[WarpCast] MIDI Station Sequencer Preview Edition Build 6 is Available!! - 2/28/00

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Source: Christopher Hodges (cdhodge@ibm.net)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)
This is to announce that Build 6 is now available for downloading.
This version fixes a few bugs such as:

 - Fixed bug with losing recording status after writing data
 - Metronome was enabled upon startup even though button was red
 - Audio sequences were ending prematurely
 - Fixed position bug in Piano Roll
 - Fixed port selection for keyboard in Piano Roll
 - Fixed count in SysEx module
 - Fixed panic button logic
 - Fixed sloowwwww memory leak - Ouch!!!
 - Fixed note number logic - was off by one

As far as I know this fixes all of the outstanding problems that
exist. I expect the preview edition to go gold by this weekend.

You can download this version at the MIDI Station Seqeuncer web site at:


It's also available at hobbes at:

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