------------------- February 25, 2000 - Sundial's new anti-spam product has taken another leap forward. The first Junk Spy database update has been issued, and users everywhere have had it automatically incorporated into their Junk Spy without any necessary intervention. Junk Spy examines your incoming mail to eliminate the junk messages before you see them. To keep it up-do-date, Sundial Systems is continually analyzing junk mail and, as necessary, encrypted updates are sent as email for automatic processing by Junk Spy. "It was slick!" said user and reviewer Tony Butka. "I watched as Junk Spy did all the work for me." For information about Junk Spy and links to independent product reviews, visit: http://www.sundialsystems.com ------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/ -------------------------------------------------------